What is the reason for the aggressive behavior of the West around the world


In the early 1990s, our and foreign liberals with a blue eye argued that after the destruction of the "evil empire", world peace finally did not threaten anything, the "wonderful democracies of the West" would reduce the intensity of arms production, reduce their number and, in general, "Democracies do not fight democracies." However, this far-fetched peacefulness is somehow not observed even after 30 years.

Despite the beautiful provisions of the UN Charter, the essence of international policy still remains in the struggle of aggressive militarized states for the redistribution of markets, resources and property. All other issues - humanitarian, national, cultural, environmental - are still, to put it mildly, secondary.

Crises, a pandemic, environmental problems, social explosions, regular pogroms in the largest capitals of the West and other seemingly urgent problems do not interfere with the rapid growth of military budgets, the development of more and more lethal weapons, and the growing intensity of the military-industrial complexes of the leading world powers. The world arms market, in contrast to the volume of social investments, shows an annual growth of 5-10%, and the number of wars and conflicts after the collapse of the USSR not only did not decrease, but is growing like an avalanche.

Perhaps weak and poor countries rushed to arm themselves in order to defend their independence? No, the most developed and richest states are actively arming themselves. And this is not at all about the fact that the US or British army plans to fight off the armed forces of Morocco, Algeria or India. The growth of militarization shows that they are preparing for the mutual destruction of the "first echelon" countries.

Today there is not a single large independent state whose army would not be armed according to the last or penultimate word. equipment... A good example of the opposite is Mexico, a large state without an "adequate army", so its government does not have sovereignty even over drug cartels, despite full membership in the UN. Not so long ago, America conducted a forced sterilization of Mexican women in refugee camps, the UN launched an investigation, and the Mexican authorities, as noted in the media, "because of their dependence on the United States, have chosen a strategy of reconciliation and submission." This is because Mexico does not have a strong economics, which would allow you to maintain a strong army. Consequently, the opinion of Mexico in world politics does not interest anyone at all; therefore, it is easier to assent to the hegemon, not giving a damn about its own citizens.

If we turn to history, since ancient times, international politics has been a struggle, easily reaching the level of genocide and ecocide. First, for the conquest of countries and regions, and then for their redistribution. Struggle primarily for ownership of land, slaves, serfs, resources, capital. Only the subjects changed from aristocratic dynasties and privileged estates to today's financial corporations such as BlackRock and The Vanguard Group, which wag the US government like a dog with its tail.

Fighting by peaceful means was called simply politics, and by armed means war. As one great Prussian wrote: "War is nothing but the continuation of politics with the attraction of other means." The most powerful countries called themselves empires, "great powers", and the weak and subordinate countries were called colonies and satellites.

In total, history knows three types of struggle in the international sphere, regardless of the means used.

First, the it is the aggressive policy of states with a more developed economic structure in relation to states with a less developed economic structure. Capture and subjugation, which are justified by the spread of "civilization". This type of expansion was relatively progressive, but historically it exhausted itself back in the XNUMXth century. In the modern world, the economic structures of all, even the most undeveloped countries, are actually the same type. No matter how horrified we are by the poorest and most backward countries of Africa and Asia, their economies are based on some kind of industry, and agriculture is based on private farming and hired labor. Already not a single country in the world lives in a primitive communal or feudal mode of production as dominant.

Secondly, this is a struggle of a less developed country or a group of countries for the redistribution of territories or spheres of influence with a stronger and more predatory country, or a mutual struggle of predatory groups of approximately equal strength. This is the most unjust and reactionary type of world political struggle. Speaking specifically about wars, these are all colonial wars between the metropolises, as well as, for example, the First World War, the Iran-Iraq war or the recent Nagorno-Karabakh conflict.

Thirdly, this is the liberation struggle of a weak country with a stronger predatory country that has captured or wants to capture it. This is a just type of struggle, the highest manifestation of which is the Patriotic War. This includes all national liberation wars, as well as, for example, the Great Patriotic War, the Japan-China War, the Korean War, the Vietnam War or the ongoing Syrian War.

In other words, the history of world politics is woven from struggle, often turning into bloody wars.

The concept of peaceful coexistence of equal states, laid down in the founding of the UN institute and seeming natural to many, was introduced into circulation only in the XNUMXth century. But does it work in practice?

In the system of international relations, there is no more obvious and hypocritical situation than the so-called principle of sovereign equality of states. This concept was, by the way, proposed by the Soviet side in the Moscow Declaration of the Four States of 1943 (USA - USSR - Great Britain - China):

Aware of their responsibility in ensuring the liberation of themselves and their allied peoples from the threat of aggression; Recognizing the need to ensure a rapid and orderly transition from war to peace and the establishment and maintenance of international peace and security with the least diversion of world human and economic resources for armaments; jointly declare ... That they recognize the need to establish as soon as possible a universal International Organization for the maintenance of international peace and security, based on the principle of the sovereign equality of all peace-loving states, of which all such states, large and small, can be members.

However, 70 years of historical practice shows that international legal documents do not solve much in comparison with aircraft carrying strike groups and missile carriers.

