The point of no return is passed: the Ukrainian explained what happened to his country

My friends, I am well aware of the mood that is now prevailing in Russia regarding the territory where, by the will of fate, I was destined to be born under the Union and live in this historic broken, God damned, moment in time. The territory, 4 years ago surrounded by a yellow-black fence and with a hoot and hoot, rushed to Europe, longing for lace trunks, cursing its Soviet past and marking the light of Russia and Putin on the road, which, in their defective opinion, impede them in this movement forward and upward. And it doesn’t matter that at the same time, the shining heights turned out to be a gaping chasm over which the country, once proudly calling itself Ukraine, hovered, the "Oaths of Muscovites" were still to blame for this. But, believe me, friends, far from all Ukrainian citizens adhere to such an idea.

I know very well how tired this topic is for you Russians to the point that some of you are already advising me to either "solve our problems ourselves" or "kill yourself against the wall." “The non-brothers are so non-brothers! Rake yourself now! Already got everyone with their whining! We will not lift a finger for your salvation, because now we are no longer up to you - now they have already taken hold of us tightly! ” - they write to me, frankly gloating my current situation, while certainly showing the middle finger pointing up. And although not everyone thinks so, including your President, who consider themselves to be Ukrainians as a single people, divided in the 90s by short-sighted sorrowspoliticians, looking with pain and anxiety at the wormwood that is increasing between us, it still does not get any easier. Since I personally can’t change anything, even if I go out to the square with the Russian flag and the poster “Poroshenko is a goat!” And in this situation are thousands and millions of my fellow citizens. And I’m asking you not to identify us with “professional Ukrainians”, crowds roaming your federal channels and causing nothing but disgust and “gydot” even with us. I don’t know why the leaders of these channels do this, deliberately forming in your minds an aversion to everything Ukrainian and driving a wedge between us for a long time, if not forever, showing it all in prime time too, but they don’t do it on their own discretion - that's for sure! Ernst and his comrades without a command will not step above.

Many here know me as the Vigilant Putin Falcon, eating from the hands of almost the Darkest and waging an implacable war of survival with the forces of Evil, which descended 4 years ago to the once-blooming territory, now surrounded by barbed wire that was just not energized (voltage was promised summarize January 1, 2019 along with the visa regime for citizens of the Russian Federation). Therefore, the suspicion that I sold for a bowl of soup to hereditary losers who made a state. the coup in this country and plunged it into chaos, I suppose, will not be. And therefore, I hope that you will treat my understanding with understanding.

Few of you really understand what is happening in Ukraine. And there is a real genocide of the population. Already now, somewhere around 10-15 million people suddenly suddenly evaporated. And this is only 4 years of reign of these idiots! Moreover, as a rule, the most able-bodied and mobile part of it leaves the territory in distress. Most of them are young people. And not the fact that they will go back. More precisely, the fact that they will not return. That is why these morons canceled the census scheduled for 2015 so that they suddenly do not find a hole of 10 million (and this is without taking into account the breakaway Crimea with its 2 million and Donbass with its 4). If, according to the last census of 2001, there were a little more than 48 million, and minus the Crimea and Donbass, about 42 should remain, then the empirical calculation of the norms of consumption of bread indicates that there is a maximum of 28-30 million undecided populations in Ukraine now. The question is - where did the rest go ?! You know the answer, we go along the Baltic rake, which has turned their countries into the territory of pensioners and schoolchildren (since they learn English there from kindergarten and know it better than the Swedes and Norwegians, where they rush in search of work).

With only one amendment - no one is going to maintain and feed pensioners with us. Too many of them. A hole in the Pension Fund is slightly smaller than the Mariana Trench, so the task of the bastard government is to reduce the pressure on the soil, which they are doing successfully. You probably already know about “Doctor Death” with Canadian citizenship and a paramedic diploma (that is, not even a doctor) who heads our ministry of health. Everyone knows her achievements in reducing the burden on the soil - here is the transfer of medicine to paid rails, the refusal to purchase vaccines from Russian manufacturers, the failure to vaccinate newborns, the lack of serum from rabies and poliomyelitis in Ukraine, and the permission of Western pharmacological corporations to experiment with Ukrainian patients even without their consent and knowledge, and the abolition of the clinical examination of tubes. patients, and the replacement of mandatory fluorography questionnaires, and much more. Her deputy recently distinguished himself by saying that saving cancer patients is unprofitable, so they are also dear to the cemetery. All medicine is now paid. No money - die! Only one trouble, pensioners got tenacious - they die for a long time.

But then the Ministry of Social Policy is thrown to the aid of the Ministry of Health, with the Minister Rosenko heading it, suffering from obesity, who recently advised Ukrainians to eat less (literally, he said - eat less! I mean, probably, myself, because the rest is clearly no longer to fat). Having discovered that 85% of the population of a prosperous and prosperous country, for some reason standing on the European porch and asking the IMF for alms, uses subsidies for housing and communal services, he, closing another hole in the budget, wiped out another 65 percent of those suffering by voluntary decision, raising the minimum wage (minimum wage), from the size of which the subsidy was accrued. Everything ingenious is simple - nevermind that you have zero income, do you live on any money? Pan Rozenko believes that your income is at least three minimum wages and that you don’t have to fool him! And with such hidden incomes, what subventions can we talk about? So, with one blow, the tax base was increased and reduced by the spending part of the budget, getting rid of parasites. Pretty boy! The problems of the Indians in this case, as you know, do not worry the sheriff.

