How many political murders were committed in the USSR for the sake of "perestroika"


The path to the beginning of the collapse of the Soviet Union, today known to all of us under the name of "perestroika", was not only filled with a huge number of intrigues in the country's top party and state leadership. It was also abundantly watered with the blood of those who could prevent the implementation of the sinister plan to destroy our country, stood in the way of its authors and direct executors. The seemingly natural or completely accidental deaths of the "top officials" of the USSR and a number of its union republics were in fact beneficial to certain forces, which prompts us to a number of serious questions.

In those days, any reflections on such topics were an absolute "taboo" - after all, in the Land of Soviets, in principle, there could not be a struggle for power, "palace coups" and, moreover, political murders. However, today, having examined the events of the 70s - 90s of the last century carefully and without ideological "blinders", one can come to completely unexpected and even shocking conclusions. Taken not as individual tragic events, but in aggregate, the deaths of Soviet and party leaders form a clear system, the essence of which is quite obvious.

"The Communist Party, the entire Soviet people suffered a heavy loss ..."

It was with these (or approximately such) words that usually began official reports about the death of certain party or state leaders of the USSR. And these were really serious losses - every time experienced leaders, professionals, and “proven personnel” dropped out of the cage. Each such withdrawal changed the already complex and contradictory "alignment" within the Kremlin, weakening certain "centers of power" and giving rise to new ones. The special operation to completely dismantle the Soviet Union, the first stage of which ended in failure when Nikita Khrushchev was removed from power, was simply "paused". It was resumed in the mid-70s, when Leonid Brezhnev's health seriously deteriorated, which opened up "operational space" for the conspirators. In early 1976, after the General Secretary suffered a clinical death, it became clear to almost all of his entourage: "not a tenant." It was here that a new stage in the implementation of the scenario of the destruction of the USSR was launched. Hence, accordingly, a series of "strange" deaths begins. The first on the list was the Minister of Defense of the USSR, Marshal Andrei Grechko ... This is more than understandable.

To seize real power in the Soviet Union, where the “first person” of the state was formally the chairman of the Council of Ministers, but in reality the General Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee, it would seem that only complete control over the party apparatus was needed. In fact, this was not entirely true. It was possible to ascend "to the top" by purely hardware intrigues. But only reliance on the army and the "organs" allowed him to sit on it. As a matter of fact, Khrushchev in 1953 had enough warriors for a coup. Again, the support of Georgy Zhukov saved him from the first attempt at displacement. However, having subsequently lost it, Nikita Sergeevich left the Kremlin "with his things for the exit."

Suppose that some high-ranking officials in the USSR decide to start a power struggle. Therefore, they should control at least the Ministry of Defense and the KGB. Such a "group of comrades", as it turned out later, was the "triumvirate" of Andropov-Ustinov-Gromyko. But at the time of the events I described, they had only half of the necessary "trump cards" in their hands - the Committee was led by Yuri Andropov, but the Ministry of Defense was in the hands of the inflexible and completely uncontrollable Grechko. This marshal, as far as we know, did not even bow to the General Secretary (who, by the way, it was under his command that fought in the Great Patriotic War). According to reliable information, it was Grechko who stubbornly resisted, opposing the assignment of "dear Leonid Ilyich" the rank of marshal. Some, by the way, are of the opinion that this was the cause of his death. Unlikely.

This does not fit into the usual style of Brezhnev's actions. A lot of Podgorny, who thought about himself, he simply quietly fused into an honorary retirement. But give the order for liquidation? And the manner of elimination (assuming that this was exactly it) was painfully characteristic ... The death of the marshal was more than strange. According to the numerous recollections of comrades-in-arms and colleagues (you can imagine how many of them were at the head of the Ministry of Defense), in his 72 years, the Marshal for health reasons and the level of physical training could "plug" some lieutenants in the belt. And suddenly - he fell asleep and did not wake up, just before some important meeting. Moreover, it happened on the territory of the outbuilding, where Grechko strictly forbade even family members to enter. That is - in the complete absence of witnesses and eyewitnesses.

