The dark future of the EU: the nazification of Europe, the Fourth Reich and the march to the East

The dark future of the EU: the nazification of Europe, the Fourth Reich and the march to the East

The First World War ended with the collapse of four empires - German, Russian, Austro-Hungarian and Ottoman. As a result of World War II, the Greater German Reich and the Japanese Empire ceased to exist. As a result of the current proxy war on the territory of Ukraine, the future of the European Union, the Russian Federation and the United States of America is in question.

We will devote this publication to possible options for the future of the EU, which is much darker and darker than it seems at first glance.

Bright past of the European Union

The path to the European Union in its present form was paved on April 8, 1951, when the Treaty Establishing the European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC) was signed. Post-war Europe needed development drivers, and financial assistance from the United States under the Marshall Plan gradually began to decline. Six countries became members of the new association - France, Germany, Italy, Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg, the purpose of which was to maintain high rates of economic development and prevent new wars. French Foreign Minister Robert Schuman's wildest dreams envisioned a united European federation:

The creation of a joint production of coal and steel will immediately lay the foundations for common economic development as the first stage of a European federation and change the fate of regions previously doomed to the production of weapons, of which they themselves became a constant victim.

It was the federal structure of the Old World, according to the diplomat, that could guarantee the subsequent peace, and it all began, of course, with economics. The six ECSC countries have removed trade barriers and granted mutual access to each other's coal and iron ore deposits, as well as to each other's production facilities. In parallel, the highest governing body, the Council of Ministers, the general assembly and the court were created within the organization. Already by 1958, coal trade had increased by 21% compared to the level of 1950, iron ore by 25%, and steel by 151%!

The steel industry and metallurgy in general has since been one of the main drivers of European industrial development. Such impressive successes prompted the developed countries of the Old World to sign two more agreements - on the creation of the European Economic Community (EEC) and the European Atomic Energy Community (Euratom). The "Magnificent Six" consistently moved from the creation of the Customs Union to a common agricultural and trade policy, where four basic freedoms were put at the forefront - the movement of goods, individuals, services and capital. The legal term "European Communities" appeared. In 1965, an agreement was signed in Brussels establishing a single Council and a single Commission of the European Communities, which entered into force in 1967.

The period of initial rapid growth in the 70s gave way to a crisis. In 1971, there was a collapse of the Bretton Woods monetary system based on the gold-dollar standard, and in 1973, the first oil crisis against the backdrop of the Arab-Israeli armed conflict. The average annual growth rate of the economy dropped to 2%, Euro-optimism was replaced by Euro-pessimism. This, however, did not prevent the addition of three more to the original six participants in 1973 - Great Britain, Ireland and Denmark. Curiously, French President Charles de Gaulle always categorically opposed the participation of London, considering Great Britain a "Trojan horse of the United States." Time has proved the correctness of this outstanding man.

In the 80s, an active process of joining more and more new countries began, which were needed by the two pillars of the European economy, Germany and France, as markets. In 1979, the European Monetary System and the ecu unit of account were created, and in 1999, the single European currency, the euro. In 1986, the Single European Act was signed, with the aim of creating a single European space with freedom of movement of people, capital, goods and services, and in 1993 the Maastricht Treaty came into force, proclaiming the creation of a new political and economic entity based on the European communities - the European union.

The dark future of the European Union

Despite all this external splendor, the EU has a rather shaky foundation. The crisis of the 70s clearly proved that such an association can effectively exist and develop when all is well. When crises arise, Eurosceptic sentiment rises.

Probably, the main mistake of the creators of the EU can be considered a hasty expansion to the East due to the admission of new countries that were previously part of the socialist camp.

At firstBrussels has to spend colossal financial resources to bring them up to the level of Western European ones.

Secondly, Eastern European countries are extremely negative about the attempt to shift the painful problem of mass migration to the EU from the Maghreb and other disadvantaged countries onto their shoulders.

