Syrian campaign will make Russia rich

Having launched a military operation in Syria in 2015, Russia set itself several goals at once. The main one is the fight against international terrorism and the destruction of thousands of militants who arrived in the war from Russia itself and from the CIS countries. Collateral goals - to give experience to their military, as well as to experience a whole range of weapons and combat systems.

However, there is another goal that Russia has already begun to approach smoothly. This is the consolidation of its position in the region by entering economic projects. As you know, already today, Russian firms are holding contracts for exploration and production of oil and gas in the Syrian Arab Republic. This primarily relates to offshore gas fields in the Mediterranean Sea, whose reserves are hundreds of billions of cubic meters.

But as you know, over time, economic benefits are converted into political. Moscow's position has significantly strengthened not only in Syria itself, but also in Iraq, as well as Lebanon, which also has huge reserves of offshore gas.

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  1. 0
    1 September 2018 10: 48
    -There is such a Russian word "zolotar" ..., it has not completely disappeared from the Russian lexicon and is sometimes still used ...
    -And in this case it can be...mentioned...if we keep in mind what kind of "object of gilding" itself can be...
  2. 0
    1 September 2018 23: 33
    It will become rich (which is still a big question), but not Russia, not the people of Russia, but the organized crime group that is now in power.
  3. +2
    3 September 2018 07: 53
    1. The information itself is about nothing, since it is about intentions, but it is still very far from real practice.
    2. Regarding all the nonsense about organized crime groups. Firstly, as is well known, we are reaping the fruits of building a market (capitalist) society, for which - alas! the majority voted at the time. And such a society implies the existence of rich and poor, especially when there is a period of primary accumulation of capital. So, there is no reason to cry after cutting off the hair. Secondly, the rearmament of the army and navy requires colossal funds, which must be carved out with the least losses for the country. And this is in the context of a systemic
    growing opposition from liberals, the West, sanctions. There is a way out - surrender to the mercy of the winners. Anyone who wants this, a flag in his hands and forth, over a hill. Just do not sow confusion and decide for everyone.
  4. +1
    6 September 2018 12: 41
    Well, yes, let's go according to the Chechen scenario, will we set up oil rigs ten times, and the barmaley will blow them up? Or will we go according to the scenario of the USSR, throw off and rebuild Syria with all of Russia, throw our pensioners another five years, and "fraternal" Syria, having received everything for free, then turn to face the West, and oop to Russia? Who does not believe that this has already happened, refresh your memory of the military campaign of the 1980s of the USSR in Syria and how Seika Asadov behaved. After all, 20 years have not passed and the members of that company are still alive and can express their opinion about the Syrian fighting spirit.