MW: Russia is unlikely to limit itself to the base in Sudan - Cuba and Vietnam are next


Plans for a Russian naval base on the east coast of Sudan have been under consideration by Moscow since 2017, but their implementation has been postponed due to a Western-supported coup in the African country in April 2019. According to The Military Watch Magazine experts, Russia may plan a more active naval presence abroad by opening additional bases in other strategically important regions of the world.

At the end of 2017, Viktor Bondarev, head of the Defense and Security Committee under the Federation Council, proposed considering rebuilding bases in Cuba and Vietnam, calling Havana and Hanoi Moscow's "historical partners" on the grounds that both countries had Soviet military installations during the cold war.

Judging by the recently published plans, the Russian facilities in Sudan will house 300 military and civilians and four ships, including nuclear-powered ships. And bases in Vietnam and Cuba would allow Russia to expand its militarypolitical influence in strategically important regions. As the Russian Federation is gradually shifting the balance of its armed forces to East Asia, Vietnam, for historical, political and geographical reasons, may become an ideal base location.

I believe that in the conditions of increasing tension in the world and open interference in the internal affairs of other countries - Russia's historical partners, our return to Latin America is not excluded. Of course, this must be coordinated with the Cubans ... We must also think about returning our fleet to Vietnam with the permission of the Vietnamese government

- noted Bondarev.

According to the American publication, against the background of frequent friction with NATO and in the light of the strengthening of the role of Russia both in the Asia-Pacific region and in South America, the Kremlin is unlikely to limit itself to its military presence in Sudan - plans to create bases in Cuba and Vietnam may well be realized with the deployment of hypersonic missiles and other weapons there, especially if the upcoming US administration again takes a course of "pivoting towards Asia."
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  1. +3
    18 November 2020 11: 10
    At the end of 2017, Viktor Bondarev, head of the Defense and Security Committee under the Federation Council, proposed to consider the issue of rebuilding bases in Cuba and Vietnam, calling Havana and Hanoi "historical partners"

    Does he turn on his brain when he says something? Or, on the principle of blurting out something, I will indicate that I am working. In order to restore the bases there, we need ships of the ocean zone of action, we have several old ones left from Soviet times (they are constantly being repaired), but there are no new ones and there will not be any in the near future, we are barely building boats with 8 "Calibers". They brought Mother Russia to poverty am It was during Soviet times that there was a powerful fleet, therefore there were bases in Cuba and Vietnam ..
    1. +1
      18 November 2020 11: 25
      The head of the deputies is mainly in order to eat and sometimes to carry any heresy
  2. 0
    18 November 2020 11: 25
    Do the Cubans and the Vietnamese know about this?
    1. 123
      18 November 2020 20: 34
      Do the Cubans and the Vietnamese know about this?

      Do you think the Sudanese knew a month ago?
  3. 0
    18 November 2020 14: 54
    1. If you have money.
    2. If appropriate.
  4. -2
    18 November 2020 20: 40
    calling Havana and Hanoi Moscow's "historical partners" on the grounds that both countries had Soviet military installations during the Cold War.

    but nothing that only in northern Vietnam ... so it is possible to place bases in the Federal Republic of Germany, because during the Cold War there were also Soviet facilities on their territory ... yes, Soviet, not the Russian Federation (RSFSR)