The Unsightly Essence of American-Style Democracy


There are several liberal dogmas that have set the teeth on edge, which, through the efforts of scientists, journalists and politicians turned into extremely stable ideological attitudes. One of them is the so-called principle of power turnover.

Sometime at the beginning of the XNUMXth century, the "bloody Bolsheviks" proclaimed a principle unprecedented for feudal tyranny and bourgeois democracy: full electivity, change at any time of all without removing officials and reducing their salaries to the usual wages of a worker. True, they were not able to fully implement it. However, it seems that today there is no more urgent and more urgent demand of the masses of the people of almost all countries of the world for their power. Ordinary people have a huge demand for power to be strictly separated from money and it could be controlled by a simple change of officials. This is precisely what the modern ideology of the change of power is flirting with.

The principle of the turnover of power, despite the similarity of sound, has nothing to do with the above Bolshevik formula and boils down to limiting the right of the people to elect the same person several times. Following the example of the United States, many countries have introduced in their constitutions a clause on the inadmissibility of being elected to the highest office of the state for more than two terms.

Opponents of political liberalism rightly question this principle. First, it contradicts democracy itself, since in fact it does not trust the choice of the people, restricts its rights. Secondly, it contradicts the socio-historical experience of mankind, which proves that the growth of competence is proportional to the quantity and quality of practice. Third, it runs counter to the objective need to ensure the consistency of state policy and social development, which in practice are highly dependent on the top official. Fourthly, it limits the strategic planning of the country's development, artificially limiting it to one decade in office of a senior official. It is also unclear why this principle does not apply to parties, but only to individuals. As if a group of party leaders cannot succumb to the "debauchery of the authorities" in the same way that they would succumb to it individually.

The origins of the principle of turnover of power

If we turn to the history of the emergence of this principle, details are revealed that shed a somewhat unusual light on it.

So, the constitution and the office of the president were invented by the Americans after the victory in the revolutionary war for independence in 1787. Before that, it was generally believed that the republic should not have a sole head, this was a sign of just a monarchy and despotism.

The main factor in the survival of independent America at that time was the formation of centralized power, which, due to political peculiarities, was impossible without the establishment of a strong institution of the head of state. However, American parties, which were controlled by American businesses, entered into a tacit agreement that they would not nominate the same person for the presidency more than twice. The idea here was simple: if one financial-industrial group "buys" the president, others would have at least some opportunity to replace him. So that the monopoly of power alone does not last too long. That is, it was a kind of compromise between the "elites". True, political practice quickly destroyed this plan by the fact that American businessmen quickly realized that it was possible to “buy” all candidates at once.

In general, many people are powdered with scientific explanations of very mundane phenomena. Political theorists at the dawn of American democracy invented many different "tools", which later, in real life, quickly turned into empty declarations and far-fetched traditions. On the other hand, the artificial introduction of these dogmas into other countries undermined and undermines their independent development.

Political science as a whole rarely chooses the content of political life as its subject, content with speculative reasoning about certain forms of political phenomena. Remember the rapture with which our liberals in the early 1990s told that the most important thing is to adopt the “correct constitution”, “correct laws”, as in Europe and America, and life will immediately get better. What is this if not a severe trauma from studying Western political science?

The essence of American democracy

The essence of American democracy is that the source of power is only money, and all its forms with "tools" and "principles" are just a glittering tinsel. The American state was formed as a state of landowners, merchants, bankers and businessmen. The people were assigned the role of the faceless masses, whose "American dream" is to break out into the people. Therefore, the principle of the turnover of power has served and serves primarily those who actually establish and control this power.

Who does not believe what has been said, let him think about the influence of the public and the influence of the largest American corporations on the President of the United States? Of course, the president is ready to go to any clownery to please the public: eat fast food, kneel, etc. - but he signs laws and unleashes wars in the interests of big business, and not ordinary Americans.

Therefore, when the 1951nd amendment to the constitution was adopted in the United States in 22, according to which one person cannot serve as president for more than two terms, it only legalized the demand of big business, which was very dissatisfied with Roosevelt's policies. The latter, for all his shortcomings, became the first US leader who not only talked about ordinary Americans, but also somewhat limited economic the tyranny of the American "elite". The English writer H. Wells even noted that the same thing was happening in Roosevelt's Washington as in Stalin's Moscow: "the expansion of the administrative apparatus, the creation of a number of new state regulatory bodies, the organization of a comprehensive public service." Sacred things by the measure of American business in the 1930s-1940s.