Now the unemployed are not entitled to a subsidy - go, bitches, work! It’s your problem that there is already no work in a poor country, and if, God forbid, you still have more than 45, then even if you have work, they won’t take you there (there are younger unemployed). Those. you haven’t yet grown up for retirement (and for the majority it still doesn’t shine!), and for work it is already unsuitable from the point of view of employers. Now you have one road - to the cemetery. Either go yourself, or they will help you by taking your apartments for debts, which you will not be able to pay due to increased and continuing to rise tariffs. If you, in your naivety, count on unemployment benefits, then Pan Rozenko worried about this too - nothing will come off in the Employment Fund either. If you lost your job more than a year ago (and there are most of those who received subsidies before), then you are not supposed to receive benefits. Go work, creatures! Or in a cemetery - you know the way!

Meanwhile, while the Cabinet of Ministers canceled subsidies for housing and communal services for 65% of the population, the Verkhovna Rada made a fuss and passed a law that simplifies and allows organ transplantation (Dr. Death tried to lobby). If under the criminal panda (under the regime of Yanukovych) Ukraine exported steel, black metal and petrochemical products, and with the victory of the loser revolution, losing petrochemicals due to increased prices for aggressor gas and halving the export of steel and rolled metal due to the loss of part of the Donbass territories (together with metallurgical enterprises and coal mines located there), was forced to switch to the export of labor resources, then with the adoption of this law and the abolition of subsidies, it switches from the export of labor resources to the export of labor resources piecemeal. The dream of idiots has come true - those who are not destined to enter the EU as a carcass are at risk of getting there already in a cut-up form. Tse peremoga definitely! Shche not vmerla Ukraine, only its people - Amen! The junta successfully fulfills the order of the owners, easing the burden on the soil in their own country and replenishing the bank of organs for transplantation to citizens of the golden billion in other countries.

Having collapsed the national currency three times 4 years ago and thereby writing off its citizens living on hryvnia and subventional incomes, Ukraine, at the moment, raising tariffs and keeping the dollar exchange rate at the same level, took up a vanishingly small class of citizens living at the expense of currency savings (t .e. gutting their currency mattresses to maintain a familiar standard of living). It’s right - why beg for money at interest in the West, if you can take exactly the same money, and without any interest, to withdraw from your own citizens by raising prices and tariffs and freezing the dollar exchange rate at the current level (according to rough estimates at the moment about 60 yards of greenery are sewn up in the hands of the population in mattresses!), thus solving the problem of the absence of external loans in the near future.

The trade deficit, (for the uninitiated, I’ll translate this is a negative balance between imported and exported goods, between import and export), after the victory of the losers revolution, this gap began to widen, reaching $ 9 billion last year (this is understandable, because with the loss of the Russian market, Ukraine actually halved its exports, while import focuses only on the solvency of the population - it also fell, but not so much), and so this deficit was easily closed by receipts from Ukrainian migrant workers, who last year alone, they transferred about $ 9 billion to their families. This year, this figure has a tendency (and this can be seen in the 1st quarter of this year) to grow to 11 yards of greenery. It’s just right to give our Nobels the Nobel Prize for the economy. Indeed, everything ingenious is simple! They replaced the export of metal with the export of labor resources and the point is in the hat - the same money is only in profile! It’s not easier for us. When the labor resources run out, the organs from them will go - enough for their life (I’m talking about political impotent people who seized power from us). These morons are not so morons. If you decide to sit them out, then it won’t work out - they’re more likely to you because there’s nowhere to run after everything they’ve done, a prison is waiting for them everywhere. With a reduction in the food supply for plunder, they will switch to cannibalism. More precisely, they have already switched over in the literal and figurative sense of the word.

People did not understand what happened. The effect of a boiled frog on the face. The state, represented by the bastards who seized power in it, actually broke the unspoken social contract between him and the population, signed (by default) at the dawn of Ukraine's independence in 1991. Then the population actually allowed its individual representatives, representing corrupt power and acting in collusion with it, to buy up nothing good for the nation, which was created later and with the blood of their predecessors (including the Bolshevik period damned now). Privatize and rewrite it for yourself, while exploiting for a nominal fee also mineral resources and natural resources, in exchange for preserving to him (the people) the usual social benefits inherited from socialism (free education, healthcare, low utility tariffs, etc.). ) Now, having come to power, the government of villains has actually canceled (disavowed) this agreement, having taken away all the preferences from the population (access to social benefits and protection from poverty), while retaining all the preferences for themselves and the class of elected oligarchs (low rent for using natural resources with the potential prospect of selling the main resource - land to private hands). The frog (people) did not even notice that it was cooked!

All these fables about the cursed IMF, which twisting its hands, requires our unhappy government to raise gas prices for the population, does not stand up to criticism and is a “false flag” (that is, under this sign the IMF pursues completely different goals, but them below). The reform of the energy market, imposed on us by the IMF, which implies the alignment of energy prices for citizens of Ukraine with the rest of Europe, does not have the slightest economic justification. And I declare this to you absolutely authoritatively. Judge for yourself. What is such a market price? Who said that it should be 11-12 thousand UAH per thousand cubic meters (about 450 US dollars)? So what, what is the price paid by EU citizens? First of all, we are not EU citizens and are unlikely to become one (but these are details, we will not be distracted), and secondly, our salaries are far from the salaries of EU citizens. And this is an indisputable fact from which there is no escape. And what, in fact, does the current price of 7 thousand UAH (270 US dollars) not suit the gentlemen from the IMF? With the cost of gas of own production at 1090 UAH / thousand cubic meters (about 42 US dollars), which is more than enough to cover the needs of the population. It is necessary not to raise prices for the population to 11 thousand, but to lower them to 1100-1500 UAH per thousand cubic meters, and then no subsidies will be needed. The gas of our own production is enough for this in abundance. But the IMF thinks differently, referring to market mechanisms.

