How the "Stalinist Falcons" foiled an American nuclear strike on the USSR

“Unreplaceable”, or, better to say, officially unrecognized wars of the Soviet Union, which were waged almost all the time while a great country existed ... This topic is as huge as, alas, little covered by serious researchers. Its relevance is not only not lost over the years, but, on the contrary, is increasing many times today. The participation of our soldiers in armed conflicts in other countries - who and why all this was needed? The liberal public, for sure, immediately finds its answer - something about "imperial ambitions" or "aggressive trepidations."

Truth, of course, lies in a completely different plane. Fighting in distant lands and in alien skies, our compatriots defended not only them, but, above all, their country, saving it from new invasions. One of the most striking examples on this subject is the history of the feat of the Soviet aces who participated in the Korean War of 1950-1953. Most likely, all of us live today precisely because of their skill and courage! Why is that? I'll tell you now.

I must begin my story with the glorious events undeservedly forgotten by the majority of our compatriots, who this month will be already 68 years old. Not since the “black October” of the US Air Force, which forever rested on them with indelible disgrace and therefore it is still denied overseas. First, let's talk about exactly what intentions and plans were frustrated in that distant October 1951.

World War II is over? Welcome to the Third!

Some historians are inclined to believe that the first plans for a military attack on the Soviet Union began to take shape with our forced "allies" in the Anti-Hitler coalition sometime in the second half of 1945, when nuclear weapons were not only created by the United States, but also already tested in action on living people. Someone makes reference to the famous "Fulton Speech" by Winston Churchill. Like, it all started with her. I allow myself to object - both those and others are wrong. The first report, which spoke about the inevitability of a future clash with the USSR, was sent to the White House by the Committee of US Chiefs of Staff in 1944. Around the same time, materials about the not-so-peaceful plans of Great Britain that she had for the post-war period laid down on Stalin’s table. In the victorious 45th case, the Americans and their accomplices already had what is called “ointment”. There is nothing surprising in this. One of the main goals, for the sake of which, in fact, they started the world massacre, was never achieved. Yes, the United States and Britain, having suffered human and material losses funny in comparison with our country, turned out to be “victors of Nazism”, having received at the same time half the Third Reich, which, in turn, had previously “encircled” the whole of Europe. They enriched themselves in this war simply fabulously, especially the Americans. But the Country of the Soviets not only did not die, as they planned, but gained strength unprecedentedly; moreover, it gained enormous weight and authority throughout the world. The West faced the inevitable prospect of the emergence instead of a single USSR of a whole socialist camp, which inevitably had to expand!

Naturally, neither Washington nor London could reconcile themselves to this in any way. If someone does not believe in my words, I will advise you to look for honest answers to just a couple of questions. First, why did the Americans drop atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki? Whom did they want to scare and break? The Japanese, already ready for surrender ?! Or, after all, the Soviet Union, which they wanted to confront with the fact of the existence of “a new weapon of extraordinary destructive power”? It was with this wording that Harry Truman tried to "drive" to Stalin during the Potsdam Conference. Both he and Churchill were greatly surprised by the icy calm with which the Supreme accepted this “stunning news”. "The old man did not understand ..." - these morons decided. And Joseph Vissarionovich, having left the meeting, threw Molotov: “They are stuffing their own price! Kurchatov must be rushed! ” Yes, Stalin did not know everything perfectly, but he was already preparing an answer! And here's your second question: why the hell did the British, and especially the American, aviation “iron” Germany with massive bombing strikes of unprecedented power and cruelty? 130 thousand civilians died under their bombs in Dresden alone! But there were also Aachen, Würzburg, Muenster ... What did they achieve with this cruelty that had no military justification? Break the spirit of the defenders of the Third Reich? In 1945, he was already broken. Destroy the war industry? Its real objects were either already in ruins, or were hidden in underground bunkers, inaccessible to bombing. The answer lies on the surface - the US Air Force in Germany and Japan (Tokyo burned them to the ground without any atomic bombs) honed the strategy and tactics of the monstrous "carpet" bombing, with which they intended to wipe just the USSR from the face of the earth.

