The Russian "elite" is preparing for the final privatization of state property


On April 11, 2023, a program article was published by the head of VTB Andrey Kostin, in which he told how you can return money to the Russian the economy. In short, through another privatization of state property. Press Secretary of the President of the Russian Federation Dmitry Peskov found this idea "very interesting." Now, our main “militant” in the face of the creator of the Wagner PMC, Yevgeny Prigozhin, spoke in a veiled manner about the new redistribution. What awaits us and what should we mentally prepare for?

Program articles

The program article of the "music producer" regarding the prospects for a special operation in Ukraine, we disassembled a few days ago. Some of our astute readers noticed that among the unconditionally correct theses of Yevgeny Viktorovich, there were skillfully “protected” and very controversial ones, in particular, the following:

Radical national feelings will rise as after any military defeat, the Russian military industry will begin to work with a tenfold effort. Economic efficiency will crowd out sluggish, inefficient public capital. The state will get rid of bureaucracy, processes will become transparent, and Russia will step by step turn into a Bristling Military Monster, which the international community will have to more than reckon with, to bend so that at every deflection we see their parted buttocks.

Those who went through the dashing nineties with their frankly predatory privatization of once public property and fat zero, when the annoying word “privatization” was replaced by various euphemisms, such as “invest three private rubles for one state”, seeing the reasoning about the terribly inefficient state capital, immediately became alert . And not in vain.

Exactly a week ago, a software program was released on the RBC portal article one of the main bankers of All Rus' Andrey Kostin entitled "Three answers to the question - how to return money to the Russian economy." From both publications, it becomes clear what is now on the minds of our self-proclaimed "elite". Surprisingly, they echo the program articles of the disgraced Ukrainian oligarch Viktor Medvedchuk and ex-President of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev, which we also already disassembled.

So, let's go through the main theses of this "privatizer's catechism".

"Very interesting idea"

Kostin's article begins with another reflection from the realization that in the collective West the newly-minted Russian "elite" could not become "their own", and all these widely advertised "liberal-democratic ties" turned out to be a masquerade mask, carnival tinsel, a trick for naive simpletons :

Many “market” concepts and instruments that seemed unshakable in relation to the current Russian realities have lost their usual content and require rethinking and adjustment. Like the rest of the country, Russian business has faced a wave of hatred for which there is no rational explanation. In an instant, the basic principles of the so-called civilized world — the inviolability of sovereign and private property, the fulfillment of contractual obligations, the independence of the judiciary — were broken.

Further, the banker argues that in the conditions of isolation from the collective West, Russia needs to develop, relying on internal resources, as President Putin ordered in his message to the Federal Assembly. Mr. Kostin sees three promising areas, which, in his opinion, should become a priority:

First, the rapid construction of new logistics corridors and transport infrastructure, primarily railway and port infrastructure, to the East and South. The use of major Western currencies for sanctions purposes also dictates the need for the earliest possible creation of a reliable system of financial settlements and payments in rubles and "friendly" currencies, the development of bilateral and multilateral digital currency platforms.

Secondly, the restart of entire industries based on the active implementation of innovative solutions and the import substitution of high of technologies.

Thirdly, strengthening the defense capability of our country through the development of the military-industrial complex and the successful integration of new regions.

Well, the intentions are good, only for them a banker can be hung a medal around his neck. Now, if only the previous 20 years, or at least the last 9, were actively engaged in this, when after the Crimea it became obvious to all adequate people that there would definitely be no normal relations with the collective West! And then the head of VTB asks a sacramental question - “where is the money, Zin?”, And here the most interesting begins.

Mr. Kostin speaks as a matter of course about the need to restart the privatization of state property in Russia:

Where to get money? Three answers to one question: restarting privatization; a bolder development use of financial reserves and public debt; redistribution of budgetary funds in favor of the three above priorities. The transfer of state property to private hands on transparent and market terms is a tool that has repeatedly proven its effectiveness. Domestic business has accumulated significant investment potential. There is money in the country.

