Without Western units: Russia begins mass production of machine tools

A meeting was held in Kovrov, Vladimir Region, at which the issue of increasing the output of civilian products by the factories of the military-industrial complex was discussed. In particular, we are talking about creating a high-tech machine tool cluster at one of the leading enterprises in the city - the Kovrov Electromechanical Plant (KEMZ). The project cost is estimated at approximately half a billion rubles.

At present, at KEMZ (which, incidentally, will be 120 years old), one of the priority areas is the manufacture of the latest domestic machines, which should replace those imported from Western countries. Previously, this enterprise was mainly engaged in military orders, but now it is diversifying. The share of civilian products is increasing - and the rich experience of factory workers in its production is very in demand. In particular, modern road construction is being produced. technique.

The plant was visited by a delegation of deputies of the State Duma of the Russian Federation, headed by its speaker Vyacheslav Volodin, together with the leadership of the state corporation Rostec. The parliamentarians expressed their intention to assist in overcoming the barriers associated with legislation when it comes to the production of civilian products by defense enterprises. Volodin noted that the task of diversification was set by the head of state. By solving this problem, he said, high-tech jobs should be created.

It was not by chance that this enterprise was chosen as the venue for such a meeting, since already a third of its products are for civilian use. These are tractors, machine tools, loaders. Another workshop will be built for mechanical processing. The construction site uses equipment manufactured at the same plant.

Rostec CEO Sergei Chemezov during the meeting noted that so far the concept of diversification is not in the law. He proposed to fix this concept in federal law.

It is obvious that without its own machine tool industry, which meets modern requirements, neither import substitution nor the creation of new technological manufactures is possible. This is the core industry. economics, which provides opportunities for the development of other industries

- emphasized Chemezov.

It is assumed that the enterprises of the Vladimir region will produce “peaceful” products without any damage to defense orders. Moreover, these products should be precisely high-tech so that they are in the same demand in the world as Russian weapons.

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  1. +3
    18 August 2018 14: 36
    But why for the sake of Kovrov’s destroy Vladimir Tochmash?
  2. 0
    19 August 2018 06: 54
    The project cost is estimated at approximately half a billion rubles.

    Usmanov’s only a yacht is much more expensive ... lol
  3. -1
    21 August 2018 14: 54
    another breakthrough...but in fact...just fairy tales for the people...
  4. 0
    21 August 2018 22: 20
    Cuba was given more for gilding the Capitol dome - 630 million rubles. These "breakthroughists" should be kicked out.
  5. +2
    22 August 2018 14: 02
    The project cost is estimated at about half a billion rubles

    Yes, the head of the FIU Drozdov’s apartment is more expensive. And only those people who are far from the topic will believe in fairy tales about digging in machine tools. This power has rotted. This is clear even to those who voted for Putin.
  6. -1
    30 August 2018 15: 02
    It was only a meeting in Kovrov, and not Russia begins the mass production of machine tools ...
  7. +1
    31 August 2018 06: 55
    six comments above and all whine.
  8. +1
    27 May 2019 10: 15
    So far, only words and a negligible amount for a real project.