Someone on this occasion builds wild versions that the Minister of Defense in this very outbuilding "indulged in sinful pleasures" from which he died ... Yeah, on the territory of the state dacha, stuffed with servants and security, in front of many relatives - from his wife to the great-granddaughter! Indeed, one should not "try" on the people of that time the modern customs and vices of those in power ... This, excuse me, is nonsense, not version. But the presence at that time in the arsenal of the KGB, with the head of which Grechko had far from friendly relations, which were not determined by the analysis of poisons, which gave precisely the effect of "natural" death in a dream that occurred some time after their introduction into the victim's body is a fact. Some time later, two more "untimely deaths" will take place in the Kremlin, as if "copied" from Grechko's death. We are talking about the secretary of the CPSU Central Committee Fedor Kulakov, who was in charge of the agro-industrial sector, and the second secretary of the CPSU Central Committee, Mikhail Suslov, who was responsible for the most important ideological issues in the party. Kulakov, two years after Grechko, also arrived at the dacha, sat well with the guests and calmly went to rest. In the morning he did not wake up ... With Suslov it was even more interesting - his death overtook him in the government hospital, the famous "Kremlin", from where he was about to be discharged. However, an overnight massive stroke put an end to his career and life path.

We will return to this more than mysterious and strange death a little later. In the meantime, I will allow myself, looking ahead, to mention that in 1982 Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev himself will die according to approximately the same "scenario". What is characteristic - in all the cases I mentioned, near a high-ranking leader (including even the General Secretary!) At a critical moment, for some reason, there was no personal doctor who usually stayed with such persons relentlessly. Also, a significant part of the guards, if not all of them, were removed from them. At that time, the KGB was exclusively in charge of the protection of the "top officials" of the state. As for the doctors ... This is where another, extremely interesting topic begins.

"After a serious and prolonged illness ..."

It so happened that the absolute majority of the party and state leaders of the Soviet Union were "regular clients" of the IV Main Directorate under the USSR Ministry of Health, the very notorious "Kremlin". From 1967 to 1991, Academician Yevgeny Chazov was in charge of this medical unit, which not only "kept a finger on the pulse" of all the leaders of the USSR, but also in reality held their lives in his hands. So - later it turned out that this man was ... How could I put it mildly? Well, let's turn to the professional jargon of operatives: the “confidant” of the KGB chairman Yuri Andropov. There is evidence that they had regular meetings in safe houses. There were clearly conversations that could not be entrusted to either the Kremlin walls or even the offices on the Lubyanka. At the very least, Chazov covered the state of health of his own high-ranking patients in the most detailed way to Andropov. Including - and their weaknesses, the subtlest influence on which a person could be sent to the next world without much effort.

Apparently, this is exactly how it was done. Let's return, as I promised, to the death of Mikhail Suslov. This old man, according to the recollections of his contemporaries, led a downright ascetic lifestyle and, as a result, was burdened with a much smaller number of ailments than is assumed at his venerable age. At the beginning of 1982, in the "Kremlin" he was not undergoing treatment, but a planned medical examination - tests, cardiogram and the like. According to his daughter's recollections, Suslov was eager to return to work - literally the next day. But then they brought him "some pills." After taking them (at the urgent request of the doctor), he became ill almost immediately. The second secretary of the Central Committee did not survive the night. By the way, the same doctor who “treated” him to a strange drug later “committed suicide”. Well, according to the official version ...

"Strange pills" also appear in the memories of Brezhnev's death. Rather, in his personal diary, which later revealed a record of some "yellow sleeping pills" that he received shortly before his death ... personally from Andropov! By the way, in general, the entire last period of Leonid Ilyich's life is some kind of continuous tangle of riddles, filled with absolutely contradictory data, completely inconsistent with each other. Yes, on March 23, 1982, a heavy metal beam fell on the General Secretary during his stay in Tashkent at a local aircraft plant, breaking the collarbone and causing damage to internal organs. It is still unclear what it was all about - a tragic accident or a planned assassination attempt, which dealt a serious blow to the already not good health of Leonid Ilyich ... However, according to other memories - relatives and friends, people from the immediate environment, literally on the eve of leaving life he was cheerful enough. Not only "defended" the parade and demonstration on November 7 at the Mausoleum, but also on the 9th went hunting in his beloved Zavidovo. Yes, and just before his death, Brezhnev did not complain about the deterioration of health, on the contrary, he spoke about the upcoming "difficult day", preparations for the Plenum of the Central Committee.

