This has never happened: Russia will be divided into several parts

One of the Russian problems is that residents of a huge country are going to work in large numbers in Moscow and St. Petersburg. There are environmental problems and overpopulation, and the regions, on the contrary, are bleeding.

This problem can be solved by a bill on the allocation of 14 macro-regions in the country. In each of them it is proposed to allocate at least one large center economic growth. In addition, it is necessary to develop infrastructure facilities that would allow these regions to gain access to major transport routes and international markets. It is assumed that such measures will smooth out the inequality in regional development and ensure general economic growth.

Now many cities are poorly connected. As a result, citizens have to fly to Moscow, then to fly somewhere else. Anyway, too much in Russia is tied to Moscow and St. Petersburg. Young people are striving to these cities, and inequality between regions is only growing.

A reform is planned, which will create 14 centers where people and capitals will be attracted. Each macro-region will specialize in a certain direction: for example, mining, metallurgy, and manufacturing. The state plans to provide them with all kinds of support.

In addition, the reform will reduce the number of officials. The overall quality of public administration will increase. Previously, a similar system operated in the Russian Empire and the Soviet Union. 14 economic regions in the country were singled out by the famous scientist Dmitry Mendeleev.

It is necessary not only to create these centers, but also to ensure communication between them. Such plans are well combined with projects for the construction of large infrastructure facilities.

True, reform will face obstacles. Regional elites will resist her. The authorities will have to renew the staff and strengthen the fight against corruption.

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  1. 0
    3 September 2018 17: 37
    The capital would still have to be moved beyond the Urals and build a new city there for this.
  2. +1
    3 September 2018 19: 09
    Let's divide the country into 20 or 30 parts! And in each unit we will create a huge bureaucratic apparatus! - on a grand scale, to "hang" one official for each worker! I almost forgot: there is a presidential representative in every part of the country! With its own administrative apparatus! Limousine "Cortege"! Security! That will be fun, that will be good!
  3. +1
    3 September 2018 23: 53
    Not regions to divide, but to develop civic innovation industries:
    information technology, electronics, micromechanics, pharmaceuticals.
    And do not try to go on the same commissar.
  4. 0
    4 September 2018 00: 20
    Another Manilovism of the United Russia government, no one communicates anything, no research, economic justifications or recommendations of specialized academic institutes for the project being developed, not to mention a broad discussion with the population of the country or region, a complete disregard for common sense and a lack of respect for their citizens! A couple of weeks ago we decided to build a fucking expensive bridge to deserted Sakhalin for some reason, although not a single official or ministry clearly and consistently justified with figures in hand - why this is necessary, and to what extent and when this project will bring an increase in the pension and well-being of every citizen of Russia, and not just a great friend of our Guarantor of the Constitution, Mr. Veksilberg, who has now miraculously become the main bridge builder of the country (because he knew WHO to fight with!) and by the same magic will win the tender for the work (if there is one at all!) The government categorically does not want to engage in the restoration of real production and jobs in the regions, low-budget projects are not at all interesting - apparently the kickback is small (with such desires, even ten pension funds will not be enough for you, and raise the retirement age to a hundred years!), It seems to me that this cheerful flock of inadequates should leave the ministerial offices as soon as possible, because they really do not even realize that the country is under with the most severe and extensive sanctions and at odds with most of the world (which could turn into a war for the country!) and we need not to invent and push through multi-billion dollar mega projects of voluntarism and optimize social services, but to pay pensions to citizens and make their lives richer and more satisfying day after day, so that the population's desire to send you all to London does not grow into a general impulse!
    1. +2
      4 September 2018 14: 43
      For a couple of weeks, we were planning to build a fucking expensive bridge to deserted Sakhalin for some reason, although not a single official or ministry clearly and consistently substantiated with figures in hand why it was needed and how much

      Sakhalin is a rich region, but it is unprofitable to develop these riches without reliable transport accessibility. This is the first, Second, Russia, thanks to our ancestors, who created a country with a huge territory in Europe and Asia, it is a natural transit country between European and Asian markets. By creating a transport infrastructure, Russia will be able to earn very decent money on transit.
      Third, it is more profitable to invest in infrastructure projects, thereby developing production, creating jobs in the economy, than to keep unemployed on benefits. The multiplicative effect of pan ...
    2. +1
      5 September 2018 04: 56
      ..on deserted Sakhalin ....

      There is a lot of text, but little mind.
      Sakhalin will never become crowded unless it is made more accessible. And this cannot be done without communication lines. Including rail.
  5. +2
    4 September 2018 05: 17
    Dmitry Mendeleev is not a "famous", but a GREAT scientist ... well, this is so, by the way ... wink
  6. +3
    4 September 2018 09: 17
    Yeah, the developers are bad. For more than twenty years I have been producing auto parts for commercial vehicles VAZ, GAZ, UAZ. I specialize in silent blocks. Some positions produce more than a million units per year. My products indirectly get to the conveyor of VAZ, GAZ and UAZ (the latter directly). Since 2014, he launched import substitution for Renault, Mercedes, Mann, Fiat, Mitsubishi, Ford. And at the same time, in twenty-two years I was forced to change the sign of the plant (change LLC) several times (on average, every 2-5 years). And all because all the small and medium business in the country exists contrary to the policies of the Kremlin and Putin personally. Putin's time to resign!
    1. 0
      4 September 2018 13: 53
      Quote: shpakov.alex
      in twenty-two years I was forced to change the sign of the plant (change LLC) several times (on average, every 2-5 years). And all because all the small and medium business in the country exists contrary to the policies of the Kremlin and Putin personally. Putin's time to resign!

      You changed the sign so that you had more profit, and the state got less. Speak straight!