"Modern fascists": right-wing forces in Europe can be very useful for Russia


"Fascists" are our friends! ... And even that is not all. I will say more: from my personal point of view, the provision of overt or tacit support to precisely those who are now called so in the West is directly in the interests of the Russian Federation.

Strange, at least, the wording, right? Nevertheless, if we abstract from the generally accepted, or rather, even imposed in the modern media space, clichés, and with a deeper consideration, this idea does not seem so strange in today's conditions. And this is at once according to two principles that have already been repeatedly tested by time and practice, from which have long become either proverbs, or vital axioms: "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" and "there is no reception against a scrap if there is no other scrap."

Who are these "modern fascists"?

Taking into account the educated public, I will not delve into the history of the emergence of this term itself, which first appeared on political scene of Europe, namely in Italy, at the very beginning of the twenties of the last century, that is, long enough before the beginning of the well-known events in Hitler's Germany in the 30s and 40s, with which the term "fascism" in our country, and indeed in the world , historically associated. Aggression, the bloodiest war in history, war crimes, the Holocaust and other crimes against humanity - all of this somehow by itself immediately appears in memory when the term "fascism" is mentioned or the term "Nazism", which has already become almost synonymous, is mentioned ... And rightly so - it's true, it all really happened. Therefore, when even today someone is called "fascists" or "Nazis", the sane part of humanity has rejection and antipathy towards such characters or movements already by itself, automatically. And this is also correct.

But there are nuances. The fact is that in the political struggle, precisely for the sake of the rapid formation of this very automatic rejection and the creation of an initially negative public opinion in relation to certain people and structures, in the "fascists" or "Nazis" today they began to "write down" those who really are. not at all. In Western Europe, for example, it is already possible to become a Nazi or a fascist in the media space, if only to publicly mention the national interests of one's own people, the problems of mass alien immigration, or intolerantly speak out about the LGBT community, and the like.

In the mouths of liberal propaganda, almost all individuals, parties and organizations that somehow stand in positions of national interest or traditional values, as well as those who criticize newfangled "liberal achievements" such as multiculturalism, gay pride parades, the ubiquitous "tolerance", immediately become Nazis or their followers. or "parents # 1 and # 2". It’s very convenient, and you don’t need to explain anything to anyone: if you put the label “fascist” or “Nazi”, it means bad, and there is nothing to vote for or even listen to. Like this. Simple, primitive, but unfortunately it works. The mighty of this world in a society of liberal freedoms in recent years in general somehow do not like to prove something to someone - everyone should just take their word for it. And we, that is, Russia, are not in the liberalized West, we are also "being led" to such tricks. And some people play this very successfully, especially knowing our acutely sensitive attitude to everything connected with the last World War and its consequences.

Recently, in one of the well-known political TV programs, I don’t remember which one, a representative of Germany (of course, another “former our” is an emigrant. About “western experts” in Russian “talk shows” is generally a separate topic, I think, somehow to her I'll be back ...) mentioned another scandal that broke out the other day in German law enforcement agencies - staff members of the police and special services seemed to be sending among themselves some hard-hitting comments and jokes about racist immigrants. The German "free press and progressive public" once again came together in horror - well, neither give nor take the Nazis! This has no place in the organs! And the Russian studio, of course, almost assented in chorus - yes, they say, horror, again the rehabilitation of Nazism! And did they think at all, to whom they assented? ... Or just by inertia? ... But they assented precisely to those who today are the most popular of all the hype Russophobia, sanctions, double and triple standards, all these stories with the Skripals, Navalny, doping, election interference, Nord Stream, Ukraine, Belarus, etc. etc.

This is not the first scandal of this kind in European armies and law enforcement agencies. It has already been repeatedly in Germany itself, in the Czech Republic, in Spain, Italy, Austria, Poland - statements, symbols, ultra-right sentiments. Usually, if something like that surfaced, it all ended in a public scandal and layoffs. Open membership in ultra-right parties or participation in their actions is taboo for servicemen and other security officials. More often than not, the same is true in the EU, publicly or privately, but applies to teachers and civil servants. And such organizations themselves in Europe are everywhere and very diligently put on labels of Nazism and Fascism in order to marginalize in public consciousness and oust them from mass political life. But if, I repeat, we digress from these very labels, and at least read the programs of many so-called nationalist, right-wing and ultra-right parties, then, to our surprise, we will see there about the same thing that the Russian Federation recently wrote in its own new Constitution , and against what this very liberal West protests so fiercely. And in relation to Russia, these very European rightists, if they do not immediately offer frank friendship, then at least pragmatic and business-like good-neighborly relations. Quite often, there are also ideas about the withdrawal of their states from the NATO and / or the European Union, as organizations limiting national sovereignty. And all this, too, is not to the liking of those in power.

Naturally, as they say, “the family has its black sheep” - each group of people has its own odious activists and / or their mindless followers. They also exist among the "left" and "right", "green" or in religious communities. In this case under consideration, it is they who walk with torches, draw tattoos with a swastika on themselves, beat people of a different skin color on the street for no reason, etc. Yes, and it is. But it is still not even they who are dismantling monuments to Soviet servicemen during the Great Patriotic War in European cities, they are not renaming streets and rewriting history textbooks of their countries. This is now being done by precisely those against whom the European right and ultra-right are themselves opposing - the so-called liberal elite, who have seized power almost everywhere on the Old Continent.

"The enemy of my enemy ..."