There is every reason to believe that it was at this event that he should have officially named Vladimir Shcherbitsky as his successor. And Andropov knew about it. Is this not the origin of the "pills", the sudden absence of a personal doctor? By the way, the chairman of the KGB was the first at the deathbed of the deceased General Secretary. And he instantly took possession of the famous "Brezhnev portfolio", which contained something so important that the head of state practically never parted with it. What was there? "Slaughter compromising" on members of the Central Committee? On Andropov himself? Eh, to find out the truth ...

The funeral of Brezhnev ended the second series of "strange deaths", into which both the sudden death of Suslov and the more than mysterious "suicide" of General of the Army Semyon Tsvigun "fit in". Everyone considered this campaigner a man appointed by Brezhnev to the post of deputy chairman of the USSR KGB to "look after" Andropov, whom the secretary general categorically (and not without reason) did not trust. At one time it was said a lot about the fact that Tsvigun allegedly "became a defendant in cases of corruption", took bribes in some absolutely fantastic amounts ... Fearing exposure and shame, he shot himself. But the story of this “suicide” itself looks extremely ridiculous and stretched - the general allegedly fired a bullet into himself in the courtyard of his own dacha, from his guard's pistol, without leaving a suicide note and without saying goodbye to anyone. I will say one thing - such people did not leave like that ...

In October 1980, on a rural road, the car of the first secretary of the Communist Party of Belarus, Pyotr Masherov, who was about to become a member of the Politburo of the Central Committee and head of the USSR Council of Ministers, would be crushed by a blow from an unknown dump truck. This incident was preceded by more than characteristic circumstances - the chairman of the KGB of Belarus and, subsequently, the head of Masherov's personal security was suddenly replaced. The armored car, on which the "first" usually moved, also unexpectedly got into repair, as a result of which he set off on a fatal trip in the usual "Chaika", which could not stand a collision with a truck. And, by the way, the traffic police officers, who were obliged to "clear" the road for persons of this level, protecting them from such incidents, for some reason knew absolutely nothing about this route ...

The unification of all the tragic cases I have listed under a certain "common denominator", their reduction to the execution of a single plan, someone's ill will, could well be attributed to a craving for conspiracy theories, if not ... If not for their specific consequences. I will try to be brief in the listing. So: After the death of Andrei Grechko, Dmitry Ustinov was appointed Minister of Defense - Andropov's most faithful ally and, subsequently, Gorbachev. In 1978, in place of Fyodor Kulakov, no one (except Yuri Andropov) became the secretary of the Central Committee for agriculture (except for Yuri Andropov), a previously unknown party leader from Stavropol, Mikhail Gorbachev. The death of Tsvigun saved the KGB chairman from Brezhnev's supervision and, as far as is known, opened the way to many secrets and secrets that he kept under personal control. The death of Suslov opened the way from the Lubyanka to the Central Committee of the party for Andropov himself. At the 1980 plenum of the CPSU Central Committee, there was the only "vacancy" in the Politburo. There were two candidates - Pyotr Masherov and ... Mikhail Gorbachev. Conclusions, dear readers, you can make yourself.
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  1. -1
    12 December 2020 10: 46
    Article delirium "gray mare"
    1. -1
      13 December 2020 18: 51
      Here's another person involved ...
  2. +7
    12 December 2020 11: 05
    I completely agree. Examples and conclusions are all to the point. Only the uneducated can believe that the USSR collapsed on its own.
    1. -1
      12 December 2020 11: 50
      What do you need to cook, what porridge ... Hands work - the head rests.
      1. +5
        12 December 2020 14: 08
        What, when the USSR was too lazy to get education? Education is enough only for "clave" to poke a finger and be rude?
      2. -1
        13 December 2020 18: 53
        CIA agents react quickly.
  3. +4
    12 December 2020 11: 46
    In those days, any reflections on such topics were an absolute "taboo" - after all, in the Land of the Soviets, in principle, there could not be a struggle for power, "palace coups" and, moreover, political assassinations.