Thirdly, the referendums on the Constitution of the European Union in France and the Netherlands demonstrated that no one is really ready to give up their sovereignty to a single center, and therefore the idea of ​​a European federation, with which it all started once, turned out to be untenable. Europe is still divided into Western and Eastern Europe, which the Americans use very well to support Poland's ambitions.

Today, there are all prerequisites for the fact that the EU can really disintegrate. In particular, the breakdown of energy cooperation with Russia has resulted in exorbitant prices for gas and electricity making industrial production unprofitable. There is no easy way out of the situation, and large European enterprises have begun the process of moving to the US, China and even Turkey. The prospects for the population, which may be left without high-paying jobs, and the budget without tax revenues, are terrible. So far, hundreds of billions have been poured into the fire, but this cannot continue indefinitely.

The sane European elites are also not happy with the prospect of being drawn into a direct armed conflict with the Russian Federation over Ukraine. It is safer to be outside the NATO bloc. In addition to the non-zero risk of receiving a nuclear strike on its territory, the EU was forced, obeying the Anglo-Saxons, to actually trample on the right of sacred private property by seizing the assets of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation extrajudicially. Thus, one of the most important spiritual "strings" of the Western world was destroyed.

As the economic crisis and armed conflict in Ukraine develops, the likelihood is growing that it will be more profitable for Europeans to voluntarily disperse to their national apartments, waving the EU goodbye. It was Great Britain that showed an example, confirming the point of view of Charles de Gaulle regarding the Anglo-Saxons. It is likely that two new associations will be formed on the territory of the Old World - the Western, close to the original ECSC, and the Eastern, corresponding to the Trimorie project. Due to the absence of real left-wing forces in European politics, against the backdrop of socio-economic problems, nationalists and even Nazis will raise their heads.

And then everything will depend on where the negative of disappointed Europeans will be channeled. Either they will turn their fury on alien people, or on neighboring European countries that live better, or on Russia, which will be appointed as the last in all their troubles. It is likely that all this will happen in that order. And then the re-nazification of Europe, "Hitler-2" and the Fourth Reich with a new campaign to the East are already possible.
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  1. +8
    21 December 2022 16: 04
    There will be no march to the east following the example of the 3rd Reich. It took Hitler 6 years to brainwash and mobilize the economy and population. Now Europe does not have these resources. The economy has just begun to collapse (for reference, the economy of the 3rd Reich grew rapidly in the late 30s) and the population is already vaccinated (although it is being heavily leveled by European officials) from Nazism and know its result. Western Europe is no longer the same. There, the main problem is where to shove a member correctly, and not how to fight with Russia. It's more realistic to set Eastern Europe on Russia. But there are no fools in England and the USA. Before attacking Russia, they must first play the game correctly. After all, this is not the 19th or 20th century. They need to correctly and convincingly explain their actions to the whole world. Otherwise, in the event of direct aggression against Russia, they may get hit where they did not expect. The question is whether they have time for a full solitaire game. I doubt it.
    1. 0
      21 December 2022 16: 20
      Particularly well said, about the non-mirror response
    2. -1
      22 December 2022 12: 00
      The question is whether they have time for a full game of solitaire. I doubt it.

      The Anglo-Saxon solitaire has already been played out. They started laying it out back in 1991, when they inspired a coup in Moscow and placed their puppets. Further - using the puppet governments in Russia and Ukraine, they made a "lighter" for the war in Europe.
      The goals that they set and are setting:
      - to create a threat to the Russian Federation by Ukraine's actions to join NATO
      - the appropriation of Crimea by Russia to create a pretext for war between countries
      - aggressive actions against the Russian-speaking regions to force Russia to launch a military operation to protect them
      - a patriotic campaign in the Russian media to transfer the operation to protect the Russian-speaking population into an operation to seize the territories of Ukraine with targets near the borders of Poland
      - using it as a threat, or as a result of a provocation, to drag Poland and other NATO countries into a war with Russia
      - to defeat Russia with the hands of NATO countries
      - weaken the hands of the Russian countries of Europe in order to enslave it, so that all the guilt and blood be on the Russians
      - attack China with Russian nuclear weapons from its territory, or force it to take necessary actions
      - use against China as "cannon fodder" a part of the Russian population suitable for this, destroy the rest
      - organize a hunt for immigrants from Russia around the world, completely close the "Russian question" and rewrite history
      The result will be the complete domination of the Anglo-Saxons on two continents.
      The key element of this plan is the comprador authorities of Russia and Ukraine, subordinated to the interests of the Anglo-Saxons.
      A well-known American journalist, who is in the TOP 10, recently wrote that Russia, represented by America, is dealing with Satanic Evil itself. This is not an exaggeration.
      Known truth says:

      Yielding to Evil, you yourself become its tool.

      In this case, following the plan of the Anglo-Saxons, Russia itself becomes its instrument.
      We have only one way to avoid guilt before the world and survive ourselves - by the threat of destruction to force the Anglo-Saxons to return everything to its place
      1. 0
        22 December 2022 15: 38
        Well described ++++
      2. 0
        22 December 2022 23: 40
        Disagree. For your reasons, you play solitaire "how you want", but solitaire, like politics, is not played that way. They are played "as the card falls". And the map, as the West wants, does not fit. Not all of them thought out and thought through. "Oh, what bad Russians, let's not buy oil and gas from them" - and the streams blew up. And who did they hurt? Russia? No, to ourselves. And this is just an example of what is seen from above. The European Union has already begun to fall apart, while it is not yet very noticeable, but the process has been launched by them themselves. We'll see what happens next. And we will not guess how the card will fall.
        1. -1
          22 December 2022 23: 52
          and blew up the streams. And who did they hurt? Russia? No, to ourselves.

          To ourselves - to whom? Do not mix the interests of the "owner" and his "sixes" into one whole. The purpose of the explosion was to cut off Europe's ability to rely on Russia, and Russia's ability to influence its decisions and choices. The states in this war need complete subordination from Europe - it is needed "with giblets." To sacrifice himself when the owner needs it. And this will soon be required of them - to shed their blood in the war with Russia in the required amount and pray for the American and LNG controlled by them.
          Do you think that the Anglo-Saxons did not achieve their goal?
      3. -1
        23 December 2022 01: 36
        Alexey, stop carrying this nonsense from comment to comment under any topic of any author. Soon your spots on the Sun will be the machinations of the Anglo-Saxons! Not tired?
        1. 0
          23 December 2022 02: 33
          Do not work Oleg. Nothing will work for you. The truth in life gradually makes its way, as it should be. She has such a natural quality. The Chinese say:

          You can't block a straight line
  2. +2
    21 December 2022 16: 14
    The new Reich needs a new Fuhrer. Where can he appear? It is already obvious that not in Germany, the Germans are not even suitable for this. Apparently, the new leader will be from Poland, some kind of noble pan. If the newly-minted Fuhrer-gentry manages to build Western Europe for himself, primarily Germany with its potential, then the fourth Reich of the Polish spill is possible, yes. And it will be real power
    1. +1
      21 December 2022 16: 23
      In order for the Fuhrer to appear, it is necessary to cancel the iridescent mood altogether! And the uncle from across the ocean will not allow it.
    2. +2
      21 December 2022 21: 58
      And Biden? This powerful old man is still cheerfully holding on!
      1. 0
        22 December 2022 15: 39
        mows down like a fool. and frail ... and this is the lulling of vigilance
    3. +3
      22 December 2022 10: 50
      There are no leaders there capable of building anything, only Vucic and Orban are independent, but they are not from that camp, the rest are politically impotent. Independent politicians in the EU have been plagued as a species. Although, given the importance of the media in this matter, they can "appoint" one and quickly pump it through the media.
    4. -1
      23 December 2022 01: 41
      Colonel, how do you like a repetition of what has already happened, and Germany will annex Poland again in a week? Two tasks will be solved immediately - the return of primordially German territories and the closing forever of Poland's claims for reparations from Germany for the Second World War. How quickly to occupy France Germany already knows, did. Absurd? How does an autoa article differ from this?
  3. -8
    21 December 2022 16: 18
    Here they expect the collapse of the EU. How easily the huge USSR collapsed. Is it really next in line for the collapse of Russia, which is not so powerful, consists of nobles and farm laborers. It is based on a lie that the rulers are trying their best to ensure that in thirty years it would be the same as in the time of Khrushchev in twenty years for only 15 republics of the USSR, but they got it wrong. Once lied, who will believe you? Now it resembles power, as in those days. Diary of a Patriot. I sit and drink tea. Stutatsa, I open it, they come in. They ask - who are you for, for the Reds, or for the Whites? I'm talking about the reds. They take off their pants, they beat their ass. Monday. I sit and drink tea. Stutatsa, I open it, they come in. They ask you for whom for the Reds, or for the Whites? I speak for the whites. They take off their pants, they beat their ass. Tuesday. Shizu, drink chai. Stutatsa, open come in. They ask you for whom, for the reds, whites, greens? I answer - I am for everyone. They take off their pants, they beat their ass. Wednesday. I drink shizu cai. Stutats. I take off my pants, open, guests.
  4. -5
    21 December 2022 16: 28
    A more realistic alignment for 2023 is this. In parts of Europe, food riots will begin after the winter. After all, it is clear that after the winter Europe will miss several million people. For reference, before the NWO, several tens of thousands of people froze every year in Europe. But mostly it was the homeless and pensioners. How will it be this time? Migrants will rise in their ghettos. And this is Islam. They do not care about the problems of the United States and England and Europe. They care about unemployment benefits. He obviously won't work. And they want to eat. And there are tens of millions of them. This was not the case in the 20th century. How will this issue be resolved? England and the United States stir up riots in Moldova. It is a fact. But that will be after winter. There will be a grouping of 300-400 thousand NATO troops near Kaliningrad. But it's closer to summer. There will be image losses for the Russian Federation in the Caucasus. There will be a lot more next year, except for a war modeled on the 3rd Reich. In the end, one must understand that the Russian Federation with a population of 140 million and with a GDP of under 4% of the world is in an indirect military conflict with NATO and their satellites with a population of more than 1 billion and with a total GDP of more than 60% of the world. Already, the loss of Europe only in the energy sector is 1 trillion. dollars. Next year, the total losses from sanctions could reach ten trillion. dollars (multiplier effect). It will be too. How will this issue be resolved?
    1. +2
      22 December 2022 09: 53
      In winter, so that the homeless do not freeze, they put up tents for heating. The Bulgarians, Romanians and other Eastern European countries do not have enough money for heating. The Germans, the Dutch, the Belgians already pay subsidies for gas. The Poles do not use gas everywhere, they use coal many more are drowning. When our milk has long exceeded one euro liter, they have only now exceeded it. They don’t remember something about us, it’s clear that we are in paradise.
    2. 0
      22 December 2022 11: 02
      A more realistic alignment for 2023 is this. In parts of Europe, food riots will begin after the winter. After all, it is clear that after the winter, Europe will miss several million people.

      Enchanting nonsense! When this "forecast" does not come true, will you eat your hat or tie? lol
    3. -1
      23 December 2022 01: 49
      Griffin, it's very simple - by pressing the red button!
  5. 0
    21 December 2022 17: 42
    The Center of World Civilization is moving to the East. People who are able to think and work live there.

