“Cut all the Russians”: Kiev teaches children to resist the “aggressor”

After the victory of the Maidan, Russophobia is the defining paradigm of the Ukrainian policy. Under the current government in Ukraine, all sorts of nationalist and overtly Nazi organizations flourished. They mainly rely on youth and adolescents. In order for the anti-Russian project to be successful in the future, young generations of Ukrainians are purposefully educated in the spirit of hatred of Russia and the Russians, as well as any other nationalities living in the country.

From the war in the Donbass, the Ukrainian Nazis are moving to violence and murder in the Ukrainian regions, for example, in the west of the country, where gypsy pogroms have become widespread. Younger residents of the country, often very children, are more and more actively involved in such actions.

Nazi organizations in Ukraine created a rather extensive network of so-called military-patriotic camps in which children from the age of ten are taught to fight, use knives, and shoot. So Kiev prepares future shots of punitive, who from childhood raised in the most severe Russophobia. For example, the Right Sector organization banned in Russia created the Chota camp (Platoon), which accepts children from the age of ten. Even “cooler” is the Azovets camp, which was created on the initiative of Andrei Biletsky, the notorious commander of the Azov regiment. It is taken for a shift of 50-70 children aged 7 to 14 years. In 2017 alone, 465 children and adolescents visited the camp, with 37% of them children aged 7-11 years.

A special role in the training program for "patriotic youth" is played by ideological treatment. Children easily learn primitive “chants” specially invented for them, now for them it is only a game, the meaning of which they cannot fully understand, but which educates complete Russophobes out of them. Of course, someone will grow up and rethink their views on the world and on the future of their own state, but most, especially those who are not very gifted with the mind, will turn into convinced Ukrainian Nazis. Nationalist leaders rely on this, taking advantage of the support of Kiev. The Ukrainian government not only allows such camps to exist and recruit children, but also provides them with funds for all kinds of needs.

In Ukraine, Nazism fused with outright crime. Many Ukrainian Nazis and yesterday's punishers do not hesitate to commit purely criminal crimes - robberies, robberies, extortions. For example, in the western regions of the country, the Nazis have long been competing with traditional criminal groups for control over smuggling from European countries. Trained to cut and shoot “youngsters” are excellent helpers in criminal activity. Extremists, including their youth, have so far taken up the gypsies - a nation that does not have its own state and international support.

But while the Nazis are organizing gypsy pogroms, government structures are obstructing various public organizations of national minorities - Hungarian, Romanian, Polish. Hungary and Romania are very concerned about the growth of nationalism in the Transcarpathian and Chernivtsi regions of Ukraine. Indeed, Nazi militants have long moved from anti-Russian slogans to both anti-Hungarian and anti-Romanian ones. Thus, Kiev provokes conflicts with almost all neighboring countries, which in the future can lead to the collapse of the country.