"Revolution from above" in Russia: the likelihood of a scenario and possible ways of implementation


So, we have deal that the “revolution from above” in our context is not only the processes in European countries that followed the series of revolutions of 1848-49, but also any powerful leap in the development of the state. It, in turn, in addition to modernizing the country, leads to a serious renewal of the ruling elites. Without which it is, by and large, impossible. How real such a scenario is in today's Russia and how exactly it can be implemented, we will try to speculate.

When radical change is not good

To do this, let's start a little from afar. Because, despite the attractiveness of the phrase "breakthrough in the development of the country", one should not forget that any such breakthrough is always in some way a shock for the country. Depending on the conditions in which she is, it can be more or less painful. For example, the Meiji revolution in Japan was relatively easy. But the Stalinist modernization, the purpose of which was to have time to prepare for the next world war in the shortest possible time, cost the country very dearly. Perhaps unreasonably expensive, but this is a topic for another conversation.

But there are times when such tests are simply contraindicated in the country. History, including Russian, knows many examples of this. And it's not even about the period after the end of the Time of Troubles or the Civil War. We're talking about the beginning of the XNUMXs. Russia at that time found itself in a state of dilapidation after the collapse of the USSR and the rampant of "wild" capitalism. Another disintegration of the country at that time did not seem so unrealistic due to the agreements signed in Khasavyurt. And Khodorkovsky through the press openly announced his political ambitions, predicting that Russia will change the form of government and renounce nuclear weapons.

In such conditions, Putin began his presidential career. And, of course, it was simply pointless to talk about a breakthrough at that time - it was necessary to preserve a single state and restore its elementary controllability. And also to save all that is left of the Russian economics... And without going into details, we can say with confidence: in general, these tasks have been solved. Precisely because the president preferred to act in full accord with the well-known medical principle “do no harm”, avoiding unnecessarily sharp turns.

Why the breakthrough failed

As soon as the most elementary order was restored, the question arose of where to move next. It seems that the answer was on the surface, and the goals were formulated, but with their implementation there was a hole. And we had to forget about 25 million high-tech jobs, about the implementation of the state armaments program at the initially declared level, about plans to fully revive the domestic space industry, etc.

First, the West was not very happy about these plans, deciding to take a course of "containment" and arranging a wave of sanctions on Russia after the Ukrainian Maidan provoked by them. Here, two key weaknesses of modern Russia emerged with renewed vigor: dependence on the world market (mainly on energy prices) and inability to use “soft power” even where there are all the conditions for this. That is, on the territory of the CIS countries.

Proceeding from this, an obvious conclusion suggests itself that the philosophy within which our elite, and the country as a whole, exist, is not viable. Which was formed on the basis of the Western way of thinking, aimed at personal enrichment and the realization, again, of personal ambitions. Therefore (let us reveal the secret of Punchinelle) now the bulk of the profit received in the country is spent not at all on its development, but on the enrichment of specific people - businessmen and officials. And why should they change something when everything is fine?

It is clear that this is a simplification, and in a number of areas we are still making progress, but most of these achievements, alas, are not of a systemic nature. Which eloquently testifies to the absence of a long-term strategy, an image of the future for our country. And such a strategy implies setting goals not only of a socio-economic nature. But also, if you like, an ideal to strive for. No, not in order to build paradise on earth, but in order to always have a reference point in front of you. We already they said that this ideal is one of the key signs of a true superpower.

Try again with the same results

Immediately after his election in 2018, Vladimir Putin reiterated that Russia must make a leap forward in its development in order to close its gap with the leading world powers. However, there was no talk of the formation of any new meanings. And given the quality of the performers who had and will achieve the stated goals, it is hardly surprising that the designated plans are stalled. The implementation of the same national projects is estimated at about 50%, and even less for certain items. Nothing new.

Based on the above, it is not difficult to come to the conclusion that in order to solve the problems facing the country, people with new thinking must come to power. And we are not talking about the Leaders of Russia project or the “school of governors”, but about politicians who can shape the image of the future that meets the aspirations of the majority of the country's residents and are able to implement it. That is, about changing the country's development paradigm.

The amendments to the Constitution adopted in the summer can be considered a certain step towards shaping the image of the future, but they are only the first more or less serious step on this path. And then, it can be called so with good reason only when (if) we see the embodiment of these changes in practice. Mainly, if the refusal of officials of different levels from dual citizenship and property abroad becomes noticeable. Or their removal from power. Separately, we should say that one should not laugh at such assumptions. It was possible in due time to deprive the Duma mandates of the most odious participants in the "white tape" movement like Ponomarev, Gudkovs and others. This means that it can happen here too, there would be a desire.