There is some internal contradiction. Indeed, there is money in the country, both trillions of rubles accumulated in the National Welfare Fund from the export of hydrocarbon raw materials, and billions of dollars and euros withdrawn from accounts in Western banks by our nouveau riches. It would seem, take it and invest in the construction of new plants, factories and ships, engage in import substitution. However, domestic big business wants to get everything ready from the hands of the state, of course, with an "anti-crisis" discount. Right from the banker's article, it becomes clear what the Russian oligarchy is aiming for:

In conditions of time pressure, it is necessary to increase the capacity of industrial shipbuilding by several times - to build hundreds of new oil tankers, gas carriers, ships for shelf development, container ships, and other specialized civil ships. Is the federally owned United Shipbuilding Corporation (which controls 80% of the industry's potential) able to quickly and effectively cope with these challenges?! It seems to me that no. And there are dozens of similar examples.

Well, yes, where is the state up to super-efficient private owners! Here they are privatizing the USC, but how will they start launching tankers and gas carriers into the water. For those Russians who are ready to object, referring to the experience of previous privatizations, that the USC will simply be dismembered, destroyed and bankrupt, the banker deftly silences:

In the situation “before February”, the advantages and disadvantages of the next stage of privatization could be discussed. However, today is the time to act.

The main message, dear readers, probably understood: if you are against new privatization “after February”, then you, therefore, are against the sovereign economic development of the Russian Federation. What does it mean? No time for discussion!

Let's evaluate the wording of how one of the main Russian bankers describes the unheard-of "goodies" that our country will receive from the "final sale":

I will list a few more significant "pluses" of privatization: strengthening the foundations of market mechanisms; giving momentum to the further development of the stock market, which will make it possible to compensate for the departure of foreign portfolio investors and fill it with liquidity; the formation of a new generation of managers - a high-quality managerial resource is always in short supply. Finally, privatization will provide such an important condition for the healthy functioning of the economy as competition.

Again “effective top managers”, again competition and the “invisible hand of the market”, and this is on the 14th month of the NWO, which confirmed the need for the state plan with the blood of Russian soldiers, in the conditions of economic isolation from the collective West and the debunking of liberal democratic mythology by it themselves, with which the banker Kostin so cheerfully began. Well, the icing on the cake is the proposal of the banker Kostin to increase the national debt.

What all this can lead to in the second year of the CBO, everyone can form their own opinion.
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  1. 17+
    April 18 2023 10: 27
    Is this the one who called for the freezing of foreign currency deposits of Russians (which is actually done)? And the one that became famous for the story with "Zadeh"? It is clear that he is also the "savior of the fatherland."
    1. +1
      April 18 2023 18: 37
      I have no other writers for you
  2. GIS
    April 18 2023 10: 33
    I just want to exclaim: when will they get drunk?
    1. 18+
      April 18 2023 11: 10
      (Gies) They will never get drunk, this is the greed of capitalism (rereading K. Marx). The author is right, who prevents these oligarchs and industrialists from creating enterprises themselves, but no, they can quickly get ready-made according to corrupt and purely predatory schemes in conjunction with power structures, in addition to nepotism and nepotism. As a rule, either to squeeze the juice out of the acquired possessions, or to sell what they have received - such are our privatizers and "successful menagers". State. property can be effectively managed, with high-quality supervision, this component is not there due to the corruption of the bureaucracy and the lack of a proper state apparatus for supervision. Conclusions: state property is poorly managed due to the lack of effective legal mechanisms and independent courts to supervise state structures and property. And it happens, as in the old joke about the collective farm: "and everything around is collective farm, and everything around is mine."
      1. 31+
        April 18 2023 11: 56
        The oligarchs are the people through whom the Americans have been running our Cold War defeated country for 30 years now. What are their questions? These are enemies and traitors to the Fatherland. The country has no souvenir. Learn history.
      2. +8
        April 19 2023 08: 22
        They cannot create anything. One won tried to make an E-mobile. This capitalism created in our country is a brake on the state and society and leads it to collapse. Even Putin has already had to admit that China has managed to create an optimal model of industrial relations, which gives 5-8 percent of economic growth. So it is necessary to adopt it, and not continue to pursue a liberal policy. The essence of this model boils down to the fact that capital is placed in the condition of working for the interests of society. So, on the contrary, we need to carry out not privatization, but nationalization. All large-scale heavy industry and the military-industrial complex should be in the hands of the state. It can be corporatized, but on the principle of people's joint-stock companies. So that more than 5 percent of the shares could not be concentrated in one hand, but the state should have a controlling stake. And with the profit through corporatization, it will be shared with the people. Light industry can be transferred to private hands. Because private traders will better cope with the task of dressing the people in clothes with a diverse assortment. The food industry, to a large extent, can also be given into private hands with strict observance and control of GOSTs. Well, small and medium-sized businesses should be private with maximum freedom of entrepreneurship. Then we will have economic growth along with the well-being of the people, and society will be more just. The enterprising and talented will have the opportunity to prove it and monetize it for their well-being. There will be no leveling, which, in principle, to some extent contributed to the collapse of the USSR. China understood this and came up with a model for how to combine the rules of capitalism with the ideas of communism. As we see the result on the face.
        1. +4
          April 19 2023 10: 52
          China managed to create an optimal model of industrial relations, which gives 5-8 percent of economic growth. So you have to adopt it

