Will Putin declare war on Ukraine on September 30, 2022


Seven months after the start of a special military operation to demilitarize and denazify Ukraine, it is forced to transform into something else. The point of no return will be September 30, 2022, when President Putin is to deliver a message to the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation following the results of referendums in four former regions of Ukraine. After that, the conflict between Moscow, on the one hand, and Kyiv and its "Western sponsors," on the other, will move to a completely different level.

Today, when the course of events began to rapidly accelerate, and so many influential political actors with conflicting interests, making any long-term forecasts seems to be a completely thankless task. However, it is possible to determine some general trends, which we will try to do.

Time for ultimatums

The hallmark of modern Russian diplomacy can be recognized as the unwillingness to make any irreversible decisions, to retain space for political maneuver and regrouping, the desire to solve the matter by compromise, so that it would be pleasant "for both ours and yours." However, this approach, for all its ambiguity, only works if the opponents are ready to seek compromises. The problem is that the respected "Western partners" no longer want to negotiate anything with the Kremlin.

Seeing that with an active militarytechnical With the support of the NATO bloc, the Armed Forces of Ukraine can not only successfully defend themselves, but also successfully attack, Washington, London and Brussels relied on the military defeat of the RS RF in the Ukrainian steppes, the subsequent inevitable internal political crisis in Russia itself, the “Maidan” and the collapse of the Russian Federation into several dozen hostile quasi-states. A “black mark” for the Kremlin can be considered a message sent from Turkey from a “friend of Recep” that any peace agreement with Ukraine is possible only with the return of Crimea and Sevastopol to Kyiv.

Further actions of our ruling "elites" indicate that the message was understood correctly. This includes the start of work on the Forces of Siberia-2 project, which is supposed to transfer “European” volumes of Russian gas to China, and partial military mobilization, which the Kremlin stubbornly denied earlier, and the rapid start of referendums and reunification with the Russian Federation in the Sea of ​​\uXNUMXb\uXNUMXbAzov and on Donbass, which were previously postponed and generally were under a big question.

The most important event can be called the holding of referendums. If with mobilization and gas pipelines it is still possible to somehow maneuver, regroup and rewind, then the actual tearing away from Ukraine of part of its internationally recognized territory and its annexation to the Russian Federation is an irreversible step. After that, severe criminal liability will be imposed even for public discussions on the possibility of returning at least one of the former Ukrainian regions back.

The “Western partners” have already promised not to recognize the results of the plebiscites in the DPR, LPR, Kherson and southern Zaporozhye regions and continue military support for the Kyiv regime, while President Zelensky bluntly stated back in August that holding them would exclude the possibility of a “negotiation”:

We will not give anything of ours, and if the occupiers follow these pseudo-referendums, then they will close for themselves any possibility of negotiations with Ukraine and the free world, which the Russian side will definitely need at some point.

In other words, by the end of the seventh month of the special operation, President Vladimir Putin nevertheless decided to take a politically irreversible step and quite deliberately took the path of escalating the conflict. The option to take the Donbass with the Sea of ​​\uXNUMXb\uXNUMXbAzov and then pretend that “we are in the house” and what is happening around us no longer concerns us, will not work. They just won't allow it. The Ukrainian army, which has actually turned into a NATO army, is too big and strong to leave Russia alone with its new four regions. The configuration of the front line, which at the end of next week will turn into our new state border, is too complicated and long to be reliably guarded. Further escalation of the conflict is inevitable.

What will happen next? It is quite possible that events will develop as follows.

September 27 will end the procedure of popular will in the four former Ukrainian regions. After counting the results, the bills on the inclusion of new subjects in the Russian Federation will be submitted to the State Duma on September 28. On September 29, the document can be adopted already in the Federation Council. On September 30, 2022, a day that will definitely go down in the common history of Russia and Ukraine, President Vladimir Putin is likely to address the Federal Assembly with a message. What can be said?

Of course, the head of state cannot but announce publicly the admission of four new subjects to the Russian Federation at once. However, he will also simply have to issue an ultimatum to Ukraine, and perhaps not only to Ukraine. The essence of the ultimatum to the Kyiv regime should be the demand for the immediate withdrawal of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the National Guard from the territory of Russia, which from September 30 will be the Donbass and the Sea of ​​\uXNUMXb\uXNUMXbAzov. Like any ultimatum, it must contain a threat in case of non-fulfillment. Logic dictates that this should be an official declaration of war on Ukraine, which means a transition from the NVO format to a “state of war” with the Kyiv regime.