Strategic plans for the defeat of our country with the help of nuclear weapons The Pentagon set about baking what is called hot cakes right after the end of hostilities with Japan. Enough has been written about them, so I don’t see the need to list this abomination here again. One point is extremely important - according to the calculations of the same American military specialists, a blow to the Soviet Union had to be struck before 1952. According to their calculations, it was during this period that our country, which was demobilizing the army and moving its entire life from military rails to a peaceful course, should have been the most vulnerable. Well, and, of course, the Pentagon piously believed that the "Russian bast shoes" in life would not cope before this time with the creation of atomic weapons. Well, here our scientists and designers, tearing the cores under the vigilant supervision and sensitive guidance of Lorenius Beria, were broken off in the most cruel way already in 1949. Nevertheless, they didn’t calm down in Washington: the most, perhaps, the most comprehensive Dropshot plan for the destruction of the USSR was adopted by them after the nuclear bomb appeared in our country as well. Why is that? The answer is very simple - in the United States they imagined their own strategic bomber aircraft as an indestructible and invincible “doomsday weapon”. In the armada of "flying fortresses", tested and tested on the killing of hundreds of thousands of civilians during the Second World War, the Pentagon and the White House saw a guarantee of their own victory in the Third. And it was necessary to knock out this very nonsense from their head off the sooner, the better ...

Lee Xi Qing in the Korean sky

The case presented itself perfectly. As a matter of fact, the Americans with their inherent shameless impudence themselves asked for it. They tried to “establish democracy” on the Korean Peninsula, either wanting to show the whole world their “indestructible determination”, or rather, to get, in addition to Japan, another “unsinkable aircraft carrier” closer to the borders of the USSR. To make it more convenient for us to “roll out bombs” ... On the other hand, for the sake of historical objectivity, it should be noted that the North Korean comrades, who brought the “light of communism” to the South after the conversation held by Kim Il Sung with Stalin in the Kremlin, in spring became especially active. 1950 year. Prior to this, Joseph Vissarionovich restrained the hot Korean guys who were eager for the 38th parallel, as he could, but then, as you can see, I realized - it's time! At the same time, again, Moscow did not intervene in the conflict itself and did not allow Beijing to do so until Pyongyang’s affairs became completely bad. The "sanctified" UN of international intervention, the brave soldiers of North Korea, of course, could not give a proper rebuff. And then her “big brothers” - China and the USSR - entered the business. And while the formations of the Chinese “volunteers” did their best to take part in ground combat operations, then the Soviet Union, the main force that made a huge contribution to this war, was the 64th Fighter Corps, which covered its banners with unfading glory. This unit, in fact, did not have a constant composition - the air force and air defense units included in it underwent constant rotation. Particularly vivid memory of themselves, in the form of warm gratitude in the hearts of Koreans and panic horror, leading to the enuresis of the US Air Force vultures, was left by the aces from the 324th fighter air division, commanded by the legendary Ivan Kozhedub.