It just so happened that with many typical representatives of the European right, as well as regular servicemen of the same Bundeswehr, or the Czech, Slovak, Hungarian, Austrian and some other armies and power structures, I talked quite a lot and in the most relaxed atmosphere ... Moreover, not all of them at that time had any idea of ​​who I really was and where I came from. That is, the conversations were really frank. From this interesting experience, the first conclusion is that they are quite adequate people who love their country and quite soberly assess the situation at home and in the modern world. The second conclusion - if someone really knew how to read people's minds, and on the basis of this, the European governments would decide to purge their own security officials about the so-called ultra-right views, then these very armies, police, special services, etc. the respective countries would instantly decrease by at least two-thirds of their numbers. But this is already strong! That is, the thoughts and attitudes of the majority of these people, who ensure the security of this or that state and its system, are almost completely contrary to the policy officially pursued by the governments of these countries, and the European Union or NATO as a whole. What this can lead to - I will say below.

Among those with whom I communicated in this manner, there were also people who voluntarily, both legally and not, participated in various armed conflicts, not excluding Ukrainian. Here is the third conclusion - there are very few really ideological among them. You can treat these people as you like, but all of these are mostly kind of romantics - those who just want to fight, feel like a hero, etc. Real combat motivation in such cases, as a rule, comes already in the process itself - the death or injury of a comrade, anger, herd feelings among “friends” and antagonism to “aliens,” not least front-line propaganda, can affect. In Ukraine, by the way, no matter how silly it may sound to the uninitiated public, some people were initially simply impressed by the symbolism used "a la the Third Reich". For many, the romance of imperial eagles and swastikas has not gone anywhere. One cannot but agree - the Nazis had everything in order with the design of the symbols, worked perfectly, and still works. And here I will say a completely seditious, from the Russian point of view, but a really important thought: one cannot ignore the fact that for many Europeans, and not only Germans, this is still a memory of the courage and heroism of their grandfathers and great-grandfathers, far from all of who were war criminals. The fact that today it is almost universally forbidden symbolism does not negate the historical memory of generations. At the same time, in the overwhelming majority of cases, there is no real support for Nazism, Russophobia or revanchism under this for a long time. It sounds crazy to many, but it is exactly so. And there are many examples of this. The soldiers of the Bundeswehr in Afghanistan, who painted palm trees on their combat vehicles in the style of the African Corps of the Wehrmacht during the Second World War (only without swastikas, of course), who were subsequently dismissed without pay for this, were not ideological Nazis.

People who admire the German army during the First or Second World War, and happily don the appropriate uniforms at various historical events, at the same time look after Soviet and American military graves, clean graves and lay flowers on them with respect to the soldiers who died on their land ... Citizens of right-wing and nationalist views came out in Prague to demonstrate against the demolition of the monument to Marshal Konev, together with the communists. At the same time, some punks and Antifa activists (anti-fascists) are pouring red paint on the same Soviet monuments, ardent supporters of democracy and freedom are repainting Soviet tanks and guns on pedestals pink, and liberal politicians are issuing orders to dismantle the monuments of Soviet military leaders. liberated their countries from this very fascism. But we, Russia, publicly interfere with the mud and accuse the former of the rehabilitation of Nazism and an attempt to revise the results of the Second World War, and with the latter we do business and communicate decently at the state level ... Where is the logic? Maybe it's not visual symbols and names that are more important, but real deeds and specific political programs?

By the way, even with regard to the latest scandal with the "fascists" in the ranks of the German police: nothing surprising, because these are the very people who face all the "delights of multiculturalism" every day. And it is for them the very power that they are obliged to guard by duty, tolerantly prohibits the publication of real crime statistics among migrants for fear of the massive appearance of "Nazism" among the indigenous population of Germany. And there really is something to hide - this statistics is simply terrifying. And if in modern Europe something can be characterized as manifestations of racism and similar things, then it really exists there, but exactly the opposite - it is expressed in the unprecedented privileges of various minorities, at the expense of the bulk of society.

And the same sane NATO military, on the other hand, often witness with their own eyes the direct results of the "export of liberal democracy" to various countries, as well as realize the consequences of all this for their own states. These pictures are very unsightly, and after that people also begin to pull "to the right".

Thus, in Europe today, as manifestations of fascism, misanthropy, etc., they are already beginning to designate simply the theses of ordinary common logic, which runs counter to the all-consuming perverted liberal morality. If in general it is possible to call it moral ...

Crowbar should be used against scrap

I think that now no one will deny the fact that Russia is again at war with what is called the "consolidated West." You can call this war whatever you like - political, economic, ideological, cold or hybrid - the meaning does not change. And you don't have to build any illusions for yourself. War is war, and it is always waged to destroy one of the opponents by the other, this is its main meaning. And in war, as you know, all means are good. Our enemies (they are not, to hell, partners!) Have already perfectly demonstrated this to us many times, they use absolutely anything for their own purposes - outright lies, forgeries, provocations, natural subversive activities on the territory of our country, as well as variation alliances with any forces capable of bringing them at least some benefit in any given area of ​​the struggle, including even outright criminals and terrorists.

And we? Are we behaving decently and not interfering in anything? Or, if we can and intervene, then somehow not very successfully - Trump, whom we allegedly chose, behaves towards Russia somehow not at all fraternally, and it seems like the Brexit organized by us did not bring any visible benefit to the Russian Federation either.

Joking aside, but somehow sad ... But our Nord Stream-2 has been successfully stopped by the enemy for the umpteenth time, Yuzhny has been completely destroyed in the bud, diplomatic property has been shamelessly confiscated, foreign assets and loans have been frozen, all sorts of sanctions have been introduced and are introduced further, as on a conveyor belt, in the former "fraternal" republics of the former USSR, right around us, the devil knows what is going on, or else it will be, our country is being "doused with mud" from all sides in the media space and accused of all mortal sins, and there is also this incomprehensible epidemic of an unknown virus that has come from ...

