US intends to elect its president of Russia

The U.S. plans to actively intervene in the presidential election in Russia, due in March 2018. To this end, Washington will undertake a variety of ways and methods of political and economic pressure. First of all, the American special services and structures of the State Department will intensify the information war against Russia, which has recently taken on an increasingly fierce intensity.

Andrei Manoilo, a member of the scientific council at the Security Council of the Russian Federation, believes that the main methods of Washington’s struggle against Moscow during the presidential election will be in large-scale psychological pressure, including by means of stuffing into the media, as well as expanding the financing of the opposition. The United States has long been flirting with Russian opposition forces of a very different orientation, and Washington’s presidential election in Russia almost obliges us to continue this line.

For Russia, US interference in the presidential election is a sad, but tradition. Back in 1996, the United States seriously interfered in the presidential election in Russia, fearing the communists would return to power in the country. Then the structures controlled by the US Department of State tried to destabilize the situation in the country with the support of the so-called "Unsystematic opposition."

The US’s main and traditional ally in Russia is the liberal, “Westernizing” forces, which alone, without external support, cannot win the sympathy of the majority of Russian voters. In order to compete seriously with the authorities, liberals need to rely on American money, information support and the help of professional instructors, including in the field of information stuffing and psychological pressure on the population. It is no coincidence that a number of opposition figures back in the mid-2000s. was seen in contacts with American diplomats.

Currently, Washington is particularly interested in preventing the re-election of Vladimir Putin as president of the country. To this end, American structures are ready to support any opposition candidates, hoping that they will pull the votes from the current president.

Of course, the country's population as a whole has a negative attitude towards Washington’s intervention, and the United States understands this very well. But the average layman is subject to informational psychological pressure. To this end, controlled media can broadcast all kinds of false information, rumors, intimidate the population with future ones. economic problems, the proximity of war. Unfortunately, the actions of some representatives of the Russian political and the business elite themselves are capable of discrediting the current government, therefore, one of the best mechanisms to counter American intervention can be the cleansing of power structures from corrupt officials, incompetent and negligent managers.

When the United States constantly discusses Russian interference in the election of President Donald Trump, I always want to remind the Americans that they themselves intervened in the political history of Russia more than once and in much more rude forms.