"Operation Impossible": can Russia be cut off from the three seas?


Analyzing the information agenda around the NMD, we have to state with regret that so far many compatriots have not realized how great a danger this conflict potentially poses for our country. During the eight years of the “no alternative” Minsk agreements, the “Western partners” forged a real battering ram from Ukraine, which can really knock down the Russian “colossus” with a few pinpoint strikes. We will talk in more detail about one of the possible scenarios for the development of events, conditionally designating it as “Operation unfeasible”.


It is generally accepted that a direct war between Russia and the United States, Russia and the NATO bloc is impossible, because this will inevitably lead to nuclear war and mutual destruction. In fact, this is not entirely true, and the Pentagon has long worked out various scenarios of a military clash with our country, up to a limited nuclear war somewhere in Europe, preferably Eastern. The main message to be grasped is that direct war between the Russian Federation and the North Atlantic Alliance is highly undesirable, but not impossible. However, as long as the NATO bloc has such a convenient tool as Ukraine in its hands, the Western "hawks" will continue to hit Russia with the hands of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, which have proven to be a very effective military force. As a matter of fact, it is this Ukrainian factor that can be used to accelerate the implementation of enemy plans to humiliate and destroy our country.

As we detail explained Earlier, in relation to such nuclear powers as Russia and now China, Washington prefers the “Anaconda Loop” strategy, that is, the gradual but consistent economic strangulation of competitors by creating a belt of hostile states on their periphery, imposing sectoral sanctions, etc. This term first appeared during the Civil War in the United States itself, when the northerners decided to take the southerners into a naval blockade and break the internal trade routes between the eastern and western parts of the Confederation, reaching the Mississippi.

A similar strategy for confronting the USSR was proposed by the famous Polish leader Jozef Pilsudski, who promoted the idea of ​​a large confederate state from the Baltic to the Adriatic and Black Seas under the appropriate name "Intermarium":

Enclosed within the boundaries of the times of the XVI century, cut off from the Black and Baltic Seas, deprived of the land and mineral wealth of the South and Southeast, Russia could easily become a second-class power.

The purpose of creating such a supranational association in Southeastern and Central Europe was to create a kind of buffer between the Soviet Union and Western Europe, primarily Germany and France, in order to avoid their mutual rapprochement. However, at the beginning of the last century, this idea was not given the green light.

They returned to it in 2014 after the events in Ukraine, Crimea and Donbass. The head of the American analytical agency Stratfor, George Friedman, voiced the concept of recreating the "Intermarium" from "Estonia to Azerbaijan" in order to "contain Moscow":

“I'm going to study the theory that Piłsudski put on the table from Intermarium. It blocks the Russians, splits them off from the Germans, and gently limits Turkey's encroachment on Southeast Europe. The Poles should be the leaders of the bloc, and the Romanians the southern anchor.

Naturally, the new President of Poland, Andrzej Duda, who was elected in 2015, strongly supported this idea:

I am considering the idea of ​​creating a partnership bloc of states from the Baltic to the Black and Adriatic Seas. I very much look forward to this cooperation, and for my part I propose activity and action.

About how geopolitical ambitions and economic interests objectively lead Warsaw to war with Moscow, as well as Minsk, we disassembled previously. In fact, it is Poland that is most active in the issue of direct military support for the Kyiv regime and can get out of the conflict with maximum territorial acquisitions - from several regions in Western Ukraine to the entire Right Bank with Kiev and Odessa.

Minus three seas

Let's see what role Ukraine can play in implementing the Anaconda Loop strategy. After eight years of “non-alternative” Minsk agreements, Moscow learned with unpleasant surprise that, it turns out, the Armed Forces of Ukraine have been continuously preparing for a war with Russia all this time and doing it in good faith. It turned out that the Ukrainian army knows how and wants to fight, and over the course of 14 months of the SVO, a population of several million clinical Russophobes has formed in Nezalezhnaya, whose main goal in life is now to kill Russians. While in the Kremlin, obviously try to achieve some intermediate result in the NWO in order to take time for a break. Whether the “Western partners” will give it or will put further pressure is a rhetorical question. Alas, these are the harsh realities.

