It's time for Russia to return to the practice of Special Design Bureaus


Since 2014 the Russian economy entered a state of systemic crisis. The reason for it was the break in relations with the collective West, initiated after the referendums in the Crimea and Donbass from the other side. In 2022, after President Putin announced the NWO in Ukraine, this process accelerated radically, and then it suddenly became clear that it was completely unclear where our country should go next.

After the collapse of the USSR, the “white” elite that seized power in their hands set a course for the integration of the young democracy into the American-centric world capitalist system. Fundamentally abandoning the Soviet path, the newly-minted Russian “elite” led the country to the status of a semi-colony with raw materials, because they were not offered any other options in the West, and they did not have enough mind for their own development project. The natural result of this approach was deindustrialization, carried out under the strict guidance of domestic systemic liberals. The fact that these people were well aware of what and why they were doing can be evidenced by the following quotes from the most odious Russian sislibs.

So, the infamous chief "effective manager of All Rus'" Anatoly Chubais once, having opened up, said:

We knew that each plant sold was a nail in the coffin of communism. Is it expensive, cheap, free, with a surcharge - the twentieth question, the twentieth ... Privatization in Russia until 1997 was not an economic process at all. It was solving a task of a completely different scale... It was solving the main task - to stop communism. We have solved this problem. We have solved it completely.

His ideological companion-reformer Yegor Gaidar, according to the memoirs of the ex-Minister of Machine-Tool and Tool Industry of the USSR Nikolai Panichev, literally in a minute “kicked off” the applicant who came to his reception:

But who needs your ... machines ?! If you need it, we will buy everything abroad.

Panichev later formulated his opinion about this “statesman” as follows:

The visit lasted no more than a minute. I went to an ally, I ended up with the worst enemy of the cause, to whom I gave my whole life. In one of his phrases, the program for the destruction of domestic industry was focused, the transfer of Russia from the country of origin equipment to the buyer country, which made us completely dependent on the West.

After 2014, when Russia ceased to be a “beloved wife” for the collective West, this backfired bitterly on all of us. Under pressure from the United States, foreign partners began to refuse to supply Moscow with components and finished equipment, machine tools and technologies. In response, the Kremlin imposed counter-sanctions and announced the launch of an import substitution program that is now in its ninth year.

All the more surprising are President Putin's recent lamentations about Russia's critical dependence on imported appliances:

Unfortunately, our dependence on foreign instrument base is very high, according to some data, up to 90%, and in today's conditions this is especially acute. Although I have been talking about this all the time, and I think you will also agree with me, it is clear that it is impossible to work without an instrument base. But it is also clear that in the end it was necessary to start intensively developing our instrument base. And since you can buy anything for oil and gas dollars - from nails to diamonds, you will never produce your own, so the current situation is pushing us to work independently in many areas, including the production of our own scientific and instrumental base …

As you know, generations of instruments for scientific research are changing at a pace of three to five years, and we need <...> to create a special industry, when this replacement would take place in our country on a permanent basis in a natural way.

Somehow Groundhog Day. One gets the impression that we are not in the yard of 2022, but again of 2014. Excuse me, but what specifically prevented the creation of domestic machine tools and devices over the previous eight years, when it became obvious that we had finally parted ways with the West? Or who?

In fact, we approached the proxy war with the North Atlantic Alliance on the territory of Ukraine “without pants”. It turns out that there are no satellites here, because we have been collecting them for too long, they don’t have their own engines, there are no domestic microchips, and so on. And it won't just come out of nowhere! Somewhere, probably, the Iranians or North Koreans will help pointwise, the Chinese will sell something from under the counter, but no one but ourselves will solve our problems.

And what to do now, if the country cannot be pulled out of the technological hole by conventional methods and Victory over the entire NATO bloc cannot be ensured?