This assumption is supported by the fact that the president will deliver a message to the Federal Assembly, which, in accordance with Art. 102 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, has the right to approve a change in the borders of the Russian Federation, approve Presidential Decrees on the introduction of a state of emergency and martial law, and also decide on the possibility of using the RF Armed Forces abroad. The fact that martial law will have to be introduced in the Donbass, in the Azov region, as well as in the Russian regions bordering Ukraine, does not raise the slightest doubt. Moreover, it should have been done a long time ago, but better late than never.

The second ultimatum to be issued must be addressed to the "Western partners". The Supreme Commander in the event of a declaration of war on Ukraine should demand that the sponsors of the Kyiv regime immediately stop any supply of weapons and dual-use products for the needs of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Otherwise, direct military support will be considered the entry of each specific country supplying Kyiv with weapons, ammunition, fuel and fuel and lubricants into the war against the Russian Federation on the side of Ukraine. This is a strong and logical move, but will it be made?

Let's see. In any case, at the end of September 2022, the armed conflict in Ukraine will move to a fundamentally different level.
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  1. -10
    25 September 2022 11: 17
    Another "explanation"
    Otherwise, Kyiv was not "bombed" until September 30 ...
    Whether he declares it or not, "his" media, despite the prohibitions of legislation and the Ministry of Defense, have long been calling it a war (and they get away with worse)
    Legislatively, the "operation" is not spelled out in any way, at least attract 100 million.
    But War and Mobilization, it seems, is spelled out in law ..
    1. +4
      25 September 2022 19: 28
      Quote: Sergey Latyshev
      Otherwise, Kyiv was not "bombed" until September 30 ...

      Hardly ever...
      Do you remember any reports of the Ministry of Defense with reports on the defeat of any objects in Kyiv, or at least on the territory of the Kyiv region?

      you took the floor bombed in quotation marks, and thereby showed what was going on.
      1. -9
        26 September 2022 08: 46
        Do you remember some reports of the Ministry of Defense with reports on the defeat of any objects in Kyiv ...

        Russian troops launched strikes with long-range precision weapons on the production buildings of an armored plant in Kyiv and military equipment repair shops in Nikolaev, said the official representative of the Russian Ministry of Defense Igor Konashenkov. April 16.

        If your memory is failing you, then you should not assume that the same thing happens to others.
        1. +4
          26 September 2022 13: 40
          Quote: Trampoline area instructor
          Igor Konashenkov, spokesman for the Russian Defense Ministry, said. 16 April.

          April ?
          And now it's SEPTEMBER, and we were "squeezed" so that we had to announce, albeit partial, but - mobilization
          So that ? Are we "winning"? , or how ?
          Looks like "instructor" in your trampoline area, the ceilings are low Yes
          1. -8
            26 September 2022 17: 51
            Do you remember any reports of the Ministry of Defense with reports on the defeat of any objects in Kyiv, or at least on the territory of the Kyiv region?

            Ale, learn to start at least for your bazaar to answer.
            But I like the way you spin like one pest on a comb. Keep up the good work.
            1. +7
              26 September 2022 19: 24
              Quote: Trampoline area instructor
              Ale, learn to start at least for your bazaar to answer.

              I'm telling you - the ceilings are low...
              Hitting your head over and over again doesn't lead to anything good. No. ...
      2. 0
        27 September 2022 23: 33
        Wow, already answered....
  2. +8
    25 September 2022 11: 46
    Why formally declare war? It seems like for the last 50 years everyone has been quite successfully doing without these conventions .. And even more so, it’s extremely stupid to declare it ourselves .. Why hand over such a trump card to the enemies?
    1. +1
      25 September 2022 12: 17
      So they will declare the war that Ukraine started by attacking the Russian regions. It is important, after all, not who first used this word, but who started hostilities. The very first shelling of the Kherson region or Donbass will mean Ukraine's aggression against the Russian Federation, and Russia will have the right to use nuclear weapons. Incl. ballistic - in the western regions of the Kyiv regime. I agree with the author - exciting events await us!
      1. -19
        25 September 2022 12: 48
        Not events are waiting, but a load of 200 for ALL ...
        1. -8
          25 September 2022 13: 25
          Stop panic! These are scary stories from the times of the arms race, the Soviet bugbear. Surely they will survive, even if only a few. The human species is very resilient. But this World is overpopulated, and reducing its population by 5-6 times is useful both for the survivors themselves and for nature.
      2. +13
        25 September 2022 14: 45
        Quote from Stigh
        The first shelling of the Kherson region or Donbass will mean the aggression of Ukraine against the Russian Federation

        And the shelling of the Kursk, Belgorod regions, Crimea - does not mean aggression?