    In those days, at the turn of the Brezhnev "stagnant" 1970s and 80s, we, the Soviet people, had before our eyes still living witnesses and rich "historical examples" from the "biography" of the USSR, both the Leninist-Trotskyist-Stalinist 1920-30s, and and Stalinist-Malenkovo-Khrushchev 1950-60s, and there was no reason to believe that by the "funeral-perestroika" 1980s "state of affairs" ("trends" and "most effective methods" of the struggle for power) in the "party and the Soviet government" have somehow changed! Yes
    And "reflections on such topics", if they were not publicly expressed, could not be monitored and "taboo" by the "omnipotent KGB" (by the way, the "committee" then, by the way, was selected only "on recommendation", including "according to the family dynasty of committee workers and confidants ", and that there were no" criminal and counter-revolutionary spots in the * profile pedigree * up to the third generation, exactly for the entire Soviet period of close relatives ", and among these," who passed all checks (probably from similar "personnel officers" ???) "," selected employees from the Komsomol activists "then I met soooo filthy and unprincipled petty subchiks that mum do not cry, alas! But" cadres decide everything! "?! what )
    If the "Bolshevik-Leninists" and opportunistic "party members" at the very "top" easily (I cite as an example only the "cases" of those who were widely known to the majority of the then Soviet inhabitants) "eliminated" Trotsky, Kirov, Beria, Masherov and "removed "Zhukov and Khrushchev, and even with the" retirement and death "of the" founding fathers "themselves, Lenin and Stalin, there were always" questions "that, albeit in a narrow circle of relatives and friends, no, no, and were discussed, because our, polls literate and reading a lot, Soviet society was very politicized, thanks to the vigilant propaganda and education, the cares of our Soviet "party and government"!
    Well, if the first secretary of the city party committee suddenly comprehended "an accident at a picnic (as an option," on the hunt "), then immediately rumors were circulating around the city, saying," He did not suit someone upstairs and decided to put one of their own. " ..
    Indeed, in any university of the Union, regardless of the profile of the specialty received, immediately in the first year, there was a compulsory one-year course of a detailed "History of the CPSU", which gives a good idea of ​​(mostly conspiratorial and underground, intolerant of dissent and even the slightest "internal party deviations" !) methods of action, prehistory and history of the emergence of our "leading and guiding progressive force of Soviet society", "honor and conscience of the era"! wink
    And how they tried to "reveal the silenced and censored by the" Soviet "officialdom" all sorts of anti-Soviet "radio voices" from which curious Soviet radio listeners, through the howl of jammers, in snatches, inevitably became aware of the catastrophes in their country and the "undercover struggle in the Kremlin top"! Yes
    Incidentally, it was from "Voice of America" ​​or "Svoboda" that I first learned about the death of General Tsvigun, Neznansky and Topol wrote "A Journalist for Brezhnev" on this topic and read the book in radio broadcasts, from there I first heard songs unknown to me, then fashionable, Vysotsky "Hunting for wolves", "Song of the microphone" ... I am very sorry that I did not listen to these enemy "radio voices" later and very late I learned about the true scale of the Chernobyl disaster, which, it turns out, was rash to get wet to the skin in those windy April days under the unexpectedly bursting endless downpour and easily spank with bare feet in the abundant streams of water flowing down the streets, "for an hour" walking home, when all city transport stopped and many, many people were shyly huddled under the roof of stops ... even then, in April 1986 , our "native party and government" have finally betrayed us ?! fool
  4. -2
    12 December 2020 12: 16
    Indeed, there is no need to "try on" the people of that time the modern manners and vices of those in power ...

    No, the author, just the vices are always the same for everyone :)
  5. +1
    12 December 2020 12: 18
    The party nomenclature of the USSR - "spiders in a bank" no less than some aristocracy in Britain :)
  6. -5
    12 December 2020 12: 19
    How many political murders were committed in the USSR for the sake of "perestroika"