It seems that the return to the practice of the Soviet Special Design Bureaus is becoming more and more urgent. Of course, we are not talking about putting someone in jail on purpose. However, we must take into account the situation in which our country finds itself, this is actually wartime, requiring very special measures. In modern realities, all these highly paid top managers should be locked up in specially designated places along with engineers and other civilian specialists, not releasing until they give out the finished result. Not in colonies or prisons, but precisely in specially designated places, technopolises or science cities, where all these specialists will have to devote all their time to achieving concrete results in the shortest possible time. In accordance with the concluded employment contract, and not the sentence.

It is extremely important that project management bears personal responsibility for their execution. Then, you see, your microchips and machines with instruments, engines and satellites will begin to appear promptly, deadlines will stop constantly shifting to the right, and budgets will grow.
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  1. +1
    2 December 2022 11: 38
    Gaidar: Who needs your... machine tools?! If needed, we will buy everything abroad.

    VV: ...therefore, the current situation is pushing us to independent work in many areas, including the production of our own scientific and instrumental base ...

    I don't see "practically the same words and formulations as Gaidar's."

    In general, it is always easier to criticize.
    1. +3
      2 December 2022 15: 11
      Quote from solist2424
      In general, it is always easier to criticize.

      Marzhetsky does not criticize, he states as best he can, as he sees it, but in the thriller genre: "to scare everyone and dump them aside, rubbing their palms with pleasure." Marzhetsky's proposals reflect his "depth". There is no depth.
      But people really like him. I admit.
      1. 0
        17 January 2023 11: 29
        Gaidar's famous phrase - what does trash have to do with it! What is said is said. And they continued to destroy everything up to which their hands reached out. Where would Uralvagonzavod be now if its workers had not risen up against the bankruptcy of Russia's main tank manufacturer? What do you say nothingless all the way.?
  2. +3
    2 December 2022 11: 50
    all these highly paid top managers should be closed in specially designated places along with engineers and other civilian specialists

    Then the civilians will scatter completely. It is precisely those people who value personal freedom that are most capable of creative engineering work - they do not separate it from creative freedom.
    During the Second World War, sharashkas were not only a place for the concentration of brains, but also a way to protect them from the harsh military everyday life of the rest of the civilian population.
    The nuclear project was driven by people sitting in a "golden" cage - they never saw such opportunities for realizing their ideas on a "peaceful, free" citizen.
    A creative person can only be motivated by the richest arsenal of tools and means, and most importantly, by showing interest in the results of their work, which this arsenal and resources confirm. And the need to "close" was only in terms of secrecy.
    Now attempts to "close" will only finish off all undertakings.
    1. +2
      3 December 2022 06: 32
      Here, "close in special places" can be understood as "reorganize, based on available resources." And the phrases about "effective managers" are always ironic (because they can only be fired, with a non-disclosure agreement and not to leave, following in the footsteps of Rogozin and other owners of elite real estate on Tverskaya).
      The question is - who will do this, "not surrendering their" GDP ..? A rhetorical question, in the article itself there is an answer - "what interfered for 8 years" ...
      1. 0
        3 December 2022 13: 28
        Rogozin is now busy with useful activities, by the way.
        He tests the developments shelved at the forefront, and organizes production based on the results of their effectiveness.
  3. 10+
    2 December 2022 12: 38
    In modern realities, all these highly paid top managers should be locked up in specially designated places along with engineers and other civilian specialists, not releasing until they give out the finished result. Then, you see, your microchips and machines with instruments, engines and satellites will begin to appear promptly, deadlines will stop constantly shifting to the right, and budgets will grow.