The current state of international politics, despite all the visible changes, is basically the same as at the beginning of the XNUMXth century. However, some of its elements have still undergone changes. So, the old colonial system collapsed. But instead, a new way of domination by the "great powers" was established, which in literature is often called neo-colonial. It bestows formal sovereignty on weak countries, but subordinates them economically through the world market. Previously, the main reason for the wars of developed countries was the ownership of certain territories. Now the war is used not for the direct seizure of territories or the annexation of colonies, but with the aim of imposing controlled governments, imposing the most open economies. For the same purposes, Western states are armed with technologies of "color revolutions".

Freedom of movement of capital is of particular importance in the system of world politics. In an open economy, Western monopoly corporations suppress the economic potential of weak countries by siphoning resources and importing capital, which is hypocritically called investments. The world market, represented by the largest corporations, adapts the economies of poor and weak countries to their purely sectoral needs. And, as a result, labor migration is becoming a significant phenomenon. People are forced to flee their native places to feed themselves in a foreign land. Moreover, in Western Europe there are so many of them that the inevitable conflicts of burghers with the embittered hostility of newcomers have become commonplace.

The decline in the economic potential of poor countries leads to a decrease in the defense capacity of their states, after which the dominant powers often deploy military bases on their territory and subordinate special services to themselves. Exactly as it happens in Ukraine.

If we apply the above to what is happening in world politics, then a lot becomes clearer.

The leading role in the UN belongs to the permanent members of the Security Council. If the UN decisions run counter to the policy of strong powers, they simply ignore them. The WTO is an organization designed to destroy protectionism and subjugate the economies of all countries to the largest corporations.

Uneven development and the right of the strong give rise to the pyramidal structure of world relations.

The United States, due to the specifics of its historical development and specific participation in world wars, has increased the greatest economic, military and, therefore, political potential in the world. Great Britain is closely adjacent to the United States, since they actually have a common oligarchic class. Their closest competitors are France and Germany, which keep other Western European countries in check, primarily through the introduction of the eurozone. Moreover, the FRG is strongly constrained by the constitutional and other norms that were prescribed by the Americans at one time, the CIA got deeply into the structures of the German federal state. While there was a common enemy for the Euro-Atlantic countries in the person of the USSR, this to some extent rallied other “great powers” ​​around the United States, but now competitors themselves are not averse to “shaking the boat” of the suddenly emerging monopolar world.

The United States, in turn, is waging a desperate struggle to maintain the hegemony that emerged in the 1990s. They systematically cause destabilization in most countries of the world, including in the EU countries, to such an extent as to bring the world once again to the most favorable state of ruin for the American oligarchs, as after the Second World War.

The destruction and loosening of Yugoslavia, Iraq, Afghanistan, Tunisia, Libya, Syria, Yemen, Georgia, Armenia, Ukraine, Belarus, Russia is a manifestation of the US policy of spreading chaos. The same can be said for Brexit and the Cold War unleashed with China.

Many believe that the interpenetration of the economies of the United States and European countries will keep them from war with each other. Similar armchair theories circulated on the eve of World War I and even World War II, since the main groups of participants in these wars also had extensive trade and economic ties with each other. They turned out to be untenable.

However, today it seems that America and Europe will not begin an open struggle with each other for world domination, firstly, until a new independent military-political bloc is formed in Europe, and secondly, until America and Europe deal with Russia and China. who are trying to build a multipolar world.

The growing contradictions between the United States and its European competitors have already led to Brexit. Sooner or later, political forces will take power in Germany and France, which will withdraw their countries from NATO and form an independent military bloc. If the pro-American politicians of France and Germany persist in "Euro-Atlantic integration", these forces may become neo-Nazis.

The formation of a new alignment of forces in Europe will also depend on Turkey. Erdogan's regime, after the suppression of the "color revolution", pursues an independent from the United States and openly predatory policy in all directions (Syria, Libya, Cyprus, Greece, Nagorno-Karabakh). To whom and on what conditions he will join or will be suppressed by both America and Europe is a question, the solution of which is approaching with each new adventure of Erdogan.

Thus, the peoples of the Earth, for the most part who do not want to fight each other, much less to fight, are forced to live in the pit of the world struggle for resources and economic interests of corporations between the largest militarized states. Plus, each large region has its own unique, but similar in internal morphology picture of “battles of local importance” with its “hegemons” and competitors.

But the most interesting thing is that the factor influencing the aggressive behavior of this or that large and developed state is the degree of nationalization of its economy. The more self-sufficient economic capacities the state has, the higher the independence of the bureaucracy from big business and, as a rule, the stronger the influence of the people on the policy of the leadership. That is, everything is exactly the opposite of how liberals teach: where business rules the ball, the state becomes extremely aggressive, its army turns into a shock squad for suppressing foreign competitors.

We somehow do not ask the question why Russia is a much more peaceful country than the United States? And the answer is simple: primarily because the American leadership is pushing the private sector of the military-industrial complex and insatiable transnational corporations to maintain and strengthen the world domination of the United States. And in Russia, in turn, there is a strong public sector, in which the issues of profit and profitability are at some distance from the irrepressible greed of a private trader.

Thus, the essence of the existing system of international politics consists in the permanent struggle for the redistribution of the world, property and sales markets by the largest Western militarized states, which act in the interests of monopoly corporations that form the basis of their economies.
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  1. +1
    12 August 2021 10: 15
    the usual competition of nations and states. Nothing personal - they need our resources and land
    and we are kind - because we have everything.