    And how many for the sake of "building communism" - do not count at all.
    1. -1
      13 December 2020 18: 55
      No one. Everything was done officially by the verdict of the court.
      1. -2
        14 December 2020 03: 14
        Yeah, yeah :) Trotsky's murder, for example, was so legal :)
  7. -2
    12 December 2020 12: 45
    Here one of two things, or the author is right and there was a conspiracy between the top leadership of the USSR and the Western special services to destroy the country, which means that the USSR was a weak state if the CIA secretaries were appointed, and its collapse was inevitable.
    Or all this is nonsense and "conspiracy theories" that have nothing to do with reality, and the USSR had economic problems and an ineffective political system, and its collapse was inevitable.
    1. +3
      12 December 2020 13: 26
      In order to destroy a weak country, a conspiracy is not needed. Economic or military impact is sufficient. But in the USSR, everything was in order with the army, with the economy (no matter how they lie now), the USA had much more problems in the early 70s than we do. Therefore, there was a conspiracy, but not one (it was multi-layered) and it did not stop all 70 years of Soviet power. It remains to be surprised how the country withstood so much and left a reserve so that, at least, Russia would not collapse.
      And the ineffective economic policy was precisely the result of a conspiracy. Back in the late 50s, there was a very realistic plan for almost the current digitalization of the economy, of course, at the then IT level. With the State Planning Committee, communism could have been built. The lack of control (with a huge number of people) gave ample opportunities for a gradual collapse of the economy.
      1. -1
        12 December 2020 15: 56
        In a strong country, foreign intelligence services do not appoint the secretary general and the chairman of the KGB. And in a strong state, the country's leadership does not dream of destroying it (it is not clear why)
        1. +2
          12 December 2020 20: 13
          Andropov never dreamed of destroying the USSR.
          And about to appoint - as much as necessary. Great Britain created a unified Germany and installed an Emperor and Chancellor. When the chancellor (Bismarck) began to dynamite the war with Russia, he was quickly removed. Germany was created for the war with France and Russia.
          Great Britain appointed and installed Napoleon III.
          The bankers from the Netherlands decided to change their base and move to Great Britain and installed their William of Orange.
          Britain organized a conspiracy, killed Paul I and installed Alexander I.
          The USA put Hitler in, nursed him since 1923.
          Finintern killed Kennedy, who encroached on the Fed. When his brother Robert was about to become president, he was also killed. They removed the presumptuous Nixon.
          What is happening in the US now? Is this a weak country?
          1. -5
            13 December 2020 01: 42
            Quote: boriz
            Andropov never dreamed of destroying the USSR.

            Well, then he received a salary for nothing, since the CIA appointed secretaries general under his nose.

            Quote: boriz
            Great Britain created a unified Germany and installed an Emperor and Chancellor.

            Apart from being conspiracy nonsense, the fragmented Germanic principalities can hardly be called a strong state.

            Quote: boriz
            Great Britain appointed and installed Napoleon III.

            And how did she put it? Post-revolutionary France can hardly be called a strong state either.

            Quote: boriz
            The bankers from the Netherlands decided to change their base and move to Great Britain and installed their William of Orange.

            Were those bankers?

            Quote: boriz
            Britain organized a conspiracy, killed Paul I and installed Alexander I.

            Well, this is nothing but a confirmed conspiracy.

            Quote: boriz
            The USA put Hitler in, nursed him since 1923.

            Again conspiracy and again Germany under the Versailles restrictions can hardly be called a strong state.

            Quote: boriz
            Finintern killed Kennedy, who encroached on the Fed. When his brother Robert was about to become president, he was also killed. They removed the presumptuous Nixon.
            What is happening in the US now? Is this a weak country?

            Conspiracy, conspiracy theories, conspiracy theories. There is no evidence, one can only believe in it.
            What is happening in the USA now?
            1. +3
              13 December 2020 01: 44
              What is happening in the USA now?

              Solid conspiracy theories: the people voted for one candidate, and another is appointed.
              1. -2
                13 December 2020 02: 15
                Quote: boriz
                Solid conspiracy theories: the people voted for one candidate, and another is appointed.