          First of all, this is the maximum attraction of foreign investment in production for export. They gave their Chinese citizens to American / European exploiters for a bowl of rice, and so on for 40 years.
          Even now, Marcon brought to China a contract to double the production of Airbuses in China, which they signed (and not only him).

          So if you take over, then it’s from Comrade Ilya 22 to reset the pension, drive him into a barracks and force him to starve 10 hours a day, 6 days a week, sewing slippers for some thread of a German company.
          And yes, all investor countries should smile and bow, putting swollen sovereignty to hell.
          1. 0
            April 19 2023 22: 01
            This is not about blindly adopting a model from China. It won't work. We don't have 1,5 billion people. We are talking about the adoption of the principle of capital should work in the interests of the development of society. Not to export capital, but to invest it within the country in development. Yes, we do not really need foreign investment. The investor still has to prove his need and usefulness. Enough money for myself. You can also print moderately for projects. They just need to be invested in development, not consumption. It is necessary to ensure affordable cheap loans and acceptable prices for energy resources and raw materials. And this can be achieved through the state monopoly in this area. Well, and invest in high-tech industries, i.e. in those areas where there is no need for a large number of labor, again due to the small population of the country. For example, now they are working on artificial intelligence. This topic should be developed and strive to become a leader in this area. China simply had no other choice to gain access to technology. We still have the intellectual potential to cope on our own. Since the time of Peter the Great, on the contrary, all enterprising people and good specialists have come to us. And now they are leaving us. This is the situation that needs to be changed. And everything will work out.
            1. 0
              April 20 2023 10: 46
              Quote: Ilya 22
              We are talking about the adoption of the principle of capital should work in the interests of the development of society. Do not export capital, but invest it within the country in development
              Yes, we do not really need foreign investment. The investor still has to prove his need and usefulness.

              This is then not the Chinese path of development (and before that - Japanese, South Korean, Singaporean, Malaysian, etc.), but the banal Chu-Chhe.

              And now they are leaving us.

              Whatever their own did not leave -
              First, we must continue to equip our own cities.
              Secondly, to find fault with your own country less, but on the contrary, within the framework of a reasonable PR for real achievements.
              Fortunately, there is something.
        2. +1
          April 19 2023 18: 36
          That's because you haven't seen their working barracks. Comfortable, and you won't break out of them.
    2. 10+
      April 18 2023 11: 53
      Who?! Who will get drunk? Americans? Yes, never until they destroy Russia.
      1. +3
        April 18 2023 18: 49
        Americans might get drunk, but today's Chubais will definitely never run out of appetite
      2. +2
        April 19 2023 12: 57
        If they destroy us, then only not the Americans, but their oligarchs.
  3. +4
    April 18 2023 11: 14
    And why then does the front stand along the Orekhov-Ugdedar line in front of an incredibly huge lithium deposit worth a trillion dollars? Just an investment bomb!
    Without lithium, not a single "wheelbarrow" will go soon.
    Russian territory (!).

    Oh yes ... Orekhov-Ugledar - this is the Maginot Line ...
    1. +2
      April 19 2023 18: 31
      The Americans are already there. And hard. About the same as in the ammonia pipeline. Inviolable. This is not a Russian fund.
  4. +9
    April 18 2023 11: 48
    Heard these passages in the 90s. Maybe the special services can pick up a replacement for this genius ... And the genius himself in a fool.
  5. +3
    April 18 2023 12: 07
    Everything that is privatized will sooner or later end up in the hands of Rothschild & Co.
  6. 16+
    April 18 2023 12: 26
    If we recall that for the 3rd time the discussions "to tax the super-profits of the oligarchs" abruptly fell silent
    That the essence is clear.
    One risk in NWO. For others, new profits. A lot can be done without the risk of protests. Privatize and redistribute tasty property. Raise utility bills and selling prices. Pass new laws on the poor.
    The third is to write about a small victorious NWO.