    And if something is not enough, but it will be very necessary - we will come and take it. Only we can, but they cannot
  2. -19
    12 August 2021 10: 35
    An article in the style of Russian leavened propaganda.
    The author of the article does not understand that the United States never wanted to create any chaos, in the United States there is simply low humanitarian education, Americans are simply stupid, THEY DO NOT UNDERSTAND how the rest of the world lives, they do not understand the culture and traditions of other peoples.
    The cause of chaos in many countries is LOW culture, wild peoples cannot build democracy, they understand only the power of authority, a leader, there is authority - there is order.
    The Americans bombed the Middle East not for chaos, not for resources, but because the Americans are stupid and did not understand that their human rights values ​​are not needed in wild countries.
    1. +9
      12 August 2021 10: 39
      Americans are stupid and did not understand that their human rights values ​​in wild countries are not needed

      human rights values wassat you drank amero propaganda as a complete cook and believed in their concern for the rights of the people, Andriy

      PS Have you heard about this - the wild west? this is about your America) and not about Iraq) Syria, Libya, Vietnam and further on the list

      wild nations can't build democracy

      in the us is it already built or not? wassat
      1. +1
        13 August 2021 10: 48
        In vain you are so.
        "A Ukrainian who has grown wiser becomes a Russian" - Lev Gumilyov.
        Don't expect all of them to become Russian.
    2. +10
      12 August 2021 10: 40
      USA never wanted to create any chaos

      They were well aware that chaos would be the result of their actions. The United States is a state that began its history with genocide and is actively continuing its aggressive policy.
      1. -19
        12 August 2021 10: 48
        It is not true, the Americans really believed that Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya would quickly build a successful democratic society. The Americans did not need any chaos.
        You have been fermenting in patriotic anti-American forums for years and believe in nonsense.
        1. +13
          12 August 2021 10: 51
          You are an extremely naive (read - stupid) person. "The robber and murderer came to a strange house and very much believed that there would be no chaos." Do not say such nonsense in society, they will laugh.

          You have been fermenting in patriotic anti-American forums for years and believe in nonsense.

          Well then, you have made a mistake with the website.
          1. -16
            12 August 2021 10: 56
            USA is a world policeman, not a robber and a murderer. I say that you have been fermenting for years, and you simply do not have an understanding of what is happening. You are like a North Korean, you live by propaganda posters.
            1. +7
              12 August 2021 11: 35
              USA is a world policeman, not a robber and murderer.

              A world policeman attacked Iraq under a far-fetched pretext (no chemical weapons were found). Then he attacked Libya for no reason. Both countries are in ruins. The policeman, in my opinion, should follow the letter of the law, while the United States violates international law on a daily basis. And I don’t understand something there? No, dear man, you are a slow-witted, which is not enough.

              I perfectly understand who you are. Andriy Shevchuk, a Ukrainian who supported the Maidan, who hates Russia and everything Russian, lives in damp dreams in Europe and earns 3000 euros each. In fact, he is an ordinary loser, confident that Putin is to blame for all the troubles of Ukraine. "America is with us," shouted the Ukrainian military in Crimea in 2014. Today they are in power in Kiev. Your country is dying, morally and physically. Residents are fleeing en masse, some to live in Russia, some to work in Europe. Society is saturated with the most outspoken Nazism, and the president himself is pursuing a line of fascitizing the country, crushing everything that is possible for himself. Even the EU distanced itself from you, because dealing with the utterly sick is more expensive for itself. The economy has been at its worst since 91. The Ministry of Finance is under the influence of the IMF. Without another loan, the financial system will simply collapse. Gas prices are higher than in any other country in both Western and Eastern Europe. Andriy, you are, to put it mildly, in a complete ass. And your "world policemen" will not get Ukraine out of there. It is trite to him unprofitable.
              1. -13
                12 August 2021 11: 45
                As I say, you have been fermenting at patriotic forums for years and you don't understand anything.
                95% of your information is fake. What you wrote about Ukraine is also a fake state propaganda, just an illiterate nonsense, which does not even make sense to comment on.

                I don’t have my own opinion, I only have a state opinion.
                1. 123
                  12 August 2021 12: 23
                  The Americans in Iraq have found more than 5000 thousand pieces of chemical weapons.

                  Are we going to watch the links? smile

                  Servicemen of the US Army and Iraqi troops in 2004 - 2011 found on the territory of Iraq almost 5 thousand units of various chemical weapons produced during the reign of Saddam Hussein with the support of Western countries
                  These data leads one of the most influential American newspapers New York Times, which cites sources from US and Iraqi officialsAs well as secret documentsobtained by the publication on the basis of the law on free access to information.

                  They first helped to do this, then changed their minds? When will a good policeman destroy his chemical weapons?

                  Due to the fact that the Pentagon tried to keep the finds secret, the military victims of chemical substances did not receive proper medical attention. In total, at least 17 American and seven Iraqi military suffered from chemical weapons.

                  in five cases out of six, when military personnel suffered from discovered chemical weapons, the ammunition was designed in the USA. Many components of weapons were supplied by other Western countries as well.

                  They seem to be embarrassed to talk about it.
                  Actually the original source of the New York Times ...

                  In general, American troops are secretly reported finding approximately 5000 chemical warheads, shells or aerial bombs, according to interviews with dozens of participants, Iraqi and US officialsand carefully edited intelligence documentsobtained under the Freedom of Information Act.