After the adoption of the 22nd amendment, a frenzied propaganda of the principle of the change of power as the basis of democracy and civilization began.

Is there a changeable government in the United States?

There has never been any change of power in the United States, and there is no change now. The ruling parties in the US government have not changed for hundreds of years, and the powers of the president are very limited, he alone does not determine either foreign or domestic policy. Whichever party comes to power, the policy of the state does not change dramatically, despite all the pre-election chatter. Behind both political parties are the same power clans associated with the largest American corporations. Presidents, congressmen, governors have long looked like show business stars and do not look like competent managers. When people suddenly appear in their midst who conduct at least some independent line in favor of the people, they either suddenly die, or they are shot by mysterious lonely psychos.

So should we blindly copy the American political model in Russia? We have a completely different historical path and different economic conditions.

The Americans impose their political institutions and principles on weak countries primarily because they do not really work and thereby weaken potential competitors.
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  1. dpu
    25 August 2021 08: 22
    Good article.
  2. 0
    25 August 2021 08: 59
    Power is exercised through power and money.
    The power structures to whom are subordinate - the state, and what is the state? Political organization of the Ruling Class.
    Who has the money? The Ruling class has only two - the oppressors and the oppressed.
    Between them there is still the servants of the ruling class in the person of the state apparatus in the form of a legislative, executive, judicial branch, fighters of the agitprom, "bodybuilders" and other state people from among the same slaves and who, at an opportunity, "pinch" both those whom they serve and those over by whom they stand and who personify Power among the population, and it is to them that the task of change applies, and not to those who actually have this power - the ruling class, the owners of "factories, newspapers, ships"
    Therefore, Democracy, the rule of the people, is impossible in any class society, the basis of which is the exploitation of some people by others, and all the demagogy of the agitation industry in different countries is reduced to just one form or another of exploitation.
  3. 0
    25 August 2021 10: 19
    There are plenty to choose from.
    The eternal plump leaders of the Juche. Lifetime fathers of the people from Africa. Saudi family of sheikhs with gold cars. Small Asian king with a barefoot population. Emperor Yapov with detachments 731 100, 516. Dictatorships of black colonels and pinochet. China ... not that, they shoot the Chubais there.

    Or terrible democracies from Europe and Omerika, where we are bringing gas, and from there chocolate and mechanics
    1. -1
      26 August 2021 02: 17
      What's wrong with China? Communist, leader to death, world's first economy. You can quite equal yourself. Well, what is not being shot in Russia is so that the opposition does not please, they are just waiting for this, the ominous 37th, to cry out: "but we said, we warned !!!"
      1. 0
        26 August 2021 09: 26
        Then you can)))
        And the opposition, at least part of it, will not be embarrassed. Both the left and the right declared ...
      2. 0
        26 August 2021 09: 26
        To understand and objectively evaluate any events, one must know the prehistory of those that gave rise to them, and history is of a class nature, reflects the struggle of classes and groupings within them, and is composed by agitprom in favor of the winners in this struggle.
  4. -3
    25 August 2021 14: 29
    And what is the alternative?
    And yes, practice is a criterion of truth, and somehow practice shows that citizens live better in democracies. Although there may be some questions in the causal relationship. It is possible that wealth leads to democracy.
    The author greatly simplifies everything. In the question of power, the main thing is semi-mythical legitimacy, and democratic procedures ensure this legitimacy with minimal costs. Previously, this legitimacy was provided by God (all power is from God), but if enlightenment did not kill God, then it greatly undermined his authority. Accordingly, he ceased to be a source of legitimacy. Only the will of the country's citizens remained. And democratic elections today are the best way to know this will.
    In short, one cannot but agree with Churchill.