Most Acceptable Way

The upcoming Duma elections will also show a lot. It is clear that we will again witness a large-scale use of the administrative resource in order to drive into the elections as many people dependent on the current authorities as possible, who would prefer to avoid possible problems from the displayed "disloyalty". But a certain optimism is inspired by the emergence of new parties, one of which is called “New People”, while the other is “For Pravda” created by Yevgeny (Zakhar) Prilepin.

The first has a pronounced right-wing ideology with a weakening of state control over the economy and its other features, the second is aimed at the implementation of left-wing ideas, in particular, the nationalization of land and its subsoil. We will not go further than designating these two positions, since anyone can familiarize themselves in the most detailed way with the original text of the election programs of the newcomers of the future Duma campaign. Let's move on.

In principle, the emergence of certain parties, most of which "blown away" within a maximum of ten years, can be observed regularly, but this is nothing more than ripples on the surface of Russian public policy. In this case, there are reasons for cautious optimism, and we are not even talking about the merger of "For Pravda" with "Patriots of Russia" and "SR". Everything is somewhat thinner.

Several times I had to meet on the Internet the statements of members of new parties criticizing the existing regime from the side that, they say, no party can claim any significant position in the public space without a signal from the presidential administration. Maybe this is the usual political rhetoric, but given our realities, it is quite possible that there is no exaggeration here.

If this is indeed the case, then this step can only be welcomed. Because he says that the Kremlin perfectly understands the fatigue of the majority of the people from the many years of virtually sole rule of United Russia. Which at first, when it was required to return the life of the country to a more or less calm channel, was, perhaps, relevant, then - tolerant, and now - unpromising from the point of view of development. But this is only an assumption, and the optimism expressed may be too bold.

And on the whole there is no question of being delighted with the still highly hypothetical passage of new parties to the Duma. Firstly, it is not a fact that their presence will be any significant, if at all, and secondly, you need to look at how they will show themselves during their work in parliament. And you certainly shouldn't rush to shout about “revolution from above”. But there is reason to believe that it is along this path that such a "revolution" is possible and even desirable in today's Russia. It is this scenario that can provide a breakthrough in development without serious upheavals in the form of a "Russian Maidan" or a repetition of 1917.
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  1. +5
    18 February 2021 08: 37
    Maybe someone will explain to me what is happening with the party "For New Socialism" and its first person Nikolai Platoshkin, who is under house arrest for what he did not commit, namely for calls to overthrow the current government and calls for a popular revolt, and Pan Navalny has been doing this for the past five years, but instead, he is charged with some kind of nonsense for violating the conditional regime and insulting a WWII veteran, for which he was slapped only 3,5 years in a general regime colony, although for his calls to a coup d'état and holding anti-state sabbaths on the streets of Russian cities, he shines almost a lifetime ... Maybe someone will share their thoughts on this, or maybe they are led by someone from the environment of Chubais and Kudrin, who dream of prolonging their power to the Kremlin for another dozen years, continuing to ruin the country and keep its people in poverty.
    1. +4
      18 February 2021 09: 25
      Well, you can only make assumptions here. The collective "Chubais" has always been afraid of serious left-wing initiatives and people like Platoshkin. And he planted them quite regularly, without even remembering about "freedom of speech" and so on. But if you consider that the same Prilepin comrades offer about the same as uv. Nikolai Nikolayevich, however, everything is fine with them, it may indicate that the command was given from above “do not touch these”. Nobody said anything about Platoshkin, so they grabbed him.

      As for Navalny, his ideas are shared by a good half of our powers that be. The same Gref, Kudrin, etc., their name is "legion". In Bykov's "Sleepers" this is perfectly shown, even though the film is fictional. So how do they plant him? Then what to do with yourself?

      Again, all this is nothing more than an assumption.
      1. -1
        18 February 2021 10: 43
        Prilepin companions offer about the same as uv. Nikolay Nikolaevich

        You "don't compare with a finger." First, ask Google at least the program and who does Prilepin support? He called this Navalny to his party and offered to support Navalny's supporters in the elections!
        1. 0
          20 February 2021 08: 28
          Quote: steel maker
          First, at least google ask the program

          I took your advice and asked Google. Here is the text of their program. https://zapravdu.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/Programma_ZA_PRAVDU.pdf
          Where are the intersections with Navalny? And when exactly did Prilepin call him to his party and urge him to support? Tell me specifically, please.

