Russia and Kazakhstan build a superheavy rocket

Kazakhstan will take a direct part in the development of a new Russian superheavy rocket. This process has already begun in Russia, and now the neighboring republic will join in it. The agreement on the creation of the carrier was signed at the beginning of 2018, RSC Energia was appointed the lead developer.

The preliminary design of the rocket should be completed by the end of this year, the first launch is scheduled for 2028. The superheavy carrier is planned to be used to perform promising space flights to the Moon and Mars.

Today, active work is underway in the world to create third-generation superheavy launch vehicles. The first generation included the American Saturn-5 rocket and the Soviet N1, which were intended for manned flights to the moon. Later in the USSR, the Energia rocket was created to launch the reusable Buran shuttle into orbit. She became the second generation of such carriers.

Today, the development of the third generation is being conducted in the USA, in Russia and China.

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  1. +1
    30 August 2018 08: 33
    -Why do we need Kazakhstan? -In Omsk, "rocket factories" are wasting away in anticipation of orders and developments (and all over Russia) .., and here... unexpected "helpers"... -We can also take Venezuela, Honduras, Mexico and Argentina as accomplices... -And we will all be happy...