    Western Europe and Russia, like the last car of the European train, is driven into a dead end and becomes a backwater - a zoo, into which Asians will run into to look at wild monkeys.
  6. +5
    21 December 2022 17: 44
    Sufficiently accurate coverage of current events, but the main beneficiaries of the creation of the 3rd Reich and the fascistization of Europe in the present are not considered. And the conductors of the 2nd World War and the current one sit in the largest banks in America and England, the largest financial structures of Wall Street and the 'City' ('Square Mile'), the Rothschilds, the Rockefellers and the chief conductors of the policy of the Baruch, Loeb, Schiff and Kuhn families, who intermarried between Schiff, Loebov, Kuhn, Baruch have been managing both politics and information flows for a long time. You can expose Biden, Zelensky, but no one wants to touch on the influence of the Baruch family, Loebov, Schiff and Kuhn. America rarely breaks through information on this topic, but in our country generally typed in the mouth of water or other drinks.
    1. -1
      23 December 2022 01: 55
      Sergey, does our president know about these people, what do you think? And if he knows, did he sign the last piece of paper for them?
  7. +5
    21 December 2022 17: 56
    The author, in his analysis, does not at all touch upon the topic of Muslims in Europe, who are increasing every year, and who, for the most part, treat native Europeans with contempt. While everything was safe, everything was relatively quiet in general (apart from single explosions, raids on a crowd of pedestrians, executions and attacks with knives), but when a crisis comes, all the contradictions dormant in society must inevitably escalate. The Muslims of Europe, after they are no longer generously provided with benefits and everything necessary, will begin to take by force what they consider they owe. And here is a possible variant of brutalization of Europeans, growing into Nazism and fascism and culminating in the massacre of Muslims, and then Europe, having tasted blood, can go to another drang nah osten. But the truth is, in case of aggression against Muslims, Europe runs the risk of receiving a tough response from the entire Muslim world, which, in terms of its capabilities, strength and resources, is a much more formidable force than, for example, at the beginning of the 20th century. And then she will no longer be up to her favorite eastern goal. And the United States, leading Europe straight to hell with a caring hand, will sit and joyfully count the income.
  8. 0
    21 December 2022 18: 00
    It is naive.
    Another attempt to give a hurray forecast

    there is an increasing likelihood that it will be more profitable for Europeans to voluntarily disperse to their national apartments, waving goodbye to the EU

    Zero. probability. An example of Boris Yeltsin and his admirers in Russia before my eyes ....
    On the contrary, they are pulling, pulling logistics between countries - roads, railways, pipelines, without visas, etc.
    1. +1
      21 December 2022 18: 38
      Quote: Sergey Latyshev
      the likelihood that it will be more profitable for Europeans to voluntarily disperse to their national apartments, waving the EU goodbye", etc.

      Well, there is a plus in this, you don’t need to drag the Baltic states and chop off Poland like beggars, they are subsidized regions and take care of themselves. As the Baltic markets are no longer needed, purchasing power is falling. introduce. Our leadership is wildly unpredictable for me and not for the better, but what will happen in Europe with their bunch of migrants and after the shock, when they realize that they have finished living beautifully and cheaply, I can’t give a prediction. We'll see soon :-)
      1. -2
        21 December 2022 23: 29
        You argue like the current Yeltsin-lovers and galoshelyubs, IMHO. (A little rude, I forgot how it is scientifically called, my apologies)
        And here I posted "123" links to economic articles, that there both GDP growth and production growth were high before the crown ...
        So the image of beggars - perhaps only cheers-PR.

        Our people went there to work, a lot of cases on the Internet, but back ... somehow I didn’t meet almost info ....
  9. +2
    21 December 2022 18: 35
    Since the 21st century, the Anglo-Saxons have conceived and unleashed such a flywheel that will destroy many familiar phenomena and relationships in the world. First, the EU will not fall apart, it will shrink and weaken, but it will live, continuing to print its bank notes, the machine will not be stopped, because otherwise the EU will really fall apart. With stabilization and without new members, the euro will quickly begin to lose its "weight", like a classic financial pyramid, living only at the expense of expansion. This is what we saw in the regular admission of new members to the EU. With a weakened EU, a lot of problems will come out, from social, immigrant, economic and others. As an enemy of Russia, therefore the EU will fade into the background. Here the USA and England will remain the main enemies, and even strengthened at the expense of the EU. Only nuclear weapons today protect the Russian Federation from a military attack by the Anglo-Saxons, because they will intensify internal actions to decompose the Russian Federation inside. It is possible that they will incite Eastern European satellites against the Russian Federation, with feeding them all - the second double of "Ukraine". We must not forget the Pacific region, perhaps the main performance will begin there, and Russia should perform with the PRC in one alliance, otherwise, during the main showdown, Russia alone cannot resist in any case. It is impossible to foresee everything, but the main directions of development appear initially.
  10. 0
    21 December 2022 18: 37
    And then everything will depend on where the negative of disappointed Europeans will be channeled. Either they will turn their fury on alien people, or on neighboring European countries that live better, or on Russia, which will be appointed as the last in all their troubles. It is likely that all this will happen in that order. And then the re-nazification of Europe, "Hitler-2" and the Fourth Reich with a new campaign to the East are already possible.