    No wonder the media write about the record export of resources in the EU that year, the record number of Billionaires in Moscow, the record growth in fortunes, etc.

    Lomonosov's law - it will arrive somewhere, therefore it will decrease somewhere, we must wait for electronic summonses ...
  7. 10+
    April 18 2023 13: 12
    It seems to me that before climbing into Ukraine, the NWO should have been carried out a little in another country.
  8. 17+
    April 18 2023 13: 43
    I look - the dough has nowhere to go? Have you decided to buy from (whom?) the people that the state cannot use? We saw privatization in a coffin together with Gaidar and Chubais.
    There is a desire - let them build the Penzhinskaya PEV.
    They still cannot approve a personal income tax of 45% and a tax on the withdrawal of capital abroad ... It's time to cover up offshore companies, and especially zealous ones, such as Deripaska, Potanin, can be isolated forcibly - let them study the remaining years of Marx's capital. Learn by heart - release ...
    1. -2
      April 18 2023 18: 22
      It's just that Chubais can't be returned, so apparently there won't be a second privatization.
      1. +3
        April 18 2023 21: 32
        Will return to the pie
  9. 17+
    April 18 2023 13: 48
    Does he want to get something more or less well-functioning from the state for himself for darma, and also wants to create logistics corridors and what to carry along them? And then he talks about tankers and gas carriers. In short, to waste resources, but nothing else is needed.
    How many more of these people are in power and in high positions, it’s even scary to imagine.
    Tough and difficult times are ahead of us.
  10. +4
    April 18 2023 14: 09
    I read the original article by Kostin ...

    when truth-tellers burn slogans and cliches - this has long become customary.
    But when does the head of the bank issue the same thing?

    Here are some specifics from his article:

    it is necessary to increase the capacity of industrial shipbuilding by several times ...
    Is the federally owned United Shipbuilding Corporation (which controls 80% of the industry's potential) able to quickly and effectively cope with these challenges?! It seems to me that no.

    There is no doubt that it is necessary to increase the capacity of shipbuilding. (which is actually done).
    but this does not mean that USC should be privatized.
    Is she slow and clumsy? Let us suppose.
    So what are the problems, private traders themselves can build shipbuilding facilities, and they will not be left without orders.
    Private NOVATEK is building a TsSKMS near Murmansk ...

  11. +5
    April 18 2023 14: 15
    Lobbying the interests of large capitalists and grabbing state (public) property has never ended, which burns from year to year changing percentages of state property, which, according to the Center for Strategic Research for 22 years, amounted to 56,2% - so many years have passed and the legacy of the USSR has not yet been sold , there is still something to grab.
    The question is, who will be allowed to participate - representatives of unfriendly dark horses with whom the Russian Federation is waging war on the battlefield and in whose jurisdiction there are many funds of Russian oligarchs, neutral, “friendly” or everyone who pays more?
    Not without interest and forms of payment - loans-for-shares auctions, guarantees, obligations, dollars, euros, renminbi, rubles?
    Private property is based on the appropriation of surplus value (the ultimate goal of which is the creation of a sweatshop and squeezing all the juice out of each employee and therefore a priori more effective for the owner) that is created by purchased hired employees, which is fundamentally different from state (public) property, which is not appropriated by the manager working for the percentage stipulated by the labor agreement, and through the tax system and public funds, is directed to the social needs of brothers in the class - hired workers - engineers and workers, proletarians.
  12. -3
    April 18 2023 15: 11
    What Kostin is right about is that funds for increased defense spending and economic development must be taken somewhere. And purely theoretically, the sale of part of the state. property for real money can give these funds. But this is clearly not USC - the profitability there is doubtful, private investors are not interested in this.

    In general, the state is in the hands of either backbone companies (such as Transneft or Sberbank), or specific engineering, in which the interests of the state are more important than profit.

    Bankrupts on tax debts also fall into the hands of the state, but they are already sold for more or less real money (often not the first time) without too much fanfare, but in terms of income they do not make a difference.
    1. +7
      April 18 2023 21: 33
      I propose to take from Kostin. He must have a banker
  13. +4
    April 18 2023 18: 12
    What awaits us and what should we mentally prepare for?