Link of the Soviet MiG-15 fighters

Of course, he himself was forbidden to ascend into the air in the most categorical manner. Still not enough ... Generally speaking, our pilots in the skies of Korea, as you yourself probably already guessed, did not exist at all. Their planes had the identification marks of the DPRK or China, they wore exclusively Chinese uniforms, for which reason they spit terribly. Soviet pilots have always been pretty dandies, prone to light chic, but here some bags had to be pulled on. Shame! They did not have any documents during the flights; they were strictly forbidden to communicate in Russian. In addition, the zeal and “creative flight of thought” of some counterintelligence comrades went so far as to instruct the pilots ... while in the air to broadcast “phrases in Korean”! Well, after a couple of hooligan attempts to pass off especially complex Matyuki as an Oriental language, even though they refused this dope. But the “pilot Li Si Tsyn”, who became the eternal hero of folklore, was born there and then. And you thought that in Vietnam? No, much earlier. However, this ends the funny moments. The balance of power in that air war was not at all fun. According to some military historians, it was 40: 1, and not at all in our favor. The enemy threw against the tiny country three air armies and all carrier-based aircraft that were teeming in its territorial waters. By the time the Stalinist falcons appeared in the Korean sky, the Americans were completely reigning there. In order to get an approximate idea of ​​what these bastards were doing, it’s enough to recall that only in the first year and a half of the war, the US Air Force consumed 100 thousand tons of high-explosive bombs and 15 million (!) Gallons of napalm. How after that someone in North Korea generally remained alive - I personally do not understand ...

The basis of the air striking power that collapsed on the DPRK was the B-29 Superfortress bombers, who became the successors of the B-17 long-range bombers (just such a few days ago crashed into the United States at a military antique parade), and were really the most serious vehicles in their class. Sealed crew cabins, centralized weapons, many other innovative design solutions, made this bomber a strong opponent in the sky and an even more terrible threat to ground targets. It’s enough to mention that American non-humans dropped atomic bombs on Japanese cities just from B-29. Our armada (and stamped of these same "super" was under 4 thousand pieces) were going to wash our cities into nuclear dust. The first U.S. Air Force F-29 Shooting Star and the newer F-80 Thunderjet served as air cover for the B-84. At first, nobody even thought about sending the latest F-86 Sabers - why are they needed in this shabby Korea? Against the old “Yaks” and “Lavochkins” of the DPRK Air Force? You say too ... This euphoria quickly dissipated with the appearance of the first MiG-15 over the peninsula. What "shooting stars" and "thunders" are there! These fighters, which were a true masterpiece of design skill, could not compete with the mercilessly stupid "sabers" about them. In terms of flight performance, the cars were approximately equal, although in some respects, for example, in maneuverability, the Migari Americans clearly excelled. But as for the weapons ... Three automatic guns stood on our fighters - two 23-mm, and one with a 37-millimeter caliber at all, mercilessly beating the enemy at 800 meters. The Sabers had as many as six machine guns. That's just their caliber was 12.7 mm and they did not finish even up to half a kilometer.

American fighter North American F-86 Saber in the sky of Korea

"This sheds, not fortresses!"

It is not known for certain which of our pilots, having returned from a combat mission, was the first to give out this phrase, but an insulting nickname stuck to the seemingly formidable B-29s tightly. In general, our fighters were masters of such things - the same "shooters" after meetings in the sky they contemptuously called "jesters". And it was from what. In the very first air battles that unfolded over Korea, Soviet pilots "combed" American fighters as they should - know ours! And then what happened is that in narrow circles it has the name "Black Thursday" of the US Air Force. One hundred percent reliable data on the number of aircraft shot down on April 12, 1951, now no longer find out. On our part, there was nothing, as it were, and the Americans are tumbling as if they were wound up, completely godlessly underestimating the losses incurred that day. Well, what can we expect from them, if in their military statistics on the Korean war a certain number of B-29s in all seriousness appear to be “shot down by no means what” (hussars, keep quiet!). On that day, the command of the US Air Force swore that our aces managed to “fill up” only 3 “super-fortresses”. However, subsequently, representatives of the bomber aviation acknowledged that eight cars were shot down, and more than a dozen more reached their airfields in such a condition that they were subsequently decommissioned. At the same time, according to our intelligence, several such cars shot in the trash crashed while trying to land, and one B-29, in addition, demolished several more cars in neighboring lanes. One way or another, but the mourning in the US Air Force after this lasted a week, and the star-striped "aces" of carpet bombing in the daylight did not rise to the sky for three months. At the same time, our modest pilots counted 12 downed B-29s.