    And designers need, for starters, to try to pay normal money. With this money, again, for starters, they will catch up with the pensions of the designer of the Soviet school, who are still alive. This will create a certain number of competent designers from former students. And this is usually a matter of more than one year, but this requires already experienced designers.
    Through the efforts of Chubais and Gaidar, the continuity of generations has been destroyed in industry and science. Specialists left beggarly salaries in all directions. There was no one to work with university graduates. Hence the overweight IL 112 and all the other problems. In order to balance on the fine line between overweight and mechanically weak aircraft design, you need both flair and a lot of experience. And the heads of the design bureau made good salaries for themselves, believing that the boys would get by. And the boys need to live normally, start families, give birth to children. One of my relatives worked at Salyut for a year, lost his eyesight, sat on a penny, realized that there was nothing to wait for and dumped. He was definitely not persecuted, he was asked to stay. After that, I am not surprised by the problems with the engine for the Su 57. There can be nothing else.
    Such a wild situation began under the USSR. Even then, the designer received many times less than the worker.
    And about the chips - just nonsense. To do them on the knee?
    Everyone already knows that a normal chip requires a certain set of equipment that is made in the Netherlands. It was ordered, even partially prepaid, but for some reason the money for the final payment was not found and it, already made, was not taken away. And then the Maidan, Crimea, LDNR began, and we can only dream about equipment. We lost the ability to produce such equipment long ago and hopelessly.
    The author had to do his main job and find out who is to blame in such cases of sabotage, who steals the money that must be paid to those who really work. Then there would be fewer problems.
    But spitting on others through the media turned out to be more profitable and calmer.
    My words may seem harsh, but what is the work of a designer and a production worker (during the period of Chubaisyatina) I know from my own experience. Therefore, my words are the strongest attempt to stay within the framework of the normative vocabulary.
    And then I would say...
    1. +4
      2 December 2022 13: 17
      (Boriz) The reasons for such a poor state of affairs in the Russian Federation were very correctly noted. The liberal Western model imposed through the Gauidar-Chubais "liberals" was initially unacceptable for the development of Russia. The "gaidars" in the institutions of economics and others for development were supposed to create their own model, but they blindly copied the Western model. The mode of keeping a horse is not suitable for a camel - this can be generalized. (horse - like the EU, camel - Eurasian Russia with its own specifics) ...
      Now the world is cooperating, and there is no longer any opportunity to manufacture everything, therefore the Russian Federation has the opportunity to purchase many devices and components from the PRC and other allies .. Only make strategically important and mass-produced products ourselves. This requires a well thought out approach. So far, the main approach is in force in the Russian Federation: the more funds are "cut", the results will be ..
    2. 0
      2 December 2022 19: 09
      Boris, I agree with most of what you wrote, and I am ready to sign, but here

      Such a wild situation began under the USSR. Even then, the designer received many times less than the worker.

      and your other phrase

      And designers need, for starters, to try to pay normal money. With this money, again, for starters, they will catch up with the pensions of the designer of the Soviet school, who are still alive. This will create a certain number of competent designers from former students.

      somewhat contradict each other. I agree more with the first one - it was not in 1991 that a great, prosperous country suddenly collapsed. And it didn't start in 1985. These were the final chords of the funeral march. So now there’s not even anyone to bet on - design bureaus, research institutes consist of effective managers - budget cutters, and well-deserved grandfathers who masterfully know how, for a modest salary, which they perceive as an honestly earned increase in pensions, to write empty reports, replies about the analogs being developed and justification for the need to increase funding. And all this in between solving crossword puzzles. There are no others in the defense industry, and it will take more than a dozen years to grow them. And this is if we start today, if they, having slightly fledged, do not fall over the hill, where the conditions for talents will provide much better than in our country, where the next few decades will definitely not be obese. Rather, it is worth waiting for a return to our usual and familiar poverty. And who will teach them, young and promising? Managers and honored grandfathers? Yeah, they will prepare competitors for themselves ... Yes, and they will not be able to teach, even if they wish.
      What to do? But I don't know. Everything is a scammer? Alas, yes. I don't see any real growth points, crystallization points yet. How can you push off from the bottom if you have not even reached this bottom yet? And so far the people are not even floundering especially in order to swim out, preferring to wait or even demand that "those who are supposed to" immediately decide and destroy everything, organize and provide. Only those "who are supposed to" can only write reports and carry out fraudulent activities, and in those reports everything is decided, organized and provided. That's how we live.
      1. 0
        2 December 2022 20: 46
        I came to work in the design bureau of the defense plant in 1979. And there they were by no means engaged in solving crossword puzzles. There were good designers, some of them worked 7 years ago, despite their age. There were also idlers. There is still an opportunity to find those who really could work and take advantage of their knowledge and experience.
        1. 0
          2 December 2022 21: 55
          Any skills and competencies, if they are not in demand, quickly become obsolete. A constructor who has been trading on the market for 5 years ceases to be a constructor. And I don’t mention the age factor, and even someone who was an excellent specialist at the age of 40-50 is far from a fact that he will be capable of at least something at 65-70.
          After all, we have a country of contrasts - everyone is outraged by raising the retirement age to 65, and then suddenly the same people are protesting against the dismissal of employees at 70, proving to everyone that this is almost the most productive age.
  4. -2
    2 December 2022 13: 22
    After 2014, when Russia ceased to be a “beloved wife” for the collective West, this backfired bitterly on all of us. Under pressure from the United States, foreign partners began to refuse to supply Moscow with components and finished equipment, machine tools and technologies.