        Or - " You don't understand something else wassat "?
      3. +3
        25 September 2022 20: 47
        And the very first shelling by Ukraine of the Rostov, Bryansk and Kursk regions does not mean Ukraine's aggression against the Russian Federation?
    2. 0
      25 September 2022 18: 55
      after the declaration of war, the Russian Federation has the right to increase military pressure on the fascists several times and issue ultimatums to those who supply the fascists with weapons
    3. -3
      26 September 2022 10: 01
      "Maidan" and the collapse of the Russian Federation into several dozen warring quasi-states.

      Well, a new state formation will appear in Russia somewhere beyond the Urals and, on the second day of its existence, will deliver a massive nuclear strike by "Sarmatians" against the United States. America from this will be easier?
      And Moscow will say - We have nothing to do with it, this new state formation has done it!
    4. +2
      26 September 2022 13: 42
      Quote from Paul3390
      Why formally declare war?

      А HISTORY Well, somehow you need to write ...

      What will descendants (if they exist, of course) read in textbooks?
  3. +6
    25 September 2022 12: 20
    it seems to me that everything will continue in the current format, for Putin this is too many cardinal decisions, now we have to wait 6-7 months until he is ripe for declaring war, and for a full-scale war you need to be ready, but now this is clearly not observed, and the current trench warfare is pointless
  4. +8
    25 September 2022 12: 33
    Will Putin declare war on Ukraine on September 30, 2022

    Can this help us, if the main condition for the implementation of the US plan is precisely the unleashing of a war in Europe by our hands, into which any US sabotage at one of the nuclear power plants will turn our actions in Ukraine.
    If you ask me - why the States all this? - I, in which I have already cut, I repeat:
    With this war, the Anglo-Saxons are counting on:
    - avert the danger of using Russia's strategic nuclear weapons on its territory when it is defeated by proxy
    - weaken the blood of Russia and completely subjugate (enslave) the European members of NATO, tk. The United States is having problems returning production from China, while Europe has kept them on its own territory and has a decisive competitive advantage in the new world
    - deprive China of potential allies in the face of Russia and Europe
    - with minimal forces and without risk, finish off Russia and take possession of its resources
    - to deprive Europe of the opportunity to claim a fair share of Russia's resources
    - remove possible obstacles before the fight with China
    - earn on the supply of weapons to all
    - earn on the restoration of Europe

    The second ultimatum to be issued must be addressed to the "Western partners". The Supreme Commander in the event of a declaration of war on Ukraine should demand that the sponsors of the Kyiv regime immediately stop any supply of weapons and dual-use products for the needs of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

    This is not enough.
    The key factor is the results of our landmark geopolitical retreat for 30 years, led by the current government, as well as the impossibility of forcing the States and Great Britain to retreat without using for this a real threat of the use of nuclear weapons on their territories.
    It is vitally important for us to force the Anglo-Saxons to win back a lot. At least within the framework of our theatrical ultimatum, in which, nevertheless, everything is correctly written. The countries of Europe will only support the liberation from the prospect prepared for them by their master.
    If it does not work out, you will have to destroy the States and Great Britain, taking a retaliatory strike. We have no other way out. The results of the work of the current government have deprived us of all other alternatives
    1. +5
      26 September 2022 09: 58
      In the light of what I have already said, I will say one more thing - what I must say.
      I don't trust the current government. If you draw a line through all of her actions for 20 years, including the Ultimatum flushed down the toilet, the line is clear. You have to be kids to trust her this time too. Extreme.
      Therefore, what I wrote should be done by completely different people. Whether Russia finds such people depends on her life, as well as our life, the life of our children and their future.
    2. 0
      26 September 2022 10: 08
      - earn on the supply of weapons to all