Downed B-29 bomber

But Americans would not be Americans if it came to them at once. In October of that year, they decided to take revenge, smashing up the Nancy North Korean airfield. Again, dozens of “flying super-fortresses” covered the sky under the cover of either one and a half, or even two (according to various sources) hundreds of fighters. The result was about the same, if not even more shameful. According to various, again, estimates, this attempt cost the Americans either 16, or even 20 bombers, which burned directly on the battlefield. Well, and in the corresponding number of fighters, profuca all the matter. They simply did not reach the goal - less than 50 of our MiGs coped with the task. Happily waiting for the enemy (what if they burst ?!) at the attacked airfield, the reserve reinforcement group did not take off - there was no reason. And it was a complete failure of American aviation, final and irrevocable ... In total, during the Korean War, our pilots destroyed more than a thousand enemy aircraft. Several hundred more enemy vehicles were shot down by anti-aircraft gunners from air defense units of the 64th Corps. The ratio of combat losses of Soviet and American pilots in different periods was 1: 3, or even 1: 4. Alas, there were losses among our pilots. 335 MiGs the enemy managed to bring down. According to official figures, 125 of our falcons folded their heads in Korea. Eternal glory and eternal memory to these heroes ... Incidentally, 262 pieces were handed over to the Korean and Chinese sides only by our aces who were captured and captured by American pilots. In many ways, this was possible due to the fact that our fighters never shot the Americans they shot down ....

Well, they could not, who had recently fought against the Nazis, see deadly enemies in yesterday’s allies. Burn the plane - yes! And mocking a cannon with a parachute ... Yes, let him live! The US Air Force pilots acted in exactly the opposite way - there are plenty of documentary witnesses, veterans of that war, whom they tried to finish off after the bailout. You can tell a lot more about these events. For example, that the Americans “avenged” their own air disgrace in the usual manner - on June 27, 1953, on the day of the end of hostilities in the Korean War, having shot down the peaceful Soviet transport carrier Il- 12 with 20 people on board. Yes, they have always been like that - if you doubted ... Well, the times were Stalin - two days later the US Air Force bomber-reconnaissance bomber RB-50 crashed from the sky, which, moreover, came into our airspace and was the first to open it fire on intercepted fighters. And he asked for it. In the skies of Korea, what many historians consider to be the first ram in the history of Russian jet aircraft - the MiG-15 launched the F-86 without any guns, so only the wings flew apart. Our pilot, by the way, survived. American is not. In conclusion, it is worth mentioning that 22 Soviet aces returned from the war of the Heroes of the Soviet Union. The names of the best of them - Nikolai Sutyagin, Evgeny Pepelyaev, Dmitry Oskin, Sergey Kramarenko, each of which has 15-20 air victories, we must remember and honor forever.

