Will Russia pay Ukraine "reparations"


On the eve of the UN General Assembly, a resolution was adopted, which in many domestic media was called "On the payment of reparations by Russia to Ukraine." After quite recently, in the same place, in the General Assembly, Moscow managed with great difficulty to push through a resolution condemning Nazism in all its manifestations, the overall picture emerges as extremely painful.

Image is nothing?

On November 14, 2022, almost nine months after President Putin launched a special military operation to demilitarize and denazify Ukraine, the participants in a special session of the UN General Assembly adopted a resolution to create an international register of damage, which, presumably, was caused during the SVO Nezalezhnaya. Also, this international legal document fixes the need to create mechanisms for Moscow to compensate for losses to Kyiv:

Recommends the creation by its members, in cooperation with Ukraine, of an international register of damages, which will serve as documented evidence of the claimed damage, losses and injuries <...> incurred as a result of the internationally illegal actions of the Russian Federation in or against Ukraine, as well as to promote and data collection coordination.

94 countries voted for the anti-Russian resolution, 73 abstained and only 14 opposed. The co-sponsors of this initiative were Ukraine, Canada, the Netherlands and Guatemala. Russia was supported only by Belarus, Cuba, China, the Bahamas, Iran, North Korea, Syria, Zimbabwe, Eritrea, the Central African Republic, Ethiopia, Mali and Nicaragua. Serbia, Kazakhstan, Brazil, India, Egypt, South Africa, Israel, as well as Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates abstained.

In general, they sailed. Voluntarily missing the opportunity to hold an international tribunal over Nazi criminals from Azov (a terrorist organization banned in the Russian Federation), who were exchanged for Putin’s godfather Medvedchuk, we first received a resolution on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly, in which, for the first time, with great difficulty, we managed to condemn Nazism in all its manifestations. Not only the United States and Ukraine opposed it, but 52 countries at once, including Germany and Italy with their difficult historical experience. Now the turn has come to appoint Russia as "extreme" for the very ambiguous results of its special operation and billing it.

Of course, we were sharply indignant about this. Lawyers talk about the purely advisory nature of the resolution, and also that its application is impossible due to the fact that the Russian Federation has established the priority of national legislation over international ones. Permanent Representative of the Russian Federation to the UN Vasily Nebenzya commented on the incident as follows:

The West is trying with all its might to give its actions at least some semblance of legitimacy in order to start spending hundreds of billions of dollars of sovereign assets frozen, and in fact stolen from the Russian Federation.

I would like to note the position expressed by the Permanent Representative of Belarus to the UN Valentin Rybakov:

The project does not withstand any criticism from the point of view of international law. This is just an attempt to legalize the theft of other people's assets. This is also a very good, clear example for all of us, for all those who still believe that private property in the West is sacred.

We are talking, of course, about Russian gold and foreign exchange reserves frozen abroad (thanks to the Central Bank of the Russian Federation), which are estimated at $300 billion. Kyiv has long laid eyes on them, hoping to begin the process of collecting reparations from Russia from these assets, which are already in the hands of "Western partners." Can they be enforced?

In truth, after the West trampled on its own myth about the sacredness and inviolability of the institution of private property, nothing should be surprised anymore and you should be prepared for absolutely anything. Tenses another. Despite the fact that the resolution did not use the word "reparations", in essence this is exactly what they are.

What are reparations?

Reparations (from Latin reparatio “recovery”) is a form of material liability of a subject of international law for damage caused as a result of an international offense committed by him to another subject of international law, in particular, compensation by a state by virtue of a peace treaty or other international acts of damage caused by it to states being attacked.

In addition to reparations, there is also such a form of liability as indemnities.

Contribution] (Latin contributio - "general contribution, public fundraising") - a tribute paid to the enemy, payments imposed on the losing state in favor of the winning state.