    Again it will be like in a fairy tale about tops and roots ... winked
  14. +8
    April 18 2023 18: 17
    As for the market economy and the State Planning Commission, this is a very controversial issue. For example, China, with the state plan, has increased its GDP 91 times since 50. And compare our market economy over this period. And in the West, market capitalism is no longer at all, which we are just now observing.
    1. -2
      April 18 2023 18: 37
      Quote: Pro100
      China, with the state plan

      The current name is the National Development and Reform Commission of the People's Republic of China.

      If the country is not a fully closed system, there are too many uncontrolled variables that nullify detailed plans.

      Well, the general concepts of the country's development and the plans for the development of companies are quite manageable without the state plan.

      increased its GDP 91 times since 50.

      Well, you count how much they managed to attract foreign investment ....

      What we didn’t weave here about Marcon’s visit to China.
      But this news was ignored:

      European aircraft manufacturer Airbus plans to open a second assembly line in Tianjin, doubling the country's production capacity, Agence France-Presse reported.
      The corresponding agreement was signed by the company's CEO Guillaume Faury on Thursday in Beijing at a ceremony during the state visit of French President Emmanuel Macron to China.
      The new final assembly line is to be put into operation in the second half of 2025. Airbus has been assembling the A320 in Tianjin since 2008, with more than 600 units produced. The plant is currently producing four aircraft per month, with the figure expected to rise to six by the end of this year.

      Here are the pace...
    2. +6
      April 18 2023 18: 38
      China does not have a planned economy, they simply set a task in the long term and fulfill it. In our country, they set a task to tell on TV and do not fulfill it.
      China has a market economy, but instead of "the market decides and let's strangle small business." They work differently there in the long term.
  15. +8
    April 18 2023 18: 46
    Everything is destroyed in the country! Killed the entire industry, including science-intensive! All our oligarchs, including these outstanding bankers, did not have time to do one thing - completely ruin the country, not all of them managed to bring them to the West and sell them! They should not be asked to invest in the economy, but obliged! The current role of our state, which is the main owner of Sberbank, VTB and other, other, other, is also incomprehensible ...
  16. +9
    April 18 2023 19: 13
    90g. they’re advancing, again they’ll privatize for a penny, they’ll go bankrupt and sell it for metal scrap, they’ll say it was. They didn’t do anything with their own hands. Guarantor or that privatization did not teach anything, or did it teach?
  17. +7
    April 18 2023 21: 30
    All these bastards just dream of getting a medal from Fashington "for the victory over Russia", following the example of hunchbacked scum (burn in hell!!!)
  18. +9
    April 18 2023 21: 34
    The comprador power, oligarchs, bankers, capitalists of the Russian Federation will do everything that the owner, sitting in London, Paris, Washington, orders.
    1. -2
      April 18 2023 23: 48
      Here you listen!
  19. -6
    April 18 2023 23: 47
    Prigozhin - for President of the Russian Federation!
  20. +6
    April 19 2023 02: 37
    The country turns from a federation into a khanate. Where in the role of the elite there will be oligarchs of Khazar origin, manipulating the Turkish masses. Well, the Slavs are left with the role of the militia and servants of this elite.
  21. +4
    April 19 2023 02: 43
    Quote from Nelton.
    What Kostin is right about is that funds for increased defense spending and economic development must be taken somewhere. And purely theoretically, the sale of part of the state. property for real money can give these funds. But this is clearly not USC - the profitability there is doubtful, private investors are not interested in this.

    Before the Kremlin elite leaves, the FNB will be gutted. And then look for fistulas of these highly effective rippers. The fact that Kostin was bending there, I heard back in the 80s. We see the result. But they need money.
    1. +4
      April 19 2023 09: 39
      Before the departure of the Kremlin elite