At the same time, there are real forces right in the enemy's lair that can play on our side, and we completely ignore them! And all because someone who always lies in everything tells us that they are, they say, "fascists", and we are fundamentally not friends with the fascists. Isn't it stupid? During the Second World War, was it normal to destroy the enemy with his own trophy weapon? After the war, was it normal to create your own atomic program together with the same "fascist" scientists? And here you go ... Principles! If then, in the forties of the last century, all of us would have been the same principled, the paintings of our soldiers on the Reichstag would hardly have appeared ...

So what to do? It is necessary in every possible way to support any forces on the territory of the enemy, if even not acting directly in our support, then at least having claims to the existing system. And there are many of them. Including the ultra right. And if, for example, the strength of the same Germany has historically always consisted in high organization and technology, then the strength of Russia, first of all, in morality and culture. And this is impossible to dispute. And now we can really offer people in the West what many clearly lack, what they are being deprived of against their will. And these are not material values ​​at all, of which there is just enough. This is what is called "soft power", which is much more dangerous than any weapon. This is the collapse of the state systems of enemy states and a decrease in the combat effectiveness of power structures. Can you imagine what two-thirds of the country's army is, on which one cannot rely one hundred percent? Or two-thirds of the police sabotaging the instructions they receive? But the foundation for all this is already ready - the militant liberals have laid it for themselves. You have to be a fool to see all this, not to use it to achieve a turning point in this war in our favor. After all, if you only defend yourself all the time, do not attack, then there will never be any victory. And any war ends only with the victory of one of the parties, there is no other way. And if we don't want to be losers, we need to be proactive.

It is necessary, as has been said more than once, yes, to spend money on this, but again to invite people not only from developing countries and the former USSR, but also from Europe, to our educational institutions - on the example of the latest Russian achievements in medicine and technology, including military and nuclear, we have a lot to learn. For military fans, organize excursions to our training grounds - shoot our weapons and ride military equipment. Success is also guaranteed. Officially at the state level to promote on a global scale the principles of protecting the same traditional values. Conduct meetings, organize forums and educational institutions abroad. And so on and so forth ... Expensive? Yes. Is the Russian Federation poorer than some Soros? Or is it not worth it? Can't afford it? Yes we can! And we even know from whom and what to take ... That would be decisive for this ...

Indeed, in this way we can put millions of people under our own banners. In this situation, for example, it is quite possible that a protest against anti-Russian sanctions will follow to the requirements for revising gasoline prices, the issue of the retirement age and social guarantees of "yellow vests" in France ... And Macron and the European Commission will have to deal with this, and not in the international arena, but at home. And this is not at all a utopia in the style of "direct flights from Moscow to Vasyuki". This was all already: the Bolshevik communists at the beginning of the twentieth century were confident in the progressiveness and benefits of their views for all mankind, and were not shy about slogans about the world socialist revolution, supporting like-minded people around the world. And there were millions of them, which also helped our country a lot later.
And, unlike what the forces of Western propaganda are doing within our state, this is not the formation of a certain European fifth column of traitors to their own national interests - it is the organization or support of the movement of people to ensure that their own states do not collapse and fall into a foreign occupation, looked the way they want it.

The enemy of the enemy is, if not a friend, then at least a possible temporary ally. And the one who is swinging the crowbar is better and safer to hit first, not waiting for his crowbar to land on your head ...
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  1. +3
    23 September 2020 09: 57
    In general, it is quite logical and obvious to many. It has long been noted in Israel that it is easier to find a common language with the right-wing, nationally oriented parties than with the left liberal, often openly anti-Semitic (the English Corbyn is an example of this).
    1. +3
      23 September 2020 11: 26
      In Israel, in general, they are doing a lot of things that are right that others do not dare, including harsh forceful responses to any threat to their country. Yes, and it seems easier for them to communicate with the rightists - no one would suspect a Jew of sympathy for Nazism. And the rest are all, as it were, afraid to "stain" their reputation ...
      1. +1
        23 September 2020 15: 05
        In Israel, they generally do a lot of things that are right that others do not dare to do.

        You cannot discount the "roof" of the Israelis, and these are the Americans.
        When behind the back of the "bogai-bogey" to be brave is not valor.
        1. +1
          23 September 2020 17: 09
          ... there is such a thing. And Israel's enemies, of course, are not of the same scale as those of the Russian Federation.
          We, of course, do not have a bully behind our shoulders, but with such a power potential, is he needed at all? As someone there said: "Our army, if not the first in the world, is definitely not the second." I am personally sure that the Russian Federation can afford more than it allows now - we are not afraid of a retaliatory strike, no one will give it to us, but economic sanctions. But given that there are reasons for economic strikes and so, when someone needs it, one should still be less embarrassed, at least with interventions in THEIR life, if they come to us anyway ...
  2. +1
    23 September 2020 11: 40
    The direction of the statements is correct, only the tactical actions in this direction are not all correct ... Firstly, the question of national sovereignty and independence, which is the main thing for national forces. Today's globalist rule, under the guise of liberality, on the contrary, destroys national identities and self-preservation of nations and turns into an amorphous, without signs of identity and independence, easily manipulated mass ... Russia is isolated and subject to severe pressure (the presence of nuclear weapons does not allow direct aggression) such amorphization and resisting the loss of independence, it may well become the leader of nations in the modern "people's liberation" struggle. This state of political alignment is very favorable, but Russia itself is under the control of the same liberal compradors and only their removal from power will allow Russia to leave the zone of degradation and begin development ...
    1. +2
      23 September 2020 11: 54
      Russia itself is under the control of the same liberal compradors, and only their removal from power will allow Russia to leave the zone of degradation and begin development

      I agree. But, to all appearances, firstly, the process in the Russian Federation is just in this direction with a creak, but has already moved, and secondly, it has moved clearly successfully, judging by the Western reaction. So I hope we won't stop there
    2. -1
      24 September 2020 15: 23
      Today's globalist rule, under the guise of liberality, on the contrary, destroys national identities and self-preservation of nations and turns them into amorphous, without signs of identity and independence

      For some reason, Japan, Thailand, South Korea, which quite exist within the framework of world globalism, have not lost their national self-identification. How so?
      1. 0
        24 September 2020 15: 39
        Another race, which the globalists previously held backward colonies (the British opium wars in China), but today they have broken through to the leaders, but with their own specifics, to which the globalists have no approach (they do not admit another race of destructive agents) ... In racial difference cultures and understandings of politics with their three or four thousand years of statehood (Europeans for them, like monkeys recently climbed down from a tree) ...
        1. -1
          24 September 2020 16: 19
          to which the globalists have no approach (they do not admit another race of destructive agents) ...