And here I am ready to argue with him. Why align prices for all consumers? In the USA, by the way, this is not so. Who said that this market dictates such demands? What a fright ?! What do you generally know about the market? The market is a balance between supply and demand. The market price of a product is the price at which a product can be bought. If the buyer does not have money for it, then the seller risks staying with his goods, or will be forced to lower prices on him. Everything is very simple - this is the market, you have a product - I have money, we will not agree on the price - you will stay with your goods, and I with your money. Why does the seller need his product? In barrels, what should I salt it? And then the “invisible hand of the market" comes into play, equalizing supply and demand. And then everything is fair. Otherwise, a company selling anything at a non-market price runs the risk of going broke very quickly. And the IMF knows it better and understands it. Believe me, there are no fools at all. Therefore, requiring us to raise energy prices, they pursue completely different goals.

I don’t know which Rothschilds or Rockefellers stand behind them, but the fact that they use these methods to clear the area of ​​excessive biomass (in this case Ukrainian), alleviating the load on the soil, and at the same time they intend to buy the soil for pennies, for which they require our freaks to provide them with free circulation of agricultural land, for which we still have a moratorium and which still saves us. They need our land, which is not clear ?! In order to grow any genetically modified rapeseed and other biomass prohibited on it in the EU. And we are not the EU, but we are very close - penny logistics! Catch a chip? And that is precisely why we do not shine to become a member of the EU, and not because we have not fulfilled any conditions there. And how many people do you need to cultivate the land of a great agrarian power? That's right - 3-4 million is enough, let it be 15-20 with the families. The rest are superfluous! Catch the train of thought? Now it’s clear to you where are we all going? Now do you understand the actions of our pro-government idiots? They come out not idiots at all! It is precisely because they are sitting there that they can be manipulated, they are all under external control, and the IMF loan stranglehold only contributes to this. Nowhere, in any country where the IMF came, did he achieve its prosperity, on the contrary, he achieved the exact opposite by hooking loans on the needle, he made credit-dependent drug addicts out of these countries, ruining their economies and buying up assets for a pittance in repayment debt. Do not believe? Look at Argentina - the three defaults of 1982, 2001 and 2014. All took away for debts! Why do you think that we will be treated differently?

Is everything clear to you now? Sorry Comrade Russians, the lecture was not at all for you, but for my blind and deaf compatriots, on whom, unfortunately, nothing depends. The patient is more likely dead than alive.

