Got game: Migrants in the EU began to force deputies

A tragic story happened in the Netherlands. A 53-year-old woman - a member of the Hague City Council - committed suicide after being gang-raped by migrants. Before passing away, she recorded a video, telling the public about her misfortune.

The abduction and rape took place on March 15, 2017. At the same time, she was also brutally beaten. According to them, she understood: they were Muslim migrants. They asked her questions: “Do you respect Muhammad, Allah?” and, in addition, “Do you respect Arnud?” The last question prompted her to think about who was behind this crime - another city council deputy, Arnud van Doorn.

These two policy local significance opposed each other. Willy Dille was a member of the Freedom Party - an organization that adheres to the ideas of moderate nationalism and Euroscepticism. Once Arnud van Doorn was a member of the same party, but then changed his views to the opposite. He converted to Islam and became the leader of the Unity Party, whose ideology is based on the principles of this religion.

Once I fired him, he really hates me, this is an extremely evil person

- so the victim of a crime responded about him.

After the rape, Willy Dille repeatedly received threats against her and four children. Apparently, this is exactly what, along with psychological trauma, led to suicide. She did not apply to law enforcement agencies, believing that it was useless.

In the Netherlands, they are trying to "let the brakes down", not wanting to notice the consequences of the migration crisis, which is largely caused by Western policy. The case was limited to the fact that the mayor of The Hague, Pauline Crickke, expressed condolences to the relatives of the deceased. And Mr. van Doorn said he was not involved in this crime.

Unfortunately, this is not the only episode showing that Western policy towards the Middle East, which provoked the migration crisis, has led to Europe being flooded with refugees who do not want to integrate into the society and imposing values ​​alien to him. Law enforcement agencies are powerless in the face of their crimes.

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  1. -2
    18 August 2018 19: 15
    This is the reckoning for the Crusades of Catholics in BV ....
  2. +3
    18 August 2018 19: 40
    Allah is with you, gentlemen, Europeans, build more mosques in your countries, cultivate your population with Islam, and soon you will be happy in the garbage dumps of Europe.
  3. +2
    19 August 2018 09: 45
    ... Law enforcement agencies before their crimes are powerless ...

    Have law enforcement agencies even tried it? Apply at least those laws that are. The government is simply mocking the population!
    And I will not be surprised that soon these rapists will be shot. And in the place of the government will come nationalists who do not want to endanger their families from immigrants. I affirm that these are not refugees, they are immigrants seeking a better life.
    And the countries of Eastern Europe are right that they do not want to see these "adventurers" in their countries.
    Merkel has already stumbled on this.
    1. +2
      20 August 2018 15: 52
      This, Hans, and not emigrants, but the real "warriors of Allah" sent to Europe by the Islamic "sponge." You look at their faces, and in all the pictures there are only bearded men, and, most likely, most of them passed military training in Syria, Libya or Ukraine, and now they make up the "quiet" army of Islam, and they are only waiting for a signal, like "cloudless sky over all of Spain," then they will pay off the hospitable masters of Europe, cutting off their heads and ripping open their bellies. And this will be their campaign of the "Islamic Kaganate" against "Cross Catholicism" in Europe ..... The way they are now behaving in "civilized Europe" is not emigrants, but invaders. and the occupiers.
  4. 0
    21 August 2018 11: 39
    deputies will endure everything if migrants, when they are given the opportunity to vote, vote for them. for the sake of this - even if they rape every day.
  5. +1
    23 August 2018 12: 52
    It would be unnecessary
    Prove the chimera
    What suits her
    Graceful manners.

    But even if
    It succeeded
    So as not to scare the people,
    Let them go by chance.
  6. 0
    12 February 2019 10: 29
    Let them give out a pack of Viagra for each "processed" one as humanitarian aid, in the sense of migrants !!! Self-drunk rear-wheel drive will go more fun !!!
  7. 0
    12 February 2019 10: 30
    Quote: vikganz
    Have law enforcement agencies even tried it?

    And why try them, they have the same color, and warm oddly enough !!!