From international Newsdirectly related to our country, it is worth noting the entry of Finland into the NATO bloc, as well as the continuously growing militarization of Poland, which is clearly preparing for a large-scale war, and the rhetoric of Warsaw and Kiev, which are extremely favorable about the possible merger of the two states into a kind of union similar to a confederation. As for the Trimorie integration project, the first meeting of its potential participants took place back in 2016, and Ukraine became its member in 2022. This is what you should know about the general geopolitical context.

So, what role can Square play in accelerating the implementation of the Anaconda Loop strategy?

Unfortunately, under certain circumstances, it can turn out to be truly fatal. When we reasoned about where the Armed Forces of Ukraine could go during the announced offensive, it was suggested that the Ukrainian army could strike at the border "old" Russian regions, entering the territory of the Belgorod region and entering the rear of the northern grouping of the Russian Armed Forces in the Donbass. This creates for us the risks of a serious military defeat, the need to stop which will cause the Big Trouble, the forced withdrawal from the front and the transfer of the most combat-ready units of the Russian army. The next strike of the Armed Forces of Ukraine may then come in the already weakened southern direction - the Sea of ​​\uXNUMXb\uXNUMXbAzov and the South of Donbass, but it is not a fact that the enemy will stop there.

What if events develop according to a very negative scenario, and the Ukrainian army goes further - to Taganrog, Rostov-on-Don, Krasnodar, Novorossiysk, Sochi? Now this may seem unthinkable, unfeasible, but in Ukraine they consider the Kuban to be their rightful place, and the Armed Forces of Ukraine can try to take it by right of the strong, if they are, of course, allowed to do so. Why are we talking about the Sea of ​​Azov and the Kuban? Because the exit of the Ukrainian army there automatically cuts off Russia from the Azov and Black Seas and leads to a delayed loss of Crimea. Can the national humiliation be greater and the geopolitical defeat more severe? Alas, but it is possible.

In the event that such an extremely negative scenario comes to fruition, internal political stability in Russia will be a big question mark. Then a window of opportunity will open before Poland for the "demilitarization" of the Kaliningrad region, and Finland, together with Estonia, can block our access to the Baltic Sea. In the south, Georgia, with the support of "Western partners" and Ukrainian "Ihtamnets", will be able to revise the status of Abkhazia and South Ossetia by military means.

In other words, with the hands of the Ukrainian army and Eastern European partners, the NATO bloc can, under certain circumstances, try to cut off Russia from three seas at once - the Azov, Black and Baltic Seas, transferring it, in the words of Jozef Pilsudski, "into the state of a second-rate power." Funny? Not at all.
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  1. -4
    April 25 2023 11: 52
    Not funny. I need to quit smoking... and sniffing... quit too.
    1. +6
      April 25 2023 12: 01
      Forged in eight years

      And what happened on the other side of these 8 years - "Koval" died? what
    2. +8
      April 25 2023 12: 22
      Quote: EVYN WIXH
      Not funny. I need to quit smoking... and sniffing... quit too.