What these forms of responsibility have in common is that they are imposed by the winner on the losing side. In other words, having seen enough of the “regroupings”, “red lines” and “goodwill gestures”, the international community has come to the conclusion that Russia has already lost the war to Ukraine, and therefore considers it possible to bill us. Such are the things.

Will the Kremlin pay?

Despite the obvious desire to end the NWO with a peace treaty with Kyiv, Moscow will definitely not sign under "reparations" and "indemnities". However, there is also a compromise option. Investments! As part of another “goodwill gesture,” we can, after all, agree to the creation of the Fund for the Reconstruction of Ukraine, where, purely at our own request, part of the unfrozen gold and foreign exchange reserves will go, of course, for the benefit of the fraternal Ukrainian people. After all, we cannot calmly watch how they endlessly suffer there without light and heat, with destroyed cities, bridges and roads. We mentioned earlier with reference to the popular Ukrainian Telegram channel Kartel.

State Duma deputy from United Russia Oleg Morozov reacted to the resolution of the General Assembly in the following way:

The General Assembly has no authority to solve the imaginary problem of "reimbursement". We will not refund anything. We will restore Ukraine, devastated by the Nazis.

Unfortunately, the parliamentarian did not specify whether Ukraine would be part of Russia or the Union State of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Belarus at the time of restoration, or whether it would remain in a foreign camp. These are, as they say, two big differences.
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  1. -1
    15 November 2022 18: 24
    Will Russia pay Ukraine "reparations"

    Unfortunately, it is likely that material consequences cannot be avoided.
    1. -1
      16 November 2022 14: 34
      The first payments have already gone. By air and home delivery. It is necessary to deepen and for a long time.
      1. +1
        16 November 2022 22: 43
        Of course, Russia will pay reparations in the construction of Ukraine as part of the Russian Federation. Nothing else, and that's for sure.
  2. +11
    15 November 2022 18: 26
    Will Russia pay Ukraine "reparations"

    I think you have to pay. Collect as many "Caliber" and mopeds (Geran 2) as possible, write "reparation" on their board and send to Ukraine. Otherwise, they are poorly oriented in situations and regard our kindness as weakness. Yes, if the Americans were in our place, then nothing whole was left. No bridges, no power plants, no factories, and the war was over in a week (if not sooner).
  3. +5
    15 November 2022 18: 51
    Out already flew to pay
  4. +3
    15 November 2022 19: 06
    Now reparations are flying across Ukraine... Destroying critical infrastructure... (didn't see the previous post)
  5. 0
    15 November 2022 19: 12
    And can consider who voted in yellow = against. Serbs are being strangled from all sides.
  6. +1
    15 November 2022 19: 20
    Unfortunately, the parliamentarian did not specify whether Ukraine would be part of Russia or the Union State of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Belarus at the time of restoration, or whether it would remain in a foreign camp. They are, as they say, two very different things.