    Just in 2015-2021, many factories of Western partners were opened + equipment was supplied.
    $100+ billion annually.

    2 notable examples -
    - in 2015, Ulyanovsk, the DMG-Mori plant was opened, for the production of machine tools, which then lit up at the opening of a new diamond-antey workshop for the production of S-400/500
    - in 2016, as part of SSK Zvezda, the Sapphire plant for propeller-driven propellers was opened, all technology - from General Electric, transferred to the Russian Federation.

    so until 24/02/2022 everything was, in general, normal.
    1. +2
      2 December 2022 13: 53
      But its elemental base (chips) - was not and is not.
      And all the listed equipment will stop at the command of the manufacturer. Which has already happened.
      Critical things must be done only by ourselves.
      1. +1
        2 December 2022 14: 33
        Quote: boriz
        all listed equipment will stop at the command of the manufacturer

        Firstly, Marzhetsky was talking about the fact that they had ceased to supply at all since 2014.
        Secondly, right on the click - until it stops.
        (although laying such a function - shutting down on an Internet - is real)

        Only as insurmountable problems arise with the repair.
        At the moment there is no panic.

        Another moment works against us - even with localization of 75%, the lack of supplies of the remaining 25% stops the production of both the finished product and those same 75% of localized components.
        But it was necessary to think about it before 24/02.
        Now we need to look for ways to adapt to the new reality.

        Quote: boriz
        Critical things must be done only by ourselves.

        But while we ourselves do not do certain critical things, we should not run into conflict with those who make and supply them.
        1. +1
          2 December 2022 19: 19
          Another moment works against us - even with localization of 75%, the lack of supplies of the remaining 25% stops the production of both the finished product and those same 75% of localized components.

          I definitely upvote! For some reason, no one realized that the complete absence of the production of some product is not as critical as the localization of 99%. After all, if they refused to supply the finished product, you can buy it elsewhere, even through gray schemes. And if they refused to supply that 1% of the components, then, firstly, their own production of the remaining components rises, and secondly, to reorient production to components from another manufacturer, it is often necessary to completely reconfigure their own production, ensure compatibility, re-verify, certify, etc. In our country, puffed up with complacency, they trumpeted the level of localization at 70%... 80%... 90%... 99... So the current situation was programmed.
          1. +3
            2 December 2022 20: 31
            Quote: UAZ 452
            In our country, puffed up with complacency, they trumpeted the level of localization at 70%... 80%... 90%... 99... So the current situation was programmed.

            They did everything right for the peaceful development of the economy.

            And building the economy of a besieged fortress is futile in any way.
            1. 0
              2 December 2022 21: 49
              That's right in the situation until 2014, and then this option of "import substitution" was much worse than if they hadn't done it at all.
        2. -1
          2 December 2022 20: 53
          No one specifically and did not run up. We were forced, simply driven into this situation. Both us and Ukraine. Look at Poroshenko, although a bastard, he was not devoid of a sense of self-preservation, how he could evade the main things for 5 years: a full-scale conflict with the Russian Federation, the sale of land, and harshly Russophobic language legislation. For which he was replaced by a clown.
          And Putin was determined to wait for the collapse of the Western economy without war. And after February 24.02, to put it mildly, he did not drive Ukraine to a decisive defeat.
          1. +2
            2 December 2022 21: 35
            Quote: boriz
            We were forced, just driven into this situation

            They climbed in.
            Went for wool - they returned shorn.