      And to whom all? If Europe is degreased and production is transferred from it, then how will the peninsula of Europe pay for these weapons, with euro wrappers? Or will they supply China and Russia with their weapons? India can also buy something from the assortment, and put the rest on ...
      1. 0
        26 September 2022 10: 35
        There was no talk of moving production, nor was there any need for it. The talk was about the absorption of Europe by the Americans. As for "earning", this can also be done in different ways, and it is not at all necessary to receive benefits in money. There are also geopolitical benefits - the most valuable
  5. +3
    25 September 2022 13: 25
    Read the UN Charter, and Putin is afraid of violating the UN Charter, because he will not be president all his life. The "elite" of the Russian Federation will not declare war on anyone, especially NATO, "not a hat for Senka." Real estate, families, money, everything is in the golden billion, they will quickly kill Russia in order to save everything, and you are a war.
    1. +1
      25 September 2022 15: 05
      Quote: vlad127490
      Read the UN Charter, and Putin is afraid of violating the UN Charter, because he will not be president all his life. The "elite" of the Russian Federation will not declare war on anyone, especially NATO, "not a hat for Senka." Real estate, families, money, everything is in the golden billion, they will quickly kill Russia in order to save everything, and you are a war.

      You’re right about the UN charter, but not really about motivation, Putin tries to act according to American patterns, and when he and Europe raise a howl, he sticks their noses into their own shit, like puppies, since they cheered all over the world, starting with Hiroshima and Nagasaki and ending our days. We don’t have satellites and we can’t force anyone with a stick or a carrot to vote in the UN as we need, but when the US and NATO begin to hysteria and shout that Kosovo, Libya, Yugoslavia, etc. etc. "it's different" then in the third world countries they understand this whole farce, only this is why the attempt to completely isolate Russia failed and that's the only reason BB arranges all these dances with a tambourine and I must say that so far "everything is going according to plan" and on the ground we have what we have , Putin is sometimes not enough for the whole country am
      1. +9
        25 September 2022 16: 20
        I hope that you will agree that the "elite" wants to return everything as it was in order to live in a golden billion and rob Russia. Putin was appointed by Yeltsin, history cannot be changed, as they say one family. About Ukraine. The territory of Ukraine is whose property? Draw. The Treaty "On Friendship, Cooperation and Partnership between the Russian Federation and Ukraine" dated May 31, 1997 ceased to be valid on April 1, 2019 due to its denunciation by Ukraine. The termination of this Treaty releases the Russian Federation from any obligation in relation to Ukraine. Russia did not transfer, sell or donate its territories to the former Soviet republic of the USSR Ukraine, as well as its foreign assets.
        There is only one decision on Ukraine in favor of the people of Russia. The state of Ukraine must cease to exist. The entire territory of Ukraine (within the borders of 1975 - the Helsinki Accords) must return to Russia, in the form of regions and republics. There is no need to ask permission from anyone, everything must be done unilaterally. There is no state of Ukraine, no debts, no government of Ukraine in exile, no legal Bandera, no Ukrainian participants in various international organizations, no hostile state on the border of the Russian Federation. Russia will increase its economic and military-political influence on the EU, there will be direct access to the EU countries. The northwestern part of the Black Sea will belong to Russia.
        1. +1
          27 September 2022 06: 26
          These are correct judgments! One way or another, but any reasoning on the topic of "Ukraine" comes to such conclusions. Dialectics. And then comes the practice.

          The enemy will be defeated. Victory will be ours!
    2. +3
      26 September 2022 10: 11
      Real estate, families, money, everything in the golden billion,

      This "golden billion" will take away all the gingerbread from this "elite", as pirates usually do with mouth-waterers who cowardly lowered their flag without fighting for their lives and wealth.
  6. +7
    25 September 2022 13: 48
    what about the meaning? The war is going on. And everything is done without unnecessary formalities. you just need to declare to the whole world - PROJECT UKRAINE IS CLOSING!
  7. +2
    25 September 2022 13: 55
    Most likely, the degree will be raised gradually and the special operation will turn into an "anti-terror" operation, even the United States did not dare to declare war on either Iraq or Libya, there were also various operations am
  8. 0
    25 September 2022 14: 04
    Of course, he won't. Only a great lawyer doesn't know that a solution with a single option is, by definition, bad.
    1. +1
      27 September 2022 06: 22
      In this case, it is not lawyers who decide, everything is decided by gunners.
  9. +2
    25 September 2022 14: 09
    Quote: vlad127490
    Read the UN Charter, and Putin is afraid of violating the UN Charter, because he will not be president all his life. The "elite" of the Russian Federation will not declare war on anyone, especially NATO, "not a hat for Senka." Real estate, families, money, everything is in the golden billion, they will quickly kill Russia in order to save everything, and you are a war.