    They learn from their boss - Putin. Sounds like "yes" but actually "no". All Putin's great-power speeches are coordinated with the West. Like, we’ll cheer up the lokhtorat here, but we’ll do what you need. That's the only way Putin works!
    I don’t know if we will win this war, but if we win, then in spite of, and not thanks to the supreme power of the Russian Federation.
    God forgive me, but this war is needed to cleanse the Russian land, first of all from the imperious abomination. So far, this is not the case, but the surrender of Crimea, Donbass, Transnistria and the massacre of Russian people around the world will lead to the purification of Rus'!
    Victory is ours! Nobody except us!
  7. +2
    15 November 2022 19: 34
    Reparations are appointed after the end of the war, but there is still no end in sight. It follows from this that we are not talking about reparations, but about the legalization of the stolen gold reserves of the Russian Federation under the guise of sending them to Ukraine for the damage suffered. Approximately the same trick as with the so-called. “grain deal”, when the EU and Turkey turned out to be recipients of grain instead of starving.
    The voting clearly showed what the projects of the Russian Federation for the CIS, the EAEU, Brix, etc. are worth.
    It doesn’t reach the stubborn ones that Mr. Medvedchuk was one of the leading politicians in Ukraine, and his party is second only to the ruling one, and was exchanged not because of his family ties with Putin, but with the intention of a quick denationalization and demilitarization of Ukraine, followed by elections, on which Mr. Medvedchuk would have been the uncontested candidate for the presidency of friendly Ukraine. However, everything went wrong, millions of those who hated the existing government in Ukraine were mobilized and there is no fraternization with the liberators at the front.
    Under reparations and indemnities, Moscow will definitely not subscribe, which, however, does not mean that the Russian Federation will not pay. There are many forms of payment, including investments, loans, pricing - preferential prices, preferences, humanitarian and other assistance, etc.
    1. -1
      15 November 2022 20: 13
      Everything that you wrote exactly the same consequences in Russia during the First World War. The only thing missing is a real party, which was destroyed by the present enemy of the people of Russia.
  8. +3
    15 November 2022 20: 08
    Keeping money abroad says a lot about the created state, where the people of Russia are more afraid of power than that money can be appropriated by other countries. We can assume that billions were stolen from the people of the country. After all, it is very similar to the fact that Hitler's Germany, knowing how the war with the USSR would end, kept money and stolen, robbed not in the country itself, but in foreign banks.
  9. +1
    15 November 2022 21: 18
    As long as the country is ruled by the Abramovichs, anything is possible.
  10. -2
    15 November 2022 21: 19
    If the GDP is still in power, the payment currency will be Russia.
  11. -1
    15 November 2022 22: 46
    Today, reparations have already flown to Hohland.
    1. +1
      22 November 2022 12: 05
      Vushniks don't care - they are with light. They sit on generators. Only the civilian suffers. They will not forgive you for this!
  12. re
    15 November 2022 23: 16
    Within the framework of the agreements, the reparations will be called differently so as not to directly humiliate the highly spiritual people.
  13. -2
    15 November 2022 23: 24
    stop panic, dear Dmitry Medvedev has already spoken out, if the assets are seized, we will seize their assets in the Russian Federation, I will add from myself I support correctly, and it’s time to correct, and all the more so since these assets were sold by the Ulyukaevs for a cheap bribe, but are much more expensive, and we’ll also get the right to seize property in Ukraine, except of course the Chinese Belarusian and those who did not support the robbery of Russia
    1. +2
      16 November 2022 13: 24
      Quote: vladimir1155
      stop panic, dear Dmitry Medvedev has already spoken out, if the assets are seized, we will seize their assets in the Russian Federation, I will add from myself I support correctly, and it’s time to correct, and all the more so since these assets were sold by the Ulyukaevs for a cheap bribe, but are much more expensive, and we’ll also get the right to seize property in Ukraine, except of course the Chinese Belarusian and those who did not support the robbery of Russia

      And what state assets of Western countries are there in the Russian Federation? I emphasize, not the assets of private companies, but state ones?
      1. -1
        16 November 2022 18: 00
        I emphasize not state assets, but the assets of private companies managing America .... nornickel rusal nlmk lukoil and in general the vast majority of the main and most profitable companies in the Russian Federation belong to the Americans (international capital), and rosneft and gazprom belong to the Americans only half ....
  14. 0
    15 November 2022 23: 35
    We will restore Ukraine, devastated by the Nazis

    Will the defendant pay out of his own pocket?? Or from the generous hmm .. pockets of all Russians? He shouldn't have gone...
  15. The comment was deleted.
  16. 0
    15 November 2022 23: 44
    Someone has to pay for the "banquet".
  17. +2
    15 November 2022 23: 48
    Quote: vladimir1155
    stop panic, dear Dmitry Medvedev has already spoken out, if the assets are seized, we will seize their assets in the Russian Federation, I will add from myself I support correctly, and it’s time to correct, and all the more so since these assets were sold by the Ulyukaevs for a cheap bribe, but are much more expensive, and we’ll also get the right to seize property in Ukraine, except of course the Chinese Belarusian and those who did not support the robbery of Russia