            It was necessary to pull, so that the APU would be the first to hit the LDNR.
            And turn the LDNR into a fortified area, resettling residents.
            1. +1
              2 December 2022 22: 00
              Quote from Nelton.
              It was necessary to pull, so that the APU would be the first to hit the LDNR.

              And what would be the point? And most importantly, where did you get the idea that in this case we would have fewer problems?
              1. +1
                2 December 2022 22: 20
                Quote: guest
                And what would be the point? And most importantly, where did you get the idea that in this case we would have fewer problems?

                A thin peace is better than a good quarrel.

                Time worked for the Russian Federation and against Ukraine, for Asia against the West.

                If Ukraine had attacked the LDNR, then this would not have caused much enthusiasm in Ukraine. And the same in the EU.

                For whoever attacked is the aggressor.
                1. 0
                  3 December 2022 14: 43
                  Are you really that naive? They would pass off their attack as a defense and they would be believed in the West.
                  1. 0
                    3 December 2022 16: 19
                    Everyone perfectly sees who attacked and who defended.
                    1. 0
                      3 December 2022 17: 06
                      Come on, in the West they really believe that Russia is bombing the Donbass and the ZNPP.
          2. +2
            2 December 2022 22: 02
            Well, in terms of waiting for the collapse of the Western economy - we are the main specialists in this on a global scale. We've been waiting for over a century. And to start a war without setting the goal of defeating the enemy ... if this is so, then it would be better if he played tin soldiers, and war is a serious matter. It either does not need to be started, or conducted in order to win. And if our leadership was "forced" to commit actions that harm the country and are beneficial only to our adversary, then this is either treason or blatant incompetence and incompetence.
        3. 0
          2 December 2022 21: 04
          Secondly, right on the click - until it stops.
          (although laying such a function - shutting down on an Internet - is real)

          Literally a year and a half - two years ago, an Austrian company stopped equipment supplied to the Russian Federation. I just can't find the link right now. But the story was real.
    2. 0
      3 December 2022 09: 50
      You want to say that you do not see the purposeful de-industrialization of the entire country over the past 30 years? And making us dependent on Western technologies?
  5. +2
    2 December 2022 13: 49
    Putin is clearly not in the fairway, and while he is just sailing, his best friends will saw this boat in which we are all sailing until we drown. And all thanks to our great strategist, who hates communism, did not recognize socialism, but did not create capitalism.
    1. 0
      2 December 2022 16: 29
      You, perhaps, abruptly turned down - to determine the system in which the country will continue to develop. And if each model has specific shortcomings, and the country has the limit of its capabilities at the moment? Simpler tasks are not always easy to solve. We have been developing the aircraft industry for many years, and it cannot be said that it went smoothly, rather, with great difficulties. Already the fact that the state, and not the private owner today owns a solid percentage of the industry, is not bad, given what happened in the late 90s.
  6. +2
    2 December 2022 13: 49
    In general, the idea that people were driven into sharashkas so that they would work better is ridiculous.
    In the general trend of fighting conspiracies (which undoubtedly existed), many members of various power groups (there were enough of them then and they are enough now) solved their career tasks by filing denunciations. It was a mass phenomenon. Uneducated investigators found it difficult to figure out who was right and who was wrong. And the groups sought a radical "solution of the issue", and often by pressure through the NKVD.
    As long as the defendant was alive, there was a possibility that the case would take a reverse direction. And then the scammers will go to jail, which happened.
    At the same time, the country was irrevocably losing the best specialists. A consensus arose in the Politburo, to leave specialists behind bars until the circumstances are clarified, like, time will tell. While giving the opportunity to benefit the country. Because there was a catastrophic shortage of specialists.
    And not everyone was innocent. But shooting would be an inadequate measure of punishment.
    Sharashki in the NKVD began to be widely used after the appearance of Beria in the NKVD.
    August 22, 1938 Beria was appointed Yezhov's first deputy.
    September 29, 1938 Yezhov signs the order to create sharashkas.
    After the removal of Yezhov, Beria begins to expand and improve the sharashki, recalling specialists from prisons and zones.
    If specialists from the outside were needed, then at the request of the leaders of the "sharashkas" (convicts), such specialists were seconded to the sharashka, but they lived on the other side of the bars, they only worked together with the convicts.
    Many well-known specialists were saved: Tupolev, Korolev ...
    But Taubin could not be saved. As a result, an automatic grenade launcher, the well-known AGS, began to be feverishly created when they met him during the Vietnam War, in the 1960s.
    Or they could let Taubin bring his AG-2 to mind. And the Red Army would have had this very useful weapon at the beginning of the Great Patriotic War. And it’s not a fact that he would have worked faster behind bars. But in a sharashka, he would have survived.
    Sharashkas were not a tool of coercion, but saving the lives of the necessary specialists in the circumstances then prevailing.
  7. +3
    2 December 2022 14: 02
    It seems that the return to the practice of Soviet “sharashkas”, fanned by a mass of liberal black myths, is becoming more and more urgent.