    Again "ventriloquism"! The author cannot calm down in any way, he scares everyone, PR, although beautifully.
    1. -1
      22 December 2022 02: 47
      Probably good pay
  11. re
    21 December 2022 20: 20
    Who are the fairy tales about the collapse of the European economy intended for? I think the author knows that this is all a lie. The question is, why write it then? +10 rubles?
  12. -1
    21 December 2022 20: 56
    Another interesting work by Sergei Marzhetsky, aimed not at the internal problems of our country, but rather at external ones. Disintegration and upheavals are always painful, especially for economic ties, which are nevertheless desirable in the international division of labor, despite the current sanctions.
    And let those who disagree now label me, but all these hypocritical thanks of our agricultural producers to the post-Crimea sanctions are personally unpleasant for me, because I remember very well the pre-sanction price of tomatoes in stores 50 r. Well, where are these prices now? Yes, it is possible to grow grapes not in the south of Europe, but at the North Pole, the question is the price of the issue, and it must be taken into account that in the Russian Federation 2/3 of the territory is in the zone of risky farming. The same applies to industrial production, everything can be done within the country, but at the same time, I, the buyer and the layman, will suffer because of the high prices, because even the tight-fisted Chinese do not do everything.
    Therefore, I agree with the opinion of Vladimir Tuzakov

    The EU will shrink and weaken, but it will live by continuing to print its banknotes

    Yes, there will be disagreements, and probably, in three years, there will be a division, but I think that all the rest will be divided into three parts North - South - East, than the first union of coal and steel.
    This is if the Americans allow, they can, before their possible collapse, start something wrong for a start in Europe, hitting us with them ((
  13. +2
    21 December 2022 21: 46
    Quote: Griffit
    A more realistic alignment for 2023 is this. In parts of Europe, food riots will begin after the winter.

    Empty hopes for "hungry riots". Do you think that Russia produces the basis of food for Europe? Where did you get this idea from? Everything is on sale, no problems. Nobody freezes at home. The homeless, yes, they freeze in cold winters, but does this happen in Russia too, or not? The media, Russian or foreign, always distort the image of the enemy in their favor, as it happened in our era of the duped masses. Do not take the word of the media, read them all, your own and others, compare, make your own conclusions on indirect grounds: who writes, who pays, who benefits from it. No food riots are expected in Europe.
  14. 0
    22 December 2022 01: 58
    They now have no such opportunities - a campaign to the East. Even theoretically.
  15. +1
    22 December 2022 02: 31
    Probably, the main mistake of the creators of the EU can be considered a hasty expansion to the East due to the admission of new countries that were previously part of the socialist camp.

