Kudrin takes away the last from Russians

Life in Russia has accustomed people to one disappointing thought: our government says everything correctly and beautifully, which means ... it will actually do the opposite. In the literal sense of the word.

Remember, in 2014, TV presenters and experts, choking on us with enthusiasm, said that counter-sanctions are forever? How was they mocked forever the Turkish tomatoes banned in Russia? How did they describe the unheard of opportunities that suddenly opened up before the domestic manufacturer?

And now: nothing has passed, and Turkish tomatoes are pumping back to the Russian shelves! Couch troops, hatched on the Internet plans for terrible revenge on a friend Erdogan, are silent, ashamed. Apparently, patriotically inclined businessmen who believe in the idea of ​​import substitution and invested their hard-earned, and worse, credit funds in "tomato substitution" feel themselves no less embarrassed. They are now hardly enough to compete with Turkish imports for a long time.

As you know, affairs in the Russian export-oriented the economy it doesn't matter. The efforts of the liberal government of Russia are almost finished off by the efforts of the liberal government of Russia; only raw materials producers feel more or less comfortable. But the oil industry also does not sleep well with gas workers, powerlessly observing the processes of substitution of Russian energy resources on the main sales market - Europe. The most defenseless ordinary population is impoverished, marginalized and criminalized.

What does our Government offer in such a difficult economic situation? To invest the remaining funds in the real sector of the economy and in the country's infrastructure? To make real import substitution instead of import substitution for a change? Not at all.

Instead, the gray cardinal of the economic bloc Alexei Kudrin suggested ... "maneuvering" with taxes. Kudrin’s tricky maneuver is to increase VAT from 18 to 21%, while lowering insurance premiums from 36 to 21%. After thinking, the Government, for its part, decided not to waste time on trifling and increase VAT to 22%.

The cynicism of the situation is that more recently, Minister Siluanov with honest eyes promised instead of growth a reduction in the tax burden on law-abiding businesses.

Reducing insurance payments can be welcomed, theoretically this could eventually lead to the exit of part of the economy from the "shadow". But the increase in VAT in the situation of our economy does not lend itself to common sense. The real sector of the economy, absolutely all companies purchase goods and services, purchase equipment and Technology, and VAT is included in their value. And this same VAT with a flick of the hand offers to increase either up to 21, or up to 22 percent!

Such proposals as Kudrinsky and Silouanov’s, when implemented, will lead to higher prices for goods and services and the promotion of inflation. According to various estimates, about 20 million Russians will be below the poverty line. I would like to ask a question to Messrs. Kudrin and Siluanov, whose initiatives will hurt the most vulnerable sections of the Russian population, why do you hate your country and its people so much?