          For example, I know for certain that they collaborated, although they were not like-minded people, until 2011, up to Bolotnaya Square. And they finally parted after the annexation of the Crimea.
    2. +1
      18 February 2021 11: 08
      Maybe someone will explain to me what is happening with the party "For New Socialism" and its first person Nikolai Platoshkin

      Power is money, and everyone needs money - bulk, plateoshkin, and everyone.
      1. +4
        18 February 2021 13: 34
        Quote: Jacques Sekavar
        Power is money, and everyone needs money

        But then what about the Bolsheviks of 1917, when all the money lost its value and value in the country, but they stubbornly continued to build their own state of workers and peasants, and is this only thanks to "special distributors" for the then "powers that be"? Something the today's heirs of Vladimir Ilyich and Joseph Vissarionovich do not have any palaces and castles in the Emirates and the Bahamas, and Stalin left behind only a couple of ichigas, an overcoat and a ceremonial uniform, well, but about the modern "celestials" of Russia, you already know everything very well , in what luxury they themselves, their children, their wives and mistresses bathe ... This is with whom we have been led, since 1985, Gorbachev, with the United States, from which we have accumulated theft, fraud, meanness and venality, and now we will be very long to reap these "fruits", and Prilepin is an adventurous man, and his share is to continue to serve the interests of EdR, but not the people.
        1. -6
          18 February 2021 18: 15
          and Stalin left behind only a pair of ichigas, an overcoat and a ceremonial uniform

          Oh, the communist tales about Stalin without silver were used :)
          1. +4
            18 February 2021 19: 25
            Quote: Cyril
            Oh, communist tales were used

            Are you accustomed to the Chubaisokudrinsky tales about the rich Russian people, but then you need to comment not here, but in Forbes, or in Vedomosti.
          2. +6
            19 February 2021 08: 53
            And how many palaces and foreign accounts were found at Comrade. Stalin? This despite how many ill-wishers he has on our side and on the other side?
            Are there any irrefutable facts?
            I know for sure about the palaces of pioneers, palaces of culture, sports palaces. And about the others have not heard. Share the insider info, if any?
            1. -4
              19 February 2021 10: 13
              And how many palaces and foreign accounts were found at Comrade. Stalin?

              But right here :)
              1. 0
                20 February 2021 18: 30
                Duc there and it is said that except for the money in the safe, collected from salaries and bonuses, there was nothing. And then, given the links to foreign sources, you need to understand their unreliability.
                1. -3
                  21 February 2021 03: 30
                  And it also says how many dachas, residences, personal cars, etc., at the disposal of Stalin as head of state. And given that he was a life-long (and, in fact, autocratic) head of state, this is tantamount to his personal property.
                  1. +1
                    21 February 2021 08: 31
                    The question is what he used from this. We must be fair: he was really indifferent to luxury. This black cat is no longer in this dark room, there is no need to look for it there. I am far from feeling piety for Stalin, but what happened was what happened: he really lived quite austerely.
                    1. -4
                      21 February 2021 08: 42
                      The question is what he used from this.

                      It doesn't matter what he actually used - what matters is that it all belonged to him and at his very first request could be provided for unlimited use.

                      We must be fair: he was really indifferent to luxury.

                      First, luxury is a loose concept. Well, you know, you may not have a mansion with a gold finish, but you can use the right to unlimited shooting of game on an area of ​​hundreds of hectares.

                      I’m not specifically talking about Stalin (I don’t know how he felt about hunting), I’m illustrating the principle of the relativity of “luxury” myself.

                      Secondly, there is various information about Stalin's real life. It is difficult to say how objective this or that point of view is. The essence of totalitarian regimes is that the truth was hidden or eradicated there really hard.

                      I, in general, am indifferent to Stalin himself - this is already the past of our country. What was - it was. In reality, only "gifted individuals" who dream of "the same as Stalin" are finishing me off.
                      1. +1
                        21 February 2021 12: 56
                        On the whole, I agree about nostalgia for Stalin, but our liberals did everything they could for this. Throwing mud at Russian history in this way is not surprising that this gave rise to a reciprocal movement, sometimes reaching extremes in the form of Stalin's infallibility.
      2. +1
        18 February 2021 14: 11
        Everything is exactly the opposite. Money is just a tool.
  2. -2
    18 February 2021 08: 50
    A revolution from above, a revolution from below - this is nonsense and manilovism for Russians. To understand the main character trait of the overwhelming majority of those living in Russia, I will quote the point of view of one literate person -

