How Russian troops should prepare for the liberation of Ukrainian cities


The months-long battle for Mariupol was a terrible test for both sides. In order to destroy the Ukrainian Nazis from "Azov" (recognized as a terrorist organization in the Russian Federation) in their lair, it was necessary at the same time to practically demolish half the city to the foundation. Now residents of other regional centers and large cities of Ukraine, which the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the National Guard intend to turn into their "human shield", rightly fear the transition of hostilities to their territory. Is it possible to somehow minimize damage to infrastructure and casualties among non-combatants?

Let's just say that there are no simple and universal solutions. Urban battles are always the most difficult, protracted and bloody, because, thanks to the use of buildings, structures and other communications, even irregular infantry has the opportunity to seriously rebuff a technically superior enemy. If the defenders are properly prepared, motivated and armed, have modern communications and effective command and control, the task of the attackers becomes much more difficult.

In order to take a large settlement by storm, three conditions must be met: to completely block it, excluding the supply of ammunition and the transfer of replenishment of manpower, to have well-trained and armed assault groups, as well as a complete information picture through reconnaissance for the effective management of available forces and the issuance of targeting data.

During the Great Patriotic War, the heaviest battles of the Red Army took place in Stalingrad in 1942, in Budapest in 1944 and in Berlin in 1945. Heavy artillery, tanks and aircraft were widely used, but the main work was nevertheless done by special assault groups - infantry, reinforced by sappers and flamethrowers, operating with the support of tanks and self-propelled guns. Artillery fire had to destroy buildings where the enemy dug in, including direct fire. Where this was not possible, the enemies were bombarded with mortars. Infantry was used to protect their armored vehicles from "tank hunters". How not to use tanks in the city, unfortunately, was demonstrated during the first assault on Grozny during the First Chechen campaign.

The battle in urban conditions is an extremely difficult task, so you need to prepare for it in advance. So, before the amphibious landing in Normandy, the Allies organized a corresponding center in the English village of Imber, from where the entire population was evacuated. Subsequently, the British used it as a training ground for their troops before being sent to Northern Ireland. Also in the United Kingdom, a special “Afghan village” was built in Stanford to train the military, it’s clear against whom. Similar sites for preparing for urban battles are available in the USA, France, Germany and other countries of the NATO bloc.

In Russia, for such tasks, first of all, soldiers of the Special Operations Forces are trained. They mainly use low-noise weapons: AS Val and SR-3M assault rifles, VSS Vintorez and VSK-94 sniper rifles, special PSS pistols, etc., which allow them to operate effectively in difficult urban conditions. Even the "cleansing" of one building is a very difficult problem.

Having received intelligence, it is necessary to approach it, covertly or dynamically attacking. Penetration inside is carried out through windows or pre-made gaps in the walls with the help of assault ladders. In the occupied premises, a support position is equipped, which can be used to evacuate the wounded. You have to move very carefully inside the building in order to clear it, being afraid of booby traps and hiding behind special assault shields. When capturing a detached building, several groups can be used simultaneously - external blocking, internal blocking and directly assault.

A big problem can be moving along the streets of the city, defended by the enemy. Viewed and fired areas should be crossed by fighters at maximum speeds, preferably using a smoke screen, covering each other. You must move along the streets along the buildings, avoiding doorways that can be mined, getting inside only through breaches in the walls made by the explosion. At the same time, you will have to fight for each building, clearing them one by one, which explains the low rate of liberation.

It should be understood that such things must be taught in advance, and each such “special” is a piece of “goods”. Yes, now the servicemen of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and the "policemen" of the NM LDNR have to master this difficult and dangerous science on the go. For the most effective operations in urban conditions, we need to massively prepare our infantry for this. The war for Ukraine will be just like that, in the cities.

Also, the task for the Russian Defense Ministry to liberate large settlements should be greatly simplified by the massive use of drones, reconnaissance and strike drones.

For example, to capture Mosul, the Pentagon deployed units and formations of the Iraqi Armed Forces with a total strength of 40 people and 30 Iraqi federal police fighters. The first stormed, the second - blocked the city. The Americans continuously kept dozens of reconnaissance and reconnaissance-strike UAVs of various classes, from tactical to strategic, in the sky over Mosul, and the US Air Force supported the attack on the city with massive missile and air strikes. They were able to take Mosul only after 9 months, while not particularly ceremonious, so the pace of the liberation of Donbass by Russian troops against this background looks very decent.

What we need to accelerate is obvious: more reconnaissance and strike drones of all classes, which will allow us to continuously monitor the situation, provide data for target designation and help in counter-battery combat. Especially to reduce the destruction of civilian infrastructure and losses among the civilian population, kamikaze drones of the KUB or Lancet type can be useful. These loitering ammunition should fly literally through the window, hitting the firing points of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the National Guard, which they love to place on the roofs and apartments of residential buildings, as well as put their own machinery near kindergartens and hospitals.

