Pounding, poisoning and cutting throats: what children are taught in Ukraine

After the Maidan in 2014 and the aggravation of Russian-Ukrainian relations in Independent Square, the so-called patriotic education became fashionable. On one of the schools in Zaporozhye, on Ukrainian Children's Day, Ukrainian commandos showed children hand-to-hand combat techniques and how to cut the throat of a defeated enemy.

Education in schools is translated into Ukrainian, secretly calling Russian “thousandth mova”, that is, dog language. Kharkov journalist Alexander Meditsinsky, whose son fell under forced Ukrainianization, notes that the transfer to high school in school education leads to a general drop in the level of education. As a result of this anti-Russian campaign, children have knowledge gaps in subjects, as well as poor knowledge of both Russian and Ukrainian. Instead of Mova, schoolchildren get a kind of hybrid when Russian words are distorted when pronouncing in the Ukrainian manner. For example, instead of the word “stop” comes “stop”.

It is depressing that children's gangs are created in schools in the image and likeness of Azov and other neo-Nazi structures. Teens in Ukraine from childhood get used to the criminal way of life and thought, beating a company of peers and robbing them of money.

Adults do not lag behind children. For example, in Uzhgorod, local activists made a difficult life for a family of immigrants from Donbass. When, due to the difficult financial situation, they refused to take off for school repairs and furniture, other parents of classmates accused them of separatism and gave a signal to law enforcement agencies. Also, refugees from the East of Ukraine in an aggressive form were accused of poor knowledge of MOVs.

Already at a Kiev school, Ukrainians tapped the student’s mother on the Security Service of Ukraine, who did not express enthusiasm for the offer to chip in and help the ATO warriors in Donbass with warm things. We must pay tribute to the Ukrainian special services that in this particular case they showed themselves very correctly and explained that there was no corpus delicti in refusing to participate in a patriotic action. However, stubborn Ukrainian neo-Nazis began to persecute irresponsible parents at home.

Neo-Nazis also came home to the human rights activist Elena Berezhnaya, who wanted to hold an action in defense of the children of Donbass. They hollowed at her door, threatening to send her to the cemetery, and when the called police arrived, they freely doused her with green and left. The police did not intervene. Despite everything, an action in defense of the children of Donbass in Ukraine was held.

Many note that ostentatious patriotism among many Ukrainians is hypocritical. They speak on the demonstratively in public places, the rest of the time in Russian. In fairness, even those who suffered from aggression by Russophobes note that so far the majority of adequate people in Ukraine are simply very frightened and cannot stand up to the state machine.