Turbines of the German concern Siemens in Russia can replace Iran


The story of the turbines of the German concern Siemens stuck in Canada, which are needed for the operation of both Nord Streams, raises very serious questions. Why does Russia, despite the declared "modernization" and "import substitution", still not have its own powerful gas turbines and we are still technologically dependent on the collective West? Or do they still exist?

The story of Siemens turbines is somewhat tragicomic in its own way. In order to “punish” Russia for the special operation it launched to demilitarize and denazify Ukraine, the United States and the European Union, with some other countries that joined them, imposed crippling sectoral sanctions against us. However, sanctions, as you know, are a double-edged weapon. Gazprom reduced the volume of gas supplies to Europe via the Nord Stream pipeline to 40% of its design capacity, which made Berlin head over heels.

The fact is that for the pumping of blue fuel, special gas-pumping units are required, consisting of a turbine and a compressor, which need periodic repairs. There are only nine of them at the Portovaya compressor station: six of them are Siemens SGT-A65 gas turbines (based on Rolls-Royce aircraft engines) and three more less powerful SGT-A35 turbines. In accordance with the current agreement, the turbines must undergo regular technical service, and not even in Germany, but in Canada. After Ottawa joined Western sanctions, it refused to return them to Russia.

Gazprom just shrugged and used this pretext to declare force majeure, cutting gas supplies to a minimum. In response, the Germans put pressure on the Canadians, asking them to return the turbines to the Russians so that Germany could prepare for winter. More precisely, Ottawa should return the equipment to Berlin, which itself will hand it over to Moscow. However, the leadership of the “national treasure” is in no hurry to accept the turbines, clearly using the situation on the European gas market to provide assistance. political pressure on it because of its support for Ukraine. The objections are along the lines that Gazprom doesn't know what the Canadians did with the turbines, they'll install them, and then they'll suddenly break down.

Moscow was able to knock out an export license that Canada had from a unit of the Siemens Energy concern for the repair and maintenance of gas pumping equipment on its own, valid until 2024. Of course, this is a clear image victory for Gazprom. The question is why do we still have such a critical dependence on imported equipment? Have all these years of “import substitution” been in vain?

In fact, in Russia, things are not as bad as they might seem at first glance. For example, at the Baydaratskaya compressor station in the system of main gas pipelines connecting the Bovanenkovo ​​field with Ukhta, there are six domestic gas pumping units GPA-16M-07, and each of them is based on the GPU-16P. The total capacity of the six GPA is 96 MW. What is the GPU-16P? It is a redesigned PS-90 aircraft engine, its specialized version PS-90GP-2. At the Yarynskaya, Usinskaya and Gagaratskaya stations, even more powerful 25-megawatt GTU-25P are installed and operating, and they are also based on the PS-90A (modification of the PS-90GP-25). The Perm residents plan to develop a significantly more powerful 32 MW installation based on the D-30F6 gas generator.

In general, there is something to work on. However, in terms of power, the turbines available in Russia are significantly inferior to the German ones. In this regard, it is interesting that as a supplier of power plants, Germany can be replaced by ... Iran!

Yes, it is the Islamic Republic. Who would have thought six months ago that we would crave Iranian drones for our army, and now we are going to buy gas turbines from Tehran. Or rather, not to buy, but to barter. At the end of May of this year, the message that Iran and Russia had agreed on a barter agreement, where we would supply Tehran with steel, zinc, lead and alumina, was somehow not particularly noticed, and he would supply us with spare parts for cars and power turbines. Iranian Minister of Trade and Industry Reza Fatemi Amin said:

We have everything ready to supply spare parts to Russia. By the way, in the field of gas turbines, Iran has achieved modern technologies, which led to the signing of contracts with Russian power plants for repairs. Based on this, we can import steel from Russia by barter.

The fact is that the Islamic Republic is by no means some kind of backward wild country, as they try to portray it in Western and Israeli propaganda. Iran is one of the world leaders in unmanned technology. Tehran has its own nuclear program. Iranian company MAPNA Group is engaged in the development and implementation of thermal and renewable power plants, oil and gas, railway and other industrial projects, the production of major equipment, including gas and steam turbines, power generators, turbine blades, HRSG and conventional boilers, electrical systems and control systems, gas compressors, locomotives, and other equipment.

Under license from Siemens, MAPNA Group manufactures powerful and heavy duty gas turbines. So, in 2018, the company introduced an improved version of the power plant for hydroelectric power plants:

The efficiency of the new turbine, known as MAP2B, has increased by 2%, which means a reduction in natural gas consumption of 20 million cubic meters per year for each turbine. MAP2B has reached 185 megawatts, 28 MW more than previous versions. What's more, it helps cut greenhouse gas emissions, especially carbon dioxide, by as much as 40 tonnes.