                  Statements by the US military, representatives of the occupying administration they established, and carefully edited intelligence documents that we will not show you ...
                  Very convincing laughing
                  In general, skip Andreika past, Europe will not wait.
        2. dpu
          12 August 2021 10: 58
          Don't fall with your head on the floor. You have been fermenting on patriotic American forums for years and believe in nonsense.
    3. +4
      12 August 2021 11: 19
      The cause of chaos in many countries is LOW culture

      For example, in Ukraine?
      There was a very high culture in Ukraine (thanks to the USSR). And the sharp decline in its level is a consequence of the chaos, competently organized by the United States.

      in the USA there is just a low education in the humanities, the Americans are just stupid,

      And why do they have a low education in the humanities? Wasn't there enough money? Who made this decision?
      When Kennedy became president, he demanded that his education minister make an education system like in the USSR.
      His in 1963. "corrected", including for this. They did not need an educated people. They believed that their power was forever, and the people should simply, without reasoning, carry out "wise" plans.

      ... savage nations cannot build democracy, ...

      What kind of wild peoples are they? Yugoslavs? Ukrainians? Egyptians, with their millennial history of statehood? Libyans, with their super-prosperous country? Iraq, where there were states for thousands of years before Egypt (Sumer, Assyria, Babylon)? Syria, where states developed in parallel with Ancient Egypt?
      Your personal example shows that low culture is precisely the consequence of systemic chaos.
      1. -10
        12 August 2021 11: 39
        Compare the level of culture of Ukraine and Germany ... And don't tell stories.
        Compared to Germany, many peoples are wild.
        Why have you dragged a thousand-year history here ??? What does it have to do with modern culture ..? Do you understand the standards are modern?
        1. +5
          12 August 2021 11: 48
          This "savagery" is a consequence of the chaos created, in due time, by "civilized" peoples.
          And Germany - yes! Hitler, Goebbels, Mengele ...
          And now the culture of Germany is no higher than Russia. And it decreases markedly.
          And one should not confuse the culture and the general educational level, which the "wild" countries simply robbed.
          How Germany was going to arrange in the USSR, according to the plan Ost. It is this plan Ost that the United States is trying to implement in Iraq, Syria, Libya ...
          1. -10
            12 August 2021 12: 00
            This savagery is a consequence of low culture and religious beliefs from which they do not want to give up.
            Civilized countries gave you the Internet and a computer so that you could write your stupid comments ...
            Everything that you write can simply be multiplied by zero, just leavened illiterate writings, built on which conspiracy theories
            1. +5
              12 August 2021 12: 06
              Everything you write

              Write, you are our cultural ...
              You are just an ignoramus, a loser, stupid and aggressive ...
              1. -10
                12 August 2021 12: 09
                I didn’t study Russian at school, I’m allowed to make mistakes.
                But you ran out of arguments and you yourself figured it out by changing the topic
                1. +5
                  12 August 2021 12: 11
                  And you do not understand my arguments. The general educational and cultural level is not enough.
                  It has been said: do not throw pearls in front of pigs ...
    4. +6
      12 August 2021 11: 51
      Americans are stupid, other nations lack culture. All completely wild. Is there someone smart on this planet? Apparently, only Andriy Shevchuk.
      1. -9
        12 August 2021 12: 06
        All right.
        The US is stupid, that's why it started wars in the Middle East. If you were smart, wouldn't you? Am I wrong?
        The peoples of the Middle East are wild, for they are not capable of building democracy. This is what kind of culture they have if ISIS has appeared, they are not just wild, they are popwars.

        The fact that "Everything is completely wild" is you yourself wrote, I did not write it. Therefore, before writing to me, think.
        1. +5
          12 August 2021 12: 19
          No, you're wrong.
          Lack of democracy does not mean savagery. Wildness is to bomb a democracy.
          The ancient Greeks (and this is 2500 years ago) said

          Democracy is the worst structure of the state, because it leads to a fall in morals and wild animals begin to roam the streets of cities

          Think before you write.
          1. +3
            12 August 2021 12: 22
            Bakhteyar, what are you, by God! What should he think then?
            1. +3
              12 August 2021 12: 24
              What they put into his head, let him think so!
              To begin with, he will study the definition of "CULTURE". At least he honors Berdyaev. From Berdyaev's point of view, the culture of India or Iran is much higher than the culture of Christianity.
              Man confuses culture and production.
              1. +3
                12 August 2021 12: 28
                As well as culture and educational level.
                The sum of knowledge does not always result in culture.
                1. +4
                  12 August 2021 12: 33
                  The sum of knowledge has nothing to do with culture at all. Academician Likhachev (who was in the camp) is considered one of the pillars of Russian culture. Sometimes he was called "the last intellectual of Russia." He said that intellectuals were not liked in the camp. Because anyone can pretend to be kind or brave. For a minute or an hour. Or for a year. It's impossible to pretend to be cultural.
                  And personally, my uncle told me after receiving his diploma, "Now you have become a certified worker. To become an engineer, you need to study. And not only specialties." And this is after five years of institute !!! Therefore, they still call me a "lousy intellectual" in production. laughing
                  1. +3
                    12 August 2021 12: 40
                    When they say "caveman" - there is an image of an uncouth bumpkin with a club in his hands and a lack of brains and culture.
                    My opinion is that the caveman who invented the wheel was more talented than Einstein. And the one who was the first to paint a mammoth with ocher on the cave wall was more cultured than Michelangelo. In any case, in imagination and abstract thinking, he surpassed many of us. Including me too.
    5. +2
      12 August 2021 14: 02
      They are not stupid, they know how to count money and profits better than anyone else in the world. If it is profitable they will bomb and fight. And without a difference it will be on democracy and human rights.
    6. +2
      12 August 2021 14: 12
      God! How old are you 10 or 12? To be such a naive layman, one must try not to read anything and not study anywhere. Well .. or get a school education in modern Square.
      1. +1
        13 August 2021 07: 32
        What kind of infantile one should be to believe and talk about some kind of "democracy"?
        Democracy is as much a chimera as communism.
        The right of the strong has acted, is acting, and will act in the world.
    7. +1
      12 August 2021 19: 17
      Western fascism around the world.
  3. +5
    12 August 2021 10: 57
    In short, Sits hanging out, a pair of Belum!
    PS: The author, what did he want to say? An article, a statement of well-known facts to everyone. Moreover, the given general state of the world was predicted more than a hundred years ago long before the First World War, by Karl Marx in his Capital. Although the Capital is also full of controversial issues. but the general essence of the behavior of capitalist states is shown correctly.
  4. +4
    12 August 2021 11: 42
    The formation of a new alignment of forces in Europe will also depend on Turkey.