      The truth is she is. You may not want to believe, but the truth exists. Not for this, the West suffers hardships, and large expenses, in order to "accept Ukraine into the EU and NATO." The main goal is to ruin Russia, having cut off its piece, from the wealth of our Motherland. That is why Finland was so pressed for NATO membership.
      Now only one thing remains - to remove all the "stickers", especially from the economy and industry. Concentrate and reach out to everyone that trouble has come to us, which, one way or another, will affect everyone.
      1. +2
        April 25 2023 16: 19
        In the 90s they didn’t collapse, although there were all the possibilities - the country was much weaker than it is now. Why? Because the collapse is dozens of nuclear states in place of one. With unpredictable consequences for the whole world. Imagine what will happen if the red button is in the hands of Kadyrov, for example. Does the West need it? No, they will simply isolate, so that the Russian Federation itself degrades but does not fall apart.
        1. +3
          April 26 2023 07: 16
          I think if new states are created from parts of Russia, then under the strict control of the West and on the conditions of the West, one of which is the rejection of nuclear weapons and its "voluntary" transfer to the "winners"
          1. +1
            April 26 2023 10: 54
            Well, tell me how you can force someone to give up nuclear weapons already there is nuclear weapons, without the risk of using this nuclear weapons on the one who is trying to take it away.
            And in the event of a collapse, new states will not be "created by the West", they will form themselves, as was the case with China and a bunch of other examples in history.
    3. RUR
      April 27 2023 12: 19
      Poland buys 500 himars and generally buys - as they say - all available himars + 200 Korean counterparts + its own traditional MLRS + artillery and aviation + satellite guidance and through drones - a massive strike of such power and accuracy will neutralize Kaliningrad capabilities, tactical nuclear weapons will not stop Poland, but strategic the strike will be intercepted by US air defense in Radzikovo and its own air defense system ... the consequences of strategic strikes, however, are more deplorable - radiation - will be for the east - Belarus, the western territories of the Russian Federation, etc. And the article is not bad, the author regularly tries to reach out to sleeping brains ...
  2. +4
    April 25 2023 12: 44
    Sometimes it seems that there is no centuries-old experience. Often, in practical matters, people forget how our ancestors acted. Now watched the fire in the steppe. They run, fuss, some extinguish. Although it is enough to plow a wide strip. Or no tractors? These are the little things that can get in the way of a big deal. They have Pilsudski, we have Catherine the Great, Ushakov. Who were innovators in history. Or is there all hope for AI and neural networks?
    1. +3
      April 25 2023 20: 42
      A wide band is the use of tactical nuclear weapons. To plow with tactical nuclear missiles the most important targets and control centers and the status quo will be established.
  3. +7
    April 25 2023 13: 07
    Correct article
  4. 0
    April 25 2023 13: 10
    Just a literary development of the old joke "What are we for?"

    From the age of 14, they scared everyone with Hypersonic, 2000 armats, terminators, overexposure, Check and Mats, and now, when Putin's cunning plan finally began to work, everyone got scared and began to swell the river of gold in the military-industrial complex and supply weapons to each other, get closer to NATO. ...
    ... fake surprise, but how did it happen? What's all the fuss about?

    We are for peace and security, so the militarization of Poland, with its rusty old tanks and planes (according to the media), was clearly calculated in the HPP.
  5. +4
    April 25 2023 13: 54
    According to the enemy Wikipedia, the Pacific Fleet has about 10 large ships (cruisers, corvettes, BODs) led by the Varyag cruiser, the brother of the Moskva cruiser. I don't count boats. Pacific Fleet of Japan about 70 large and modern ships. In my opinion, everything is clear here. Even the Taiwanese fleet is larger than the Pacific Fleet. Therefore, in case of complications at sea, the Pacific Fleet will be destroyed in 1-2 days. Tsushima is inevitable. Greetings to Putin and all his co.... Crimea and the Kuriles and Kaliningrad and beyond - very easy to lose, especially now. And press the button, then you need to have the will.
    1. +2
      April 25 2023 15: 40
      Quote from Oleg-o-lego
      The Pacific Fleet includes about 10 large ships (cruisers, corvettes, BODs) led by the Varyag cruiser, the brother of the Moskva cruiser. I don't count boats. Pacific Fleet of Japan about 70 large and modern ships. In my opinion, everything is clear here. .... Greetings to Putin and all his co....