The main outcome of the air war in Korea was the realization by the general of the Pentagon and politicians United States of bitter truth: the Soviet Union at this stage is too tough for them! The vaunted “super-fortresses” turned out to be a bluff, perfectly burning with the guns of Soviet fighters. No, this in no way forced the vampires from Washington to abandon plans to destroy our homeland! They simply began to build more powerful bombers - first the B-36, and then the stratospheric B-47 and B-52. However, all this required effort and time, during which the Soviet Union managed to develop and implement an air defense system, which no “flying fortresses” could break already. And most importantly - to create intercontinental ballistic missiles capable of carrying nuclear charges. This changed the matter in the most fundamental way, and the overseas "rulers of the world" with great regret were forced to switch to other ways and methods of destroying our country. Plans for nuclear strikes, however, continued to be developed until the collapse of the USSR ... One way or another, the most terrible, immediate threat of attack, which would deprive all of us living now, of the slightest chance of being born, was allotted. And this was done by the Stalinist falcons in the sky of distant Korea.
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  1. -11
    5 October 2019 08: 53
    And the results of those wars today are assessed very simply - how they live in North Korea, for which the "Stalin's falcons" fought and in South Korea, for which the United States entered ...
    1. +5
      5 October 2019 10: 05
      In the DPRK, they definitely live better. The people are hardened, all are taut, the army is powerful and motivated. DPRK is a monolithic country that even the Americans failed to bend. And in South Korea, they eat a lot, and overeating is a sin.
      1. -4
        5 October 2019 12: 54
        Yes Yes Yes. North Koreans still dream of going on a trip to the GDR. They beg for food assistance and sometimes die of hunger, and yes, not a country, but a Stalinist dream.
        1. +2
          7 October 2019 09: 11
          This is a small number of renegades who are lacking everywhere. But in DPRK, the working day is 8 hours, and in RK 12 - 14. There is practically no vacation in the RK at all. Everybody injects like damned. And in the DPRK, the Soviet Labor Code is still respected. No sushi and gadgets southerners do not compensate for this. But the main thing is a moral climate. Under socialism, it is an order of magnitude better.
          However, this is only a way of life. But if the Americans hadn’t been hit in the teeth there, they would have trampled on as usual. And not at all to provide Soviet people with hamburgers. A nuclear war would begin, in which the whole of Korea would burn out, as the advanced American base. So the south was very lucky that the war froze at 38 parallels, and did not continue in the USSR and China.
          1. +1
            8 October 2019 00: 47
            I do not fully understand, in North Korea, the renegades are dying of hunger? Does an 8-hour workday compensate for hunger, lack of access to clean water, and high child mortality? Due to the nutritional features, the North Koreans are 10cm lower than the South Koreans. Without external help, North Koreans cannot feed themselves; does this increase the moral climate? For a miserable poster - the real term that led to death - is it moral?
            And about the war ... Do you know that North Korea started the war in coordination with Stalin?
            Annushka has already spilled oil ... I mean, Kennan’s long telegram has already been sent. The United States was not going to fight the USSR.
    2. 123
      5 October 2019 18: 44
      You have not understood anything. Is the flight of fantasy limited only by "zhrachka"? belay Reasoning in the style of "would pass Leningrad, drink Bavarian". negative Almost 70 years have passed since that war, as countries developed all this time - this is a completely different story. Drive South Korea into a blockade and under sanctions for 30 years, then compare the results. Yes And there is no need to tell tales that the "light-faced" Anglo-Saxons brought peace and prosperityfellow, and the "totalitarian scoop" is exclusively slavery and devastation crying ... Take a look at "prosperous Haiti, for example. lol See what the country has been turned into. negative
      1. -3
        11 November 2019 19: 10
        How many supporters of Soviet cannibalism of the Stalinist spill are here.
        1. 123
          11 November 2019 20: 19
          ... how many supporters of the Soviet cannibalism of the Stalinist spill are here.

          Very sensible, informative and thoughtful remark. winked However, as usual. feel
        2. 0
          11 November 2019 21: 27
          If your ... says that you are doing badly, then you are doing everything right.

          - where there is an ellipsis, in the original source there was an "enemy", BUT you have not earned this yet, so, a commentator with a minimum of knowledge and no more so far - this will be correct about you.
    3. +3
      6 October 2019 08: 54
      And you introduce sanctions against South Korea for 60 years, we’ll see how they heal ... Nobody is trading with the DPRK, except China, and even then, in the last 10 years Beijing has been actively involved in the development of foreign economic relations with the North Koreans.
    4. +2
      6 October 2019 19: 36
      The article is not about Korea, but about our country, about protecting the lives of our people in Korea ...
      Including yours ...
      1. -1
        6 October 2019 21: 38
        ... about protecting the lives of our people in Korea ...