    The elite has become convinced that keeping money abroad and building summer cottages there is even more dangerous than in Russia. The "partners" from the EU have done what we have been unable to do for many years. By seizing the property and assets of these fat cats. It has come to the point that these bastards are forced to transport cash on private planes and store it in anonymous safe deposit boxes in other people's banks. There are not many of them. And a hundred or two will not be able to do anything about the President's decision. It may simply not be there during critical days. Nowhere.
  10. +1
    25 September 2022 14: 10
    If Ukraine does not stop the shelling of territories that are part of the Russian Federation, the Constitution of the Russian Federation gives an unequivocal answer.
    1. +8
      25 September 2022 14: 56
      Quote: Jacques Sekavar
      If Ukraine does not stop the shelling of territories that are part of the Russian Federation, the Constitution of the Russian Federation gives an unequivocal answer.

      That's just a "hook" ... The Guarantor of the Constitution, it turns out, the Guarantor is purely nominal ...

      There are doubts that Putin became a purely nominal Guarantor of the Basic Law at the very first unanswered salvo on the territory of Russia?

      Or we will twist and turn, rape the Constitution - "But this is not a reason", "But this is complete nonsense"...

      The Constitution has long been bleeding from the murdered inhabitants of border villages, and the Guarantor has kept quiet...
      1. -1
        25 September 2022 20: 53
        So he typed into his mouth that in four used regions referendums are being held on joining the Russian Federation. It happened by itself, and the Guarantor scored in his mouth, yeah.
        1. +4
          25 September 2022 21: 07
          Quote: Avarron
          So he typed into his mouth that in four used regions referendums are being held on joining the Russian Federation. It happened by itself, and the Guarantor scored in his mouth, yeah.

          Referendums (a process that is in itself remarkable good Yes ), somehow influenced the cessation of shelling of the territory of the Russian Federation from the neighboring pseudo-state?

          Have the "red lines" worked, has the Constitution "started speaking" through the mouth of its Guarantor about ADDITIONAL measures to stop manifestations of aggression against Russia?

          I repeat again - The President of the Russian Federation is keeping silent, stalling for time, and is somewhat sluggish in his response.
          For example - forced announcement of partial mobilization...
          1. -1
            25 September 2022 21: 11
            I wonder what other reaction you should expect from him? It seems, and so howling ... a military operation is underway. You are strange, comrade.
            1. +3
              25 September 2022 21: 52
              Quote: Avarron
              It seems, and so howling ... a military operation is underway.

              So you yourself cannot give a definition to THAT, what is still "like" going on.
              And from your "like", too, it breathes some kind of uncertainty, uncertainty ...

              Quote: Avarron
              You are strange, comrade.

              Looking back at what you wrote, he is "strange", no more than you. Yes
              1. -1
                26 September 2022 13: 09
                What is the definition here? That is, if Putin calls it a "war", will this mean that there is a reaction, but for now it's "SVO", then there is no reaction? Although they crumble the same way.
                So I say, you are strange, comrade.
                1. +3
                  26 September 2022 13: 27
                  Quote: Avarron
                  So I say, you are strange, comrade.

                  The fact that you are ranting about reactions and “oddities” will not move the SVO forward one step (in fact, that is what we are seeing).
                  And by the time when the reserves from the announced mobilization "pull up" - dill in the Kharkov direction can reach the state border ...
            2. 0
              27 September 2022 06: 23
              He's not weird. He's just coming out tre p LO.
          2. 0
            27 September 2022 17: 22
            About the Constitution of the Russian Federation of 1993. Find the original Constitution??? Not a project.
    2. +3
      25 September 2022 16: 23
      so the outskirts and the current territories are shelling - the Belgorod, Kursk regions, Crimea, and that the Constitution does not give a reason to declare war? Nothing will happen after the referendums, everything will remain in the CBO format
    3. +1
      25 September 2022 20: 40
      and Russia itself does not count!?!?
  11. 0
    25 September 2022 15: 03
    The second ultimatum to be issued must be addressed to the "Western partners". The Supreme Commander in the event of a declaration of war on Ukraine should demand that the sponsors of the Kyiv regime immediately stop any supply of weapons and dual-use products for the needs of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Otherwise, direct military support will be considered the entry of each specific country,.....