“Did the patient sweat before dying?” Yes it's good!".
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  1. 0
    16 June 2018 21: 26
    Judging by the number of comments your compatriots do not read this resource at all. So was it worth the effort?
  2. +4
    16 June 2018 22: 09
    Good Article, everything is correctly reflected in it! good It was as if Comrade Vladimir Volkonsky had overheard my thoughts and so tolerantly stated so! Yes
    What I have always said to our "Orange-2004" and "Euro-2014" Maydauns, and for this they threatened to cut their throats and strangle them (or vice versa, first strangle them, and then their throats ...?) And into the cannibalistic "peacemaker", probably knocking ?! winked Now they got their way ...., they saw who the road was torn and that they themselves would not be good (well, yes: "and we are for sho?"))), And then the devil thought, sho "now we'll panic" ?!
    It is sad of course that the comprador small-town redneck, coupled with the Americanoids, created with the former flourishing Ukrainian SSR of the Soviet Union and its population!
  3. +2
    16 June 2018 23: 12
    Awareness is slowly coming. But no one except yourself is obliged to take your own fate into their own hands. Go in the right direction - the Russian world will help (although it is not required). Don’t go - well, the road to hell will be covered with mythical lace panties.
    1. +2
      17 June 2018 21: 35
      Ordinary people won't be able to do anything there. And those who could raise them - or on the run, or killed, or sitting in a slammer. The only way out for them is to fight against the LPNR ... But what Russia will answer - even we, the citizens of Russia, do not know ... whether our leadership will be able to give an order to "enforce peace" or not ???
  4. -2
    17 June 2018 02: 13
    Sad Recently, in Russia, too, not everything is so rosy. And even the World Cup does not cover the actions of the government. Dead ends of development.
    1. +3
      17 June 2018 09: 11
      After the impasse, Russia always went the right way, and the impasse is in your head, for you are not reading it. The impasse in Russia ended with the advent of Putin, and therefore he is a celebrity and a recognizable face in the world.
      1. -2
        17 June 2018 13: 15
        Putin’s arrival and therefore he is a celebrity and a recognizable person in the world. ,,
        yeah, as well as Medvedev, Chubais, vehemently and all the glorious cohort of reformers.
        1. 0
          17 June 2018 21: 43
          kot711 (vov), you know ... it’s not so simple here ... Yes, and the process in our country is too started (like a disease) ...
      2. 0
        17 June 2018 21: 42
        bratchanin3 (Gennady), I didn't understand something ... What does the GDP have to do with it? Why are you sculpting it out of place and out of place? And what does his "celebrity and recognizable face" and the country's development have to do with it? What are you sculpting that is not blind?
        That feeling. what are you bot ...
    2. 0
      17 June 2018 21: 38
      Foxvl (Vladimir), here you had a minus ... I put a plus for you as a specialist - there is some truth in your lines that others do not want to see - the capitalist path of development (especially in the modern period) is really a dead end ... Try to convince me who does not agree? I beg!
  5. +4
    17 June 2018 04: 09
    But honestly, it doesn’t touch, let them boil in their swamp. We have our own and we need to solve our concerns.
  6. +4
    17 June 2018 07: 53
    -Unfortunately, the author, complaining about his life to the Russians (and quite rightly complaining) ...- did not indicate the main thing ... -this is the attitude of Ukrainians outside Ukraine towards ... towards the Russians ... -or, specifically ... ... to the Russians ...
    - No matter how ordinary Ukrainian Ukrainians may not love their government and no matter how they call their president names (quite deservedly ... - IMHO) .., but after all, the majority of ordinary Ukrainian Ukrainians treat Russians ... if not hostile ... then rather unfriendly ... -Yes, it is at the grassroots level that this ... to put it mildly ...- "ill will" is being formed .. " ..that sho you .. "...- this is how the Ukrainian simple electorate" kindly "about the Russians ...
    Yes, they support their army and approve of its actions (all shelling and killing of civilians in the LPR and DPR ...
    -And whatever you may say ... -simple Ukrainians in Ukraine ... fully support the policies of both Poroshenko and his security officials, etc. ... -And otherwise ...- the whole war would have died out there long ago ... -all is simple They would have scattered about their huts ... -and the case is over ... -Not the same ... -as diligently and eagerly simple Ukrainian boys scorch their guns ... on old people, women and children ...
    1. 0
      17 June 2018 09: 12
      gorenina91, for example, if you, Russians, were criminally charged with a criminal article (with stipulated deadlines and overwhelming fines), the opportunity to aloud (yes, and somehow, the infamous informers are glad to curry favor!) condemn, organize demonstrations and write negative on the Internet about actions your government, to publicly deny that Russia is an alleged "aggressor", if, on an attempt to go even to a Yandex link, in contact, classmates, a bright banner would pop up on your screen warning about an attempt to violate a government decree ... and then your government ( mind you, YOUR government, and not the occupation administration appointed by the American ambassador and partly consisting of imported foreign functionaries of dubious qualifications - did you carefully read the Article, comments to which write, gorenina91 ?!) adopted, for example, a resolution to raise the retirement age to 100 years? ! And on the Internet, on television and in newspapers, there is silence and continuous semi-official approvals, and even some marginals, having some kind of profit, or would they foolishly screw it up, "supporting the initiatives", taxing ?!
      What would Ukrainian "gorenins" say in case of (Ukrainian-total scale) information blockade of negative opinions and megapropaganda of a small number of endorsements passed off as popular ?!
      And they would write exactly the same thing that you would write about Ukrainian residents now, gorenina91!
      The normal attitude of the majority of Ukrainian citizens towards Russians in Ukraine, especially in the East, many have family ties, and many relatives have not been able to meet for 4 years (like my elderly neighbor with her son, a Russian serviceman, my childhood friend, says that I will die and, probably, I will no longer see my son, health and there is no strength to go to him, and the Ukrainian border guards do not allow his son to see his mother, and indeed anything, any anti-Russian provocations, one can expect that if he was allowed in, the mother herself asks he doesn’t go, he’s afraid for his son, such is "our Ukrainian life"!), we know that your life is hard too (not all Russian sites are disabled with us yet) and there are also difficulties, but you live in your free country, and not in US-occupied territory!