          First, the "globalists" have no approach to destroying the national identity of any country at all, they don't need it.

          Secondly, Japan, Thailand, South Korea are quite open countries, moreover, very popular among tourists from the West.

          In the racial difference of cultures and understandings of politics with their three or four thousand years of statehood (Europeans for them are like monkeys who recently climbed down from a tree) ...

          Again statements that have nothing to do with reality. The statehood of Japan, South Korea and the same Thailand took shape at the same time as the statehood of the Western countries. Moreover, when the civilizations of Ancient Greece and Rome flourished in Europe, there were primitive societies on the Japanese islands, the Korean Peninsula and on the territory of Thailand.

          Moreover, Japan during the Meiji period for some reason adopted the culture of "monkeys descended from the tree." And then Korea. True, they adopted it in a clever way, adapting it to their own.
          1. 0
            24 September 2020 21: 42
            Do not confuse the tactics of behavior in a certain period with the strategy and foundations of this community ... To confuse a trifle with spinal foundations means not understanding anything in this matter ... If you do not understand what has been said, then these are your problems ...
            1. -1
              25 September 2020 00: 12
              Do not confuse the tactics of behavior in a certain period with the strategy and foundations of this community ...

              This "certain period" has been going on for a century and a half :)
              1. 0
                25 September 2020 10: 03

                First, the "globalists" have no approach to destroying the national identity of any country at all, they don't need it.

                Either you are not lying, or you will expand your knowledge more. For example, the post-socialist countries, and Russia, and pressure on it, with the aim of destroying and dismembering the state ... In Asian affairs, for such civilizations a century is a short moment ...
                1. -1
                  25 September 2020 10: 14
                  For example, post-socialist countries, and Russia, and pressure on it, in order to destroy and dismember the state ...

                  They did not touch our national identity, nor do they touch other countries.

                  On Asian affairs, for such civilizations a century is a short moment ...

                  For which such civilizations? The Japanese and Korean civilizations are slightly more years old than the Russian ones.
                  1. 0
                    25 September 2020 10: 52
                    According to your statements, there are enough refutations, but there is no point in convincing someone who is unshakable in their beliefs ...
                    1. -1
                      25 September 2020 10: 53
                      According to your statements, there are enough refutations, but there is no point in convincing someone who is unshakable in their beliefs ...

                      A favorite excuse for those who have no refutation.
  3. -1
    24 September 2020 15: 20
    In the mouths of liberal propaganda, almost all individuals, parties and organizations that somehow stand in positions of national interest or traditional values, as well as those who criticize newfangled "liberal achievements" such as multiculturalism, gay pride parades, the ubiquitous "tolerance", immediately become Nazis or their followers. or "parents # 1 and # 2".

    Not so long ago, in "illiberal" Russia, some right-wing parties that, as the author said, "for national interests, traditional values ​​criticizing the ubiquitous tolerance and gay pride parades," were also called right-wing extremist and neo-Nazi. In court they named it, mind you. DPNI, for example.
  4. -1
    24 September 2020 16: 05
    then the strength of Russia is, above all, in morality and culture. And this is impossible to dispute.

    This is a general phrase that has not been confirmed by anything except aplomb "and it is impossible to dispute it." What is so special about the "morality and culture" of Russia, that this is its strength? "Traditional family values"? In terms of the number of divorces, Russia is only 2 percent inferior to the "heart of the rotten West" - the United States (53% of marriages there end in divorce, in our country - 51%). And this is taking into account the fact that the population itself in our country treats divorce much worse than in the West. Maybe things are better in Russia with raising children? Also not - in terms of the number of orphans, Russia is ahead of Western countries.

    Cultural excellence? Again, too general. What exactly is superiority? What is there in the culture of Russia that is not in the culture of the "decaying West"? Maybe a movie about "traditional values"? The West is full of it. Moreover, in the West, it is made much better and of higher quality. Not some clumsy "fofudya". Maybe Russia has a stronger religion? Yes, I beg you, the Russian Orthodox Catholic Church is doing it in all respects one or two.

    So far, the only thing in which Russia is "morally superior" (according to the author) to Western countries is the ban on gay pride parades and the legalization of same-sex civil unions. It is not clear, however, what the "moral superiority" is to prohibit people from officially loving whoever they want. Anyway.