      This is not an elite. What (mate) called this bunch of nouveau riches like that? And politicians serving their thieves' interests at the legislative level?
  22. VAZ
    April 19 2023 09: 11
    - Eat Vanya Tyurya, there is no milk!
    -Where is our cow?
    - Take away, my light!
    TSAR, royal retinue, etc.: - TODAY IS TIME TO ACT!
    PEOPLE: - Well, I, it seems, was not idle! Not yesterday, not today, not tomorrow! I work in the sweat of my brow, like a hero on a beautiful sailboat from morning to night! Well, the AUTHORITY OF THE TSAR showed respect to me - by decree they made me ABLE to work, like a perpetual motion machine! The Tsar and his retinue believe that the older I am, the healthier, more dexterous, more experienced! It's nonsense that my teeth fall out over time, my eyes see worse, my hands shake more often and my head wobbles - the main thing is that the KING believes in me! I won’t let you down, chosen one of God, otherwise I won’t exist without you! What are the past Lenins, Stalins, Brezhnevs? I only suffered with them (although I don’t know about it, this is what the Tsar told me)! No Great Victories, no Achievements, so-so, only galoshes I could do, and today, look, space has become even closer for me, and the depths of the sea are even more transparent, and even in medicine and education it’s a real pleasure for me! Yes, and no one was afraid of me, anyone strove to kick and spit at me! But right now, they all climb into a hickey to kiss! And so, yes, with the Tsar’s great administration and with the royal unselfish retinue, which cares very, very much about me, more than about my children, wives and loving deserved maidens, I’ll work for their glory! Play, Vlastushka, take money from one or more spaceports! Put the comforting girls in control, give them ranks and medals, let them frolic! Come on, GOVERNOR, pile on me loads beyond the strength of the donkey, I will lift everything and do it! And you, POWER, take what you like from the bins, and if good and money are not enough for you, then do not be shy and get into my pockets! Well, I don’t need anything, if only the Tsar’s face would shine with light, and those like him who were next to him were joyful and happy!
  23. +3
    April 19 2023 09: 32
    What can I say... The country will definitely not survive another "privatization" with "loans-for-shares" auctions. For one simple reason - the hucksters do not want, do not know how and will not fight. And without a victory in this NWO (popularly nicknamed "Bastard"), we will all simply be devoured.
    And they will do what they do best - steal ... And negotiate - on the "fair" division of the "unbearably stolen".
    The instinct of self-preservation does not even work here - the pathological thirst for profit drowns out all other instincts, except perhaps, except for the physiological ones. Without even realizing that they will not be allowed to go further than the "janitor's" without first having robbed them "to the skin" (Aven and Friedman will not let you lie).
  24. +6
    April 19 2023 12: 17
    Sell ​​off the remaining property and close the country they don't want.
  25. +5
    April 19 2023 12: 33
    Plunder what still remains not stolen and finally finish off Russia! It is a pity that since the time of the enemy Gorbachev and the drunkard Yeltsin, Russia has not had a real owner. There is a president, but no master.
    1. +1
      April 19 2023 18: 22
      Yes, there is a president, only who executes his orders. In China, the death penalty has not been abolished, and they have not been transferred to whom to apply it to. And we all feel sorry for them. Except the people.
  26. +4
    April 19 2023 12: 44
    .......On April 11, 2023, a keynote article by VTB head Andrey Kostin was published, in which he told how money can be returned to the Russian economy.........

    Carry out an emergency nationalization not only of industrial enterprises, the gas and oil industries, but also of all the monetary and other wealth of Russian thieves - billionaires and so-called oligarchs. And there will be no need to push into the Duma the shameful bill on a military tax on ordinary people. Immediately there will be money for the war and for the peaceful restoration of the liberated lands of Ukraine.
    1. +1
      April 19 2023 18: 18
      Already a progressive tax could give a lot.
  27. 0
    April 19 2023 18: 16
    90s2.0. Something is rotten in the Danish kingdom (c). Articles like this don't just appear. Apparently, some decided to "play" the old games, on a new basis. Create the soil, or probe, or prepare, where as. It doesn't mean anything good. These "moles" well disguised for the time being intend to grab the rest. And slip off. How right Stalin was, arranging "purges".
  28. +1
    April 19 2023 21: 11
    On the contrary, key industries in the Russian Federation should be nationalized, and we have already seen the results of privatization and the pseudo-efficiency of pseudo-efficient managers on the ruins of the factories they cut into scrap metal and destroyed ...
  29. 0
    April 20 2023 18: 56
    Well, yes, where is the state up to super-efficient private owners! Here they are privatizing the USC, but how will they start launching tankers and gas carriers into the water.

