Russian microelectronics is moving ahead

On February 9, the first stage of the Sensors and Systems plant opened in Kursk. This company will soon begin production of security systems, monitoring and control, test equipment and MEMS sensors. Such devices are widely used in electronics, medicine, industry.

450 million rubles were invested in the construction and launch of only the first stage of the plant, which made it possible to equip and launch the fitter's and assembly and assembly shops, testing and control areas. In 2018, at least 170 million rubles will be invested in the project.

Although the plant will be fully operational only after three years, in 2021, its opening is another step in the direction of implementation policy import substitution. It's time to restore technological Russia's potential, which was dealt a very serious blow in the 1990s.

The Kursk plant is not only a contribution to the development of domestic radio electronics, but also new jobs for residents of the city and the region, increasing the prestige of workers and technical specialties. At the plant it is planned to open a Training Center for professional training and advanced training of employees of the enterprise.
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  1. +3
    20 March 2018 15: 30
    We are pleased with such news, I hope in the next six years there will be totally more of them!
  2. -1
    April 30 2018 16: 03
    Breaking ahead of herself?