        - this is from the heart ...
        And also in Syria, Ukraine, Venezuela, Libya - where else will they begin to protect the lives of our people ???
        1. -1
          6 October 2019 21: 47
          In general, they tried to read the article, they only write about it ...
          And yes, in Syria, Ukraine, Venezuela, but in any way with Libya - merged, like Yugoslavia ...
          But now we have the joyful faces of NATO blacks peering from the Baltic states, Ukraine and other bandunstan ...
        2. 0
          7 October 2019 12: 16
          Where necessary, there they will protect! Honor and glory to the soldiers!
          The neighbors in the military camp were participants in China and Korea. They did not spoil them with honors and did not give salary allowances. They never started about these matters themselves, although they didn’t hide it — they all had their own .... Dignity.
        3. -2
          11 November 2019 19: 13
          Similarly, basically all the conflicts after the war were unleashed by the USSR or with its incitement. I somehow counted 53 conflicts since the formation of the USSR, where they directly participated or were in the background.
    5. -2
      11 November 2019 18: 58
      ..... Most likely, all of us live today precisely because of their skill and courage! .... here I am talking about this, did not Stalin himself provoke a war on the Korean Peninsula ?! Wasn't Kim Il Sung prepared in the USSR and, having armed, were sent ?! And then, when the UN was already pulled up, then Stalin and Mao sent about a million Chinese ... But what is typical for the country, as soon as Stalin threw back his sleeves (or he was successfully treated ..), the war was stopped, why they don’t say that the war was unleashed by one abnormal Kremlin elder, and with his death the war turned out to be useless to anyone?
      1. -1
        11 November 2019 21: 33
        Here you read at least something clever, well, in the worst case, scientific, about that war, and questions of such a plan should be dropped from you ...
        PS "I am tormented by vague doubts" - you will not disappear)
  2. +5
    5 October 2019 09: 59
    Good article, thanks to the author. Only one correction. Events on the Korean peninsula are not 58, but 68 years old. soldier
  3. +5
    5 October 2019 15: 30
    Quote: Igor Pavlovich
    And the results of those wars today are assessed very simply - how they live in North Korea, for which the "Stalin's falcons" fought and in South Korea, for which the United States entered ...

    It depends on what you mean by "live". For example, in South Korea, the suicide rate is much higher. Don't like "living"?
  4. DPN
    5 October 2019 21: 33
    Much has been written about the pilots, but OUR INFANTRY was there, about which there are no notes. As usual, what a romance in the infantry.
  5. +3
    6 October 2019 11: 36
    Yes, we learned a lot. Little blood, on foreign territory. No hype in the media. The people lived and worked quietly. The army did its job without PR. Not like now.
    But they died not only in Korea. My father served in Latvia. Near the officer camp was a military camp. Every week pilots were buried. The Air Force switched to jet aircraft. So, they lost people not only in clashes. Glory to all those people who allowed us to be born and live.
  6. +4
    6 October 2019 12: 15
    In fact, Evgeni Pepelyaev wrote memoirs about this war. MiG vs Saber is the name. When in the 90s he was invited to America for an rally of aces - they have such. He brought a copy of the magazine with him. Fighting action. the Americans got crazy .. The account of the Pepelyaev’s regiment amounted to 10 to 8 for 1 months. Even the numbers of the shot down sabers were recorded in the journal .. In fact, the number of shot down amers can be calculated based on the flights of rescue aircraft. This service was at their best .. The number of sorties to save the pilots was 4285 in three years ... Pepeliaev himself shot down 17 amers. He presented several shot down to his host, and one knocked down so successfully that as a trophy we got a high-altitude suit and all the equipment of the aircraft, including an intact sight ..
    1. -2
      11 November 2019 19: 17
      Do not make humpbacked sculptures, Sabers exceeded the 15th, and statistics were not in favor of the USSR.
      1. -1
        11 November 2019 21: 36
        Tell the Americans all of this, THERE THERE Fought FOR THERE, here they will go nuts again)
  7. -1
    7 October 2019 08: 48
    The author writes that "they scored a feat" and "little studied".
    MMM, how can you not forget, even if liberal V.V. at the May 9 parade, he does not name the True Supreme Commander, who made the greatest contribution to the victory.