    Prison offices - you will not say anything - an effective offer for our "thimble-makers". Imagine - how they can beat him without changing anything in essence. The country and the government will remain the same. Can "oases" exist behind barbed wire? Do not forget - then, behind the barbed wire "sharashkas", the life of the Soviet Union was in full swing.
    To change, Sergey, we will have to change the whole country. EVERYTHING that we have launched in 30 years will have to be restored, to clear the rubble, and for this we need people's power. You will say that the enemy will not give us that time.
    That's right - under the current government. However, with this power, we ourselves will not undertake this work.
    Now, if we change power and force the enemy to look into the eyes of his own death, he will give us time. Everything that will be needed. Just like the USSR gave it in 1962.
    If we want to do without hassle, then we have one road, the one we are already on - to the slaughter
  8. +6
    2 December 2022 14: 45
    Shoigu shouted at every corner that 70-80 percent of the army received new weapons.
  9. +3
    2 December 2022 15: 52
    Ha. In fact, this is a proposal to "rearrange the places of the terms" to obtain some other "variable" amount.

    Are there science cities and Skolkovo? there is. Import substitution has been announced? It was.
    "all these highly paid top managers should be closed in specially designated places" was it suggested? suggested. All sorts of NeImAnWorld were announced? were announced. Were good wishes made? Yes, 20 years or more...

    Now rearrange them and everything will be ok? hardly. Moreover, Putin does not give up his own. Everybody knows.