    These "private owners" have been robbing Russia for more than thirty years and now, in the most difficult period, they dream of snatching the remaining fat pieces for themselves ....
    It does not even occur to them to build new refineries, restore the domestic chemical industry and produce domestic products that we are now forced to import .... (oils, paints, polymers, non-woven materials ....).
    Fate has given us such a "bonus" in the form of its huge oil and gas reserves, and this "pseudo-elite", which is a bunch of crooks and thieves, with their stupid heads with "one convolution" sees not modern oil and gas processing complexes as the limit of personal happiness, but only pipes with gas or oil leaving "over the hill" ...
    Recently, significant problems have arisen with "pipes" and the "pseudo-elites" have a new dream in the form of a fleet of hundreds of gas carriers and oil tankers, but they lack the intelligence and ability to organize their mass production in Russia ..
    As Mr. Lavrov aptly puts it, "stupid people" ....
    1. -2
      April 20 2023 19: 25
      Quote: assault 2019
      not modern oil and gas processing complexes, but only pipes

      It's already built

      This is being built:

      (these are just a couple of examples, for clarity)

      The Russian Federation received rather old refineries from the RSFSR, with a refining depth of 67%.
      Over the years, new plants have been consistently built, old ones have been demolished, and by the end of 2022, the refining depth reached 84%. The process continues, moreover, it loads machine builders well, the share of domestic equipment is declared at 70-80%.
      Accordingly, in the best years, the Russian Federation exported over 50 million tons of diesel. fuel, and in 2022 about the same.
      Increased the output of base polymers by an order of magnitude...

      But another "patriot" will come and drag out the old volyn, "comprador power, damned liberals, nothing is being built" ...
      1. +1
        April 21 2023 12: 04
        YOU, you are not comparing correctly, the RSFSR is not 32 years old, compare the current level in the USA, China, Germany and then it will be clear, otherwise you can take the 1st century BC as a comparison.
        1. -1
          April 21 2023 12: 36
          Quote: vlad127490
          You are not comparing correctly.

          When assessing what has been done in a particular period, it is absolutely correct to compare the situation at the beginning of this period and at its end, the difference as a whole will be "what has been done."
          With the amendment that sometimes you have to run as fast as you can just to stay in place.
          Equipment wears out, deposits are depleted, and if you just do nothing, then there will be a drop in production.

          But when they more or less found out what was done in a given period, yes, it is possible to compare and what was done in other countries during the same period.

          But this is already the second stage, the transition from the heart-rending "they do nothing but steal"
          to a more balanced "something of course they do, but less than in ....".
  30. +1
    April 21 2023 07: 12
    Chinese State Shipbuilding Corporation (CSSC) is the largest shipbuilding corporation in China and the world. Founded in 1999. Net income $1,875 billion (2020). The corporation exports its products to more than 50 countries around the world. They produce frigates, landing ships, gas carriers, ro-ro ships, container ships, bulk carriers. She built the largest container ship in the world, ahead of Evergreen.

    China Shipbuilding Industry Corporation (CSIC) is the second largest shipbuilding corporation in China, wholly owned by the Committee for Control and Management of State Property China (SASAC). Founded in 1999, headquartered in Shanghai. CSIC is engaged in the design, manufacture and repair of ships of various classes (the corporation's annual shipbuilding capacity is 15 million deadweight tons). CSIC unites dozens of enterprises, institutes and laboratories, the total number of employees is over 170 thousand people.

    ZTE Corporation is a Chinese company, the second largest manufacturer of telecommunications equipment and mobile phones in China (as of 2011). 51,8% of the shares belong to China.

    Lenovo Group Limited is the main shareholder controlled by the Chinese Academy of Sciences Legend Holdings Ltd (31,47%).

    Haier is a Chinese company that manufactures home appliances. The head structure is the state group Haier, mainly operates through Haier Smart Home, in which the group has a share of about 20%.

    Now tell me about the inefficiency of state-run enterprises! Only defective managers in leadership positions can be ineffective.
  31. 0
    April 25 2023 13: 29
    Well, what, what, but beautifully express d'effective managers know how. But, for some reason, the first fruits of privatization are remembered. Bankruptcy and destruction of enterprises, and after... It will be exactly like that. The overseas regional committee demands exactly this. And in the beginning of the nineties, at the trough, the same surnames are acquired in our country, after Harvards and Yale and other educational institutions. institutions.
    The path has been trodden and the whole country knows the schemes. Of course, the schemes will change a little, time does not stand still. There will probably be no Chinese markets anymore.
    But here the land from under existing enterprises is worth something. I think it will be so, instead of somehow operating enterprises, we will get, for example, new buildings of apartments. We don’t even have our own instrumental, we plug holes with Chinese consumer goods. Any machine with the most advanced CNC without cutters, dies and ... cannot work.
    After all, apparently the country will have to restore order.