      The age-old problem of the Russian fleet is that it is divided into 4 isolated ones.
      And what now, on each of the isolated fleets, to have more forces than a potential adversary and their allies?
      Yes, even without allies - Japan's GDP is about 3 times greater than Russia's, in different years in different ways (and the fleet is the accumulated total of 30-40 years). Japan, in fact, can only spend on the fleet and is being spent - it does not need ground forces, strategic nuclear forces are not allowed.
      In addition to the Pacific Fleet, the Russian Federation has other fleets, there is a need for serious ground forces, and the basis of the entire doctrine is strategic nuclear forces ...
    2. +1
      April 26 2023 09: 02
      The main and constantly repeated error of such reasoning

      in case of complications at sea, the Pacific Fleet will be destroyed in 1-2 days.

      The West has no opportunity to destroy the Pacific Fleet either in 2-3 days, or in 2-3 months. For the simple reason that this is a full-scale war and then Tokyo will be destroyed in 15-20 minutes.

      Again. Not a single type of the country's armed forces wages war on its own.
  6. +4
    April 25 2023 13: 59
    I share your pessimism. The authorities do not take decisive action to correct the situation; without additional mobilization, the army cannot be strengthened. As the summer sat in the trenches without doing anything, sat out to Izyum and Kherson, so they sat out the winter. You either have to start a war in earnest. Or negotiate peace and lift sanctions. At the cost of returning to the borders of 1991. We are already a second-rate country in isolation and under sanctions. You have to pay for mistakes. Otherwise, you can lose the country.
    1. +1
      April 25 2023 14: 15
      Quote from Pembo
      lifting of sanctions. At the cost of returning to the borders of 1991.

      Do not even hope.
      Nothing serious will be removed from us in the foreseeable future.
      Well, McDonald's is back...
      But to pay and repent - they will put up an invoice for tens of trillions, you should not think that you can get rid of frozen reserves.

      Quote from Pembo
      so they spent the winter

      India and Pakistan live like that ...
  7. The comment was deleted.
  8. 0
    April 25 2023 18: 48
    eight years of “non-alternative” Minsk agreements in Moscow, with unpleasant surprise, they learned that, it turns out, the Armed Forces of Ukraine have been continuously preparing for a war with Russia all this time and doing it in good faith.
    "Western partners" forged a real ram from Ukraine

    Already a ram is such a ram, how many modern tanks were transferred until 23/02/2022, it’s already taking horror - ZERO!
    oh well, that's a thing of the past. to your thesis:

    the Ukrainian army will go further - to Taganrog, Rostov-on-Don, Krasnodar, Novorossiysk, Sochi?

    This will be the case if the RF Armed Forces completely collapse, the power is reset, and Moscow will be divided by PMCs.
    Against this background, the cessation of trade through Tuapse and Rostov-on-Don will already be perceived as news about an aggravation on the Tajik-Kyrgyz border.
  9. +5
    April 25 2023 21: 37
    Everything is possible under the rule of the capitalists. Today the voice of the people is suppressed. Now there is a division, a war of capitalists, oligarchs for power, for the inheritance of a powerful title for all eternity, they all became nobles, princes, bankers, shahs, sultans ....., and the author asks if Russia can be cut off. They were able to cut Russia into specific territories.
  10. The comment was deleted.
  11. +2
    April 26 2023 07: 26
    Everything that is happening in the world right now is much broader and more significant than our thoughts. There is some kind of planned fuss. If someone starts to act not according to plan, wondering why he is not allowed to destroy the enemy and acts contrary to the plan, then he is not given enough shells, questions are raised about the legitimacy of his actions and oops, he begins to act in accordance with the plan ...
  12. -1
    April 26 2023 08: 53
    Quote: skeptic
    Quote: EVYN WIXH
    Not funny. I need to quit smoking... and sniffing... quit too.