    First, no one cares about EU expansion. NATO expansion is yes. But no one asked the EU here.
    Secondly, Europe has long been destined for slaughter. It did not work out with Russia in the new millennium, they took up Europe.
    Actually, the United States took up Europe back in the 1970s. When the Europeans gathered to carry Soviet gas, the United States in 1975 announced an embargo on pipes for gas pipelines. We did not have such technologies for the production of high-quality pipes for long gas pipelines. But in Europe at that time there were still leaders who had and defended their opinion and thought about the benefits for their states. The topic "pipes in exchange for gas" came up. And the gas went to Europe.
    Just at this time, the United States was busy moving its production to China and other Asia. And there was a shortage of their own gas. As well as oil. Small reserves of classic oil and gas did not allow the development of production in the United States.
    As a result, the scheme built by the United States became not very profitable, especially after (after the collapse of the CMEA) the ends of the Druzhba oil pipelines ended up in the West. This is where Trump's vicious demands for Europe to pay for its security stem from. Hence the recent insight of Scholz that all the prosperity of Europe was built on cheap hydrocarbons from the USSR / Russia.
    European products have become competitive compared to Asian-American. LNG is more expensive than piped gas, piped oil is cheaper than that brought by tanker far away.
    Against the backdrop of a general crisis of the Bretton Woods model, the US business began to deteriorate.
    The author has admired for several years here the huge quantities of oil exports from the United States. But for some reason, he did not say that the United States imposed a ban on oil exports in 1975. There was little ordinary oil, only for small (without mass production) domestic needs.
    The author also admired how the United States "displaces" Gazprom from the European market with its LNG. Which is both expensive and detrimental to many types of chemical industry in comparison with the pipe industry.
    The United States was forced, despite the obvious harm to the environment, to allow the extraction of oil and gas by hydraulic fracturing.
    And in 2015 things got so bad that Obama lifted the ban on oil exports. This was not done from a good life. And this source will not last long. It is already noticeable.
    In parallel, the United States began to disperse the green and LGBT topics and bring corrupt incompetent inadequacies to the leadership of the EU. Which by force (up to the courts) drove the green theme and the third energy package into the legislation.
    The result is known. An energy crisis that has spread to the whole world. But it hit Europe the hardest. As a result, many forces are working at once to weaken and collapse the EU.
    1. The US is weakening a competitor.
    2. WBs are destroying the EU in order to build an economic zone out of the rubble. Although it's hopeless.
    3. Russia, at least, does not seek to help Europe, counting on the interception of the necessary technologies and in "gratitude" for its policy in Ukraine.
    4. Islamists. They stopped counting Europeans (and liberal whites in general) as people. Due to LGBT and general inadequacy.
    Islamists are generally a separate issue. Starting from 2015 refugees flocked to the EU in droves. Among them there were many (20 - 25%) young single men who did not experience problems with money. If we count the combat (shooting, with machine guns) composition of a motorized rifle division of about 2 people, then about 500 divisions per month entered Europe. On Wiki, you can see what kind of armed forces European countries have. This is an absolutely ridiculous number, compared to the masses of Islamic experienced and motivated fighters.
    And these people are not going anywhere. On the contrary, they are preparing replenishment from the youth. And all with European money.
    The outbreak of the conflict in Ukraine is characterized by a large amount of US and European assistance to Ukraine. That's just from these weapons to the front comes from 30 to 50%. And this is no secret.
    I have strong suspicions that most of the missing will end up back in Europe. In the hands of these militants.
    In general, the fate of Europe is very sad and inevitable.
    Eastern Europe will shied away in horror back to Russia. What will happen in the West is covered in darkness.
  16. -3
    22 December 2022 04: 37
    Everything is determined by the psychology of society. Including the one whom society considers as its own elite.

    For example, in the West, the elite includes scientists, and in Russia the word "authority" means a bandit.

    In the East, the elite understands that they have to work. That everyone needs to work. This is their axiom and way of life.

    In Russia, she only understands that everyone "should breathe as she says"....

    The main problem of the West is that the elite of the West is split into half-Anglo-Saxons-half-Jews on the one hand and all sorts of others. who failed to unite.

    The latter are being crushed, but together they are crushing the Russian lads. The mental abilities of which are sufficient to rob everyone in Russia, but not sufficient to rule the country.

    And the Russian people simply do not take another elite seriously, and it would never even occur to them to obey another elite.

    Therefore, we have the main political election slogan: "And for whom else?..." Probably more idiocy in the whole world and in the entire history of mankind has not yet been invented ...... This is the reason for the humiliation of the people, their fall and death.