    respect for Russian violence concerns not only oneself, but other peoples as well. If you are told that “the Russians will never forgive Bandera for cooperation with the Nazis and the killed Russian people” - remember how you collaborated with the Nazis and how many Russian people were killed by the Knight of the St. George Cross Carl Gustav Mannerheim during the blockade of Leningrad. And how Russian President Putin and Russian President Medvedev humbly carried flowers to his grave. Perhaps Bandera's problem is that in fact the Russians have suffered from him and his followers are too few to take him seriously. This is all the key to understanding how the Russian government will act from the outside and from the inside. And the key is to understand what is wrong with the Russian people. And the key is understanding how to survive in Russia and how to negotiate with its leadership.
    They tell you in plain text that it doesn't reach us otherwise than through a stick.
    Perhaps this is the problem.
  3. -3
    18 February 2021 09: 03
    ABOUT! And here a lukewarm company is going.))
    Platoshkinsky und Bandera!
    Soon the Jewish Cossacks will catch up.
    I'll come back later, the comments promise to please.)
    1. +4
      18 February 2021 09: 22
      Whose will you be, no Chubais? Go to "Bolotnaya", there is all your "tsimus".
      1. 0
        18 February 2021 11: 34
        And I'm nobody's. I don't wear a saucepan. Neither zhovto-blakitnaya, nor red, nor with sidelocks.
  4. 0
    18 February 2021 09: 24
    Quote: The Fourth Horseman
    ABOUT! And here a lukewarm company is going.))
    Platoshkinsky und Bandera!
    Soon the Jewish Cossacks will catch up.
    I'll come back later, the comments promise to please.)

    Decorate the site with your absence.
    1. +1
      18 February 2021 11: 31
      Jewish Cossack, don't tell me what to do, and I won't tell you which synagogue to go to.
      1. -1
        18 February 2021 18: 17
        The word "Cossack" is written with the letter "o".
  5. +1
    18 February 2021 10: 24
    On the eve of 24 years, the Kremlin needs a loyal, governed parliament. Therefore, United Russia forever. Even the existing parliamentary parties representing the opposition (and in fact the branches of the same United Russia Party) will be pushed aside.

    Proceeding from this, an obvious conclusion suggests itself that the philosophy within which our elite, and the country as a whole, exist, is not viable. Which was formed on the basis of the Western way of thinking, aimed at personal enrichment and the realization, again, of personal ambitions. Therefore (let us reveal the secret of Punchinelle) now the bulk of the profit received in the country is spent not at all on its development, but on the enrichment of specific people - businessmen and officials. And why should they change something when everything is fine?

    I wonder why the elite "was formed on the basis of the Western way of thinking" in any Scandinavia or Canada and Australia not only to enrich themselves personally, but also to invest in the development of their countries?
  6. +5
    18 February 2021 10: 25
    There are many promises. Yavlinsky number 2 Platoshkin promises everything to everyone, but he will tell how to do it only after he is elected president. I wish I could see a maker who has already proved that at least something can, except for demagoguery, but such are not visible
    1. -3
      18 February 2021 10: 47
      And Putin, that did a lot of things before the presidency? He changed his oath and dragged his suitcases for Sobchak!
      1. 0
        11 March 2021 12: 41
        Putin could not change his oath, if only because in 1991 he no longer served in the KGB.
    2. 0
      18 February 2021 12: 00
      I wish I could see a maker who has already proven

      Is Grudinin okay?
      1. +3
        18 February 2021 14: 06
        With all due respect to Grudinin, it will not work. Business and government are completely different areas of activity.
      2. +1
        11 March 2021 12: 40
        Grudinin knows nothing about the defense industry or foreign policy; he looks back at Zyuganov in everything except agriculture. Its ceiling is the Minister of Agriculture.
  7. -3
    18 February 2021 10: 28
    But Stalin's modernization cost the country very dearly.

    And this is not for you to judge. Another "Svanidze" was found! Do you first decide what is good and what is bad? First, write an article about what kind of elite we have, and then defend the leader of this elite with foam at the mouth!

    "Revolution from above" in Russia

    So is Putin good or bad? If good, for whom? If bad, then for whom and who needs this revolution from the top? You even surpassed Volkonsky in your delirium. But at least he gets good articles when he thinks critically. And you can’t think critically!
    1. +1
      18 February 2021 11: 10
      Quote: steel maker
      So is Putin good or bad?

      1. -3
        18 February 2021 11: 23
        Time changes a person and his views. Therefore, I give pluses even to "fans" if their comments are for Russia, for people. But you don't deserve a plus! Here is your smiley - your level of education!
        1. +3
          18 February 2021 11: 30
          I laugh then that I don't understand why you need to label someone and see the world in black and white. There are both negative and positive aspects in the policy of any leader of the country.

