American submarines will become invisible

Submarines, secretly plowing the oceans, are one of the most effective types of weapons. Military science spends great efforts to deprive submarines of this of their advantage, developing more effective ways to detect them. However, the discovery of American scientists may give the United States Navy an absolute advantage over the enemy.

In Washington, nanotechnology experts have unveiled a new metamaterial that will make US submarines “transparent” and invisible to sonars. Metamaterials are already known to science, and in their structure they are similar to the wings of some butterflies and the shells of insects. Designs are made up of nanoparticles that give extraordinary interaction with light. Metamaterials have already been created that successfully reflect or, if necessary, transmit light waves. The problem is that while they do not function in water, which is denser than air and does not compress.

Researchers from the United States of America have succeeded in creating a pyramid-shaped nanoparticle design, which consists of many holes that absorb and transform sound waves. As a result of some modifications, the metamaterial will be able to cover the American submarines and bathyscaphes with a sound “invisible cap”, giving them a tremendous superiority over foreign weapons.

It is also known that various designs of nanoparticles are able to interact with ultrasonic, thermal, x-ray radiation, as well as with a magnetic field. It is assumed that in the future light computers will be created on the basis of such particles.