    About an alliance with European nationalists. This union will be very unreliable, if any. Because nationalism has never been and never will be a single political trend.
    1. +1
      24 September 2020 21: 21
      From what I read in the comments, you have a very narrow idea even about what you write here. And you are also inattentive - you comment and respond not to what they write to you. In order:
      1. when you answered a colleague's question about the loss of "national identity and independence", for some reason you cited Japan, Thailand and South Korea as an example and decided to SELF-IDENTIFICATION, it is not very clear what it is - like identifying yourself as a Russian, a Jew , German or Japanese? Or how? Is there no problem with that?
      In these states, national features in public life are really being blurred as a result of globalism and migration, you, apparently, simply do not know. And this is even in Japan, which is really the most closed country for immigration. In the South. People travel to Korea and Thailand mainly from neighboring and racially and culturally relatively close countries, which can not be said about Europe and North. America, and not in such volumes. Therefore, an idle tourist is not so noticeable as the Arab ghettos in Belgium, France and Germany or the Dutch Rotterdam, which already differs from Africa only by the absence of palm trees ... And as for the independence of all three mentioned states, I think the discussion does not make sense at all - Korea and Japan is simply under occupation, and Thailand is in the economic ticks of the dollar and transnational corporations for the most part ...
      2. Regarding culture and morality: I don't know what they taught you at school when you went there, but I even remember Tolstoy, Dostoevsky, Pushkin there ... yes, it probably doesn't even make sense to list all the world-famous Russian art and cultural figures , I personally don't know another country with such a constellation ... And about morality, again, without delving into history, where there are many interesting things about this, it is enough to recall the times of the Second World War, a company of Pskov paratroopers, officers who died in Syria, a police lieutenant and the phrase "work brothers" is exactly the level of morality that I am talking about, and due to which we still exist. And these are just a couple of examples from military operations, but there are millions of others, and even more peaceful ...
      3. I don’t know what the Catholic Church is doing to the Russian Orthodox Church ... Maybe a lot of pedophile scandals? Or the one that highlights gay marriage, which is directly contrary to the Bible? If it is, then yes, it does laughing

      4. Read the texts carefully: no one spoke about the alliance with the ultra-right. We talked about using it for our own purposes. And these are somewhat different things, aren't they?
      1. -2
        25 September 2020 00: 05
        1. Do you need to quote what my opponent wrote? Okay, if you need it, then here is:

        Globalist Rule Today, under the guise of liberality, on the contrary destroys national identities и self-preservation of nations and turns into amorphous, no signs of identity and independence

        To which I cited as an example Japan, Thailand, South Korea, which, having completely integrated into the globalist system, have preserved this very "national identity". Moreover, globalism not only did not destroy these very "identities", but also extended some of their elements to other countries, including Western ones.

        In these states, national features in public life are really blurred as a result of globalism and migration, you, apparently, simply do not know

        And what has blurred there?) They have preserved their national identity much better than Russia, although they do not scream about their "special path" at every step.

        And as for the independence of all three mentioned states, I think that the discussion does not make sense at all - Korea and Japan are simply under occupation

        You read sometime about the US auto industry, and how "occupied" Japan and South Korea bent the American domestic market for cars and home electronics so that the American authorities at the level of Congress had to introduce protectionist measures.

        In the minds of Russian "analysts" the idea that a country can be strong even without a powerful army still cannot get it.

        As for culture and morality: I don't know what they taught you at school when you went there, but I even remember Tolstoy, Dostoevsky, Pushkin there ... yes, it probably doesn't even make sense to list all Russian art and cultural figures with world names, I I personally don't know another country with such a constellation ...

        France: Voltaire, Denis Diderot, Victor Hugo, Guy de Maupassant, Emile Zola, Jules Verne, Georges Sand, Charles Baudelaire.

        UK: Jonathan Swift, William Shakespeare, Rudyard Kipling, Charles Dickens, Bronte Sisters, Jane Austen

        I will not say that the same Zhukovsky, Karamzin, early Pushkin and Lermontov, and then also the poets of the Silver Age experienced the tremendous influence of European romanticism, and many times translated and adapted European (and American, by the way, also) poems and poems.

        I will not even touch upon such a topic as the European Renaissance with its visual art and architecture, the principles of which were adopted by Russia. Walk around the historical center of Moscow, St. Petersburg, or at least some regional center - and you will see that the vast majority of buildings are made in the style of European classicism.

        I will not touch upon classical music, theater, philosophy, science and other spheres in which European countries, moreover each individually, were at least as good as Russia.

        So the fact that you do not know the numerous galaxy of Western cultural figures only indicates that you do not know anything about what you are trying to reason in your article.

        And about morality, again, without delving into history, where there is a lot of interesting things about this, it is enough to recall the times of the Second World War, a company of Pskov paratroopers, officers who died in Syria, a police lieutenant and the phrase "work brothers" - this is exactly the level of morality, which I am talking about, and due to which we still exist

        Wow, how pathetic. But the situation is exactly the same as in the previous case - the fact that you do not know about such cases in the history of other countries only testifies to your limited erudition.

        I don't know what the Catholic Church is doing to the Russian Orthodox Church ... Maybe with a mass of pedophilic scandals? Or the one that highlights gay marriage, which is directly contrary to the Bible? If this, then yes, "does"

        First, the Catholic Church does not sanctify same-sex marriage. Some Protestant churches do this. Once you don't see the difference between Catholicism and Protestantism. then why are you even trying to judge the culture of other countries?

        Secondly, the Catholic Church practices Orthodoxy throughout - in missionary work around the world, in teaching literacy to people in undeveloped countries, in contributions to art and science.

        As for pedophilia in the Churches. The Catholic Church has this problem, and no one - including the CC itself - denies it. Maybe the Russian Orthodox Church is better in this regard?

        Only in this article, found in the very first three sites for the query "pedophilia in the Russian Orthodox Church," we see 7 priests officially accused of child molestation. Moreover, one of them was previously convicted of a similar crime, and then he was able to become a priest again (and corrupted again, again). And the other, before he was caught, managed to molest 50 children.

        And this is taking into account the fact that in Russia it is not customary to get involved in church affairs, in contrast to the West.

        So I repeat: in the phrase about "the strength of morality and culture in Russia, which is impossible to challenge" there is nothing but your naivety and complete, absolute ignorance.
        1. +1
          25 September 2020 01: 02
          Identity is a strange word, I would use identity. But this is more about national interests and independence, and these countries do not have it as they do not - everything is strictly in the wake of the hegemon. A step to the side - shooting. The Western world influenced the eastern countries primarily by the organization of life, business and production, as well as politics. Or did the Japanese and Koreans themselves invent the same parliaments a thousand years ago? Their culture is too different. Therefore, the West touched them culturally mainly through the modern mass media, and they also determine people's behavior, way of life, values, aspirations ... And how did they culturally affect us? Sushi bars, karate and taekwondo sections or Thai massage? But this is hardly a cultural or organizational or political influence ...