    Erdogan's regime has no prospects. Opinion polls show that he is lagging more and more behind his competitors in future elections. He is not even the second, but the third or fourth.
    It is enough to look at the exchange rate of the lira to the dollar. During Erdogan's presidency, the exchange rate fell from 2,76 to 10 lira per dollar.
  5. +3
    12 August 2021 11: 53
    System crash. It is systemic, not random or cyclical. The consumption-based system has not paid off. The alternative system was broken. And there is nothing else at the moment. Hence the mess in the world.

    Plumbing in the Gulag ask
    - What are you sitting for?
    - For politics!
    - How come?
    - Yes, the sewerage system in the city committee is clogged. They called me to fix it. I said, "You guys need to change the whole system!"
    1. -3
      12 August 2021 14: 52
      Humanity has never lived as well in history as it does now. And never in history have so few people died in wars as now.
      1. +1
        12 August 2021 15: 02
        What is humanity?
        Humanity is 7 billion people. Can you repeat your statement in Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan or Africa? A consumer society lacks the resources of one planet. This year's World Environmental Debt Day came on July 29, three weeks earlier than last year.
        For reference, the Day of Environmental Duty is the day when humanity will spend all the resources that the Earth can restore in a year.
        In ancient Rome, they also believed that everything was fine. The collapse has come nevertheless. The consumer society has exhausted itself. Hence the war for resources.
        For some reason, people believe that development is always going on ascending. This is not true. In ancient Rome, at the beginning of our era, aqueducts, sewers and baths existed. Performances were staged in theaters. In the 10th century, none of this existed in all of Europe.
        1. -1
          13 August 2021 00: 00
          Quote: Bakht
          What is humanity?

          a set of individuals belonging to the biological species of Homo sapiens (Hom sapiens); includes both all living and living in the past representatives of this species.

          Quote: Bakht
          Can you repeat your statement in Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan or Africa?

          You understand what statistics are. The indicators for the planet as a whole are improving. Even in Africa, life rates are on the rise. I read somewhere that the infant mortality rate in Africa has reached the European 50s. This is an achievement.
          Yes, there are still people dying of hunger, having no education, suffering from warriors. But according to statistics, there are fewer and fewer of them.

          Quote: Bakht
          The consumer society lacks the resources of one planet. This year's World Environmental Debt Day came on July 29, three weeks earlier than last year.

          If you think logically, the planet has been accumulating these resources for millions, if not billions of years, but in seriousness, humanity has begun to exploit them for a hundred years, as this loan looks with a very large limit. But I agree that this needs to be changed. And try to do something about it. Have you heard anything about decarbonization?
          Can you suggest an alternative to the consumer society? ISIS members try to work with the Taliban (banned in the Russian Federation), but personally, their ideas are not very impressive to me.

          Quote: Bakht
          In ancient Rome, they also believed that everything was fine. The collapse has come nevertheless. The consumer society has exhausted itself. Hence the war for resources.

          How is Derzhavin

          The river of times in its aspiration
          Carries away all the affairs of people
          And drowns in the abyss of oblivion
          Peoples, kingdoms and kings.

          I doubt that someone will escape such a fate.
          I would like to remind you that the Roman Empire existed for 1,5 thousand years and from the peak of its power to its extinction it existed for more than a thousand years. If today is the peak of the power of the current "Rome", then it won't be soon before its fall. Otherwise, yes, collapse is inevitable.
          The last major war for resources (living space) ended in 45. Since then, there have been only two warriors for the possession of resources. War is too expensive a thing to wage for the sake of some material value.
          Be an optimist, there will definitely be enough sewers and baths for our age.
          1. 0
            13 August 2021 05: 53
            Basic provisions.
            Offer something in exchange for the consumer society? UN program (it seems from 17 points). One of the points is to achieve minimum consumption. By the way, there is one of the subsections - the rejection of electronics.
            The Roman Empire did not exist for 1,5 years, but for several hundred. The peak of power is even smaller. Years 300-400. The current consumer society has been created for 200 years.
            Nature has been able to create resources for even a trillion years. It can squander it in a couple of hundred years. So time is short.
            Resource wars never stopped. And they continue now. Do you think that war is when cannons are firing? Stock quotes, intellectual property rights, quotas, decarbonization - it's all a war. And bloody enough.
            I have already said that we have a different view of things. And don't be optimistic. This is fraught. Be realistic.
            In the 90s, there was an anecdote on the territory of the USSR

            In the national republics, optimists studied the Russian language, pessimists studied the national language, and realists studied the Kalashnikov assault rifle.