    Others will not die. And more to SUCH will never reach.
    1. 0
      23 December 2022 21: 15
      This is a set of false theses. Liberal? laughing
  17. -1
    22 December 2022 08: 25
    Quote: Sergey Latyshev
    And here I posted "123" links to economic articles, that there both GDP growth and production growth were high before the crown ...

    Don’t ever think about reading about GDP growth in the Baltics again, you’ve probably heard enough of the rain. I have a very good friend who lives in Latvia where the decline is below the plinth, no industries and all the youth are like that. middle-aged people have left the country for many years and are leaving. Unemployment is terrible, although there is nowhere to work. So the Balts with GDP growth is a fairy tale that you made me laugh
    1. -2
      22 December 2022 11: 08
      The next "writer" has a standard question: why does your "very good friend live in Latvia" (where the decline is below the plinth) and did not leave for prosperous Russia ?! winked
  18. The comment was deleted.
    1. -1
      22 December 2022 12: 11
      a person brought up in the traditions of European rational thinking terribly wants social processes to be subordinated to some kind of meaningful plan; albeit villainous, misanthropic, but still reasonable, in the sense - rational. It is easier for him to admit that villainy, thought out many moves ahead, rules the world, than to admit the obvious: the world is ruled by a mess - stupidity, complete incompetence and amazing irresponsibility of Decision Makers that does not fit into the usual head.

      that's how it is in general.

      to particulars

      an operation to seize the territories of Ukraine with targets near the borders of Poland

      In the current situation, the RF Armed Forces have no chance of anything more than a couple of small n / a, so there is and will not be any border of Poland and everything that follows.

      And the US / West has now received a rise in the cost of resources for them, a reduction in their cost for Asia.
      The need to force the world to sanctions, with a carrot and a stick.
      With far-reaching consequences, no one likes a whip (there will certainly not be enough gingerbread for everyone).

      In general, it would be good for all conspiracy theorists to understand that it is impossible to calculate the consequences of certain actions several steps ahead.
      The price of a barrel - and then no one can predict.

      Take the same SVO - it was widely believed that it was the military unit that would be quite successful and the Russian Federation would quickly occupy eastern and central Ukraine, but the Russian economy would go into a tailspin from sanctions - a hysterical withdrawal of assets, the fall of the ruble to 200 rubles / $ and more, cancellation conversions, zeroing shop counters, coupons and speculation.
      But everything turned out quite differently - the military unit is a failure, but the economy is quite normal.
      1. -1
        22 December 2022 14: 51
        the world is ruled by a mess - stupidity, utter incompetence and amazing irresponsibility that does not fit into an ordinary head

        This is how the world, ruled by others, appears to the savage, who, like his tribe, is the object of control.

        In general, it would be good for all conspiracy theorists to understand that it is impossible to calculate the consequences of certain actions several steps ahead.

        We are the Russians, whose USSR collapsed overnight with the Warsaw Pact and the Comecon, we call it "conspiracy theories". The Anglo-Saxons, having several centuries of successful management of other countries, probably consider this strategic planning and also have a right to it.

        In the current situation, the RF Armed Forces have no chance of anything more than a couple of small n / a, so there is and will not be any border of Poland and everything that follows.

        In order to draw us and Europe in for real, they may even go for a large-scale retreat of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Imagine the euphoria in our camp - can we really stop?
  19. 0
    22 December 2022 13: 21
    Quote from: Vox_Populi
    The next "writer" has a standard question: why does your "very good friend live in Latvia" (where the decline is below the plinth) and did not leave for prosperous Russia ?!

    This is the dumbest question that I have ever been asked, but you can be a "writer". And with what fright should he go to live in Russia if he was born there, when it was the USSR, lived and lives, his family and relatives are there? , not with you, the country lived in decline in the nineties and, according to your logic, should have left its homeland and left where better?
    1. -2
      23 December 2022 17: 26
      Your answer from the "Dull Trolling" category... lol
  20. -1
    23 December 2022 21: 00
    Quote from: Vox_Populi
    Your answer from the "Dull Trolling" category...

    Honor yourself, you have no facts or evidence, and read me, then talk about trolling.