      You are not the only Russian who fell victim to the frenzied occupation "ukropropaganda", gorenina91!
      1. +1
        17 June 2018 21: 59
        Comrade Pischak, you know ... somehow you are not quite frank in your comment ... I still have to agree more quickly with Irina ... Do you know why? So I’ll tell you - I still remember, I remember the Soviet times when Ukrainians didn’t even consider their relatives living in the RSFSR equal. Do you know why? Yes, just everything - it was enough to compare how even an ordinary rural resident lived in the USSR and in the RSFSR. Do you want to say that Ukrainians made better money or worked more than the Tomsk region or the Orenburg region? We even had roofs that were incomprehensible than in villages and villages (unlike Ukrainian ones) and shops ... only the bare minimum was necessary ... unlike Ukrainian ones ...
        And now a question for you: do you know where this stratification in the standard of living between the inhabitants of the RSFSR and the rest of the republics comes from? But in most regions of Russia the climate is not so hot (in comparison with the Ukrainian SSR or the BSSR). It seems to me (and there was confirmation in the media) that just as the restoration of the outskirts of the USSR was initiated at the end of the Second World War, the "pumping" of funds continued. Hence, by the way, all their "GIVE, GIVE, GIVE !!!" - all of them must be "unhappy" around!
        1. +2
          19 June 2018 07: 01
          Comrade A.Lex! For the first time I hear this from you -... "I remember the Soviet times, when Ukrainians did not even consider their relatives living in the RSFSR to be equal to themselves." ... I was born and raised, received a higher education and so well. worked both in workers and in leadership positions, before the USSR did not become and never in the Ukrainian SSR heard from that Ukrainians (residents of the Ukrainian territory, and we are here a complete international of peoples, as in Russia, there are a lot of mixed interethnic families, and not only marginal "professional Ukrainians (of different nationalities, from Armenians and Jews to 100% Russian)") treated their Russian relatives badly even in the RSFSR, even in Kazakhstan or even in some fraternal republics of the Union!
          And nationally preoccupied small-town outcasts, with inferiority complexes, suffering from xenophobia were and are everywhere, even on this website I can see them perfectly, both "Ukrainians" and "Russian". Do you also seem to have some kind of small-town complexes ?!
          I myself, Ukrainian Russian, Russian relatives in Russia, on the Don, in the Voronezh region, Belarusians in Belarus, neither in the Soviet era, nor now have I met any neglect, except for certain marginals, and you, A.Lex, are raising marginals in absolute?!
          How can I be even more frank if the whole tseerushna surveillance machine in Ukraine is working to identify those restless, restless people like your counterpart. There is no anonymity on the Internet, and sooner or later I will have to answer "to the fullest extent of the Maidan laws" even for such a truncated word of truth, so inevitably you will "filter the bazaar" so as not to become a priority goal - appreciate what you have in Russia so far there is an opportunity to write relatively freely and that for this you or your relatives will not be killed and maimed by "unknown hooligans", or not arrested (but usually only well-known personalities are arrested, but why stand on ceremony with "peres", there is no man, no problem ?!) "Bezpaki organs".
          I will not write a separate commentary on the "oppressed" Russian hinterland and the allegedly "flourishing" Ukrainian hinterland, I will say here.
          In our village, the huts under the straw were still in the 80s, we blocked our tiles in the mid 70s, there was no gas pipeline and, now, will not be. They drowned with khmyz (steppe region, only snow-holding landings between fields) and coal. There was a gas stove with a gas cylinder. But now they switched from gas cylinders to coal. In the selmag, under the Union, there were bread, sugar, sweets, cookies, vodka, citro, some canned fish, and hardware. Consumer cooperation sometimes brought sausage. We had our own milk, butter, and fruit and vegetables. Apricots and nuts grew by planting. The state farm sold watermelons and melons to the villagers. Sunflower oil was obtained by taking seeds to the oil mill. Meat is rarely seen. Fish and crayfish were caught in the pond, even mushrooms were harvested from plantings and ravines. Of technology, a bicycle if a motorcycle or a moped is a rich family! Lived, as everyone then lived, from paycheck to paycheck. My grandmother had a collective farm pension of 10 rubles, in the early 70s, my grandfather-state farm, 20 rubles. Dried fruits were prepared, hay and medicinal herbs were dried and handed over to the post office for a penny, hay (surplus) was sold. Wasn’t that in Russian villages ?!
          The article is not about pity, your pity for the Ukrainian residents for nothing, we deserve our own (although if Stalin hadn’t given us a meal with zapadents, then there wouldn’t be such amerochism in Ukraine, Ukraine would be with Russia!) - look at us and do not allow such a tear in Russia!
          It’s a pity that Donetsk residents didn’t have a base of the Russian Black Sea Fleet there, they would live now and not grieve like the Crimeans, and would also make fun of the rest of the US-occupied Ukrainians.
  7. +4
    17 June 2018 08: 16
    As soon as the USSR collapsed, as soon as the CIS was created, I then clearly saw a young guy, they all, our former republics, would sail away from us, I did not understand all the processes taking place then, I just intuitively felt that this would be so. Much later, I realized, the country's movement is determined by its elites (most of them corrupt), it is they, not the people, And this is everywhere, almost everywhere. Anglo-Saxons with hedgehog gloves keep their vassals in check, we Russians can’t, we can’t do that! And do not think that it is good or bad, this is the point. And I clearly understand that our path to a once united country lies through the war, the great war.
    PS. In moments of such reflection, I would like the Creator to give people reason. But He will not come as usual.
    1. +4
      17 June 2018 09: 24