            The realists were right.
            1. -1
              14 August 2021 20: 31
              Quote: Bakht
              Offer something in exchange for the consumer society? UN program (it seems from 17 points). One of the points of achieving minimum consumption

              I did not find something like that. Dugin heard that electricity was evil, and that the UN ...
              The UN to fight poverty and hunger, that is, it helps to increase consumption. In general, the UN is an organization promoting liberal principles around the world. In general, what is the alternative to a consumer society?

              Quote: Bakht
              The Roman Empire did not exist for 1,5 years, but for several hundred. The peak of power is even smaller. Years 300-400. The current consumer society has been created for 200 years.

              I included the Eastern Roman Empire here, but not the essence. If now the current Rome is at its peak, then tomorrow it will definitely not fall apart.

              Quote: Bakht
              Resource wars never stopped. And they continue now. Do you think that war is when cannons are firing? Stock quotes, intellectual property rights, quotas, decarbonization - it's all a war. And bloody enough.

              War is when people die. The rest is bullshit. Today the number of victims of war is the lowest for many centuries.

              Quote: Bakht
              And don't be optimistic.

              I'd rather be an optimist, it's more fun to live this way.
              Moreover, knowing the history, it is impossible to deny that people live better today than yesterday.
              The pessimist turned out to be right in your anecdote.
              1. +1
                14 August 2021 21: 18
                The realist turned out to be right in the anecdote. Realists are always right. It's fun to be an optimist, of course. But, strictly speaking, an optimist is a lazy person. Everything suits him. Progress has always been driven by pessimists. The pessimist does not like the existing state of affairs and he is trying to improve this very situation.
                The UN program is called Responsible Consumption. Key points here

                If the world's population reaches 9,6 billion people by 2050, the resources of the three planets Earth will be requiredto provide everyone with the necessary resources.

                "Giving up electronics" is overkill, of course. But not on my part. These are recommendations

                - have no more than 100 items in your wardrobe, make your purchases deliberately;
                - prioritize. If you formulate clear priorities and goals, it will be easier to give up secondary things.
                - spend money on experiences. Buying things is necessarily associated with the concept of hedonistic adaptation, and this does not apply to impressions. Collect friends and experiences, not just things!
                - temporarily abandon electronics in order to exclude purchases on the Internet.
                - not to buy, but to rent. Perhaps the easiest way to save money on the really important things, getting the most out of it immediately. When buying, you pay 10 times more for the opportunity to simply be considered the owner of the thing, not using its resource even by 50%.
                - Demand that businesses respect people and the planet.

                The UN program proposes not to increase consumption, but to use resources rationally, that is, to limit ourselves. That is, to reduce consumption. From this I concluded that the "consumer society" has exhausted itself. This is a systemic crisis.

                Resources are in short supply. This fact is not disputed by anyone. And the war for resources is ongoing. It is not necessary to arrange Stalingrad. You can destroy a country, plant a comprador bourgeoisie there and export resources. According to analysts' research, the collapse of the USSR led to the death of 9 million people in Russia alone (some write the figure at 25 million). I'm not going to count. But these losses are already comparable to military operations.

                The heyday of Rome is the 2nd century BC and the beginning of our era (defeat in the Teutoburg forest). Then there was dying (degradation) This long agony did not bring anything good to the peoples of the Roman Empire. The Eastern Roman Empire is no longer Rome. The division of the Empire into Eastern and Western means the end of a single state.
  6. -3
    12 August 2021 12: 04
    So what?
    Even before the USSR, everyone knew about the competition and their interests.

    That England and France had been slaughtering for 100 years, that Sweden was with Russia, that Persia was with Turkey, and everyone around happily tried to bite off a piece.

    Maybe now the media are talking about at least someone over the hill with warmth?
    No, all enemies, sit in the trenches while the masters of life travel abroad ...
  7. +2
    12 August 2021 12: 51
    ... the aggressive policy of states with a more developed economic order in relation to states with a less developed economic order.

    Not everything is decided by the economy. By the beginning of the 19th century, the World Bank gave 6% of world GDP, and India (within the then borders) - 23%, China - 30%.
    In India and China, there was a creative mindset. The WB is in the mood for genocide and parasitism.
    Therefore, the WB, using a new tool, the Bank of England, made a breakthrough in creating a powerful fleet and advanced weapons. And she realized the mentality that their ancestors (people with haplogroup R1b) brought from Sumer and Egypt to Europe 4 years ago. The Naglo-Saxons have been demonstrating this mentality for many centuries. In memory - about 900 million Irish, many millions of Indians and Chinese, more than 10 million American Indians ...
    Even earlier, 4 - 900 years ago - the universal extermination of the peoples of Western and Central Europe. The number of these victims is uncountable.
    A similar mistake is now being made by those who consider Russia weaker than the United States, focusing on GDP (in the United States, it is largely inflated).
  8. 0
    12 August 2021 15: 17
    In the early 1990s, our and foreign liberals with a blue eye argued that after the destruction of the "evil empire", world peace finally did not threaten anything, the "wonderful democracies of the West" would reduce the intensity of arms production, reduce their number and, in general, "Democracies do not fight democracies." However, this far-fetched peacefulness is somehow not observed even after 30 years.