    It is necessary to change the terms, and this .... everyone understands everything ....
  10. +4
    2 December 2022 16: 26
    What is the article about? The fact that the enemies burned their own house, the Soviet Union. Established capitalism in Russia. What does "...Special Design Bureaus" have to do with it, if the entire industry is absent, there are no personnel, everyone wants to be oligarchs, but no one wants to work and the authorities do not need anything.
    1. 0
      3 December 2022 00: 54
      You don't have to speak for everyone and everything.
  11. +2
    2 December 2022 19: 34
    Sharashki is no solution to the problem, there is no subject of research itself, and even in such an original way. In fact, the production of devices is available, but on a very modest scale. They need to be seriously increased, the capacities to expand the manufacturing industry of the military, lift the ban on copy-paste, provide samples, orders and finances, involve groups of programmers and specialists. They found funds and equipment for covid, if they wish, they will also find them for appliances.
    1. +3
      2 December 2022 21: 19
      There is no domestic investment in the country at a normal rate. The entire policy of the Central Bank and the Ministry of Finance is aimed at this. The economy of the Russian Federation is monetized by 40% at a rate of 100%.
  12. -1
    2 December 2022 20: 07
    Well, in this case, how will the science cities proposed by the author differ from the "sharashki"? It seems to me, only the name. Moreover, the fact that there, under the pretext of creating a home environment, in addition to new sharashniks, members of their families will also be kept in a colony-settlement.
  13. 0
    2 December 2022 22: 14
    In general, it is time for Russia to return to the economy of production, and not to the economy of baloney
  14. 0
    2 December 2022 22: 56
    So the West is right, where Russia is called a gas station. Gas station with atomic weapons. And as for the Chubais-Gaidar brethren, why they squandered, plundered Russia, everyone knows why and who they are, what Russia means to them. Jewish scammers, in whose hands Russia ended up both in 1917 and in 1991, in whose hands Russia is with daggers, zircons and tank biathlons. And all this Yeltsin sharashka is already with the enemy, among his fellow swindlers, whom it is even forbidden to name. Ugh, trash..!
  15. -1
    3 December 2022 00: 45
    Good advice from an old-fashioned author:

    If you have a fountain, shut it up!
  16. 0
    3 December 2022 01: 06
    I remember how in the 00s they lived in a shabby hostel and ate and dressed for 2-3 thousand rubles. Then he came to the conclusion that maybe he doesn’t care about this study and science, since no one needs it. And yes, Russia has not become a semi-colony. Russia has almost always been a colony of the West, but only Stalin made it a sovereign country and Gorbachev returned the status of a colony to it, and now Putin returns sovereignty to it, and now it is going from a colony to a semi-colony, followed by sovereignty. But the economic blockade is not going anywhere!
  17. 0
    3 December 2022 01: 36
    Quote from Nelton.
    Quote: UAZ 452
    In our country, puffed up with complacency, they trumpeted the level of localization at 70%... 80%... 90%... 99... So the current situation was programmed.

    They did everything right for the peaceful development of the economy.

    And building the economy of a besieged fortress is futile in any way.

    Not the economy of a fortress, but the economy of a semi-colony. The country is just coming to the state of Iran without the ostentatious comprador aristocracy that led the country into the abyss. This is just the beginning!
  18. 0
    3 December 2022 04: 52
    All this was needed yesterday, but there is no time for today. Secondly, the Soviet system of state administration is capable of a quick and inexpensive solution to such issues, but not the current Russian one.
  19. 0
    3 December 2022 05: 06
    Like in that movie:

    Are you screwed up!?

    (Mom don't worry) they got to the point with all this crowd of effective managers!!! Like: they didn’t know, they didn’t know that this would happen!? No, guys, you need it differently, in a Stalinist way, as in the 30s: a five-year plan at 4 years old, industrialization of the whole country, ... and of course LANDING and identifying enemies of the people !!! Without this, Russia cannot be stirred up and raised!!! Have you heard brothers? And for this, what needs to be done in the near future? That's right, declare war on Ukraine, introduce martial law, mobilize the entire country to achieve victory not over Zehland, but over the West !!! Which is already breathing down our necks !!! The return of NATO to the 1997 borders is the first condition ... they don’t fulfill it .. then it went: massive sabotage on oil pipelines, LNG delivery routes and routes, cutting and blocking transcontinental routes, including the Suez, Panama Canals, the Strait of Hormuz, the intensification of terrorism throughout Europe and, most importantly, North America, Japan, to sink a series of new Fukushima and obscure underwater explosions, block the Danish straits in the Baltic, make the whole of Geyropa a nightmare by the Boshirovs and Petrovs, arrange a hunt and a tribunal over the Ukrainian elite, followed by demonstrative executions; To voice finally WHO is HU? in world politics / ideology / financial capital with a description of their "merits" to all Humanity!??? WEAK Do it! Where are all the Poseidons with Loshariks and other Zircons .. ???! LET all these borrels, ursulyipr. macrons-boris, be afraid of us and tremble !!! WEAK?