          Nobody says that in other countries there are no great writers or composers, but if you take any separate state, write a list of world names and compare with Russians - it will be less.

          I am not an atheist, but I am generally skeptical about the church, as an organization invented by people. As for pedophilia and so on in the Orthodox - yes, of course there is, but look in proportion. In general, the approaches of the same church to the new "liberal values" in the East and West are very different. The same with missionary activity, the usefulness of which I personally doubt very much in general, must also be compared with the measures of the churches themselves - Catholic and pro-Protestant more at times. In Britain and Sweden, for example, Protestants cover same-sex marriages, and in the Czech Republic, the United States or France, Catholics do the same. There are precedents. And what about who interferes where - in the west, the “separated from the state” church lives on state subsidies. So what kind of non-interference is there.

          As for morality, yes, these are also traditional values ​​that are of great importance to me personally. What is being pushed in the West today frankly outrages me, like many other people living in Western countries. And, no matter how unpleasant it may sound to many, Russia won all wars precisely due to the high morale of its soldiers, and not to technical superiority or the skill of its commanders ...
          And now, by the way, it is the moral aspect of the behavior of the Russian Federation, and nothing else, that makes the same Europeans look at us with respect, again. If you do not understand this or do not notice, this is your problem. But if the Russian Federation now can really offer the world, it is precisely the moral principles, which in many places have already simply disappeared into oblivion.
          1. -2
            25 September 2020 02: 34
            and these countries do not have it as they do not - everything is strictly in the wake of the hegemon. A step to the side - shooting.

            And why should they take a step aside if these countries (at least Japan and Korea) are doing fine?

            The Western world influenced the eastern countries primarily by the organization of life, business and production, as well as politics. Or did the Japanese and Koreans themselves invent the same parliaments a thousand years ago?

            Here, rather, it was not the West that influenced them, but they themselves adopted the Western political system and some (I emphasize, some) aspects of life, because it was effective. Do you know what Japan was like before the Meiji reforms? A very backward (not culturally, but economically and politically) feudal state. And just a couple of decades later, it became the leading country in the Pacific region and one of the leading countries in the world in general.

            In other words, Japan, Korea, Thailand have adopted rather "instrumental" things that make their society more efficient, and not some deep foundations.

            But the same religion, worldview as a whole remained their own.

            but if you take any separate state, write a list of world names and compare with Russians - it will be less.

            First, this is not the case even in terms of purely quantitative indicators.

            Second, cultural figures and culture in general are judged by their contribution. And according to this parameter, Russian cultural figures are in no way superior (although not inferior) to figures of Western Europe. Goethe brought human civilization no less than Pushkin, and Dickens or Shakespeare no less than Tolstoy.

            As for pedophilia and so on in the Orthodox - yes, of course there is, but look in proportion.

            So, excuse me, there are many more priests in the Catholic Church.

            The same with missionary activity, in the usefulness of which I personally strongly doubt in general, must also be compared with the measures of the churches themselves - Catholic and Protestant more at times.

            Missionaries open schools that at least teach literacy. Yes, not everything is smooth there, but literacy is the foundation of education. A literate person is capable of more. than illiterate. At least in this vein, missionary work is already useful. Even with all its costs.

            And, no matter how unpleasant it may sound to many, Russia won all wars precisely due to the high morale of its soldiers, and not due to technical superiority or the skill of its commanders ...

            Russia has not won all wars. And in many wars the Russian troops demonstrated both heroism and cowardice. As in any other country.

            And now, by the way, it is the moral aspect of the behavior of the Russian Federation, and nothing else, that makes the same Europeans look at us with respect, again.

            Where did you get this?)
          2. -1
            25 September 2020 02: 52
            And about morality - yes, these are traditional values, which for me personally are of great importance. What is being pushed in the West today frankly outrages me, like many other people living in Western countries.

            By the way, about this one. Let's omit the ideological question of the morality or immorality of same-sex relationships. The point is something else.

            You see, in order to take on the role of a "bearer of traditional values," this very bearer must observe them himself.

            But, as I already said, Russia lags behind the United States in the number of divorces only by two percent, and in the number of children left without guardianship, it surpasses Western countries.

            What kind of "lamp of traditional values" can Russia be if it itself does not observe this very morality?

            In Western countries, where same-sex marriages are allowed (which, in your opinion, is an indicator of the decay of society), and in schools "disgusting" sex education is taught, "traditional values" are observed better than in Russia. For example, according to the statistics of abortions, we are inferior even to Estonia (in the sense that in Russia they are done more often as a percentage). Children - what families are created for - are also abandoned more often in our country.


            - you can find the statistics of abortions by country here.