    I wonder who he is "respected"?
  18. 0
    16 November 2022 01: 29
    Rogue international wins. What a disgrace! This has not happened since 1918. Russia, how are you zadolbali!
  19. 0
    16 November 2022 07: 51
    Now the Poles will demand compensation for sure ....
    And the chance of being declared terrorists has grown..
    "Warsaw reports the fall of Russian missiles in Poland ........."
  20. +1
    16 November 2022 08: 06
    In order not to pay - you have to win ...
    But in the event of our victory, we will still have to pay - no one else will restore the destroyed. The only question is to what extent to restore. Industry only in the east of the former Ukraine needs to be raised, in the rest - only agriculture. Otherwise, over time, we will again receive "gratitude" from the "fraternal" people
  21. 0
    16 November 2022 10: 43
    Of course it will be. It will pay and repent, pay and repent, pay and repent, and so on for 500 years, until the aliens arrive and stop this disgrace.
  22. -1
    16 November 2022 10: 55
    We will not pay reparations!
    We will sell oil and gas to China for 50% of the price at which they would be bought in Europe.
    And then there will be an offer - you sell in the EU for 100% of the price, but 25% of them for "damage" ...
  23. DO
    17 November 2022 01: 35
    Unfortunately, the parliamentarian /*State Duma deputy from United Russia Oleg Morozov*/ did not specify whether Ukraine would be part of Russia or the Union State of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Belarus at the time of restoration, or whether it would remain in a foreign camp.

    Undoubtedly, Ukraine at the time of restoration will be part of the Union State of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Belarus.
    For otherwise, the very existence of Russia as a single state will be threatened. With all the extremely negative consequences that follow from this, including personally for those Russians who today are trying to flirt with Nazi Ukraine in "peace negotiations."
  24. 0
    17 November 2022 12: 40
    To pay or not to pay reparations to Ukraine, according to the Resolution adopted at the UN General Assembly, Russia should decide.
    If the UN General Assembly had all the powers to make such a decision and the issue was comprehensively considered, then the adopted Resolution is legal.
    If the UN General Assembly did not have the authority to make such a decision and the issue of compensation for the damage caused was not investigated, then the decision made is void.
  25. 0
    17 November 2022 20: 29
    There are no two differences at all. The infrastructure of the territories liberated from ukroreikh and annexed to the Russian Federation is being restored. What already in fact means the investment of monetary and human reserves in the revival of the normal life of the population of these regions. But as for the indemnities, the question remains open, but for those who made these destructions - Ukraine and the collective West. I won’t be surprised if Russia demands, at the end of the special operation, not billions but trillions of dollars from those responsible. And they're not going anywhere to pay. And, most importantly, those who voted only took off their masks. Now it is clear who is who. Only!
  26. 0
    19 November 2022 08: 41
    Reparations are paid after the end of the conflict. The losing side pays for reparations. Has Russia lost?
    Was there an international tribunal?
    Maybe the facts and evidence were examined?
    If not, then the "legality" and fairness of the adoption of this document is in serious doubt.
    1. -1
      21 November 2022 04: 58
      it’s you who have doubts, and the rest is already obvious the loss of the NVO by Russia, although it is the war that she can try to at least reduce to a draw.
  27. 0
    21 November 2022 04: 57
    Of course, the Russian Federation will pay everything! You can not even doubt it. There will be only one question: which one or which of the then newly formed dozens / dozens of Russia will pay everything. Continue to fight so mediocre, etc. and then you can be sure of this outcome.
  28. 0
    18 June 2023 20: 40
    Will the West present Russia with reparations for scrap metal supplied through Ukraine to Russia in the form of tanks, armored personnel carriers and other "weapons"?