    The truth is she is. You may not want to believe, but the truth exists. Not for this, the West suffers hardships, and large expenses, in order to "accept Ukraine into the EU and NATO." The main goal is to ruin Russia, having cut off its piece, from the wealth of our Motherland. That is why Finland was so pressed for NATO membership.
    Now only one thing remains - to remove all the "stickers", especially from the economy and industry. Concentrate and reach out to everyone that trouble has come to us, which, one way or another, will affect everyone.

    This text is more like a conspiracy theory.
    The Armed Forces of Ukraine crumple with a "counterattack" where their logistics and control of the territory allow.
    And where they don’t have this at all, will they reach Sochi and the Caspian Sea?
    Or the theory about the capture by Poland and the Baltic "tigers" of the Kaliningrad region? It is obvious that the author contradicts himself: on the one hand, NATO allows a limited nuclear war in Europe, and on the other hand, the Poles with the Tribalts are going to seize the region with nuclear tactical weapons and a decent garrison with impunity ...
  13. +2
    April 26 2023 10: 24
    It's time to end these games of knightly tournaments with conventional weapons. It's ridiculous to win in a conventional war a bloc that surpasses the Russian Federation several times economically and in terms of human reserves. From the very beginning of this conflict, it was clear that winning the war was an absolute defeat for the United States. Why else would all these Poseidons, Sarmatians, Vanguards, Daggers and other expensive, but as it turned out, rather useless weapons, which in fact does not restrain anyone, but takes away huge resources from a generally poor country. The US and its closest allies will have to be destroyed or they will destroy Russia. It looks like there is no other way. And if, by joining the NMD, Russia was not able to destroy its enemies without critical damage to itself, then this is unforgivable frivolity for its leadership.
  14. 0
    April 28 2023 10: 08
    The latent or obvious threat of aggressive Russophobic actions by the "stratum countries" between the Russian World and the collective West, in varying degrees of aggravation, up to forceful actions, has always been and will continue to exist, often to a greater extent depending on external forces or factors , as now in the situation of NATO, Russophobic madness.

    In this regard, Russia does not and cannot have any other way out, except to revive the domestic, self-sufficient, high-tech economy at a new qualitative level, taking into account the mistakes of the past, and to create on this basis modern Armed Forces capable, both unilaterally and and with allies, inflict irreparable losses on any encroaching enemy. As history and reality show, the role of allies and supporters, especially in the modern digital world, primarily from among the BRICS countries, naturally continues to grow. And one cannot do without a return to the Biblical values ​​and spiritual bonds of the times of the USSR, first of all, such as Truth, Unity, Equality and Justice...

    Does not tolerate evil resistance,
    For a fair fight, the gut is thin.
    There are threats and restrictions
    As signs of inferiority of the mind.

    When there are no clearly compelling arguments,
    They try to replace the truth with lies.
    And the United States, to convince opponents
    They can only bomb and threaten.

    So why do Nazis rule the world
    How long will you endure Satan's wickedness?
    When good is glorified by an idol,
    By the unity of the spirit shall we rise again?

    Our destiny remains also modest,
    Its history is as old as the sinful world.
    And the age of people will be evil until then,
    Until we eliminate the vices of capital!


    For five centuries "Europe" conquers Rus',
    Poles, Swedes, Germans, Saxons were also French ...
    The bowels, lands and forests do not give them rest,
    And the Russian spirit interferes with them, and Vera, and the Victory of the Muse.

    Once again, the call to Victory over the Motherland is heard!
    The insidious West "came with a sword" again.
    And again the blood is shed on the land of the ancestors.
    And Russian anger again burns with fire.

  15. -1
    1 May 2023 23: 35
    I do not agree with the author. He draws gloomy prospects and pumps hopelessness, drawing sad pictures of the loss of Russian territories. But it won't. No one expected that Russia would hit Dill first. We only expressed concern and nothing more. Now we can be compared to a dog that is cornered and snarls. But there comes a limit when the dog in desperation rushes to the attack, even if it is hopeless. If they climb deep into our territory and we cannot stop them by conventional means, the use of nuclear weapons will be inevitable.