    I don’t agree with this assumption - ours will not go into such a tough confrontation - into a direct clash with NATO ... Ukraine is already enough, and the last months of the NMD have shown that we are not able to fight against PMCs and Ukraine supported by NATO - we need serious resources
    1. +2
      25 September 2022 19: 22
      Quote: alex178
      The second ultimatum to be issued must be addressed to the "Western partners".

      It sounds like "The Horseman of the Apocalypse"...
  12. +2
    25 September 2022 16: 33
    There is a civil war between Western Ukraine led by Kyiv with Eastern Ukraine. Ukraine is an occupation zone of NATO bloc countries.
    Russia needs to legislate that the entire territory of Ukraine, seized by the separatists with the help of NATO, is the property of Russia.
    Then, in accordance with the Law, the military operation conducted by the Russian Federation in Ukraine is the liberation of the territory of Russia occupied by separatists, the restoration of the territorial integrity of Russia, the reunification of peoples, the inclusion of the economy, population, territory of Ukraine in the sphere of economic activity of Russia.
    The presence of the Law will designate the goal, give certainty about the future to the citizens of Ukraine. Citizens living on the territory of Ukraine will not have to be afraid in the future for themselves, for persecution by the fascist regime. The military of Ukraine will en masse go over to the side of the Russian Federation, knowing that in the future they will become citizens of Russia and, if desired, military personnel of the Russian Armed Forces.
    All actions of the Russian Army on the territory of Ukraine will comply with the Law. The law will not allow NATO to intervene, to introduce troops from Poland, Romania, Hungary into the territory of Ukraine, and the annexation of Ukraine by these countries will automatically disappear. When there is Law, then there will be no War.
    1. 0
      27 September 2022 06: 38
      Sound reasoning! People need to understand this - at present, the so-called "Ukraine", it would be more correct to call Malorossiya (in fact, these are illegally seized historical lands of Russia) is under occupation by a pro-American nationalist regime, headed by the Zionist and criminal Zelensky, and the international terrorists who support him. Russia is waging a war of liberation, de-occupying the captured territories and restoring historical justice. The most interesting thing is that the UN understands this perfectly well. As does the rest of the world. That is why these actions of our country and, accordingly, Putin personally are so deadly for the collective West - the forces of evil, injustice and slavery.

      The enemy will be defeated. Victory will be ours!
  13. -1
    25 September 2022 16: 51
    Putin will launch Vanguard with a 2 megaton nuclear warhead at NATO military facilities in Europe.
    How else can he back up the ultimatum?
    Both sides have been preparing for war for a long time (for various reasons) and now they have come.
  14. +1
    25 September 2022 17: 02
    More interesting are the political steps that the Kiev leadership will take. Logic suggests that it is Kyiv that must declare war on Russia, otherwise it will end up in an even more stupid position than it is now. If Ukraine sent troops to the territory of the Russian Federation and started holding referendums there, it would be unambiguously defined as an act of war, and the Kremlin's reaction would be lightning fast. Events are pushing Kyiv to declare war. Any decision in this situation will be disastrous for Ukraine.
    1. 0
      27 September 2022 06: 40
      Ukraine will cease to exist.
  15. 0
    25 September 2022 17: 11
    Sergei, they won't declare war. The leadership of the MO will not change. It's a pity.
    1. 0
      25 September 2022 17: 37
      Jurywho needs to declare war?

      In Ukraine, a group of people with the participation of the United States seized power. There has been a civil war for many years. Therefore, a special operation was appointed, one of the warring parties does not want to negotiate, ignores the Minsk agreements and chose Nazism as its ideology.

      PS Maybe referendum help resolve the conflict that the Nazis unleashed.
  16. +2
    25 September 2022 17: 40
    Something will happen soon anyway. People who are not familiar with German (and specifically Anglo-Saxon) psychology and frivolously allow the use of nuclear weapons, even for EMF, probably do not understand the seriousness of what is happening. The Anglo-Saxon is very dangerous as an enemy. Unlike the Russian, he does not have a rich imagination, which makes him predictable (understand him literally!), but once he has made a decision, he will not back down from him. Like a bulldog, like Terminator 3. So WW3 will not be canceled already, and Russia should be fully aware of this. But nuclear weapons are the wrong decision. Otto von Skorzeny with his special forces managed to free Mussolini. Drop your special forces on the Zelensky clown to sow chaos, immediately destroy the entire governing structure, the entire civilian infrastructure, all supply routes, sparing no expense with your daggers, governors, satans, etc.!
    1. 0
      27 September 2022 06: 42
      The collective West has not actually won a single war. Yes, these killers destroyed states that were initially weaker, there were successes in individual battles. But not in wars.