The acute shortage of domestic UAVs, including kamikaze drones, can and even needs to be quickly filled with supplies from Iran.
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  1. +6
    10 August 2022 14: 45
    Who allowed such that UAV drones are not enough? Maybe the one who allowed this should be replaced with someone who can look three steps ahead...?
    1. 0
      11 August 2022 18: 15
      The one who allowed a long time in the grave, the rest will not return to Russia.
  2. +1
    10 August 2022 17: 20
    The main thing is to decommunize to the very foundation everything Soviet in those cities that will remain with Ukraine or someone else. Since Russia is the legal successor of the USSR, it has every right (especially the moral right) to do this, especially the housing stock that the "damned communists" handed out in the form of apartments to the grandfathers and fathers of those who are now jumping and fighting against Russia. Need help in the fight against the Soviet, communist past.....!
    And it turns out the other way around. These creatures have reached the NPP ALREADY!
    The rest, after all, have the right to destroy Soviet monuments in European cities. Everything is honest. FIGHT WITH THE PAST!
    1. 0
      11 August 2022 18: 17
      We need to help vulnerable low-income families. The rest will have to wait.
      1. -1
        12 August 2022 20: 21
        nado wojewat i denacyfikowat ne socjane posobja banderowcam dawat
  3. -1
    10 August 2022 20: 05

    The months-long battle for Mariupol was a terrible test for both sides. In order to destroy the Ukrainian Nazis from "Azov" (recognized as a terrorist organization in the Russian Federation) in their lair, it was necessary at the same time to practically demolish half the city to the foundation.

    Military review:


    1. Completely destroyed city. Myth. According to eyewitnesses - up to 50%, there are entire streets untouched by the war, where as if nothing had happened. The tragedy of the city is not in bombs and shells, the tragedy is in the complete cessation of the supply of water, electricity, gas and the confiscation of all products and medicines by the militants. And also - in the complete paralysis of the healthcare system due to the use of hospitals as locations for militant units.
  4. 0
    10 August 2022 20: 13

    Months-long battle for Mariupol

    The facts:
    the city was locked down on 2 March;
    from the second half of April, most of the units of the Russian Federation and the DPR were transferred to other sectors of the front, since the Nazis were tightly clamped at the Azovstal plant;
    from May 16 - the surviving Nazis surrender.

    Author! What "many-month-battles"!?
  5. +2
    10 August 2022 22: 19
    How Russian troops should prepare for the liberation of Ukrainian cities

    So how do you prepare? no answer.
    There is only one thing in the text: "it is necessary, it is necessary, it is necessary" and plus a fry from the standard training manual on tactics, which seems to be in the troops anyway. That "Penetration is carried out through windows or pre-made gaps in the walls with the help of assault ladders," I hope it says there.

    In terms of preparation: to train so much, to buy so much, to concentrate there - somehow there is nothing /
  6. -2
    11 August 2022 08: 31
    In order to take by storm a large settlement, ...

    1) After the word "that", a comma is needed.
    2) I'm not at all sure that large settlements should be taken by storm, and references to the capture of Budapest and Berlin are inappropriate here - resources and capabilities are very different. It is enough to cut off supplies and supplies, winter is just around the corner, open humanitarian corridors for those who want to go out, the rest, like rats, will feed on each other.
    3) By the way, the assault on the dungeons of the Mariupol factories was stopped personally by Putin, who also mentioned a fly there, which should not fly by.
  7. 0
    11 August 2022 09: 56
    How Russian troops should prepare for the liberation of Ukrainian cities - just as they liberate settlements in the DPR-LPR - circling, a green corridor for the civilian population, pinpoint strikes on firing points, a leisurely sweep house after house, the promise of a paradise life in captivity.
  8. -2
    11 August 2022 15: 16
    ne nado izobretat welociped nado u wraga uczitsa amerikosy w Mosule dali pouczitelnyj primer kak brat gorooda milionszciki = kowrowa bombardirowka -FABy+zazigalki+ oskoloczne zamedlennego dejstwa potom arta bronetechnika z pechotoj na final gorod wzjat potery minimalne w bolszinstwe nebojewye eto krowozadno nodla menja zizn 1 Russkowo soldata doroze miliona 200
    1. Ksv
      11 August 2022 21: 44
      Unfortunately, we can't be like our enemies... yet...
      1. -2
        12 August 2022 20: 47
        Quote from ksv
        Unfortunately, we can't be like our enemies... yet...

        eto woinskaja negramotnost sowetuju vonKlausewitza proczitat "O Wojne" W MIlitere w perewode jest
        dobrjactwo gumanizm i blagorodstwo na wojne = put k porazenju krowozadnost i bezposzczadnost dajut pobedu Ludenndorf "o wojne totalnej" toze poleznyj i na Militere jest w perewode
        wasza pozycja sztatska na wojne glawnoje eto strategiczeskaja celeobraznost
        3 Otecestwennaja wojna ne rycarskij turnir blagorodstwo nieumestne i wrednoje kak Suworow bral izmail jego gerojske soldaty byli dla turkow bezposzczadny
        1 oteczenstwennaja 1812 result Parad pobedy w Parize
        2 oteczestwennaja 1941-1945 parade w Berlin
        teper 3 efekt budet: Norymberga2.0 Bidenu& co WMN Na morju w meste gdebyly USA parad WMF
  9. 0
    18 August 2022 20: 12
    Perhaps we should just blockade the city and release only the civilian population. The rest either give up or starve to death.