            So the "high morality" of Russia, at least in terms of "traditional values", is pure speculation.
            1. +1
              25 September 2020 15: 15
              I somehow missed your comments earlier, so I didn't answer - I looked down all the time, I apologize ...
              So, in short: how well Japan and Korea are doing under the hegemon, you ask them. You mentioned the auto industry and electronics, which they simply took and strangled, since the Americans could not compete with them. They have to support sanctions not by their own will at all. Yes, and with the Kuriles, theoretically, everything could have ended differently, Japan would have been an independent country and could guarantee their demilitarized status, after all, the agreement was signed on 2 islands, and initially even Putin himself referred to it ... By the way, even then, in the 50s, the Americans disrupted its implementation ...
              About the wars, I just said about those that won. And those that lost, certainly not because of the low morale of the personnel ...
              And divorces, abortions, etc., of course, are also important, but this is not a consequence of low morality, but often of economic and social problems. By the way, their number in Russia has increased in comparison with the USSR, with the arrival of Western "enlightenment" to us. There are just basic principles, for example, who should be considered a man or a woman at all, what is marriage, family, etc. - this is about morality. And the education of children in Western schools, where they are rubbed in with a blue eye that heterosexual and homosexual relationships are equally normal ... About the lawsuits from the series "30 years ago, he looked indecently at my ass ...." I am generally silent, and this is also about morality ...
              Nobody says that everything in the Russian Federation is smooth, but it is from a moral point of view that we are now at a height, in comparison with the West, which is rapidly moving down in this regard, and the worst thing is that no one understands where you can get there ...
              And I know about the changing attitude of people abroad towards Russia simply from constant communication with them ...
              1. -3
                28 September 2020 13: 06
                So, in short: how okay Japan and Korea are under the hegemon, you ask them.

                Countries with one of the highest living standards (higher than that of the "hegemon"), with a very low crime rate (lower than that of the "hegemon"), with a highly developed economy (yielding to the "hegemon" only because of the lack of sufficient resources). It was under the "hegemon" that Japan and South Korea reached the peak of their economic, technological and social development.

                You mentioned about the auto industry and electronics, which they simply took and strangled from them, since the Americans could not compete with them

                laughing Where did they strangle you?) Do you see a lot of American cars on the roads? And Japanese, and Korean?)

                By the way, even then, in the 50s, the Americans disrupted its implementation ...

                Why Americans at once? Why not the USSR? It works both ways.

                They are compelled to support sanctions against their will at all.

                Who said?

                I just said about the wars about those that won.

                Well, yes, well, yes ... but they modestly kept silent about those who lost :)

                And those that lost, certainly not because of the low morale of the personnel ...

                Oh really? The shameful flight on the P'iana River was probably highly spiritual. And the Time of Troubles came, probably, because of the stunningly high morale of the Russian troops, who in a short time managed to change their oaths several times. And the total military decomposition of the Russian army at the end of the First World War, and the defeat in the Soviet-Polish war - this, too, probably. manifestations of high morality?

                And divorces, abortions, etc., of course, are also important, but this is not a consequence of low morality, but often of economic and social problems.

                Oh how. That is, "traditional values" turned out to be not so important when there is not enough money, right?

                By the way, their number in Russia has increased in comparison with the USSR, with the arrival of Western "enlightenment" to us.

                But the official statistics of abortions in the RSFSR, presented by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, disagree with you. The peak of abortions was in the second half of the 60s. Then their number for some time either increased or decreased, but since 1990, despite the introduction of "pernicious Western values," it has been consistently decreasing from year to year.

                Since I do not like to be unfounded, here are these statistics - enjoy:

                And the solution to this paradoxical phenomenon is very simple - disgusting Western values ​​have brought to Russia such a disgusting, spiritless thing as sexual literacy. People began to actively use contraceptive methods.

                There are just basic principles, for example, who is considered a man or a woman at all, what is marriage, family, etc. - this is about morality.

                Who established these "basic principles"? You?

                And the education of children in Western schools, where they are rubbed in with a blue eye that heterosexual and homosexual relationships are equally normal ...

                And why is homosexual relationships worse than heterosexuals?

                About the lawsuits from the series "30 years ago he looked at my ass obscenely ...." I generally keep quiet, and this is also about morality ...

                Here is the only thing with which I can partially agree.

                but it is from a moral point of view that we are now at a height, in comparison with the West, which is rapidly moving down in this regard

                What's the best? In more children left without parents or abandoned by them? Higher levels of domestic violence? In what? Ahhh, got it. The fact that our children from an early age know that "the hearts of gays must be burned."

                And I know about the changing attitude of people abroad towards Russia simply from constant communication with them ...

                Your PERSONAL communication is not a representative reflection of the opinion of all or the majority of the Western population. Sample error - you know that?
                1. 0
                  29 September 2020 19: 30
                  I am:

                  There are just basic principles, for example, who is considered a man or a woman at all, what is marriage, family, etc. - this is about morality.

                  Are you:

                  Who established these "basic principles"? You?

                  I am:

                  And the education of children in Western schools, where they are rubbed in with a blue eye that heterosexual and homosexual relationships are equally normal ...

                  And why is homosexual relationships worse than heterosexuals?

                  Do you really think that after THIS IS THIS someone else will seriously talk to you ??? belay
                  1. 0
                    29 September 2020 20: 08
                    That is, you don't have normal rational answers to these simple questions? It is clear :) What was required to prove
                    1. 0
                      29 September 2020 20: 32
                      Is it possible to respond normally and rationally to perverted idiocy?
                      This is not for me - for a psychiatrist.
                      1. -1
                        29 September 2020 20: 44
                        Perverted idiocy is to broadcast about "inviolable traditional values" and immediately justify abortion "for economic and social reasons."

                        Perverted idiocy is broadcasting about the "corrupted rotten West" from a country that this very West is outperforming in the number of child abandonments.

                        This is not for me - for a psychiatrist.

                        I'm not going to turn to a psychiatrist for a solution to your problems :) I doubt that science can help you with something.
      2. -2
        25 September 2020 00: 21
        Oh, and here's about it:

        no one spoke about an alliance with the ultra-right. We talked about using it for our own purposes. And these are somewhat different things, aren't they?

        First, in order to "use them for its own purposes," Russia will have to conclude an alliance with them. Will it not force them to coerce?

        Secondly, about my alleged carelessness. I quote your own text:

        The enemy of the enemy is, if not a friend, then at least a possible temporary ally.

        So I just read your text carefully, but you seem to have forgotten it. Or maybe they didn't.
        1. +1
          25 September 2020 01: 05
          Eka got you laughing
          But this is good, for this, articles are being written - to debate, discuss ...