    So he reduced the production of weapons, and the armies were reduced, and democracies are not at war with democracies. What's wrong?

    Despite the beautiful provisions of the UN Charter, the essence of international politics still remains in the struggle of aggressive militarized states for the redistribution of markets, resources and property. All other issues - humanitarian, national, cultural, environmental - are still, to put it mildly, secondary.

    A highly controversial statement. I think it will be difficult for the author to find an example of an economically justified war over the past 80 years.

    The world arms market, in contrast to the volume of social investments, shows an annual growth of 5-10%, and the number of wars and conflicts after the collapse of the USSR not only did not decrease, but is growing like an avalanche.

    In my opinion, the author exaggerates a little, the growth is not 10% per year, but not 10%. And about the "avalanche-like increase" is simply not true, the number of victims of these conflicts has never been as low as in the last decade. The largest losses from the civil war in Syria.

    A good example of the opposite is Mexico, a large state without an "adequate army", so its government does not have sovereignty even over drug cartels, despite its full membership in the UN.

    No, not good, in Mexico there is practically a civil war that claimed the lives of hundreds of thousands of people.

    Not so long ago, America conducted a forced sterilization of Mexican women in refugee camps, the UN launched an investigation, and the Mexican authorities, as noted in the media, "because of their dependence on the United States, have chosen a strategy of reconciliation and submission."

    What nonsense.

    This is because Mexico does not have a strong economy to support a strong army.

    Generally speaking, the economy of Mexico ranks 13th (RF 6th) in the world. Which is more than Turkey.
    Well, so it is possible for each paragraph of this article.
    1. 0
      12 August 2021 15: 50
      Of course, there is no point in arguing with people with a pro-Western orientation. These are people, one might say, with mental disabilities. However, for third-party readers, I will mark the link for review https://armstrade.org/files/yearly_2020_5_1.pdf
      1. +1
        12 August 2021 16: 32
        By your own link

        In general, the total volume of world exports of weapons and military equipment in 2012-2019. TSAMTO
        estimates in the amount of 581,034 billion dollars, including in 2012 - 58,176 billion.
        dollars, in 2013 - 55,565 billion dollars, in 2014 - 67,448 billion dollars, in 2015
        year - 74,526 billion dollars, in 2016 - 79,684 billion dollars, in 2017 - 83.528
        billion dollars, in 2018 - 80,447 billion dollars and in 2019 - 81 billion dollars.

        Growth by reptiles 2013 -4,5%, 2014 + 21,8% (what a coincidence), 2015 + 10,5%, 2016 + 6,9%, 2017 4,8%, 2018 -3,7%, 2019 + 1,5%

        For the first time since 2001-2005, the volume of deliveries of major weapons between countries did not increase in the period from 2011-15 to 2016-2020. However, international arms shipments remain close to their highest levels since the end of the Cold War.
        “It is too early to tell whether the period of rapid growth in the supply of arms over the past two decades is over,” said Peter D. Weseman, senior fellow at the SIPRI Arms and Defense Expenditure Program.

        In any case, the supply of weapons is much lower than during the Cold War.

        I envy the hurray-patriots, they don't need proof, they have faith and that's enough for them.
        1. +1
          12 August 2021 20: 00
          And now add to these figures domestic deliveries and all sorts of secret agreements, here you have a minimum of 5-10%. I am not saying that the arms market today is larger than it was during the Cold War, there is no need to invent it. I just wrote that it is growing steadily in spite of the liberal pro-American screamers.
          1. -1
            12 August 2021 21: 29
            Oooh, "secret treaties" !! And let me know how much these secret treaties are valued? And I know, they are secret, who will tell them, but the cousin of my stepfather's brother's wife knows for sure and has shared with you. It is not very clear why I should add "internal supplies" and, most importantly, what will change this.
            Meanwhile, defense spending on the world's states has grown by 10% in 9,3 years (by the way, the US has unexpectedly decreased). If defense spending grows by 1% per year, how is arms spending by 10%? Was the soldier transferred to pasture?

            Quote: Shirokobearodov
            I am not saying that the arms market today is larger than it was during the Cold War, there is no need to invent it. I just wrote that it is growing steadily in spite of the liberal pro-American screamers.

            According to your link, it grows unstably, but fluctuates. And according to SIPRI, this market has been stable over the past decade, that is, not growing.
            Accordingly, your statement about stable growth is false.
  9. -1
    12 August 2021 15: 25
    The more self-sufficient economic capacities the state has, the higher the independence of the bureaucracy from big business and, as a rule, the stronger the influence of the people on the policy of the leadership.

    Where does the author draw such conclusions from? They cannot be confirmed by facts.

    We somehow do not ask the question why Russia is a much more peaceful country than the United States? And the answer is simple: primarily because the American leadership is pushing the private sector of the military-industrial complex and insatiable transnational corporations to maintain and strengthen the world domination of the United States. And in Russia, in turn, there is a strong public sector, in which the issues of profit and profitability are at some distance from the irrepressible greed of a private trader.