      If there is a nuclear war - this is the "end of the road." Win or lose is not important here, if we use IT language, this is formatting. It is unlikely that such a result awaits the West. Most likely they are sure (someone inspired them) of their victory, and total, without prejudice to themselves. The question is who will clarify the situation to these madmen, theoretically. After all, a practical and visual explanation will mean, as I have already said, "the end of the road."

      The enemy will be defeated. Victory will be ours!
  17. +4
    25 September 2022 19: 34
    There are only 2 options after the referenda.
    The whole world is in ruins and Russia with new territories.
    I don’t think that Ukraine is dearer to the Americans than their billions and a well-fed life.
  18. 0
    25 September 2022 20: 54
    No. Perhaps someone will declare, but not a full-fledged war.
    In the event of an official declaration of war, UN peacekeeping instruments will be used against Russia.
  19. 0
    25 September 2022 21: 58
    Quote: Möbius
    Quote: Jacques Sekavar
    If Ukraine does not stop the shelling of territories that are part of the Russian Federation, the Constitution of the Russian Federation gives an unequivocal answer.

    That's just a "hook" ... The Guarantor of the Constitution, it turns out, the Guarantor is purely nominal ...

    There are doubts that Putin became a purely nominal Guarantor of the Basic Law at the very first unanswered salvo on the territory of Russia?

    Or we will twist and turn, rape the Constitution - "But this is not a reason", "But this is complete nonsense"...

    The Constitution has long been bleeding from the blood of the murdered
    residents of border villages, and the Garant kept his mouth shut...

    And this is only what is listed for the Armed Forces of Ukraine. National Bats, Terbats - out of the calculations. Putin has other plans. And there is no war without losses.
  20. +3
    26 September 2022 03: 09
    We are fighting to stop the killing and bombing of children and civilians (NVO), you (West, NATO, Ukraine) are fighting to continue the KILLING.
  21. +1
    26 September 2022 09: 48
    No. Putin will not declare war on Ukraine. This is a civil war in our territory. Territories of the Soviet Union.
    1. 0
      26 September 2022 10: 31
      In March 1991, a referendum was held on the preservation of the USSR.

      According to the official results, 148 people or 574% of the total number of voters took part in the referendum, of which 606 people (80,03%) answered the referendum question in the affirmative

      Russia is the successor of the USSR.
  22. The comment was deleted.
  23. -2
    26 September 2022 11: 00
    ... the conflict between Moscow, on the one hand, and Kyiv and its "Western sponsors", on the other, will move to a completely different level...
    The essence of the ultimatum to the Kyiv regime should be the demand for the immediate withdrawal of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the National Guard from the territory of Russia, which from September 30 will be the Donbass and the Sea of ​​\uXNUMXb\uXNUMXbAzov.
    The second ultimatum to be issued must be addressed to the "Western partners". The Supreme Commander in the event of a declaration of war on Ukraine should demand that the sponsors of the Kyiv regime immediately stop any supply of weapons and dual-use products for the needs of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Otherwise, direct military support will be considered the entry of each specific country that supplies Kyiv with weapons, ammunition, fuel and fuel and lubricants into the war against the Russian Federation on the side of Ukraine.
    This is a strong and logical move...

    This is the rare case when my conclusions coincide with the author! Thanks for making it so logical.
    Let's see what really happens...
  24. +2
    26 September 2022 11: 10
    Quote from Paul3390
    Why formally declare war? It seems like for the last 50 years everyone has been quite successfully doing without these conventions .. And even more so, it’s extremely stupid to declare it ourselves .. Why hand over such a trump card to the enemies?

