Russian KAMAZ is preparing a revolution in the world of heavy trucks

Being at the Russian Investment Forum in Sochi, the head of the KamAZ company Sergey Kogogin said that the company considers the development of unmanned trucks a promising area and plans to allocate 500 million rubles for research and work in this direction this year.

The prototype of the first unmanned truck in Russia based on the serial KamAZ-5350 with a 6 × 6 all-wheel drive chassis was created by the enterprise’s design bureau in 2015. The prototype is able to follow the routes laid down in the on-board computer, observe road markings and maintain a distance in relation to other traffic participants and distinguish pedestrians among them.

The KamAZ Group of Companies is one of the twenty largest global manufacturers of trucks. KamAZ took its place among the leaders due to the fact that the company carries out a full cycle of creating a truck - developing at the level of designers and designers, manufacturing, assembling and selling ready-made wide-profile trucks with subsequent warranty service.

In addition to trucks, the company’s product range includes trailers, buses, engines and power units and tools. In the Russian market, the company holds a 51% share.
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  1. +3
    22 February 2018 13: 28
    KAMAZ needs to patent the cabin, which would not have happened like with MAZ in the late 90s, when they developed a main tractor with a full-height cab, and here the collapse of the USSR and Renault stole all the documentation and gave the Mazovian cabin their own, and they still let out
    1. 0
      22 February 2018 16: 46
      I hope they learned a lesson ... learn quickly in business
    2. 0
      28 March 2018 22: 42
      Yeah. Storyteller. The full-height cab was already on the serial American Peterbilt 372 already in 1988.
  2. 0
    26 March 2018 15: 38
    For what? What is all the railway transport without drivers?
  3. 0
    11 February 2019 12: 35
    The falling horse finally fell down and normally so kissed his pumpkin on the asphalt. Is the rubber low profile? The fire. Panorama? Is this a greenhouse or what ??! It would be better to whistle the booth from the new actress. And for garlic - design "schoolchildren's fantasy" from the extended course.