Not everyone is aware, but when, after the Maidan, the German concern banned the supply of its power plants to the Crimea, in all seriousness Russia was going to buy their counterparts in Iran. Only Berlin's tough stance prevented the deal. Apparently a lot has changed now.

Shouldn't we think about localizing the production of Iranian turbines in Russia?
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  1. +6
    25 July 2022 15: 15
    This curse fell on such a large country. To have everything and live in such poverty, where there is nothing but the oligarchs. In ancient times, philosophers discovered such punishment - if God wants to punish a person, he takes away his mind. But only the devil could do this to a country that had everything. He has struck millions and continues to be muzzled with a hole in his head.
    1. +8
      25 July 2022 15: 28
      There are two wars, the war against the Kyiv Nazi regime and the war against the anti-Russian liberal 5th column. There is no point in winning the first against the Nazis if Russia loses the second against the 5th column.
    2. 0
      25 July 2022 19: 26
      This curse fell on such a large country.

      Jews are so smart! That is why they were allowed to create their own state in the useless sands. The "huge" state of Israel, surrounded on all sides by enemies.
      What you are, what you are is not a curse. This is such a blessing, a tribute to the most chosen people.
      But now they can teach others how to build and live in the state. The state itself did not turn out so hot, but they teach everyone - as it should.
      Your Israel has not yet existed for even a hundred years. And it's unlikely to exist. But your show-off - yes, it will go down in history. The phrase "Jewish show-off" will remain in history.
    3. +3
      27 July 2022 10: 57
      zenion (zinovy), yes, you are right, unfortunately this is an accurate description and the misfortune of the US state. This curse fell on such a large country. To have everything and live in such poverty, where, apart from an endless multi-trillion-dollar printing press, 2 million homeless people, 40 million people living in trailers and oligarchs, there is not a damn thing. In ancient times, philosophers discovered such a punishment - if God wants to punish a person, he takes his mind. But only the devil could do this to a country that had everything. He has struck millions and continues to be muzzled with a hole in his head.
      1. -1
        28 July 2022 12: 21
        Quote: Sarmat Sanych
        2 million homeless people, 40 million people living in wagons and oligarchs, not a damn thing

        Against the background of 330 million people, the figures are not so terrible. Moreover, out of the 40 million "living in trailers", not all gopniks and rogues are far from being.
  2. +7
    25 July 2022 15: 38
    And who needs it, because the easiest way to manipulate money is not forgetting your own pocket, buying something from foreign colleagues. And import substitution can be made more comfortable by gluing "Made in Russia" nameplates onto foreign goods...!!??????? There are no people who are fully responsible for the result, there are always reasons why not to do something, why not to do something, but at the same time multi-billion allocations are being spent... but there is no result... and this is one of our deepest problems of efficiency!!!! Let's remember what Chubais did, how much he promised..., bragged that he had money to burn, like - nowhere to put it.....!!! And then... the result is zero, multi-billion losses for Rusnano.... everything was hushed up..... Chubais was allowed to go abroad in violation of all existing norms and rules, as a subject who knows state secrets in such a volume that there is no need to send spies into the country...!!!
    This is what we are doing, or rather not we, but those who only talk about the greatness of Russia, but work against it... and these are specific officials in power - traitors to the interests of our country ..... and they are not for import substitution, but the opposite. They were so happy before February 24, when the SVO began and many of them still dream of returning to the old days, when they, without conscience and honor, grabbed and grabbed, filling their pockets, taking it abroad
    their "honestly earned" and why do they need import substitution .... !!!??????? Absolutely not necessary ... and this is the problem, a huge problem for the country from such "effective managers" !!!!
    1. +1
      27 July 2022 11: 20
      Antor, read below and do not repeat nonsense. Guys, just look at the structure of Russian exports to Iran and from Iran to Russia. From Russia to Iran, equipment and metalworking products, from Iran to Russia, pistachios, dates, and the like henna. Russia produces engineering products worth about $150 billion annually and exports almost $30 billion worth, look at the World Bank reports and you will find Iran in the table at least in the top twenty. And the fact that the Persians love to show off is their innate.
  3. +4
    25 July 2022 15: 51
    The fact is that the Islamic Republic is by no means some kind of backward wild country, as they try to portray it in Western and Israeli propaganda.

