Turks spat in the direction of the United States and went to Russia

According to data obtained by a Turkish research company Optimar as a result of a sociological study, 95% of Turks consider themselves to be US opponents. At the same time, 62% positively consider the possibility of rapprochement with Russia.

Turks spat in the direction of the United States and went to Russia

Optimar CEO Hilmi Dasdemira said that over the course of seven years of research public opinions in Turkey, number of dissatisfied policies The USA in relation to Turkey, for the first time reached such a maximum.

According to Dashdemir, the decisive factor in the formation of negative opinions and negative opinions about the United States was Washington’s support for the anti-Turkish Kurdistan Workers Party and the concealment of opposition preacher Fethullah Gulen, who organized an unsuccessful attempted coup in Turkey.

Dashdemir said that the number of US sympathizers in Turkey is rapidly declining, and Russia and China occupy the vacant niche in preferences. The situation is becoming almost a mirror one that was observed in Turkey 20 years ago.

Optimar conducted a survey in 26 provinces of Turkey. The survey involved 1508 respondents.

Used photos: http://vestikavkaza.ru/
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  1. +1
    6 February 2018 23: 48
    Turkey is a dubious ally for us. Nothing more can be said for now.
    1. 0
      7 February 2018 12: 13
      as comrade Baghdasarov said, Turkey is a situational ally
    2. +1
      7 February 2018 19: 18
      and yet, it’s better than having her an enemy