      Yes, Vasily, you are right, all this will not dissipate by itself, and we will have to remove this Ukrainian abscess ourselves, and by surgery, there will be no other way. And the "collective West" will still throw "firewood" into the smoldering, but not fading the fire of our confrontation, in anticipation, and suddenly, and Russia will fall apart, but we are also waiting, and suddenly the "nezalezhnaya" will fall apart, although with Western feeding it can "stagger" for many more years, and spoil our blood a lot. our leadership of determination,
      everything is done with an eye to the "partners", "no matter what happens," but you need to understand only one simple truth that WE WILL NEVER BE FRIENDS, and from this we need to "dance" further ...
    2. -1
      17 June 2018 09: 24
      Dear Vasya Svoyakov, you understand everything correctly, but I do not share your sad "we cannot and everything"! We can, IF WE WANT! Yes
      PS. Those who start a war-massacre do not believe in the Creator and their mind is asleep!
    3. +1
      17 June 2018 21: 56
      Why the hell, we have the USSR again? After the collapse of the "Empire on the contrary" (where the colonies lived at the expense of the metropolis), the former RSFSR, although money began (not immediately), began to spend on its development, and not on "breadwinners" ...
      In the war-torn Donbass in the countryside there are solid stone / brick houses with gas and fully electrified railways, and in Kursk, Tula, etc. areas in the villages are black wooden huts, so what I tell you is the result of the national policy of the top of the USSR (where Georgians or Ukrainians were at the helm) ...
      In the difficult economic years, the devastation of the 90s in the Russian Federation, not a single ... neither in the East nor the West of Ukraine was interested in the life of my people, why the hell should I be interested in the fate of the inhabitants of Ukraine ...
      Russia crawled out of the grave pit in the noughties, due to the tough leader who took all the responsibility and resources of the country, at the moment (and never will) this will never happen in the former Ukrainian SSR ....
      Most of the territory of modern Ukraine went to her for free, because it has no value for her people, maybe only envy from the Ukrainians, that in the modern Crimea former citizens of Ukraine live better than Ukrainians ....
      In the future, Ukrainians will also envy other residents of their former territory, who will depart in favor of Poland, Hungary, the Czech Republic, Romania ...
      1. +1
        18 June 2018 11: 21
        I think the USSR will again be. Only on other principles, everything goes to this. By the way, before the revolution there was a much more correct policy regarding the outskirts of the Russian Empire. Pay taxes, in case of war, give soldiers, and otherwise live as you want. There was a governor-governor. in the field and practically everything. There were no stupid attempts to “jump from feudolism to socialism.” I lived for a long time in Central Asia and I know that after the revolution the same bai and beks changed the green banner over their yurt to red and everything remained the same ...
      2. +2
        19 June 2018 07: 33
        commbatant (and your people, which of the peoples of Russia, you did not indicate) despite the difficult economic years of devastation in the 90s in Ukraine (you, out of your obvious selfishness, think that only Russia was in ruin then?))), I how "one", eating his work brake from a piece of everyday bread, washed down with tea, was keenly interested in life in the post-Soviet space, watching with pain the collapse of Russia by the EBN gang, my heart was bleeding, looking at the bloody exodus of the Russian population from the national regions and the Caucasus , on the Russophobic "prosperity of how many sovereignties". I am glad that under VV Putin, Russia managed to move away from the brink and relatively stabilize. Although the situation with an increase in pension age with such rich natural resources of the country causes my sincere bewilderment request , do you have a popularly elected president, but not appointed by the American ambassador ?!
        Do I envy the Crimeans, who have peacefully got rid of the hated Bandera-Americanism, and even with their own "station" ?! Of course I envy! Yes
        Will I be jealous of the Hungarian, Romanian, Polish-Jewish, Slovak population, torn apart and defeated in the civil war by the Americans "independent", in the event of their reunification with their historical homeland ?! No, I will not, as they were non-Russians, they remained so, but of the state that united us all
        1. +2
          19 June 2018 07: 48
          which united us all, 30 years already! I will only be glad of their happy share among mine, away from Ukrainianization-banderization!
          You, commbatant, are probably talking about the same small-town complexes as those of the "Ukrainians", which prevent you from looking with a blind eye and objectively assessing the situation ?!
  8. +4
    17 June 2018 09: 03
    Indeed, nothing depends on your compatriots, but you went to this for a very long time, right after 1945, when your Bandera supporters began to join your Communist Party. I remember how your corrupt elite in 1978 led a polemic on the pages of the Peretz magazine about the need for Bandera not to Ukraine. I talked with young educated people (25-30 years old), who, even then, were sure that the Ukrainian is closer to the West than to Russia, and Ukraine is not Russia. You walked long and hard, and most importantly, quietly, to the Poles, so you came. And do not pretend to be deceived, you deliberately strove to the West, this is your choice. And you have to go through it to the end, to the very "plinth" and even lower, in order to get a lesson and an inoculation from independence for the rest of your life, for those who will be able to survive, like your compatriots - Bandera in Canada.
    1. +1
      19 June 2018 07: 55
      You probably talked with the Westerners, the "Ukrainian" representatives of the Polish-Jewish population of Western Ukraine ?! request
      So they are now, only now they have become skilled in the murder of "unseen" Ukrainian residents with impunity, and have overgrown with henchmen, since there has been no other government, besides the xenophobic Bandera, which grovels before the West, in Ukraine for about 30 years! And before that, in the transitional "perestroika" period, there was "Gorbachevism" groveling before the West!
  9. +3
    17 June 2018 13: 13
    normal citizens of the former Ukraine feel sorry. but a galloping herd, not a gram. who imagines himself to be the navel of the Earth and runs wild so much that I want to declare the territory plagued.
    1. +1
      17 June 2018 22: 03
      Quote: kot711
      normal citizens of the former Ukraine feel sorry.