    We like to talk a lot about "life-giving sanctions." Iran, in fact, shows how this slogan works, being under wild UN sanctions for almost 15 years, and under the sanctions of individual states and state associations since the 50s of the last century. And we should not puff out our cheeks in righteous anger and great-power swagger, but become diligent students, even among the Persians. As they say, they don’t beat you for demand, they beat you when you don’t ask.
    1. +1
      27 July 2022 11: 14
      Guys, when will you stop repeating the nonsense thrown in through shirnarSMI? What "students"? What are the "students", Russia is in 4th place in the world in terms of industrial production, at least the CIA Factbook report from 2018 to Congress, take a look, only one and a half billionth India with China and 330 millionth USA are ahead, Iran is not in the top 15. I’m generally silent about engine building, Russia is one of three countries in the world that has a full cycle of the entire spectrum of aircraft engines and one of four on the planet that has competence and turnkey production in marine engine building, Iran has neither. What can I say, they are not even able to produce their helicopter and fighter at least at the level of the 1980s, although in principle neither Japan nor Israel nor Britain nor Brazil or India are capable of this, so the Persians are not alone.
      Specialists have refuted the nonsense about the GPU dozens of times, Russia itself has been providing for the needs for 10 years and even exports these products annually for several million dollars, a trifle, but nonetheless. Dozens of domestic GPU-32 "Ladoga" are installed at many relevant facilities in the country, and Rostec's super-powerful 210 MW turbines are ahead of competitors from GE and Alstom in terms of efficiency. Siemens doesn’t have anything like it at all, they washed down one model under 200 but didn’t go.
      1. 0
        28 July 2022 12: 28
        Quote: Sarmat Sanych
        What "students"? Which "students"

        In my post, I said that the Persians should learn to live under sanctions. And the level of industrial production has nothing to do with it.

        Quote: Sarmat Sanych
        What can I say, they are not even able to produce their helicopter and fighter at least at the level of the 1980s

        and then you refute yourself

        Quote: Sarmat Sanych
        although, in principle, neither Japan, nor Israel, nor Britain, nor Brazil, nor India are capable of this
  4. +1
    25 July 2022 15: 56
    Iran! How much in this word for the heart of the Russian merged
  5. GIS
    25 July 2022 16: 16
    Under license from Siemens, MAPNA Group manufactures powerful and heavy duty gas turbines.

    and in the Russian Federation, it means that a license for turbines cannot be obtained from Siemens?
    yourself not funny?
    at the words

    In this regard, it is interesting that as a supplier of power plants, Germany can be replaced by ... Iran!

    I understand that again "cut" and there will be no progress in "import substitution" (as everyone here understands it).
  6. -1
    25 July 2022 16: 37
    we will supply Tehran with steel, zinc, lead and alumina, and he will supply us with spare parts for cars and power turbines.

    Under license from Siemens, MAPNA Group manufactures powerful and heavy duty gas turbines.

    This is no longer a developing, but a third world country, it turns out in something, according to the article.
  7. +4
    25 July 2022 17: 34
    Siemens will not allow Iran to export licensed turbines to Russia, don't go to a fortune teller. One hundred pounds that a number of key turbine components are supplied to Iran from Germany
  8. +1
    25 July 2022 18: 24
    Iran has everything, probably because they do not have "import substitution", national projects, Skolkovo, etc.
  9. 0
    25 July 2022 20: 44
    Power in Russia was seized by strangers.
  10. +1
    25 July 2022 21: 26
    Soon we will buy technology from North Korea. But we have Siluanov and Nabiulina
  11. +4
    26 July 2022 07: 46
    Iranian turbines, drones once again demonstrate hostile to the Russians, Tatars ... the economic policy of 30 years of capitalism in Russia ... Moreover, all the taxi drivers are still sitting in their places, learning new thinking, you can see ... quietly ...
  12. +2
    26 July 2022 13: 44
    Shame on our country!!! After the collapse of the USSR, theft developed and improved in our country, and how to extract the latter from the population, those who were involved in those cases from which we now have problems are still sitting on the sidelines of the authorities.
  13. The comment was deleted.
  14. +1
    27 July 2022 00: 08
    turbines of this capacity (> 65 MW) where does Gazprom use, except for thermal power plants?

    we will have both GTE-65 and GTE-170 (6 units are already in production)
  15. +1
    27 July 2022 08: 04
    I was worried for a long time because of the one-sided pleasure of partners from sanctions ... Finally we achieved reciprocity ... well done ... Moreover, Simmens himself is again to blame, and again we are all in white ...
  16. 0
    31 July 2022 16: 57
    Hi guys i hope to be happy.im from iran.i read your comments but i think we havnt good data about each other.we can know our country more.
    My whatsapp: 00989360436731