Why the project "Grudinin" is doomed to failure

On the eve of the presidential election in Russia, they continue to discuss possible scenarios in the event of the victory of Vladimir Putin. As you know, the main opponent of the current head of state is a candidate from the left-patriotic forces Pavel Grudinin.

The candidate himself, a businessman, has already stated that in the event of his defeat in the elections, he is ready to head the cabinet, but only on condition of completely “untied hands” in socialeconomic policy. But it is hard to believe that the Kremlin will really agree to appoint Grudinin as prime minister under President Putin. Nevertheless, Pavel Grudinin, who was managing only an agricultural enterprise, does not have the experience of public service that would allow him to head the Russian government. Most likely, the candidate from the Communist Party will not be offered less significant posts in the cabinet. Of course, the “agrarian” Grudinin could apply, for example, to the post of Minister of Agriculture, but certain obstacles may arise.

Pavel Grudinin is a stranger to the country's current political elite, despite his successful business and growing popularity. But that's not the point. There are quite clear formal grounds that currently do not allow Pavel Grudinin to miss the public service. As you know, the presence of bank accounts abroad, foreign real estate and relatives permanently residing abroad, according to Russian law, blocks the path to public service, especially in such prominent positions as ministerial posts. Although Pavel Grudinin reported on the closure of his accounts in foreign banks to the Central Election Commission, this is unlikely to be a serious argument, increasing the credibility of the Kremlin.

Of course, bills and apartments abroad can also be identified with current officials, but the situation with Grudinin is a very special case. He is a public politician who did not hide the fact of having foreign bank accounts. In addition, the son of the presidential candidate, Artem Grudinin, owns real estate in Latvia and is the holder of a residence permit in this country, by the way, not very friendly to Russia. Already two of these grounds can cross out any chances of Pavel Grudinin to receive a ministerial portfolio after the election.

Pavel Grudinin was entrusted with a governorship in the Moscow Region, where he headed his state farm for a long time. However, demands are made on the governors in Russia, similar to the requirements for ministers. This, in any case, is access to secret data that will not be given to a person with relatives abroad. Finally, the “tidbit” of Moscow Region is more likely to be entrusted to a more close person, without an opposition component. After all, Grudinin publicly declares his leftist views, which is not to the liking of most representatives of the ruling elite.

Therefore, we can conclude that in the event of a defeat in the presidential election, Pavel Grudinin will most likely not receive any leadership positions either in the government or in the administration of the Moscow region or any other region of Russia. The experience of participating in the presidential campaign, however, will be a big plus for a beginner if he decides to pursue an active political career as a deputy or leader of a political party.
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  1. +1
    26 February 2018 11: 21
    That is, a mendel who does not have ANY leadership experience, maybe, but a person who in the times of devastation was able to build an enterprise is not?