Grandson of Nazarbayev does not want to “raise people for revolution” from London


Aisultan Nazarbayev, the infamous grandson of the first president of Kazakhstan, who recently announced his desire to seek political asylum from the UK, backed down.

As follows from the recording made by the young man on his Facebook page, after a conversation with his mother Dariga Nazarbayeva and his older brother Nurali Aliyev, Aisultan is ready to make peace with his family:

My mother and brother came to me for negotiations! And I went to negotiations and not for the sake of money or my well-being, but I went out of mercy.

Judging by the confusion of the presentation, the rumors that drugs play an important role in the life of the younger Nazarbayev are hardly an exaggeration or the machinations of ill-wishers:

I do not want to raise people to the revolution, because it does not work without deaths! And I believe that every life counts, and I do not want to be a manipulator of the people!

You cannot fool the laws of nature and, regarding the Nazarbayev family, we can say that Aisultan turned out to be just the child on whom nature rested.

The completion of the recording indicates that the Kazakhs, however, like the other nationalities of the post-Soviet space, are waiting for the continuation of the farce about the “struggle” of Aisultan Nazarbayev with the “regime” built by his grandfather:

And I believe that I can solve the problem both within the family and within the country! But this does not mean that I will be silent, I will fight for the truth to the end!