    In the USSR there were no private traders at all, but in wars it occupied the honorable 2nd place in the world after the USA. In Canada, Japan or Germany, there are a lot of privateers, but they practically do not lead a warrior. If we're talking about re-audition after WWII
  10. 0
    12 August 2021 18: 12
    And how is Russia different from Mexico? Essentially nothing. Such an American colony.

  11. 0
    12 August 2021 19: 15
    ... And in Russia, in turn, there is a strong public sector, in which the issues of profit and profitability are at some distance from the irrepressible greed of a private trader ...

    I would decipher this veiled phrase as follows: In Russia, there is no public sector, as such, but there is a certain organization - an organized criminal group (“organization of correct citizens”), where the rules for all participants are very strict. Those who comply with these rules, i.e. no one blasphemes or threatens him with budgetary infusions from the center for the needs of the common fund who unfasten them from their cuts. But those who rattle, stash the loot they got, live "beautifully", the center gives time to spin up, then takes away all the good in bulk, and declares himself a corrupt official, a bribe-taker, puts him on the bunk until he gives all the loot that he dumps , plus a fine. Examples are the sea. Gave it - court - minimum term - parole. I didn’t give it away - to be blue in the face - an accidental death. And the private trader with his "irrepressible greed" is so rotten in our country that he, the poor man, is not happy that he got involved in this story. Since we do not have private property as such, but the muddy property of the oligarchy, the courts, feeding from the hands of these billionaires, do not judge any private (honest) entrepreneurs according to the Law, but are judged according to the above rules. A living example of this is Grudinin. To the author - a warm bow and a request to describe the events more precisely.
  12. +2
    12 August 2021 19: 44
    In the early 1990s, our and foreign liberals with a blue eye argued that after the destruction of the "evil empire", world peace finally did not threaten anything.

    An idealistic understanding of history, or, more correctly, a misunderstanding of historical processes, the essence of which is the domination of transnational corporations and banks, their struggle for the redivision of the world through state policy behind which the ears of a small handful of super-rich tycoons stick out who stand above the state and which the state serves, protecting their property and promoting their interests outside the state.
    The government has to work out the trust of big business in different ways, because the redistribution of the previously divided world is not an easy task. By virtue of the law of uneven development, aggression and redistribution are more manifested in backward and developing regions, because in the fight against a strong rival it is possible to lose. It uses a different strategy and tactics in relation to the conditions.
    The result of the intra-class struggle of big capital is the growing concentration of capital in the hands of only 1% of the richest and the impoverishment of others. Anton Gutterisch, UN Secretary General, spoke about this - growing inequality, but what's the point?

    history knows three types of struggle in the international sphere, regardless of the means used

    War is the continuation of the policy of one class or another by forceful methods and regardless of the pretext, it always pursues some political economic goals, being a means of establishing domination and profit, an inevitable product of a class society and there are only two types - just and aggressive.

    In the system of international relations, there is no more obvious and hypocritical situation than the so-called principle of the sovereign equality of states.

    The goal was to prevent war. On the one hand, this is real (military parity, for example), on the other, the pursuit of profit leads to the establishment of domination and the outbreak of wars. Therefore, wars are inevitable as long as there are classes - the oppressors and the oppressed.
    1. 0
      13 August 2021 14: 09
      Everything is essentially true you say.
  13. -2
    12 August 2021 20: 14
    The author asks a rhetorical question: "Why is Russia a much more peaceful country than the United States?" In fact, in the mouth of the author, this is not a question, but a statement, which, however, is very far from reality. Let us recall the multiple armed conflicts in the post-Soviet space, in which Russia has invariably taken the most active part.
  14. AND
    13 August 2021 07: 58
    Quote: Bindyuzhnik
    The author asks a rhetorical question: "Why is Russia a much more peaceful country than the United States?" In fact, in the mouth of the author, this is not a question, but a statement, which, however, is very far from reality. Let us recall the numerous armed conflicts in the post-Soviet space, in which Russia has invariably taken the most active part, from the wars in Transnistria to the ongoing confrontation in eastern Ukraine, the Chechen wars, and the annexation of Crimea. And there were also Abkhazia, Ossetia, Karabakh ... In 2015, the Syrian epic of the Russian Federation began, followed by Libya, the countries of Africa. Well, a very peaceful country, yeah. bully

    Izya "whose cow would bellow, and yours would be silent." How long can a lonely Jew defend Western values? Question 1). What is your interest in sitting here living in Israel? 2). What is the interest to always write everything against Russia? 3). Are you offended at Russia for what ???
  15. +1
    13 August 2021 21: 21
    The shagreen skin of world hegemony given to the West by Satan is rapidly shrinking. They already feel powerless. Hence the anger on any occasion. But this only weakens them.
  16. +1
    18 August 2021 14: 48
    The United States attacks those who cannot give them back ... They were going to attack North Korea, until Comrade Kim explained to them that he had missiles with nuclear warheads capable of annoying the Yankees
    1. -2
      20 September 2021 05: 23
      The US attacks those who cannot fight back.

      Tell me, where did they come from as winners?
  17. -2
    20 September 2021 05: 22
    The wrong country was called an empire of evil. Reagan had to look in the mirror - in it he would have seen a representative.