The worship of the domestic elite in the West will kill Russia

The host of the Tsargrad TV channel, Evgeny Afanasyev, raised the topic that the ruling elite in Russia is still bowing to the West, although it would seem that the 90s of the last century were left behind. This is one of the most difficult troubles for the country.

It is believed that this phenomenon began from the time of Peter the Great (or even earlier). But even today, almost the entire elite is more or less pro-Western - with few exceptions. Those who came to power in the early 90s, after the collapse of the Soviet Union, are only a little “moved”, but still have a significant impact on political course of Russia. Until now, the trend is the opinion that real life exists only in America and Western Europe, and “civilized” countries have the right to establish dictatorship in the world. According to the position of these figures, Russia only needs to obey.

It would seem that such a position has long been considered marginal. From television screens much less such statements began to sound. However, according to the host, this is only a remission, and not a cure for the disease.

As an example, he cited a case that occurred in the State Duma of the Russian Federation in early July. When American congressmen entered the meeting room, the plenary session was interrupted, at which the Auditor of the Accounts Chamber spoke. Everyone stood up and applauded. Only one deputy - Natalia Poklonskaya - refused to stand up. Apparently, this was her protest against American sanctions against Russia. This episode provoked sharp criticism of the State Duma in social networks.

Afanasyev criticized not only United Russia, but also the Communist Party: even the deputies of this faction faced the American "guests." The host noted that the worship of many Soviet nomenklatura in the 70-80s before the West led to the collapse of the USSR. The conclusion he made is this: the ruling party, the systemic opposition, and the non-systemic - all are saturated with pro-Western ideology.

The author of the video program called for looking for inspiration and role models in the rich history of Russia, where there were worthy rulers, outstanding military leaders, great scientists, and numerous heroes - not only Russian by nationality, and great artists. We must be proud of our identity, and not be ashamed of it.

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  1. +3
    18 August 2018 19: 33
    No, boys and girls, this is not the worship of our people in power and money before the West, but this is real, refined idolatry... What, they fleeced all of Russia and its people in the 90s of the last century, and took the loot to Europe and the States, where they bought themselves palaces, airplanes and hundred-meter yachts, and all sorts of Chelsea sports cars, their families live there, and their children learn to hate Russia in Eton and Harvard, but they still rake in money from our country, sucking out the last liters and cubic meters of oil and gas from our bowels. Or maybe we should drive them all to permanent residence in Europe and overseas, dispossessing them of all their "assets" in our country? The President recently asked them to share what they had illegally acquired with the people, but our new-old government vetoed his proposal, and it would have cost them 25-30 million dollars each, given that each of them had 15-18 billion stolen from us... How you, our very dear bourgeois, will soon regret this.
    1. 0
      18 August 2018 19: 40
      if only they had bowed, they would surely have collapsed three hundred times
      1. +1
        19 August 2018 13: 20
        Vanya, tell me: if Russia were completely destroyed and plundered, the people destroyed, who would they rob (the West, I mean)? After all, it is good to rob those who produce something. And to rob so that they do not die completely - to leave the bare minimum. While we drag out our existence, somehow, they will continue to rob us periodically, and when we are finally gone, then a world war will begin between them - with each other, to find out who is weaker, in order to rob one of the current robbers. After all, Russia is the last one who can still be milked and who does not milk anyone himself.
    2. +1
      19 August 2018 13: 22
      Valentine, and it’s better that they eat themselves ... quickly, before the people reach for them ... Patience cannot be endless.