    And then, that in the event of war, any "business" contacts, such as payment for gas pumping and other trade, are closed, no electricity supplies. Ukraine is now a total enemy. Even formal "agreements", such as extractions, will be officially considered treason, as they are carried out in the interests of the enemy. You can continue yourself, in order to awaken the imagination, read about the relationship between the USSR and Nazi Germany in the period 1941-1945.
  25. +1
    26 September 2022 13: 56
    Principled - from the word principles, some who have been friends with Western "partners and colleagues" for 30 years and connected with the umbilical cord and economic, financial and political, have no principles. So, nothing personal, just "business showdowns" are going on, as a result of which - "the pans are fighting, the forelocks of the slaves are cracking."

    Principle: 1. Fundamental truth, law, position or driving force underlying (underlying) other truths, laws, provisions or driving forces. 2. Guiding position, basic rule, setting for any activity. 3. Internal conviction in something, a point of view on something, a norm of behavior.

    politicians and officials have only one "principle" - money, and this is especially evident in times of upheavals and trials for the country.

    Meanwhile, deliveries of raw materials and energy resources continue to "unfriendly" countries (sponsoring Ukraine), including the United States, including titanium and uranium (and it is not plumber Petrov or ordinary Ivanov who do this) ... and inside the country officials produce new laws aimed as if specifically at "rocking the boat" (see orders, orders of the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Economy and other "creatiffs", whose name is legion).

    This is who, in all fairness, should have been declared war on long ago, so that the country would be strong, united and just. But the entire fifth column feels great and continues sabotage, subversion and all other actions aimed at a social explosion, economic collapse, division and destruction of Russia, and no one can tell them what to do.
    Our country and army have always defeated any enemy, but the steadfastness and courage of the Russian people and army will not save them from betrayal and betrayal by the "leaders and guides."
  26. 0
    26 September 2022 15: 41
    I want to remind you that in Europe there have already been similar referendums on the reunification of fraternal peoples....
    Moreover, there the turnout went off scale for 99,7%, and the number "for" - also for 99,7%.
    And - if anyone does not remember - the organizers of two such referendums were later hanged or imprisoned.
    In the sense - who did not have time to shoot himself or eat poison in the bunker - and lived to see his bench in Nuremberg.
    It's a historical fact
    So with "referendums" everything is not very ... definitely
    As well as with the 1991 referendum, which patriotic defenders are not very willing ... to carry out
    And it all started quite bravura, with legal events and waving greetings of citizens enthusiastically welcoming the entry into ... some country.
    So let's not overestimate the importance of the cases, which, moreover, do not particularly comply with the laws of our own country.
    1. 0
      27 September 2022 06: 53
      I want to remind you that you are wrong. No, not that they hanged some kind of creatures, not at all. They were hanged, and some of these creatures whined and fought before that. And for what they hung. So why? Yes, that's exactly what you were weaving here.
  27. +1
    26 September 2022 16: 20
    It is necessary to interrupt the supply of weapons and manpower from Europe to Ukraine. To do this, it is necessary to destroy all supply routes. There are not many of them. Border crossings and railways and highways at a depth of 20-30 km and that is enough. Block air traffic between the West and Ukraine. All aircraft over the territory of Ukraine are a legitimate target... And the same with sea and river transport.
  28. 0
    26 September 2022 17: 19
    This greatly "unties our hands" and the army can use any weapon, not necessarily nuclear, which of course will not be used on the territory where we still live. Nuclear weapons will first of all be used on NATO bases, the Rammstein base and most importantly on the Pentagon. Putin will need to directly tell our opponents about this so that they understand that in the case of weapons supplies or the presence of mercenaries with chevrons of unfriendly countries means that these countries become participants in the conflict and there is no way back. We need to say that we will be forced to use nuclear weapons on unfriendly countries for the security of our territory or first use hypersonic weapons on factories and plants producing these weapons. In any case, the escalation of the conflict will be very serious.
  29. 0
    29 September 2022 05: 54
    The hallmark of modern Russian diplomacy can be recognized as the unwillingness to make any irreversible decisions, to retain space for political maneuver

    - And why the hell did Putin need this NATO ultimatum to return to the 1997 borders? So he automatically turned all NATO against him. Why the hell did Putin need to attack the western regions of Ukraine (and then run away), because he could simply concentrate on the eastern and southeastern regions of Ukraine, where his forces were sufficient to capture them, and then organize defense. History would repeat itself with Crimea, albeit with a little more noise. Why did he threaten the whole of Ukraine? Russian diplomacy is weak because it does not work with politics, but only with ultimatums, for the implementation of which it has neither the strength nor the resources.