          And why do you so want to hear from me a "diagnosis" to Putin? You are deeply indifferent to my opinion, as I understand it.
          1. -4
            18 February 2021 14: 00
            As a journalist, you must state the facts. And you see only positive in some and only negative in others. And if you can't make a diagnosis, you don't write about politics. Write about fishing, or about whose diagnosis you have no doubt about. And if you are a "fan" of Putin, do not criticize his "servants". Even Urgant could not resist the "joke". Putin himself said that the salary of scientists should be twice the salary in the region. Average salary in the Novosibirsk region 39 thousand rubles This means that the salary of scientists should be 78 thousand rubles. “Where is the money, Zin?” He asks Siluanov. Or do you want to say that the minister is "screwing up", but nothing to do with the president? And what I want from you, I write in plain text. And to a direct question, I want to receive a direct answer, and not wonder what you wanted to say there. Then you won't have to make excuses!
            1. +2
              18 February 2021 14: 48
              Quote: steel maker
              And if you are a "fan" of Putin, do not criticize his "servants"

              I think I'll figure it out myself, who to criticize, who isn't.

              Quote: steel maker
              And to a direct question, I want to receive a direct answer, and not guess what you wanted to say there.

              Guessing is one of the forms of mental activity. Think for yourself. This is the only way to form your own point of view.

              As for direct answers, I have written many times that, in general, I have a positive attitude towards Putin's activities. It's just that now the previous approaches to solving the problems facing the country have already exhausted their resources.
              1. +1
                18 February 2021 17: 32
                Artem, I read your article completely, which I rarely do, I got interested. Everything seems to be correct, but still there was a feeling that something was wrong. In this comment, they themselves gave a clue. That is, despite our "permanent helmsman" parasites are ministers and officials on the ground, they steal and lawless. Well, Putin is not like that, he is for the truth, for Russia, for the people, so what? For me, he is the main swindler, well, or a slob that everyone ignores. TV, no one cares, they continue to muddle. And the improvements went in the country only because our noble rats began to stupidly take money abroad. And what could they do? They began to invest in the country, because they were kicked out of there. And believe they are theirs. the money that was lost there will be recaptured on us. Here, no one limits it. And why are they not suing for their "honestly earned." blood and sweat, and I honestly earned my money. I did not kill anyone, did not steal, did not stir up. And it is not good giving them and their support, and contrary to. Type, the king is good, the boyars are bad, so what?)))). And if he cannot control his workers, it is better to give way to someone who can?
                1. +2
                  18 February 2021 17: 54
                  The fact is that no ruler makes the weather alone. Even Stalin relied on like-minded people. Just in the conditions of the formation of the Soviet system, therefore, I was able to perfectly take advantage of the situation and cleanse the ranks of those who did not agree with their course. How many crooks were able to adapt to the new conditions and what methods were used to clean up is a separate conversation.

                  Putin came to power when the elite was ALREADY formed. And the country was in such conditions when sharp turns can finally break everything. So I had to work with what was available. As well as the first Romanovs after the Troubles. And in terms of character, as well as in convictions, he is a completely different person. And he fulfilled his task. Now, yes, other people are needed.

                  Regarding whether he is a thief or not, neither you nor I have information. This will become clear much later. In any case, I do not urge anyone to agree. I just think so and write based on this.
                  1. +2
                    18 February 2021 18: 32
                    He has been in power for a very long time, if he has not assembled a team of like-minded people during this time, he may still be incompetent. Or maybe he also gathered slowing down us as a country and stealing common resources was his goal. Everyone knows about a bad dancer))). of course everyone has their own opinion. Thanks for your time.
                    1. 0
                      18 February 2021 18: 44
                      Well, your opinion is understandable and worthy of respect, if only because it was expressed without foam at the mouth)))
                    2. +1
                      11 March 2021 12: 34
                      Personnel hunger is a chronic disease of Russia. As for the tsar, that for the White armies, that for the Bolsheviks. Only by emergency measures could they make Russia manageable. And as soon as one abandoned violence as the main method of management, everything began to crumble. Such a country can only be ruled by a party dictatorship, as in China. To have a flexible, all-pervading structure bound by discipline and responsibility. No other way.
                    3. +1
                      11 March 2021 12: 38
                      Neither Putin nor anyone else can today simply take and cut off the entire upper control layer and put another in its place. Then he won't live a day. And there is no one to replace it - neither in the sense of managerial qualifications (you do not think that any person on the street can rule), nor in the sense of moral trust. We have to forge shots from improvised material, and you yourself know what it is. Problem!
              2. +2
                19 February 2021 02: 14
                ... It's just that now the previous approaches to solving the problems facing the country have already exhausted their resources.