    Democracy is the worst form of government, if you don't count all the others
    1. 0
      25 August 2021 14: 42
      Democracy is the rule of the people, the overwhelming majority. This overwhelming majority is not a narrow group of members of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs and not those 26 people who own half of all the wealth of the Earth, and not the 1% who owns more wealth than the rest of the world's population, but they are the ones who own Power through formally democratic general elections when they allow the majority to choose a “yoke around the neck” in the form of this or that grouping of big business standing behind the winning party. By and large, for the ruling class it does not matter which party wins the elections, this is important only for the groups of big business behind the parties, whose interests are represented by political parties.
      The Communist Party of the PRC represents precisely the proletarian majority of the population and strives to build Socialism, but what is Socialism? This is a transitional stage from capitalism to communism, i.e. classless society, and as a transitional stage - has the characteristics of two different social systems.
      Under the leadership of the Communist Party in China, the Foundations of Socialism were created, when not the state serves big capital, but big capital is controlled and directed by the state and serves the interests of the entire people, creating new industries, increasing the country's GDP and the class of hired workers - proletarians. This is the essence of the dictatorship of the proletariat. Therefore, the state creates favorable conditions for the development and growth of private ownership in the interests of the entire population.
      As a result, Democracy, the power of the people, under Socialism is incomparably greater than under capitalism, if Socialism does not serve as a formal cover for numerous forms of dictatorship.
      1. -3
        25 August 2021 18: 45
        Quote: Jacques Sekavar
        This overwhelming majority is not a narrow group of members of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs and not those 26 people who own half of all the wealth of the Earth, and not the 1% who owns more wealth than the rest of the world's population, but they are the ones who own Power through formally democratic general elections when they allow the majority to choose a “yoke around the neck” in the form of this or that grouping of big business standing behind the winning party.

        The 26 richest people in the world have combined wealth equivalent to half of the world's population.

        Sounds right, but not the point.
        If everything were as you describe, the life of people in the world would worsen from year to year. But in fact, everything is accurate to one turn. Do you know what advertisers say? "You can lead a horse to a watering hole, but you cannot make it drink." You cannot get people to vote for a person if he does not arouse the sympathy of the citizens. And even if at the beginning all this action looked more like an imitation, then over time it became the main source of power. Brexit, Trump and Macron are examples of anti-elite voting. And the Russian imitation of democracy is likely to cease to be an imitation over time.
        I do not argue, there is part of the truth in your words, but this is only part. And those in power need to be re-elected, and for this they need not only look at the representatives of big capital, but also at the interests of the majority of citizens.

        Quote: Jacques Sekavar
        The Communist Party of the PRC represents precisely the proletarian majority of the population and strives to build Socialism, but what is Socialism? This is a transitional stage from capitalism to communism, i.e. classless society, and as a transitional stage - has the characteristics of two different social systems.

        Where China is heading is a very controversial issue. This is definitely not socialism. Socialism is primarily public ownership of the means of production. China has clearly abandoned this principle. Today's RF has more socialism than China. In China, the contribution of state property to GDP is 30%, in Russia it is 70%. Inequality in China has reached the level of the United States and the Russian Federation. Don't give a damn about ecology. The level of social protection cannot be compared with the developed capitalist countries. It looks more like wild capitalism. And the reasoning about democracy, the power of the people in relation to China is generally ridiculous.
        1. 0
          25 August 2021 21: 00
          If everything were as you describe, the life of people in the world would worsen from year to year. But in fact, everything is accurate to the nearest turn

          UN Secretary General Anton Guterres spoke about this, delivering a lecture dedicated to the memory of N. Mandela - “Inequality is a characteristic feature of our time. More than 70% of the world's population lives in conditions of growing inequality in income and wealth ”

          You cannot get people to vote for a person if he does not arouse sympathy among citizens.

          Agitprom can, but reasonable people are guided not by sympathies, but by the party program.

          Brexit, Trump and Macron are examples of anti-elite voting

          These are examples of the power of money.
          Braxit, the desire of transnational banks and corporations, and London is one of the world's two largest centers of foreign exchange transactions, stock exchanges, rating agencies, insurance companies, investment funds, to go beyond the EU restrictions.
          Macron is backed by J. Attali, and Trump is a representative of the military-industrial complex, Boeing and other corporations representing one of the big business groups that support his party.

          those in power need to be re-elected, and for this they need not only look at the representatives of big capital, but also at the interests of the majority of citizens

          The task of any government is to protect the property of the ruling class from external aggression and internal redistribution, and for this it is necessary to control the population and maintain the level of its existence accepted in the country.
          Not a single political party exists on membership fees and state funding, and the essence of elections / re-elections has been described earlier and there is no point in repeating.

          Where China is heading is a very controversial issue. This cannot be called socialism for sure.

