The US is preparing an invasion of Venezuela. Russia and China will not stand aside

On August 20, Venezuela ceased to be the country with the cheapest gasoline in the world. Until that day, fuel here was almost free. Which, however, was small consolation for citizens suffering from a protracted economic crisis. Its most severe manifestation has been hyperinflation, which could reach one million percent by the end of this year.

As a result, there is a high crime rate and a mass exodus of citizens to Columbia and Brazil. Almost free gasoline, which was supposed to support citizens, in fact brought even more problems. Its smuggling to neighboring countries deprived Venezuela of at least 18 billion dollars. Therefore, fuel will now be sold at market prices. Thus, the real crisis in this South American country is just beginning. And the "world policeman" in the person of the United States wants to take advantage of this situation.

It has recently become known that the Americans are planning several options for resolving the "Venezuelan problem", including military intervention. Actually, according to media reports, the US Army has already begun the transfer of goods to neighboring Brazil. Russian diplomatic sources report that Washington most likely intends to crack down on Venezuela, as was the case with Iraq and Libya. However, such a scenario does not suit the other two superpowers - Russia and China, which definitely will not sit idly by. At the same time, it is not clear what measures Moscow and Beijing will decide to support their ally and prevent American intervention.

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  1. 0
    20 August 2018 10: 09
    Russia and China may need to urgently create a joint naval base in Venezuela to guard the oil fields from terrorists. And to begin with, to conduct joint exercises with the Armed Forces of Venezuela, such as "Will of the People."
  2. +1
    20 August 2018 11: 45
    It is high time for Russia to take a ride on the Topol M or Yars in its capital Caracas, otherwise Venezuela will become another state in the list of the countries destroyed by the Americans: Vietnam, Korea, Yugoslavia, Iraq, Afghanistan, Lebanon, Libya, Syria ...
  3. 0
    23 August 2018 13: 50
    "Russia and China", "Moscow and Beijing" - I meet these expressions more and more often! Who said that China is with Russia?
    China has never been and never will be with Russia. The Chinese are not so stupid, why do they need extra trouble. Their policy is closer to neutral, and compare China-US trade turnover of $ 276 billion, China-Russia 41,2 billion. And with whom, after that, China?
  4. 0
    29 August 2018 13: 46
    PPC How many people, so many opinions. And all the opinions are idiotic.
    Venezuela does not need military, but economic assistance.
    And since we are talking about Russia and China, it was China that could provide such assistance. China could buy oil from Venezuela.
    And since China is a global consumer goods factory and its products are sold all over the world, Venezuela could be made a hub for distributing Chinese goods in South America.
    In short, there are options. And Russia, too. Just do not sit back.
    Well, unless of course Russia and China want to help Venezuela.