                I don’t mind. But in Russia now there is no party for which
                the people are coming, and those that are - props, including "For the truth" and others. The government protects the interests of the bourgeoisie and the oligarchs, what about this? That is, the system in the Russian Federation is capitalist, in which blatant social injustice.
                Therefore, it is necessary to change the system, how do you propose to change it?
                1. 0
                  19 February 2021 08: 18
                  As for the props - wait and see. For suggestions - see the text of the article.
                  1. 0
                    19 February 2021 19: 08
                    Your writings suggest a redecoration of the capitalist system in the Russian Federation, but nothing is said about the socialist concept.
                    1. 0
                      19 February 2021 19: 21
                      People with crooked views on what is happening (left, right), please do not interfere with the historical course of events.

                      PS There is some truth in this request (joke). smile
                    2. 0
                      19 February 2021 19: 37
                      Your writing suggests a facelift to the capitalist system

                      I spoke about changing the country's development paradigm. You misunderstood.

                      Quote: Rusa
                      but nothing is said about the socialist concept

                      Was I obliged to do it? And then, what is meant by socialism? Late USSR, Stalinist (or Stalinist) era, NEP, present-day China or Venezuela? Here, after all, as with "democracy" - it is important what meaning to put into this word.
  8. -2
    18 February 2021 10: 53
    to ensure a breakthrough in development without serious shocks in the form of a "Russian Maidan" or a repetition of 1917.

    Without a good kick, the members of the Ozera cooperative should not count on anything positive in Russia.
  9. +6
    18 February 2021 11: 02
    "Revolution from above" in our context is ... any powerful leap forward in the development of the state

    Productive forces and relations of production form a mode of production, which is characterized not by how much and what is produced, but by the mode of production - how it is produced.
    The development of productive forces always outstrips production relations and leads to the emergence of new spheres of profit, industries and methods of production, the flow of capital, the emergence of new owners of large capitals such as Zuckerberg and Bezos, which creates tension and leads to an intra-class struggle that changes the internal alignment of forces of the ruling class. public policy, public ideas and moods, culture, legal and all other relations. This is the essence and meaning of social development, etc. "Revolutions" from above, and therefore it is naive to say that "now the bulk of the profits received in the country is spent not at all on its development, but on the enrichment of specific people - businessmen and officials" and that someone with a new mindset like the party of "New people "can decide something. The “new people” are all the same representatives of the ruling class, but of a different grouping, as was the case with the parties “Our Home - Gazprom”, “SPS”, “Yabloko”, “Civil Platform” by Mikhail Dmitrievich Prokhorov and many others. In the Russian Federation, the state controls and directs big capital, which, for obvious reasons, seeks to get out of the control of the state, and for this it must make a coup or have a decisive vote in all elected and legislative bodies of power, and for this it buys the media, promotes trusted hired workers into politics , etc. Therefore, a change in the places of the terms does not change anything at all - the rich will get richer, and the poor will become poorer. Fundamental changes are possible only in one single case - the change of the Social system and the dictatorship of the proletariat, but there are no prerequisites for this.
  10. -1
    18 February 2021 12: 02
    A revolution from above, more correctly called a coup d'etat.
    1. 0
      18 February 2021 12: 12
      A coup d'état is when one group of elites seizes power from another. Like on the Maidan in 2014. I still wrote about something else.
      1. +2
        18 February 2021 12: 24
        I still wrote about something else.

        relaxed in the February sun. Sorry. But still, if you take Putin. I will not be original, but in the 2014s oil was expensive, money flowed into the country like a river, so life, somehow, improved without tension. But XNUMX came, it was necessary to change the entire economy, ideology, as before, we sat still and waited for oil to rise in price.
        As for new ones will come. I can't believe in the changes yet.
        1. +1
          18 February 2021 12: 31
          If they do not come, then it is difficult to imagine a way out of the current impasse.
          1. +5
            18 February 2021 13: 38
            If they do not come, then it is difficult to imagine a way out of the current impasse