                Do you have evidence of this outrage? Share soon.
                PS So you really believe that under the noses of Stalin and Beria, the CIA or the OSS promoted Khrushchev to the upper echelons of power in the USSR?
                1. +2
                  13 December 2020 19: 08
                  If Stalin was killed, then that is exactly how, under the nose, someone was working. If it worked, then why not the CIA? Don't they like to kill? Another thing is that it was more likely that Khrushchev himself could have done it. But in the Brezhnev period, the CIA unfolded in full.
                  The multifaceted support of the dissident movement created the ideological basis for the coup. The coup itself was carried out by the KGB. The CIA and its agents of influence were just there and "helped" the right people at the right time.
            2. -4
              13 December 2020 13: 24
              He just has everything according to the principle of "Englishwoman crap".
    2. 0
      13 December 2020 18: 59
      In fact, there are many more options. And economic problems are the last of the reasons. Problems of this level can be found in any country. The main reason: the degradation of leadership. It happens in any system. China has managed to avoid this.
  8. +5
    12 December 2020 12: 45
    In the post there are 2 errors. One is insignificant, the other is systemic.
    1. The first period of the dismantling of the USSR ended not with the removal of Khrushchev, but on 1.05.1961/1999/XNUMX. It was on this day that Khrushchev understood what the Family understood in XNUMX. (the war in Yugoslavia): that the West will not consider them (the family and the kleptooligarchs of the first spill) as equals. And the collapse of Russia will continue. Therefore, a group that delegated Putin to the post of President and Commander-in-Chief was admitted to power (very limitedly). To preserve the integrity and, relative, independence of the country.
    Khrushchev also hung noodles for a long time. When he complained about the flights of scouts over the territory of the USSR, they said: this is all nonsense, we have peace, friendship, chewing gum. Our aircraft U 2 could not be reached or detected visually: high.
    But the S-75 air defense system was put on alert. Raw, imperfect, undeveloped. First he shot down his plane, which was accompanying Powers, but to shoot down - there was not enough height. But the next missile flunked Powers' plane. Right in the middle of our vast homeland. He couldn't get lost in any way. Moreover, on May Day (who is older, will understand the full depth of the sacrilege), when Khrushchev stood on the Mausoleum and received a demonstration, he was periodically informed about the progress of the aircraft from the C 75 radar. Imagine, instead of a holiday, instead of step aside and take 100 grams of something, such news. Therefore, when the plane turned to Moscow, Nikita gave the order to "bring down".
    The local clever guys brought a fuse to the ejection button U 2 to destroy Powers himself. But he was not done with a finger: noticing the missile launches, he simply opened the "flashlight" and threw himself out. The parachute went off. Therefore, he was able to interrogate and he, in "gratitude" for the detonator (and ours showed him everything), laid out everything. For example, the scale of reconnaissance flights.
    Here the whole thaw ended at once. And with the resignation of Khrushchev, the second, more difficult stage of dismantling the USSR began. Difficult, because the old trust was gone. And in 1960 - 1964. there was a pause.
    2. Fasting ended prematurely. In order to blame the catastrophe on Andropov. But he was planning exactly perestroika. Those who lived at a conscious age under Andropov's rule do not believe that he wanted the surrender of the USSR. That's not how he behaved. He removed the mafia of the Ukrainians / first-timers, who had been in power, who had ruled the country and the army since 1919. Then I wanted to tighten the screws in order to increase the controllability of the country (and at all levels, they shot up to the level of ministers). And, most importantly, he started it. The entire elite already liked to live well, corruption was already set. Nobody wanted to die and sit down.
    The combination was multi-layered, Gorbachev had a dark past (he had a case on the transit of drugs from Turkey through his region). His Andropov was slipped blindly. Therefore, Andropov, in turn, was also removed. And, after another death (of the weak Chernenko), Gorbachev was pushed to the throne.
    The people were immediately convinced of the unnaturalness of most of the deaths, primarily Masherov and Andropov.
    1. +4
      12 December 2020 13: 36
      The topic raised is very important for the fate of Russia, because in this way it is possible to reveal the essence and consequences of events and the prospects for future decades, up to the present ... In particular, so is Konstantin Ustinovich Chernenko, a healthy Siberian, at the end of the times of Leonid Brezhnev, in nature in the company he ate some fish soup, nothing for everyone, but he ended up in intensive care, barely made it out with a ruined health. He also completely fit into the lists to be eliminated, only the Siberian's health was still drawn ... The remark is that Yu.V. Anlropov wanted changes in the stagnation of the USSR, yes, but other forces took advantage of this ... An analogy with the February revolution in Russia, the top officials of the bureaucracy began the revolution, but completely different forces intercepted ...
    2. +1
      12 December 2020 16: 19
      I'm sorry. Powers was shot down in 1960. Was sealed up.
  9. -1
    12 December 2020 12: 59
    So it's no secret that the USSR was destroyed according to the Andropov-Primakov plan.
  10. +2
    12 December 2020 13: 14
    To seize real power in the Soviet Union, where "first person" the state was formally chairman of the Council of Ministers, but in reality - the General Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee

    For the author's information: the official "First Person" of the USSR was the Chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR. Under Brezhnev from 1965 to 1977 -N.V. Podgorny, and since 1977 - Brezhnev himself.

    Chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR - the highest state office in the USSR from 1936 to 1989. The Chairman of the Presidium was elected at a joint meeting of the chambers of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR.

    Usually, before writing anything, the author should read and understand what he is going to write about. Otherwise, it turns out ugly, disrespect for potential readers. belay
    1. The comment was deleted.
    2. +1
      12 December 2020 17: 10
      To the amateur. It is not necessary to take everything literally, what is written, it always happens differently. (I recall the anecdote about the hare and the inscription on the fence). In theory, Soviet power, but in practice, the CPSU was in charge and ruled everything in the state. (clauses in the Constitution of the USSR). And in some periods even one person - the first secretary of the CPSU (b), (later the General Secretary of the CPSU) like Lenin and Stalin. And the USSR collapsed when the leading party of the CPSU collapsed, and after all, both the Supreme Soviet and the Council of Ministers worked further, but they did not form the basis of the USSR ...
      1. +1
        12 December 2020 18: 31
        Respected! What are you warning me about? About "guiding and guiding"? So I myself know, tk. lived at the same time. I am writing to the author of the article that you need to know the material you are writing about, because

        Little lies give rise to great suspicion.

        Yury Semyonov / Brigadenführer Mueller
        1. +1
          12 December 2020 21: 13
          Obergruppenführer Müller.
          1. +2
            13 December 2020 06: 19
            Just Muller. Modest and tasteful "

            I regret to inform you that I was mistaken and Schellenberg said the phrase about the "little lie" in general. drinks
  11. -1
    12 December 2020 18: 48
    Ah, conspiracy theory ...
    We are in power here, but we want to destroy everything and be sixes, so let's kill everyone ...

    Similarly, they wrote about Lenin, Stalin, Khrushchev and even Brezhnev. Like, he was not so old, he pretended to be, and he was killed ...

    I read something very similar quite recently ...
  12. +1
    13 December 2020 00: 56
    We give the author a plus. Rats from the top management ate each other - very likely.
  13. +1
    13 December 2020 21: 31
    The state of dear Leonid Ilyich, I remember well, long before 1982.
    The good outward condition of the Kremlin elders is undoubtedly the merit of the hospital of the 4th main department. Only Masherov is 62 years old. And pulling the first secretary of the regional committee to Moscow, to a ministerial position, this is a normal rejuvenation of the apparatus, maybe if a pawn in queens had not been found, we would not have seen any harm, but a narrow-minded person, but a successful intriguer, carried out a very difficult gambit. Gorbachev's accession raises many more questions than there are answers, and it has long been proven that his appointment as general - the will of Andropov - is a lie.
  14. 0
    14 December 2020 21: 57
    There is evidence that they had regular meetings in safe houses.

    Can you see the sources of this data?
  15. +4
    15 December 2020 23: 29
    The fact that Andropov is a traitor and a murderer who brought Judushka Gorbachev to the presidency over the corpses has long been an open secret.
  16. 0
    16 December 2020 22: 05
    Why does everyone agree that Gorbachev was a traitor and has not yet been convicted?
  17. 0
    31 December 2020 10: 14
    I don't know how it is with the top leadership of the USSR. But there is my personal experience. My uncle lived in Kazan (the kingdom of heaven), so he also died of heart failure. And this despite the fact that he was a wrestler and sportsman and went in for sports all his life, at the end of his life without fanaticism, he spoke for years. So he did not even reach 60, and his health was all right, he was constantly examined by doctors. Why did we all find this strange? In the last years of his life he got in touch with our Kazan Kremlin, fulfilled them, let's say ... how to say? Not quite standard instructions. We all told him: "Do you need this? You are all packed already, the house is very large on the banks of the Volga, a good business, calm down already." Before he died, he started talking, in a narrow circle, of course. I don’t know, maybe someone from their own merged, maybe they themselves somehow found out (with their capabilities), or maybe it’s no longer needed. I'm not saying anything, draw your own conclusions, we have already made it. And how these will weaken, we will ask them.