          After the rehabilitation of Deng Xiaoping and the beginning of reforms, the PRC is moving Lenin's courses of building socialism in relation to the conditions and time, which is called the Chinese specifics.
          Public ownership of the means of production distorts the essence of Socialism, and it was the complete socialization that led to the decay and subsequent disintegration of the USSR, which was what V.I. Lenin said that defeat on the economic front is more serious and dangerous than any other. It was expressed in the fact that our economic policy at its top was cut off from the bottom and did not create an upsurge in the productive forces. Lenin saw the way out of the situation not in scrapping until the founding of the old world, but in a compromise between the private and the public under the control of the party of the proletariat, which he outlined in a report at the Second Congress of Political Education and this became the basis of the new economic policy.
          1. -2
            26 August 2021 20: 08
            Quote: Jacques Sekavar
            UN Secretary General Anton Guterres spoke about this, delivering a lecture dedicated to the memory of N. Mandela - “Inequality is a characteristic feature of our time. More than 70% of the world's population lives in conditions of growing inequality in income and wealth ”

            Rising inequality is not the same as rising poverty. Poverty is declining. Of these 70%, a third are Chinese. And this 70% does not include citizens of most EU countries.

            Quote: Jacques Sekavar
            Agitprom can, but reasonable people are guided not by sympathies, but by the party program.

            Representatives of the agitation industry are talking about the watering hole. Its possibilities are not endless. And the citizens are not a herd of sheep.

            Quote: Jacques Sekavar
            Braxit, the desire of transnational banks and corporations, and London is one of the world's two largest centers of foreign exchange transactions, stock exchanges, rating agencies, insurance companies, investment funds, to go beyond the EU restrictions.

            Estimates of losses to the British economy from Brexit are estimated at hundreds of billions of pounds and have already exceeded all contributions to the EU in Britain in 50 years.
            About Trump and Macron is also from the field of conspiracy theory.

            Quote: Jacques Sekavar
            The task of any government is to protect the property of the ruling class from external aggression and internal redistribution, and for this it is necessary to control the population and maintain the level of its existence accepted in the country.
            Not a single political party exists on membership fees and state funding, and the essence of elections / re-elections has been described earlier and there is no point in repeating.

            The task of any government is to stay in power. And maintaining the level is not enough to stay in power, it must grow. And the ruling group has competitors who sleep and see how to replace them at the root. And no agitprom will be able to convince the majority that black is white. Moreover, the competitors have their own agitprom.

            Quote: Jacques Sekavar
            After the rehabilitation of Deng Xiaoping and the beginning of reforms, the PRC is moving Lenin's courses of building socialism in relation to the conditions and time, which is called the Chinese specifics.

            What kind of Leninist course?

            Program of the Russian Communist Party (Bolsheviks). 1919 g.
            In the field of economic

            1. Unswervingly to continue and complete the already begun and in the main and basically completed expropriation of the bourgeoisie, the transformation of the means of production and circulation into the property of the Soviet Republic, that is, into the common property of all working people.

            Socialism is stately-capitalist monopoly, turned to the benefit of the whole people and so far ceased to be a capitalist monopoly

            NEP is a necessary measure after the failure of war communism, not a Leninist course. And this is contrary to classical Marxism. And rightly so, the Bolsheviks feared, in the wake of the NEP, the restoration of capitalism and the old order. And for China, this is relevant, it is a matter of time before the Chinese capitalists acquire a decisive political influence.
  5. -1
    25 August 2021 16: 10
    Sometime at the beginning of the XNUMXth century, the "bloody Bolsheviks" proclaimed a principle unprecedented for feudal tyranny and bourgeois democracy: full electivity, change at any time without removing officials and reducing their salaries to the usual wages of a worker.

    This was not invented by the Bolsheviks, but by the Parisian Communards in 1870.
    The Bolsheviks tried to repeat it, but nothing came of it.
  6. -1
    26 August 2021 06: 56
    We have a completely different historical path and different economic conditions.

    More recently, Posner spoke about the Russian "historical path" and "economic conditions". Estessno, they tried to spit on him and quickly forget, even the ROC said its "weighty" word; but all this did not change the essence in any way.
  7. -1
    27 August 2021 13: 15
    Everything is just like that. I would add a little to the last phrase, "they plant their own institutions of governance in weak countries ..." ) under the beautiful pretext of "democratization". Yes, even Karl Marx warned that Capitalism in itself is not terrible as long as it does not merge with power. Now we see this splicing almost everywhere. European leaders for the most part (and the leaders of the United States) are puppets of the shadow government of the United States, leaders of large corporations.
  8. 0
    9 September 2021 10: 39
    Power is not a means; she is the goal. A dictatorship is not established in order to guard the revolution; make a revolution in order to establish a dictatorship. The purpose of repression is repression. The purpose of torture is torture. The purpose of power is power.