            What is the dead end? Is it that the Western propaganda industry and the “democratic” media are whipping up the internal situation on the eve of elections or clamping down on freedom of speech, falling economy, worsening living conditions?
            With the coming to the leadership of V.V. Putin, there is a consistent progressive development in all directions as far as the internal and external situation allows, despite the statement of the 44th governor of the United States about the rupture of the Russian economy to shreds and all the efforts of his successors in this position.
            It is scary to imagine what will happen after Vladimir Putin leaves, behind which there is no political base - the party of the proletariat, in order to continue his policy over which, like the sword of Damocles, the oligarchic capital in the person of the RUIE hangs and which will not fail to make another attempt to get out of state control with full approval and support of Western "colleagues", and the consequences of this are not difficult to imagine if you recall Yeltsin and the neighboring states.
            1. +2
              18 February 2021 14: 58
              The dead end is, at least, that it is still impossible to reach acceptable rates of economic growth due to the dependence on the external situation. The fact that the execution of national projects (see the text of the article) is stalling, especially in such areas as labor productivity and the development of the digital economy. A trillion a year of unused funds remains. From which it is easy to conclude about the poor quality of the performers.

              It seems that one of the reasons is that positive changes are very disadvantageous to the very representatives of the oligarchic capital, which you mentioned. Putting these guys under strict state control is one of the key steps towards breaking the deadlock. Although this is extremely difficult to do, it is not impossible. We need will and people ready to work on it.
              1. 0
                18 February 2021 17: 56
                The dead end is at least that it is still impossible to reach acceptable rates of economic growth due to the dependence on the external situation

                More recently, dependence on external conditions was 70% and higher, but what about today?

                The fact that the execution of national projects (see the text of the article) is slipping

                National projects are a goal, plan, task, the implementation of which depends on many factors, internal and external.
                Nevertheless, progress is evident in productivity, in the digital economy, and in all other areas.

                A trillion a year of unused funds remains. From which it is easy to conclude about the poor quality of performers

                It is good that it remains, and does not disappear without a trace, as a billion disappeared after Gref left the post of minister.
                To master the budget is not an easy matter, everything is written according to the articles, but the situation requires transferring funds from one to another, and this is an article.
                The quality of the performers is improved both by structural changes and by personnel measures. For this purpose, programs in universities are being changed, personnel reserves are being created, selection on a competitive basis, etc., etc.

                positive changes are very disadvantageous to the representatives of the oligarchic capital

                Every capitalist, entrepreneur, lareshnik pursues one single goal - profit, which is easier to get by mastering an unoccupied niche - investment and capital flow, reducing production costs - modernization of production, knowing which foot to approach and which hand to give to those who make decisions - a political moment , and many other factors.

                Putting these guys under the strict control of the state is one of the key steps towards breaking the deadlock.

                Tight control kills initiative, promotes corruption and forms a class of dependents - the USSR is a vivid example of this, and how it all ended is known, a coup d'etat led by Yeltsin, and today not Yeltsin, Bulk, Sobchak's king, but the RUIE - a gathering of the largest oligarchs, each of whom can form your party, buy tens of thousands of people for extras and create your own army.
                1. +1
                  18 February 2021 18: 19
                  I do not urge you to agree with me. It's okay to have different opinions. If yours is closer to the truth, no one will mind.
  11. 0
    18 February 2021 13: 58
    Another PR. How many there were already, promises and mini-parties ..
    The technology on how to distract voters is well developed.

    You can safely change from chair to chair ..

    The words of the Supreme "no time to sway" sounds with minimal changes annually
    Annually, the near-zero economic growth, population decline and growth in the wealth of the oligarchs are recorded.
  12. -1
    18 February 2021 14: 07
    It is impossible for a country of the 3rd world to achieve development under the slogan "enrich yourself!" It only works in the metropolis.
    1. +1
      18 February 2021 18: 08
      Get rich, this is the call of the Chinese Communist Party during the Deng Xiaoping reforms, but the enrichment there takes place under the control of the party and government in the interests of the state and the people - the number of the poor is reduced by tens of millions, the level of average income has been reached and the basis for the development of socialism has been created. The main contradiction today is in the growing needs of the population and unbalanced development, but they are working on it.
  13. 0
    18 February 2021 22: 13
    a revolution from above is impossible for one simple reason, Vladimir Putin and his entourage do not need it and even harmful. Even when they are dragged to the scaffold, they will believe that the revolution is "impossible" these are the words of Putin who, seeing that the people did not come out against the pension reform, began to sign and push through the Duma laws actually approaching the time of the Antichrist. That is, a digital slave concentration camp led by the despot of Zion. Also, the mass extermination of the Russian population began by means of coronavirus and the optimization of medicine. Putin does not want to change anything, he is lying. He's been lying for 20 years. But now everything has changed and the authorities have felt it, the time of Putin and his gang has passed. An attempt to integrate into the "civilized democratic world" on some acceptable conditions while retaining power and privileges while maintaining legitimacy within the country has completely failed. Putin is becoming toxic even for his friends, not to mention the financial liberals and Zionists in power. The rapid rise in prices for everything inside and the closure of many enterprises throughout the country is the preparation of the 5th column for a general revolt. Angry hungry people will try to push out onto the streets at the right time, and blaming Putin for everything. It is possible that the revolt will be synchronized with military strikes along the entire perimeter of the borders and the most difficult military defeats of Russia. A new time of troubles will begin, threatening to develop into the collapse of the country, followed by the occupation of "partners". Especially unlucky for those whose territories are occupied by Chinese comrades, the population will be exterminated without exception. The Chinese won't bother.
  14. 0
    19 February 2021 11: 05
    The author began "for health" and finished "for peace." He began with the fact that it was the elites who determine the processes taking place in the country, and ended with the importance of the emergence of "new" parties. Jonathan Swift defined "the party is the madness of the many for the benefit of the few." The presence of parties, their election to various bodies is an illusion for the people about the involvement of the people themselves in the possibility of somehow influencing the ongoing processes in the country.
  15. -4
    19 February 2021 13: 18
    Oh well ... Gryzlov said correctly:

