Ukrainian sources note an increase in the production of Russian missiles


As of May 19, 2023, the production rate of Kh-101 missiles in Russia reaches 35 units per month, Kalibrov - 25 missiles. This, in particular, is reported by Ukrainian sources.

In addition, according to Ukrainians, the Russian military-industrial complex produces five Iskander-M missiles and two Kh-47 Kinzhal missiles every month.

Ukrainian sources note an increase in the production of Russian missiles

These data are unlikely to correspond to reality and are taken "from the ceiling." However, even according to the information provided, the RF Armed Forces have 400 Kh-101 and 300 Kalibr missiles annually, although in fact these figures are more impressive.

At the same time, Ukrainian data indicate an increase in the production of Russian missiles. So, at the end of January of this year, the GUR of Ukraine indicated 53 missiles per month, but now this level has risen to 67, which corresponds to an increase of 20 percent.

Meanwhile, the Russian Federation continues to test the new Hermes missile system to destroy drones, tanks and other enemy combat equipment. The range of "Hermes" is about 100 km. Sources in the Ministry of Defense report high accuracy of hitting targets with these missiles. The decision to send missile systems to the troops will be made based on the results of the tests.

Earlier, Vladimir Putin spoke about Russia's readiness to resume testing of weapons of mass destruction, which was perceived negatively by representatives of the GXNUMX countries.
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  1. +1
    23 May 2023 10: 33
    It is hard to remember, for example, the Northern Plant in St. Petersburg, whose yard was covered with container No. 2 (missile). Now there is a nice quarter, and on Karelsky there are several more palaces of the construction mafia.
    1. 0
      25 June 2023 14: 03
      And this has long been the basis of the economy! First, enterprises are destroyed, due to the large area, and anthills are built on these areas. Now we don’t need special 5-6 ranks, now managers will provide us with Chinese goods, and they are building huge production facilities in China by selling products through aliexpress. And we will look at the nice neighborhoods. And 99% of managers will live and manage trade in the Russian Federation and the countries of West and East Asia for life. And develop Asia, build your production there
  2. +1
    21 June 2023 07: 21
    If you listen to the head of the European Commission von der Leyen, then there are no more washing machines left in Russia, they are all dismantled in order to extract microchips from them for the production of rockets. But for some reason, Russia still continues to produce rockets, and in even greater volumes, and the number of washing machines has not decreased by a single one.
    A chicken has a chicken brain.
    Now think about who is in charge of the European Commission? ... and as you can see, there are a majority of them (because they believe her!) ... it means that the majority of them have chicken brains and the European Commission is more like a CHICKEN COOP than a ministry.
    And if Russia ever has to negotiate with this CHICKEN COOP, then the results will be deplorable (what can be negotiated with the chicken coop?). ..... a chicken, it is also a chicken in Africa and it has one purpose - to become a broiler.