          And if you read the text carefully, then you don't need to pull out individual words, it's not about an alliance, but about using the existing situation to your advantage.
          As for the unreliability, this is there.

          possible temporary ally.
      3. -1
        25 September 2020 01: 03
        Oh, and about this one:

        Therefore, an idle tourist is not so noticeable as the Arab ghettos in Belgium, France and Germany or the Dutch Rotterdam, which already differs from Africa only by the absence of palm trees ...

        National composition of France: French (94%), Portuguese, Algerians, Italians, Moroccans, Turks, Basques.

        National composition of Holland: The ethnic composition of the population is as follows: 80,7% Dutch (Dutch), 2,4% Germans, 2,4% Indonesians, 2,2% Turks, 2,0% Surinamese, 2% Moroccans, 1,5% Indians, 0,8% Antilians and Arubans, 6,0% - other ethnic groups.

        National composition of Belgium: The two main groups that make up the population of the country are Flemings (about 60% of the population) and Walloons (about 40% of the population). In total, almost 100% of the population.
        1. +1
          25 September 2020 01: 17
          Good numbers, but you go there and see who can be seen on the streets and where these

          almost 100% of the population

          white. It is evident that they themselves write for their citizens, so as not to go crazy. laughing
          And this is not in Japan, Thailand or North Africa, like mushrooms growing churches and churches, but in Europe mosques. It is in German schools that they teach what a hijab is and what a niqab is and how they differ, and in some schools and kindergartens, pork is removed from the menu, because most of the students are Muslim ...
          I hardly think further discussion makes sense - the dispute is interesting, but the dispute for the sake of the dispute is stupid.
          If you want - answer
          And I went to bed ... hi
          1. -1
            25 September 2020 02: 10
            Good numbers, but you go there and see who can be seen on the streets and where these

            Come to Moscow or St. Petersburg - the situation will be the same. In large cities, especially capitals, in ALL countries, even in mono-national Japan (99.9% of the country is Japanese) - there will be a lot of foreigners. Because immigrants are primarily concentrated there.

            By the way, in Rotterdam - 70% of ethnic Dutch, and this is the most "non-Dutch" city in the country.

            and in Europe there are mosques.

            So what? These mosques serve 2-3 percent of the Muslim population there. And there are still many more churches in Europe than mosques.

            It is in German schools that they teach what a hijab is and what a niqab is and how they differ,

            This is taught only in schools for immigrants. Of which there is an absolute minority.
            1. +1
              25 September 2020 12: 04
              You have too little idea of ​​Europe - there are no special schools for migrants there. And they teach this in ordinary schools, that's the problem. And I'm not saying that the majority of immigrants in Europe - not yet, thank God. But the upsurge in right-wing sentiment is precisely connected with how this clear minority ALREADY affects the life of the majority. And with a glance to the fact that the alien element is constantly increasing in size, the fears of the indigenous population also increase. In addition, this whole crowd to the states that have accepted them actually brings much more costs and problems than anything positive. What kind of "culture" they are bringing to Europe is a big question.
              There are also many emigrants in the Russian Federation, a fact, but the situation is fundamentally different - they do not go to whole generations to sit on benefits and do nothing, no one simply gives them these benefits, free housing, etc. Therefore, they go to work, which benefits both themselves and the host to the state.
              In this, by the way, Europra can also learn from Russia ...
              1. 0
                25 September 2020 12: 13

                Rotterdam is 70% ethnic Dutch and is the most "non-Dutch" city in the country.

                - the last time I was there, and that was a couple of years ago, I was sitting in the center in the park on a bench for about 4 hours - the ferry was waiting for the English Hull, so during all this time I saw only 2 white people there, myself and his wife. And all 70% of the population, apparently, hid somewhere ...
                1. -1
                  28 September 2020 13: 17
                  And all 70% of the population, apparently, hid somewhere ...

                  Imagine they work or stay at home. That's amazing, isn't it?
              2. -2
                28 September 2020 13: 16
                You have too little idea of ​​Europe - there are no special schools for migrants there.

                Actually there is. These schools are opened by the immigrants themselves.

                And they teach this in ordinary schools, that's the problem.

                This is taught in extracurricular activities that no one forces anyone to attend. If a white child does not want, he will not study the difference between niqabs and hijabs.

                In addition, this whole crowd of host countries actually brings much more costs and problems than anything positive.

                Do you even know where the roots of, say, the German Turkish community in Germany come from? If not, I'll tell you - they are in the official policy of the German government to attract foreign workers, which began back in the 50s of the last century.

                There are also a lot of emigrants in the Russian Federation, it is a fact, but the situation is fundamentally different - they do not go to sit on benefits for whole generations and do nothing, no one gives them these benefits,

                Similarly, in Germany, a minority of immigrants are "on benefits".

                The general level of education and qualifications of migrants from European countries has increased significantly, which is reflected in an increase in the share of workers. According to the OECD, about 69% of European migrants as of 2012 had a job, of which 34% were employed in highly skilled labor. The employment rate among the indigenous population of Germany is 74%, of which 22% are employed in highly skilled labor.

                Anticipating the question that, they say, we are talking about European immigrants, I will answer that the Turks also belong to them, because Turkey is today considered as part of Europe. not Asia.
  5. 0
    25 September 2020 16: 58
    Quote: Pyshenkov

    Rotterdam is 70% ethnic Dutch and is the most "non-Dutch" city in the country.

    the last time I was there, and it was a couple of years ago, I was sitting in the center in the park on a bench for about 4 hours - the ferry was waiting for the English Hull, so during all this time I saw only 2 white people there, myself and my wife. And all 70% of the population, apparently, hid somewhere ...

    In the area of ​​railway stations and ports in Europe, white people are almost never found, it happened during the post-war years. Fact.