    The Duma is not a place for discussion!

    One batch is enough. The rest should be banned.
  16. -1
    20 February 2021 05: 16
    These calls to leave the development of Russia in the same direction, to bring to power those who are still at the foot of the throne ...
    While reading, the visor fogged up.
  17. +1
    20 February 2021 15: 03
    Pathetic! I am delighted! Revolutions - eat, eat. But - without me.
  18. 0
    21 February 2021 09: 48
    In reality, only "gifted individuals", who directly dream of "the same as Stalin", finish me off.

    I agree.
  19. +1
    24 February 2021 22: 46
    Unfortunately, everything that the Author has listed has nothing to do with Social and Political Development. Partyism in the modern world is parasitism. That is, the loss of semantic load is already felt in almost every party. For example, Zyuganov's party is at odds with Lenin's teachings (Lenin called for Everyone knows about the United Russia party. In Europe, the Social Democrats have nothing to do with Socialism, much less Democracy (Democracy has never existed anywhere in the world, we are ruled by a minority). The Personality of the candidate, his program, the implementation of the program by the candidate, and control over the implementation of the program are important today. Party membership leads to civil wars. Today it is necessary to switch to a new concept of Open Elections via the Internet under public control with a political rating for each citizen separately. In order for each citizen individually to be able to control the election results, as well as the People to have a wide choice, and not the next heir, it is necessary to transfer power from the minority to the Majority. Today we already have all the necessary technologies for this concept to work.
    1. +1
      11 March 2021 12: 28
      Most cannot rule by definition, because they are always stupid and incompetent. Complex problems in school are never solved by the whole class at once, but first a couple of the smartest, then the average, and for some, the lesson is not enough.
  20. +1
    25 February 2021 19: 22
    Quote: Cyril
    And given that he was a life-long (and, in fact, autocratic) head of state, this is tantamount to his personal property.

    Proceeding from this "liberal" logic, the entire USSR belonged to him.

    - Trouble with this man! The logic is iron, and the starting point is stupid.
    (V. Khodasevich (May 16 (28), 1886, Moscow - June 14, 1939, Paris) - Russian poet, translator. He also acted as a critic, memoirist and literary historian, Pushkin scholar.)
  21. 0
    26 February 2021 04: 26
    Russia does not need Navalny and Khodorkovsky, nor our home-grown utyrk, who lead like robbers from the high road. Potanin with his enrichment plant is an example of this: ... In '48 it was built and only now has collapsed ... And what for 20 or more years could not even invest in the construction of a new one ?? Might, yes, greed was choking. There are no good and bad oligarchs, there is a pack of bandits. And whoever they appoint, the country will only get worse.
  22. 0
    9 March 2021 12: 26
    Putin should be tried by the VMN.
  23. 0
    11 March 2021 12: 25
    Not a bad article, especially in the stating part. As for the forecast, I would note the general shift to the left, characteristic of both the opposition and the Kremlin, which serves as a guarantee of a change in the vector of development. Aside, if not socialism (which is openly or covertly insisted by many, including the SR), then at least social guarantees. I am sure that the SR will increase its presence in the Duma, but is unlikely to oust the United Russia from the dominant heights. So I do not expect a "revolution from above", but there will be progress.