      If a large part of the population of Ukraine is calmly looking (at least) at the destruction of its smaller part of the population, where can normal people come from?
      1. 0
        19 June 2018 08: 00
        We are uneasy, commbatant, at the destruction and violent assimilation of the MOST part of the population! Or do you just see the Donbass, you are our “non-indifferent” brother ?!
  10. +1
    17 June 2018 14: 25
    You need a leader in Ukraine, a leader. I remember a photo and a video with the Cossacks of the "three hundred Spartans" surrounded by a hooting gang of Nazis who withstood this seven-hour onslaught, I remember in the same position, but Crimea, I remember the LPR and DPR in the same position, that is, they are the leaders of the entire population of these republics.
  11. +3
    17 June 2018 18: 39
    Damn (sorry for the expression), I read adequate Ukrainians and am amazed that they look and do not see, read and do not understand (just like in the Bible "Matthew 13:13")
    Putin clearly said that Russians and Ukrainians are one nationWhat else do you need? If this is one nation, according to mentality and values, give it a name that is RUSSIAN (and this is both a national and supranational concept). Russians and Ukrainians are the name of the place of residence, nationality.
    Turn on the brain.
    If you consider yourself an adequate Ukrainian, you are Russian and only a dislocation of the brain of nonsense prevents you from realizing this. On the first channel they show Ukrainian clowns, just so that YOU in Ukraine understand that YOU are not Ukrainians, but Russians.
    Putin speaks of a united people precisely because he considers Ukraine to be an artificially created neoplasm and in the inevitable (in my opinion) unification of 2 parts of the people, Ukraine as a nation should be destroyed. All adequate people living in Ukraine are RUSSIAN.
    Again, preparations are underway for the fact that at the time of the reunification of peoples, adequate people living in the territory of present-day Ukraine were already very aware of this moment and how they plunged from the plague-Ukrainians from the plague.
    It’s like in the army. If it doesn’t reach through the head, let it go through the arms or legs, It’s like with the disease: "They inoculate an infection (Ukrainians) so that the body (adequate majority) develops immunity." While the patient is in the process and your article is an example of this. It can be tough, but effective. As we see, softer methods practiced in the USSR did not give results.

