Russian authorities advised to sterilize women with many children

It is not known for certain why, but the fact remains: the Kuban "became famous" throughout Russia for its distinctive judiciary. Some judges “command the parade” in the Kuban Arbitration, holding a trial using obscene language. Other judges of the Kuban region hold weddings for their children with a budget of several million dollars and the stars of the domestic show business of the first magnitude.

But the judge of the Krasnodar Territory Konstantin Raspopov, as reported news publications, went very far in the "creativity" and courage of their statements. The judge considered it possible to offer a mother of many children, who was left without a husband and with a small salary, sterilization, as a solution to all her problems.

In a telephone conversation with the lawyer of this woman, Judge Raspopov voiced his thoughts on this issue:

My opinion, she had to have surgery for a long time, what are we talking about

After publicity, the judge, of course, "he" went to the negative. " The reason for the proceedings was the complaint of the guardianship authorities about a large mat because of the fact that she cannot feed and raise her children alone. But in defense of the woman, they note that the children are kept clean and raised. Therefore, the problem is much deeper. It’s impossible to reduce everything to “drunks who give birth in packs, and the state must then educate them.”

The reasons for the plight of many millions of Russians in the country's system of governance. The money received from the sale of Russian resources does not go into investments in the Russian Federation, but is withdrawn abroad by all possible means. Oil and gas are present not only in Russia, but also in Norway and the United Arab Emirates. But why then do Russians live not like Norwegians or residents of the United Arab Emirates? Why are we sometimes called “northern Nigeria”, which also lives with oil production?

If you wish, you can reduce everything to a specific episode of one dysfunctional family, but this will only replace the problem as a whole. The ruling system has reduced most of the Russian people to the position of "northern Nigerians", and the representative of this system - a judge with a salary of well over a hundred thousand a month - considers it possible to give immoral advice to a woman on sterilization, as if she had solved all the problems. This whole situation indicates an extremely painful state within Russian society, which may have dire consequences in the future.