    PS In my opinion: 1. Russia will accept new territories, only on a voluntary basis, with full awareness of the population, responsibility for their choice, approximately as Crimea did.
    2. Russia’s military unions are not needed, and if the leadership has enough of them, they won’t have enough, except for those who agree to join the Russian Federation on the terms of paragraph 1. So an alliance with China or someone else, in my opinion, is not yet possible, and subject to paragraph 1, it will be inevitable.
    1. +2
      17 June 2018 19: 16
      All right, your message is no objection. Only the author clearly wrote "The point of no return has been passed." Ukrainians are no longer able to return everything back will not give American Bandera. And this is obvious. It remains only to read the outcast. “Lord, have mercy on the souls of your servants who have departed into an incomprehensible life in a departure from Your holy Orthodox Church. Your destinies are unexplored .. ".
      1. 0
        19 June 2018 08: 04
        Dear Vlad Petrov, are you really one of those uncritically minded people who are hypnotized by catchy names ?!
        Personally, I agree with the content of the Article, but I don’t agree with the title, but I understand why he called it so controversially! Yes
    2. +1
      18 June 2018 07: 15
      one people, one people ... yes, yes ... but few examples were read when siblings quarrel and then live without being interested in each other? Politics is such a thing, one thing is said, another is thought, and the third is done. From a political point of view, yes, we Slavs are essentially all brothers. Some were saved from the Turks, at the cost of the lives of their own thousands of soldiers, some from the Nazis. When they say brother, it is assumed that this brotherhood is two-sided, you are good and help, in return, too. Internationalism, which brought us the brain in the USSR, has supplanted and still sits with someone else, rationalism and healthy state egoism.
      I am not against helping, but not thoughtless and disinterested. I don’t remember the good. Therefore, help-but pay, not immediately, but so firmly (military bases, support is watered at all levels). And so for everything.
      America does so. Nothing disinterested, and this is understandable. At first, the benefit for their people is for others to help according to the residual principle. And only blood friends have some kind of concessions (Belarusians), because they are kindred. And respect.
  12. +1
    17 June 2018 22: 26
    The author, like many before him (and after him will be) blames us for our callousness and indifference ... Hmm, so it was our "saints" of the 90s who made us so - we do not believe ANYONE's word! Prove with a deadline! ... But in deed, alas, you cannot do anything. Because you have no willpower, no organizers, no desire ... You ask me a question - why is it so with you? And from the fact that for almost 30 years you were led like chicks, for almost 30 years you were prepared for what is happening now. And you were silent! They were silent, professing the principle of "khatoskrynost", just as you are silent now - your neighbor, the sweetest person will be beaten and kicked by all sorts of wicked ... ki from the Nazi mr ... si, and you (no matter how touched you) will try to slip by ... This is what they will do with you next time - and NOBODY will come to your aid, they will be afraid just as well! We were beaten in the 90s (they threatened me with a barrel at my school teacher) and if I saw and could intercede, I intervened or helped to stop the lawlessness ... Although NOBODY helped me - they stood (as you have right) and looked. Although I was not a witness or participant in any major showdown in crime or other lawlessness, but seeing how a group of teenagers or children beat one, I always tried to intervene and stop the carnage (after all, they can kick to death). I believed and still believe that a crowd of one - cowardice, a herd and jackal banditry, which must be stopped in ANY ways. And not to be afraid to call law enforcement officers, not to be afraid that "someone who" will consider it snitching - or we live by the LAWS, or - "by concepts."
    The country, people, each citizen of the author of the article made their choice. And now they live in their country "according to concepts" ... Although, on the other hand, how did we manage not to fall into the same "raspberry-state"? Perhaps a miracle ... Or the security forces (who were always in power) realized that the country will not become ... and then APPOINTED responsible - Putin. Well, now ... now is a completely different story, in which the GDP is already an independent player (although not free in everything).
    ........................................ And yes - we don’t know too much to praise or blame the president of Russia. Therefore, be patient, over the years all his moves will become known!
  13. +3
    18 June 2018 07: 02
    without repentance, there is no remorse, no recovery.
    I agree with authors writing about a long history with dislike, a sense of superiority of Ukrainians over Russians (in particular).
    The saying: "Where the crest has passed, there is nothing for a Jew to do," I bite about ... everyone knows.
    I dmb 1973, and then already a ghoul anecdote about the Ukrainians standing at the post. and for the sake of stripes on the shoulder straps of the one who shot the mother. And the final words of the anecdote, stroking the stripe, the crest says: Hurry the tattoo would come. "
    I don’t dare to offend - everything that once seemed like a stupid and evil joke turned into reality today. Metaphorically a crest shot at his mother Russia, the brothers of Donetsk, who would have thought about this for 20 years back.
    Who is guilty? Roots in the USSR. I worked on Novaya Zemlya, usually a sailor-driver drove us, they changed almost every six months or a year, demobilization, and we have work. I remember one of them, by the arrogance and this aplomb of a farmer. He tells how he served in Mlskva and drove the general-raspberry, and not service, ran AWOL, walked with girls, drank wine, wandered around on the Volga with a general's cap. Well, happiness is a soldier's, not service. I ask, the commanders, what were they asleep? Where did the foreman (ensign) look? How did they not see all this (remembering his service, he was amazed). Well, what do you think this insolent puppy answered: so the foreman is Russian, and I am a crest! and grinning all over his mouth - that's how cunning I am. I asked, so apparently not so cunning, since both warm boxing in the capital and from the general's Volga, you ended up in a zep in the Arctic, you drive the Urals and your hands are in tippets? For a second I was embarrassed, and then again, well, they say, no luck, an accident ... these are the brothers ... I have a difficult attitude towards Ukrainians today. TV-shny chubby guys are propagandists, of course. But all the same, there is no more that confidence, that when it breaks out, the shoulder of the cunning, but brave brother will be near, he will be like Kovpak or Rudnev, like Vershigora, they will go into the woods and smash the enemy. Alas, no. And it seems to me that the "brotherly Slavic" people, it will take a long time and humiliatingly to wash themselves from this dirt, but what they deserve is what you will get. I don't understand another thing: Odessa is the homeland of a bright, intelligent and heroic people - how much blood has been shed there, how are the traditions of chli- and what? People were burned ALIVE, brutally torturing those who were already doomed to burn, finishing off those who survived ... and what? They wiped themselves off, "brothers", they sat down on the minks. Much time has passed .. I thought, at least some partisans, the detachments will appear, well, how to live with this sin, if the blood does not wash away the shame. City of Humorins, for me now the city-crematorium is a city of cowards ... I remember how one director Raikhelgauz (sorry if I misinterpreted the name on purpose), splashed saliva in the opponent's face in Solovyov’s program, climbed to fight, claiming that normal people live in Odessa .. so now that we are blind .. and it’s not the Nazis who came , the same Ukrainians came, only arrogant and terrible. Where are you, Odessans? Silence Nothing to say, it is said to sit still.
    I’m very guilty of slandering Chernomyrdin, there was nothing to the old moron on the sinecure, Kuchma is already publishing a program document, Ukraine, not Russia, and Viktor Stepanych is encouraging and making proverbs .. and then they wrote to Mr Aptekar. well, what can he do? How is it that Krahman again patches his own .. and not up to politics with him .. Chernomyrdin will answer where he is, but with Zurabov I would ask for such a failure — not too late, the price of his mistakes is immeasurable the wall would have to be fair.
    Well, how to deal with Ukrainians with such moral baggage? Dear I don’t know, I remember only the Betrayer once-betray more than once. Respectively, and behaving — until a new proverb appears — it’s better not to look for a friend to Khokhl. Although I prefer Kadyrov, I honestly hated it, honestly respected it, everything was clear.
  14. +2
    19 June 2018 20: 01
    The IMF implements the "golden billion policy" and the article fully confirms this.
  15. +1
    20 June 2018 08: 36
    Maybe they put them in their drinking water there. But the trend is evident. All the same, the majority of the population tosses and turns in their sleep, and mutters "Moskalyaku on gilyaku". There are very few people like TS. An oligarch who is selling the country for next to nothing, and whose only cry is that he is fighting these damned Russians, was imprisoned as president. Why has there been no Maidan for so many years? It means that this cry is to the heart of the bulk, and meets their desires. Like, we will suffer need, the main thing is to spoil these Russians more. This rule cannot be explained by anything else.
    1. +1
      17 August 2018 22: 11
      hi Swed14, "there has been no Maidan for so many years" because the "Maidans" were organized and carried out by the American special services and their European vassals! And what, you really do not distinguish truth from lies and believe the American propagandons, who "told" that it was supposedly a "people's revolution", that it was "the people revolted" ?! wassat
      Without "Washington's paw" there are no, there are not and will not be any "color revolutions-Maidans", it would be high time to understand this, Swed14!
      How is it "... the main thing is to spoil these Russians harder" -Are you friends with your head, or, maybe, "drinking water with additives" you consume ?! Think for yourself, there are millions of us Russians living in multinational Ukraine, why do we need to "dirty" ourselves, as you "invented" for yourself and replicate in your "stream of consciousness" ?!
      Like the "bulk" of Ukrainian residents, they are adequate people who have nothing in common with the Russophobic and other xenophobic destructive aspirations and dirty tricks of the Washington puppets who seized (as a result of the "Maidan" coup d'etat) power in the country, what they "do" is by no means responsible neither our, the majority of Ukrainian citizens, desires, nor our interests!
      How is this "no other way to explain this reign", you, Swed14, are making fun of, perhaps denying the obvious - the TOTAL Washington "staleness" of Ukraine ?! Well then, you are just a fabulous simpleton or an engaged troll request
  16. +2
    2 July 2018 13: 48
    a lot of Ukrainians became in the Politburo after the death of Stalin. they led the USSR to collapse, and now they are ruining a single territory. for example, in the EAO it used to be if the director of the plant is Jewish, then the chief engineer is Russian, or vice versa. it is a pity that such practices were not introduced for Ukrainians. perhaps many mistakes could have been avoided
  17. 0
    18 September 2018 17: 25
    ... a sense of superiority of Ukrainians over Russians (in particular) ...

    I'm just dying of laughter! This village, and Ukraine has always been a village for me, and superiority? Compare Kiev with Moscow or St. Petersburg? Yes, Ukraine - was a big collective farm! Yes, she is now like a bazaar.
    Just hilarious. Don’t tell guys.